nasal polyp and homeopathy

Are you distressed from recurrent blockage of nose with or without discharge, difficulty breathing, and a weakened
sense of smell? Most people would blame this on allergies or a chronic sinus infection. But in some cases, this may
be due to Nasal Polyps. Nasal Polyps are non-cancerous, soft overgrowths that develop within the nose or
sinuses. They appear like grapes and can develop single or in clusters. Nasal Polyps are resultant of an allergy that
weakens the wall of the nasal mucous membrane causing ballooning of this wall followed by filling of the sac with a
liquid. Nasal Polyps may become bulky enough to entirely occlude the nasal passages, blocking the pathways
where the sinuses drain into the nose.
Causes of Nasal Polyps:
Recurrent soreness and irritation in the sinuses from allergy or infection.
Injury to sinus membranes.
Symptoms of Nasal Polyps:
Blocked nose.
Frequent sinus infections.
Difficulty breathing.
Patient breathes through the mouth.
Thick nasal discharge.
Post nasal drainage (drainage from nose down the throat).
Pain and tenderness over forehead and face.
Heavy snoring at night.
Loss of sense of smell and taste.
Frequent nose bleeds.
Dull headaches.
Homeopathic approach to Nasal Polyps:
Homoeopathy is strongly recommended for management of Nasal Polyps, especially when they are small in size.
Timely administered Homoeopathic medicines offer promising results and help avoid surgery, as well as its inherent
complications. Homeopathic remedies are unique and effective that will shrink your existing Polyps, prevent
recurrence, treat the bleeding and pain associated with the Polyps, reduce swelling of the mucous membranes,
reduce itching and tickling within the nostrils, prevent mouth breathing and snoring. Homeopathy believes in
treating the patient and not just the disease. Homeopathic treatment can remove the underlying cause for the
allergic tendency and eliminate sinus problems completely. Homeopathic drugs are non-habit forming and have no
addictive characteristics. Homeopathy has an exceptional proven safety record with the FDA with 200 years of
clinical effectiveness. Since it treats in totality, it leads to a permanent long-lasting cure, rather than a temporary
suppression of symptoms.
Below, I have noted some important Homeopathic remedies which can be used for Nasal Polyps under the
supervision of an experienced Homeopath. These remedies are just a few of the commonly used Homeopathic
remedies and are mentioned only to create awareness about the effectiveness of Homeopathic medicines
in Nasal Polyps. It is not advisable to resort to self medication for any disease.
Homeopathic remedies for Nasal Polyps:
Calcarea Carbonica: This remedy is preeminently indicated when there is sac like growths on the mucous
membrane of the nose with formation of Nasal Polyps, there is persistent inflammation of the mucus membranes,
with weakness and drooping. There is swelling at the root of the nose with offensive odors coming from the nose,
frequent nose bleeds, loss of smell, with cold and clammy extremities.
Graphites: This is a brilliant remedy for pain and pressure felt deep in the sinuses and nose when blowing your
nose, with crusting and scabbing of the mucus lining. This remedy also treats sinus pressure where there is chronic
dryness of the mucus membranes alternating with a thick nasal discharge, and headaches due to sinus congestion.
Kali Nitricum: This is an excellent remedy for chronic sneezing, chronic swelling of the mucus membrane, and
frequent nosebleeds of acidic blood which might burn the nasal lining. There is pain in forehead due to damage to
mucus membrane and underlying connective tissue.
Lemna Minor: This is an outstanding catarrhal remedy which acts especially upon the nostrils and Nasal Polyps.
There is loss of smell with atrophic Rhinitis, Asthma from nasal obstruction which is worse in wet weather. The
patient also complains of post nasal dripping with copious nasal discharge, also stitching pain from nostrils to ear.
Teucrium Marum: This remedy works proficiently for chronic nasal catarrh with discharge of large clumpy mucous
pieces. There is swelling and protruding of the mucous membranes that leads to Nasal Polyps, giving rise to sinus
pressure and a continous sensation of something crawling in the nose.
Thuja Occidentalis: This remedy is suitable for chronic sinusitis with a nasal discharge that is thick, yellow/green
to green in color. There is swelling and detachment of mucus membranes from underlying connective tissue
leading to Nasal Polyps.
Phosphorous: This is an exceptional remedy for treating bleeding Nasal Polyps with chronic sinusitis. There is
inflammation and irritation of the mucus membranes, ulceration and damage to mucus linings and sinus cavities.
Sanguinaria: This is a remarkable remedy for Nasal Polyps due to chronic rhinitis, profuse catarrh which smells
nasty and membranes of the nose are dry and hot.
Hence, to get rid of Nasal Polyps, to beat frequent sinus infections without resorting to Antibiotics, to get your sense
of smell back and to enjoy the taste of food explore the no surgery, no side effect treatment modality,
About the author:
Neepa Sevak is an experienced, registered Homeopath with the Arizona Homeopathic Board of Medical
Examiners. She is currently practicing at the American Medical College of Homeopathy. Her mission is to “Promote
Health through Homeopathy with a Holistic, Totalistic, and Individualistic approach”.
Phone: (480) 363 0758