Information for students







Allan Daniel Head Teacher (02) 9208 6436 L.1.14

Robyn Hill Full Time Teacher (02) 9208 6355 L.1.29

Some of our part time staff do a lot of teaching and are often at TAFE:

Carmen Green Part Time Teacher (02) 9208 6358

Susan Masters

Julie Russell

Part Time Teacher

Part Time Teacher

(02) 9208 6355

(02) 9208 6355

Bonnie Wildie Part Time Teacher (02) 9208 6358

There are a number of other part time teachers in the section. These part time teachers attend only for subjects they teach. On the day of your class they may be able to be reached on: (02) 9208 6358 L.1.29

(02) 9208 6355 L.1.29

The part time teachers will speak to you about how they can best be contacted. It may not be practicable to contact part time teachers by email.

Enquiries concerning individual subjects should be directed to your class teacher, all other enquiries should be made to one of the full time teachers.

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Created: 19/5/2012

Version: 1.3

CUL50111 Info for students Diploma

Modified: 17/04/2020

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Semester 1

1 st Term

2 nd Term

2 Feb 2015 to 2 Apr 2015

20 Apr 2015 to 29 Jun 2015

Semester 2


4 rd th



13 Jul 2015 to 18 Sep 2015

6 Oct 2015 to 27 Nov 2015

Public holidays during term time

Good Friday 3 Apr

Queen’s Birthday 8 June

Labour Day 5 Oct


Enrolment is completed before classes commence.


Information on fees and your payment options can be found at the Western Sydney

Institute website Fees and Financial Assistance page at:

It is important that you understand the concept of the census date, particularly if you are taking out a VET FEE Help loan. Your debt under VET FEE Help will start to accrue about four to six weeks into the course. If you withdraw from the course after this date you will owe some money. This debt will be automatically taken out of your salary by the Tax

Office once you reach the income threshold. You also need to inform us that you have withdrawn otherwise you may remain on the system and your debt will build.


From 1 January 2015, all students participating in Nationally Recognised Training in

Australia will need to have a Unique Student Identifier, or USI. This includes students completing an apprenticeship, skill set, certificate or diploma course.

A USI gives you access to your online USI account and will contain all of your nationally recognised training records and results from 1 January 2015 onwards. Your results will be available in your USI account in 2016.

When applying for a job or enrolling in further study, you will often need to provide your training records and results. One of the main benefits of the USI is that you will have easy access to your training records and results throughout your life.

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Version: 1.3

CUL50111 Info for students Diploma

Modified: 17/04/2020

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It is free and easy for you to create your own USI online at

. Customer Service can also provide further information and assistance. If you already have your USI you can enrol with TAFE WSI.


This course covers the more advanced aspects of library work and follows on from the

Certificate in Information and Cultural Services (Library). The Diploma in Library and

Information Services covers:

Information technology

Reference work and other client services

Cataloguing and organising information to promote client access

Supervision and workplace relations

Staff training and client education

Selecting library material and developing collections.

The diploma consists of a core set of units applicable to all sectors of the cultural services industry. Electives are then used to cover skills specific to areas such as libraries, archives, galleries or museums. While other electives are available and you may be able to gain recognition if you have completed them elsewhere ALIA will not recognise the diploma of anyone who does not complete sufficient library science units. ALIA also successfully advocated that the diploma level qualification include the word library in the title as libraries are by far the largest component of the cultural services industry.

Our course is aimed at people whose main intention is to work in a library. This is reflected in the structure of the course but the broad nature of the skills covered may help you find work in many other industries.

You should also check out the list of units at the end of this guide.


You will be assigned a student number, which is on your enrolment receipt. If you change your name, address or class program you will need to notify your teacher.

If you change your address or name you will also need to complete an Enrolment

Adjustment Form

– Personal and Subject Details

in order to ensure that your results can be mailed out when ready . These forms are available from the Customer Service Officers in Building A

Results can also be checked online on the student services portal at:

At the end of each semester you will be sent a transcript of your results. At the end of your final semester the transcript should indicate that you are eligible for your certificate. If the transcript indicates that you have further subjects to complete you should contact the Head


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Created: 19/5/2012

Version: 1.3

CUL50111 Info for students Diploma

Modified: 17/04/2020

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Lost property from our classrooms will usually be held by the Head Teacher for one month before being sent to the Administration section in Building A. Items lost elsewhere in the

College are often handed in to the Administration section in Building A.

Students often leave a USB in a classroom. Hand these to your teacher. They can usually work out which class was in the room before you and easily track down the owner.


You may be given recognition of prior learning (RPL) for the skills and knowledge you have gained from previous work, study and life experience. You can apply for RPL at any time but it is often a good idea to go to the first unit of a class to see what actually will be covered and how. If you are interested in applying for recognition you’ll need to bring evidence and discuss your experience with the teacher of the unit.


