Example APP plan - No. Sequences

Assessment Plan
Title of lesson: ‘APP-ing’ Number Sequences
Learning Objectives
Learning Outcomes
By the end of this work I will be able to:
Recognise sequences of
numbers, including odd and even
numbers (Level 2)
Recognise a wider range of
sequences (Level 3)
Level 2
This lesson focuses upon
assessment at levels 2 and 3, but
gives suggestions for extending to
level 4, although the latter is not
present on the National Assessment
Criteria A3 tracking sheets.
SNS Progression Maps:
Algebra  Sequences, Functions &
Graphs  Steps 1, 3 & 4.
Level 3
Level 4
Continue a sequence increasing/decreasing
in regular steps
Recognise sequences increasing or
decreasing in regular steps of 2 or 10
Continue arithmetic sequences in either
Recognise sequences increasing or
decreasing in regular steps of 2, 5 or 10
Recognise sequences:
 increasing or decreasing in regular steps
with decimal or negative numbers;
 with a first difference pattern that does
not go up in equal steps.
Key Vocabulary
Sequence, term, first difference, second difference, increasing, decreasing, regular, steps,
Learning/Assessment Episodes
Starter (10-15 mins)
Q “What number sequences do you know?” Use responses to explore current understanding and
ensure key vocabulary is made explicit, (sequence, term, first difference, second difference).
Use a counting stick to explore sequences with the whole class joining in verbally. Cover examples
such as those in the focused assessment materials below.
Learning/Assessment episodes (30-40 mins)
Plenary (10-15 mins)
1. The main task is for pupils to work in pairs to
produce ‘posters’ that are split into different
headings, in line with the learning outcomes,
(worksheet provided below this plan).
1. Pupils are given mini-whiteboards and
asked questions, (see the probing
questions below).
Pupils make up their own sequences, under the
various headings given. In groups they must:
a. all agree with the sequences they produce and
all be able to explain them verbally;
b. attempt to show how the sequences increase /
2. Share the learning outcomes with the
class again. Ask students to spend
some time thinking about where they
are in their learning in relation to the
learning outcomes identified, using the
work done in the lesson to help them to
do this.
During this activity the teachers focused upon
particular pupils, using probing questions to explore
Ask students to write, “I can…’ and, “To
improve…” statements, (using the
Examples – Level 2
Focused Assessment Materials (FAM) – draft
Probing questions – Level 2
Recognise numbers from
counting in tens or twos
Q Show me a sequence that has 20 in it
Q The number 67 will be in this sequence: 5, 10, 15, 20, ...
Q Show two sequences that increase with the same step but start at
different numbers e.g. 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 or 2, 4, 6, 8, 10. What is the same
and different about these?
Q Convince me that the number 10 can be in more than one sequence
Examples – Level 3
Probing questions – Level 3
Continue arithmetic
sequences in either
Q Show me an example of a number sequence:
 with an increasing pattern
 with a decreasing pattern
Q What is the same/different:
4, 7, 10, 13, ... and 13, 10, 7, 4, ...
Q True/Never/Sometimes: A sequence always goes up in equal steps
Q Convince me that the number '___' is in this sequence
Continue a sequence
increasing/decreasing in
regular steps
Recognise a wider range
of sequences including
multiples of 2, 5 and 10
Suggested Examples –
Level 4
…, …, 0.9, 1.3, 1.7, …
-11, -14, -17, …, …, …
2, 5, 11, 23, …, ...
Suggested Probing questions – Level 4
Q Show me an example of a number sequence involving:
o decimals
o negative numbers
o a (first) difference pattern that does not go up in equal steps
Q What is the same/different:
o 4, 7, 10, 13, ... and 13, 10, 7, 4, ...
o 5, 9, 13, 17, ... and -5, -9, -13, -17, ...
o 2, 5, 8, 11, ... and 0.2, 0.5, 0.8, 1.1, ...
Q True/Never/Sometimes: A sequence always goes up in equal steps
Q Convince me that the number '___' is in this sequence
Copy of the Learning Intentions and learning outcomes on interactive whiteboard.
A3 worksheets (provided below): 1 copy per group of 2/3 pupils.
Counting stick for starter.
Progression Maps
Further support for this objective can be found within the Secondary National Strategy ‘Progression
Maps’ at www.standards.dfes.gov.uk/progressionmaps/maths/sec_ma_prgrsn_index.htm :
Algebra  Sequences, Functions & Graphs  Steps 1, 3 & 4.
Follow up
Review, moderate and record pupils’ self-assessments to check understanding of the
objective/outcomes covered.
Sequences increasing or decreasing in regular steps of 2 or 10, including
odd and even numbers.
Sequences increasing or decreasing in regular steps of 2, 5 or 10.
Sequences increasing or decreasing in regular steps with decimal numbers.
Sequences increasing or decreasing in regular steps with negative numbers.
Sequences with a first difference pattern that does not go up in equal steps.
Make up your own sequences. They should be quite difficult, but you must
be able to explain how they work.