MINUTES OF THE 39TH MEETING OF THE SOUTH EAST AND EASTERN AREA COUNCIL, HELD AT THE UNION JACK CLUB, LONDON, ON SATURDAY 26th APRIL 2014 PRESENT: Air Marshall Sir Roger Austin KCB AFC President Mr B A Furness Chairman Mr S Colbourne Mr F Barrett MBE Mr R Broscomb Mr D P Craven Mr J Gilmour Mr R Green Mr C Hignett MBE Mr I Hunter MBE BEM Mr I McEnnis Wg Cdr R W Shepherd Mr C White Sqn Ldr D Gibson RAFALO SECRETARIAT: Mr K Clarke Mrs L Withers Area Director ITEM 1: OFFICIAL DEDICATION The Chairman read the official dedication, making special mention of Mr Bob Eaton who despite his disability had carried on as a dedicated HWO until the end and the father of the Area Vice President, AVM Grahame Jones, who had been a member of the Pathfinder Force. Members stood in silent tribute. ITEM 2: CHAIRMAN’S OPENING REMARKS The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting. He began by stating that he had received an e-mail from Air Cdre Carter stating that he had been extremely pleased and humbled on the gift voucher received for Best Weston and thanked Council on his behalf. ITEM 3: APOLOGIES Apologies had been received from AVM G Jones, AVM A J Stables Mr R Taylor and Flt Lt A Kerslake. ITEM 4: MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING (38th) The Chairman asked if there were any mistakes that needed to be 1 Action corrected. There were none. The minutes were then signed as a true copy. ITEM 5: MATTERS ARISING There were no Matters arising. Action ITEM 6: SECRETARY’S REPORT Action Branches: The Area Director stated that Harlow Branch had decided to close and become an RMG. A formal date on this is awaited. An Extraordinary General Meeting is being held on 13 May to discuss the future of the Ilford & Wood Green Branch and Club. He went on to say if there were not sufficient volunteers forthcoming to form a Committee then the Area will have to take the decision to close the Branch and dispose of the property. On a more positive note he was pleased to say that contrary to what had been advised at the previous meeting, the Chingford Branch had managed to form a Committee and will continue. The RAF Armourers’ Association has expressed an interest in becoming a virtual Branch of the Association and Mr Clarke was expecting to receive a formal petition from them to form a Branch in the next week or so. Membership: Mr Clarke said that as at yesterday (25th April), the Area had a total of 1246 members shown as lapsed. This consisted of 935 full members and 311 Associate members. Once again he asked all Area Councilors during their visits to Branches and regional Meetings to stress how important it is that Branch Committees make personal contact with their lapsed members. He asked Council to be proactive when visiting branches regarding lapsed members. Fundraising: Wings Appeal workshops were held at Wisbech in Cambridgeshire on 18th April and at Chelmsford in Essex on 23rd April. It is disappointing that only 9 people from 6 Branches attended the Wisbech event and 12 people from 7 Branches attended the Chelmsford event. A further workshop is planned for Kenley & Caterham on 30th April. So far only 10 people from 5 Branches were planning to attend. He reminded Council of the door to door fundraising campaign which had taken place last year in Lincolnshire. Further campaigns are now planned in the following areas: Lincolnshire and Derbyshire from 12 May Guildford Area from 1 June 2 All Bournemouth from 12 May Annual Conference. Annual Conference will take place in a couple of weeks. The 35 rooms that had been reserved in the Park House Hotel have now all been taken. However, inquiries for accommodation are still being received. ITEM 7: MINUTES OF THE 325TH MEETINGS OF CENTRAL Action COUNCIL – AREA REP The Minutes of the 325th Meeting were not yet available. However, Mr Barrett gave an update on the Meeting. He reported that the financial statement for the year ending 31st December 2013 was approved by Central Council. They had also been given an Audit Finding Report for the same period. This was produced by Baker Tilly UK. Management Accounts as at the 28th February showed early signs that there will be a surplus to budget in excess of £400k. The homes are holding their own in both costs and room occupancy. Cash flow position of the Association remains strong and a watching brief will be kept to review cash holdings against a need to the investment portfolio to maximise financial benefit. The last KSF receipt was £109k in December last year. This took our overall recovery to 81.5p in the pound. It is anticipated that in May this year that KSF receipts are near the end and approx. 