After completing your diploma you gain credit towards a university degree in library studies. Completion of the university course qualifies you as a professional librarian.


You will be assessed on your performance in class tests, assignments and exercises.

Specific requirements for assessment will be provided in writing at the beginning of each unit.

If you use the ideas or words of another person for assessment purposes, you must clearly indicate this by way of quotation marks, footnotes etc. Failure to do so is plagiarism.

Disciplinary action will be taken if plagiarism is detected. Copying and pasting from the internet without acknowledging the source is also plagiarism.

* Assignments: Late submission of assignments will be subject to penalty unless satisfactory documentary evidence for lateness is provided. For further details see the Student

Assessment guide issued separately.

* In-Class


Students absent from class assessment events, for reasons able to be supported by documentary evidence can still sit that event or equivalent, without penalty.

Points to remember about assessment:

1. Please do not attend class assessments if you are ill.

2. If you miss an in class assessment for which documentary evidence is available, it is your responsibility to contact your teacher to arrange a time to sit the assessment. You can talk to the teacher at the next class you attend.

3. Docum entary evidence includes a doctor’s certificate, a letter from your employer, statutory declaration etc.

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Version: 1.3

CUL50111 Info for students Diploma

Modified: 17/04/2020

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4. Any tests that you miss that involve using a computer room or specialised equipment may need to be done during the non teaching week or outside your normal attendance.


Customer service staff are located in Building A. They can assist you with any enquiries about fees or enrolments.


WSI produces an extensive guide on your rights and responsibilities as a TAFE NSW student. The WSI Student Guide is available on our website at


There are some textbooks and workbooks needed for the course. These are available on a shared drive and can be downloaded onto a USB drive. It is not anticipated that you will need to buy any textbooks but you will need to print off substantial documents. A large component of the course content is available through the WSI online site. You need a

TAFE user id and password as well as a unit enrolment key to access a unit.


Practical experience in industry is a course requirement. Some of your units will be taught partially on the job and partially in class. This is usually in the final stage of your course.

If you are employed in a library/information agency you will undertake the on the job units “on site” as part of your normal work.

If you are not employed in a library/information agency, the TAFE Coordinator will help to arrange the necessary work experience for you.

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Version: 1.3

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A free and confidential service is available for students. You can talk to a counsellor about problems on campus, study problems, personal problems and financial and work issues.

The Counselling Unit is located on the second floor of this building (Building L) and can be contacted on (02) 9208 6383.

The Counselling Unit can assist you with initial inquiries and application forms.

Alternatively, contact your local Centrelink office.


Support is available if you have a disability, either permanent or temporary. Initial inquiries can be made at the Counselling Unit or you can contact specific consultants directly:

Physical Disabilities

Hearing Disabilities

Intellectual Disabilities

Psychiatric Disabilities

Vision Disabilities


(02) 9208 1729

(02) 9208 1756

(02) 9208 6379

(02) 9208 2210

(02) 9208 1822

(02) 9208 9330


We recommend that students with an Aboriginal background contact the Aboriginal Unit within the College for advice on what services are available.

Language and study skills

There is no level of English language ability set as selection criteria for the course.

Nonetheless a reasonably high level of English is necessary to be successful. If you are unsure if your ability to speak, understand and write English is going to be adequate for study you should speak to the Head Teacher about arranging for testing. Some support may be available to help you with your studies.

The Individual Learning Centre (ILC) is located in the library. At set times teachers are available to help with areas like language and study skills.


The College has a range of scholarships available. Information will be displayed on the noticeboard.

The two top performing students of the Diploma are given an award by WSIT at the annual graduation ceremony.

ALIA provides a major award to the top performing student.

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Zenith Management Services provides awards to the top performing student overall and in cataloguing. The Zenith Awards are based on a combination of academic performance and a selection process similar to a job interview.

Diploma students are eligible to compete for the Western Sydney Institute Student

Excellence Awards.


Staff in the section identify jobs in the library and information services industry and display them on the section’s noticeboard and on our Facebook page. Some libraries visit the

College to interview interested students who are near the end of the course. As a graduate of the Diploma you can apply for jobs as a library technician. Before completing the course you would normally be hired at the library assistant level.

For more general jobs the Student Association posts information near the canteen in

Building A.


You will learn about the Australian Library and Information Association (known as ALIA) in your course. ALIA is the professional organisation for the Australian library and information services sector. ALIA can help you with networking, professional development, current awareness and industrial issues. Student memberships are available. This course is recognised and accredited by ALIA.

