The parish newsletter JANUARY 2008 The Nativity of the Mother of God Russian Orthodox Church A parish of the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad 518 869-3932 Mitred Protopriest Wsevolod Drobot The Rev. Michael Fritz Deacon Michael Soloviev THE SCHEDULE OF SERVICES AND MEETINGS FOR JANUARY Saturday Vigils: 6:00 p.m. Vigils of Feasts: 6:30 p.m. Sundays and Feasts: 9:30 a.m. Hours, 9:50 a.m. Divine Liturgy January 6 Sunday of the Holy Fathers January 7 (Monday) Nativity of our Lord Jesus January 13 St. Joseph the Betrothed The annual Yolka luncheon and children’s party after Liturgy. January 19(Saturday) Theophany January 20 Synaxis of St. John Baptist The Parish Council will meet following lunch. January 27 St. Nina The Sisterhood will meet following lunch. JANUARY NAMES’ DAYS 4 Anastasia Gonyea Anastasia Nikiforov 9 Stephen Taylor 1st Sunday after Nativity David Taylor Abigail Taylor Abigail Welsh Jacob Welsh Stephen Sherokey 13 Melanie Taylor 18 Foster (Phosterius) Kinnear 20 Ivan Krayniy Ioann Popov 25 Tatiana Taylor Tatyana Kosovskij Tatiana (Frantsov) Scott 27 Nina Fedorov Nina Federow Nina Aldre Nina Clark Nina Krayniy Nina Verpritskaya 28 Paul Turaev 30 Anton Krayniy Anthony Mazzucco CHRISTMAS CHOIR REHEARSAL SCHEDULE IN THE PARISH HALL Sunday, December 30, 7:30 to 9:00 p.m. Friday, January 4, 6:30 to 8:00 p.m. Sunday, January 6, after Liturgy, 1 hour maximum ANNUAL TIMELY REMINDER Our appreciative treasurer Margo reminds every parishioner to be sure that their dues are paid up-to-date by year’s end. NEWS OF THE SISTERHOOD Elections: The January 27 meeting will be important, because a vice-president and a secretary must be elected for a two-year term. Sisters should make every effort to attend. Yolka: The Sisterhood will sponsor the annual Yolka on Sunday, January 13, with a potluck luncheon and a children’s party. Shura Sinkevich, Barbara Nikiforov, and Margo Beighey are in charge of the meal; Alexandra McClure is organizing the party. If there are any parents who still want their children to perform at the party, please contact Alexandra at 875-6392. Sisters’ night out: The sisters will go out to dinner at the Barnsider on Sand Creek Road in Colonie on Tuesday, January 15 at 6:30 p.m. At the last meeting it was decided that each person attending will pay for her drinks and will contribute $10 towards the dinner. The rest of the tab will be covered by the Sisterhood. Nadja requests that anyone planning to attend the dinner contact her at 785-6780 at least three days ahead of the date so that a timely reservation may be made. Pirogi for the Pashka Sale: In anticipation of our Pashka Sale (probably on Thursday, March 20) Margo has chosen two consecutive Tuesdays, January 22 and 29, for the first two pirogi-making sessions. Please mark your calendars and come to help, if you possibly can. Please note the new procedure we will try for better coordination of efforts: RaeLynn Gonyea will phone each sister prior to each session to see if she would be able to help on that day. If ‘yes’, wonderful!—but if that sister needs to cancel her participation, she would be responsible for getting a substitute. It is hoped that this will eliminate some of the problems that have been encountered in the past. 2007 Dues: Finally, Nadja reminds all sisters that she is still gratefully accepting dues of the year 2007. January 2008, page 2 Our Annual Parish Meeting will be held Sunday, May 18, 2008. A MONTHLY LITURGICAL TIP After the Cherubic Hymn, the Royal Gates are opened and the priest carries the Chalice in his hands and says the words, “and all of you Orthodox Christians may the Lord God remember in His Kingdom”; then one must say softly, “and may the Lord God remember your priesthood in His Kingdom always, now and ever, and unto the ages of ages.” source: The Law of God, Archpriest Seraphim Slobodskoy ADULT RELIGIOUS STUDIES Father Michael Fritz teaches and answers questions about our faith on the first Wednesday of each month at the church hall from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. Please contact Julianne Bouton at or 356-3263 (for those without computers) and include your e-mail address and phone number. If the class is cancelled for any reason, she will notify you between 4:30 and 5:00 p.m. on the day of the class. DEADLINE FOR THE FEBRUARY ISSUE: THURSDAY, JANUARY 24 Please submit items to me in writing or by e-mail. Thank you. Charlie/Vas Murn January 2008, page 3 A READING FROM THE WORDS OF AMMA SARAH Sarah was a spiritual woman who lived in the desert of Egypt. It was related of Amma Sarah that for thirteen years she waged warfare against the demon of fornication. She never prayed that the warfare would cease, but she said, “O God, give me strength.” Once, the same spirit of fornication attacked her more insistently, reminding her of the vanities of the world, but she gave herself up to the fear of God and to self-denial and went up onto her little terrace to pray. Then the spirit of fornication appeared in a body to her and said, “Sarah, you have overcome me.” But she said, “It is not I who have overcome you, but my Master, Christ.” from Orthodox Christian Readings (Orthodox Christian Prison Ministry) SCOTTISH SHORTBREAD ½ lb. butter ½ cup sugar 2 cups flour (1 ½ cups unbleached white and ½ cup rice flour) Cream the butter and sugar. Sift the flour twice and add to the mixture. Knead by hand. Press into a round cake pan; slice it in wedges, flute the edges, and prick with a fork in a decorative manner. Place in top half of oven at 325 degrees. Bake for about 1 hour, or until edges start to brown. Cool on wire rack. This recipe was given to your editor about forty years ago by an old Scottish lady. She and her husband had been servants in the home of a daughter and son-in-law of J. Pierrepont Morgan. The light texture is due to the combination of the flours, the double-sifting, and the slow baking. The Nativity of the Mother of God Russian Orthodox Church 617 Sand Creek Road Albany NY 12205