86.5p in the pound is likely to be the maximum amount to be recovered by the Association. Central Council looked at the Risk Register. Mr Barrett had raised a point under Welfare, It was stated that “Sufficient numbers of welfare volunteers are in place to cover all areas of need”. This is currently classed as a low risk. Mr Barrett thought it should be medium risk and had proposed, and it was agreed, that it be moved from green to amber to mitigate the risk that in the near and far future we do not have enough trained volunteers to cover all of the UK and Europe. A draft performance review 2013 paper was discussed; this included a five year plan covering 2011 – 2015. They then looked at a paper “The Way Forward 2020” which was on the Agenda. Everyone had seen this. It was agreed to bring forward the operational plan and review annually. An information paper on Data Management was looked at. Communications within the Association are an issue and there are various ways to resolve these. It was agreed by Central Council that the Association buys into a company with a proven track 3 record that they can deliver what the Association needs and more. The cost will be £70k plus an annual fee. A confidential paper from the Nominations and Remunerations Committee regarding staff pension scheme was discussed. Unfortunately Mr Barrett was unable to comment further until the Central Council Minutes were released. Papers concerning Annual Conference, resolutions for Conference, Story Book Wings and schools engagement programme were all looked at. Mr Barrett said that council had received a report from the GPC and a review of that committee. Other papers from the Welfare Department had given them an overview of current and planned work. The Families Federation had given council a progress report on meeting, surveys and visits and Mr Barrett noted how busy they were. ITEM 8: CLUBS UPDATE – CLUBS LEAD MEMBERS Mr White gave an update on Illford and Woodford Branch, he had contacted them and there will be an EGM on 13th May to see if they wanted to carry on as an active branch. He was awaiting an update. He commented on the HMRC VAT Refunds on gaming machines and how some of our Clubs might be affected and that the pay back could be up to £12k in total. Action ITEM 9: AREA CONFERENCE 2014 The Chairman asked Council for thoughts on the Bracklesham Bay venue and the feedback that had been received. Action Mr Craven had commented that the National President had been told to be quiet by members of staff while talking to our members during the entertainment and he thought that this was offensive. The Chairman had received a complaint that if Conference was held in the same venue again then a number of members would not attend. Mr Clarke had also received a complaint about the standard of accommodation. Mr Hignett then said that he had spoken to a number of members who had thought it had been value for money and Mr Broscombe said that the staff had been very helpful. Mr Hunter commented on the bar not being open regularly and Mr Clarke said that this was due to a lack of staff but that alcoholic drinks were also available in the coffee shop. 4 Mr Hignett commented that the people working the PA system were appalling. The Chairman asked Mr Clarke to update the council on the 2015 Conference Mr Clarke had spoken to Potters regarding the 2015 Area Conference. They have offered us the weekend of 20th- 22nd March 2015 at a cost of £160-£170 per person. Considering that the current brochure price for a weekend break during autumn/winter 2014 was £199 - £209 per person he thought the prices were still competitive. He had made enquiries of other venues in the Essex and Milton Keynes areas but prices were over £200 per person plus we would have to pay for, and organise, separately the evening entertainment. Mr Clarke therefore was of the opinion that Potters be considered. Sqn Ldr Gibson agreed that £160 per person for food and entertainment for the weekend was very good value. Summing up, the Chairman agreed and thought that Bracklesham Bay too had been value for money but agreed to look at other options for venues for 2016. Mr Clarke said he had already been looking at other options, one of which was Langbourne Hotel on Hayling Island which had quoted £160 per person for a weekend in 2015. The Chairman thought that we should opt for Potters for 2015. Mr Barratt proposed that the Area Conference for 2015 be held at Potters and this was seconded by Mr Shepherd. All were in favour Area Director ITEM 10: APPOINTMENT OF AREA COUNCIL REP TO NATIONAL CONFERENCE The Chairman stated that Council needed to elect an Area delegate for National Conference. It was proposed by Mr Shepherd and seconded by Mr Barrett that Mr Furness be the Area Delegate. All were in favour. ITEM 11: CONSIDERATION OF NATIONAL CONFERENCE RESOLUTIONS 1. Northern Area - This Conference resolves that Byelaw 26 be amended by inserting the following after Byelaw 26(1): If a vacancy occurs amongst the Elected Members, it shall be filled by the Annual Conference Committee by offering the vacancy to the unsuccessful candidates at the last election in turn, starting with the candidates who obtained the greatest number of votes. If there 5 Action Mr Furness were no unsuccessful candidates or if none of these candidates are willing to fill the vacancy, it shall be filled by the Annual Conference Committee by appointing any member who is eligible for appointment. If a vacancy occurs amongst the Members of Council on the Annual Conference Committee, it shall be filled by the Council. – All were in favour of supporting this resolution. 