Membership of the Student Association provides you with a free diary and other stationery as well as discounts at some local shops and entertainment venues.


Western Sydney TAFE is committed to helping the environment and developing the environmental awareness of staff and students. You can assist with this by:

Turning off light switches and air conditioning when you leave a room

Turning off, or putting on standby, multimedia equipment when not in use

Using electronic versions of handouts, workbooks etc.

Training yourself to edit and proofread documents online rather than printing off a copy and then making corrections

Only printing off a document when necessary

Use double sided printing

Do not turn off computers unless asked to do so as this is when essential maintenance is done. Log off instead.

You should read the Institute’s

Environmental sustainability commitment statement on our internet site at . This document will be discussed with you and you will be asked to sign a document to indicate your awareness of our sustainability standards.

Aspects of sustainability will be covered in many of your classes.

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Version: 1.3

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The college is a non-smoking environment. Abiding by the policy is a condition of enrolment.


The section Facebook page is Library & Information Studies, Mount Druitt TAFE The use of social media for communication and comment is encouraged. This is an important area as libraries increasingly use social media to promote their services and communicate with clients.

Staff may use the Facebook page to inform or remind you of assessments, field trips, class cancellations etc. Job advertisements are also placed on the Facebook page. It is your responsibility to monitor the Facebook page.

If you are posting any information about the course, employers, co-workers or fellow students on any social media remember that the rules are the same as for any written communication:

Think before sending

Nothing is ever off the record

Anything that can be traced back to you which is defamatory or illegal may be used against you


During your studies, you will make some great connections with fellow students and staff.

Finishing the course does not mean these connections have to end. WSILISGRADS is an exciting way for graduates and teaching staff from the Division of Library and Information

Services at WSI TAFE Mt Druitt campus to stay connected. Current students can join the group. We usually hold one event each semester.

Our aims are to:

•Encourage and facilitate networking between current and former students and staff

•Share student and staff success

•Create advocates for our industry

•Maintain and encourage professional development

For more information, check out the WSILISGRADS website at or the Facebook page at!/groups/wsili sgrads/

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Modified: 17/04/2020

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Most libraries deal with children. Most people working in libraries will be required to undergo child protection checks. This certainly applies to school and TAFE libraries. It may be enforced in public, special and university libraries as well.

As a Diploma student you’ll need to comply with child protection requirements before undertaking the on the job units of the course. As a work experience student you can apply for a free working with children check at NSW Office of the Children’s Guardian website at:

Once you have paid work you can get the full check for a small fee. We recommend that you do not pay for the full check at this stage as they are valid for five years and not all libraries require them.


USB drive (4 gig plus recommended)

Enrolment form with your TAFE password


Emergency contact number


A graduation ceremony is usually held about midway through the first semester of the year after you complete your course. If you complete at the end of first semester you will be able to receive your award in second semester but the formal ceremony will still be held in first semester of the following year.

The College will contact you with details about graduation.

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Version: 1.3

CUL50111 Info for students Diploma

Modified: 17/04/2020

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This is a list of all of the subjects/units offered at this College. You need to have completed all units to receive your Diploma.

Completed Other Comments Unit Number Unit Name

Core units

BSBCUS501B Manage quality customer service

BSBOHS509A Ensure a safe workplace

BSBWOR402A Promote team effectiveness

CULIND401A Consolidate and maintain industry knowledge

CULINL601A Extend own information literacy skills

CULRSK501A Monitor compliance with regulatory requirements

TAEDEL401A Plan, organise and deliver group based learning


CULEVP503A Develop and promote activities, events and public programs

CULICM601A Contribute to collection management

CULINL501A Promote literature and reading

CULINM401A Complete a range of cataloguing activities

CULINM501A Analyse and describe information resources

CULINM503A Use and monitor advanced functions of integrated library management systems

CULINM502A Provide subject access and classify material

CULINS401A Assist customers to access information

CULINS402A Obtain information from external and networked sources

CULINS501A Research and analyse information to meet customer needs

CULREL501A Develop and maintain community stakeholder relationships

ICAWEB420A Write content for web pages

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Version: 1.3

CUL50111 Info for students Diploma

Modified: 17/04/2020

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If you have “Withdrawn without Penalty” or “No Start” as a result for any unit it means that you have not completed the unit. Please see the Head Teacher about any problems.

If you believe that you have completed the diploma and your academic transcript indicates that you need to do more units you need to contact the Head Teacher as soon as possible.

This problem can be fixed at any time but you may not graduate with your class unless action is taken quickly. It is your responsibility to contact the Head Teacher.



TAFE NSW – Western Sydney Institute

Created: 19/5/2012

Version: 1.3

CUL50111 Info for students Diploma

Modified: 17/04/2020

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