2. Northern Area – This Conference resolves that Central Council investigate a way forward to ensure that Members on Area and CHQ Membership Rolls are not disenfranchised and each roll is represented by a voting delegate an Area and Annual Conferences, and that the governing documents are amended accordingly. – All were in favour of supporting this resolution. Mr Furness Mr Furness 3. Trinidad & Tobago Branch – This Conference having approved a new category of Youth Membership, rafa YOUTH, now agrees that the Association extend the eligibility of the rafa YOUTH scheme, subject to the satisfactory completion of due diligence by Central Council, to include all air cadet organisations in the British Commonwealth. – Area Council had no strong feelings either way about this resolution and it was agreed that it should be left to left Mr Furness to Annual Conference to decide. 4. Dover & District Branch – This Conference resolves that, following satisfactory due diligence by Central Council, a larger, more substantial Wing emblem, should replace the sticky backed wing, currently given out by our collectors for our Wings Appeal. – As this resolution had been approved at our Area Conference then the Area Delegate was obliged to support it. 5. Bognor Regis Branch – This Conference resolves that Rule 8 (1(c))be superseded, as follows, that a spouse, partner, widow, widower and sons and daughters (on reaching the age of 18 years), of personnel who are serving or who have served in the Royal Air Force be eligible for Ordinary Membership of the Royal Air Forces Association. - As this resolution had been approved at our Area Conference then the Area Delegate was obliged to support it. 6. Aylesbury & Halton Branch – This Conference resolves that with effect from 1 January 2015 only Full Associate Members of a Branch shall be eligible to become an Associate Member of a RAFA Branch Club and that Standard Club Rule 9 (2) be amended accordingly. - As this resolution had been approved at our Area 6 Mr Furness Mr Furness Conference then the Area Delegate was obliged to support it. Mr Furness 7. Central Council – This Annual General Meeting of Conference agrees with immediate effect, all future memberships are run on an Anniversary basis, i.e. the date of joining is the date of renewal, and the Admin Handbook is amended accordingly. – All were in favour of supporting this resolution. Mr Furness 8. Central Council – This Annual General Meeting of Conference agrees that the Conference venue for 2016 should be in Harrogate from 13 – 15 May 2016 subject to all diligence being carried out by Central Council. Although some concerns were raised by members about Harrogate not being as flat as Blackpool or Eastbourne – All were in favour of supporting this resolution. Mr Furness ITEM 12: ANY OTHER BUSINESS Mr Broscombe reported on the Hemsby Chalets stating that he had visited the week before. Last year they had a very successful season providing breaks for 355, which was an increase of 3% on 2012. Of a possible 144 chalet weeks 136 had been taken. The weeks not taken up were at the very end of the season which ran for a couple of weeks longer than previously. There were a large number of repeat bookings, but there were 49 new applicants, a trend he hoped would continue. The 2014 season commences on Monday 4th May and runs through until mid October. The fees will remain the same as last year: £140 per chalet per week – Full rate £100 per chalet per week – Welfare rate The chalets have all been fitted with replacement carpets throughout, new interior doors, exterior decoration, bedroom furniture and blankets. Old crockery, dining tables and chairs, saucepans and kitchen blinds are being replaced. If any Branch would like to make a donation to help us with the cost towards keeping the chalets and the Selsey Holiday home running it would be greatly appreciated. The chalet leaflets are being updated and will be sent to all Branches, RAFALOs and Chief Clerks at RAF Stations. The Chairman reminded Council of his previous comments at the Area Conference. Following a discussion there was support for 7 All asking the Area Director to request the Secretary General to review the options to best support the administration of the Area. Area Director The Chairman suggested that if any branches wanting to make donations then they might consider the care core system for Storrington housing which goes towards rent and upkeep. All Mr Shepherd said that some of the members had not been happy with the counting at Area Conference and he proposed that we go back to pre-appointing tellers so that the counting can be formally carried out for voting, the Chairman agreed. Area Director The Chairman went on to welcome our new President Air Marshal Sir Roger Austin to his first meeting. Sir Roger thanked Council for inviting him to the job and promised to do the best of his ability in support and was looking forward to working with everyone. There being no further business, the meeting closed at 3.15pm. B A FURNESS Area Chairman 8