Application form for Canterbury visit to Oxford

Oxford/Canterbury Exchange Programme 2015
Canterbury Fellowships at the
University of Oxford
Application Form
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Introduction from the University of Oxford
Building on the lengthy association between the two universities, the Oxford/Canterbury Exchange
Programme provides an excellent opportunity for the regular exchange of staff between our
faculties and departments. The scheme is administered by the University of Canterbury, and we
are pleased to take an active and enthusiastic part in encouraging exchanges and contributing to
the ongoing success of the Programme.
The Programme has been successful in arranging exchange visits across the academic divisions,
involving a broad range of subjects. It has had an impact in highlighting some different
approaches to teaching and research in our institutions in fields ranging from the Humanities to the
Social Sciences to the Natural Sciences. It has also provided shared common experience,
through extended periods of living in the two different countries. Participating academics from
both Oxford and Canterbury have been uniformly positive about their experiences.
The University offers a warm welcome to any member of staff from Canterbury coming to Oxford
under the Programme and I look forward to meeting future visitors. At the same time, we strongly
encourage members of staff at Oxford University to consider the benefits of taking part in this
Programme. Further information is available from the Erskine Programme Manager at the
University of Canterbury ( Enquiries about the nomination procedure
at Oxford University may be directed to Ed Nash, International Strategy, University Offices,
Wellington Square, OX1 2JD, Tel: +44 (0) 1865 280489, e-mail:
Professor Ian Walmsley FRS
Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Research, Academic Services and University Collections)
University of Oxford
United Kingdom
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Introduction from the University of Canterbury
The University of Canterbury and the University of Oxford, in furtherance of their mutual interests in
teaching and research, and as a contribution to increased international cooperation between them,
hereby agree to cooperate within the framework of the regulations applying in each of the
institutions and subject to the availability of resources, to enable the exchange of academic staff
This arrangement continues, under different terms, the staff exchange programme initiated
between the universities in 2002. While visiting the exchange university, staff members will
participate in teaching, seminars and academic meetings, as agreed with the hosting department,
in order to facilitate the sharing of ideas and expertise with staff and students at the exchange
university. The exchange also creates opportunities for joint research and encourages the
exchange of publications and academic materials.
I warmly commend this expanded Programme for the undoubted growth it is bringing in the
exchange of knowledge, professional links, and research collaborations between our two
universities. The Fellowships to be awarded each year are available in all faculties and are
additional to those available under the existing Visiting Erskine Fellowships, Erskine Grants,
Visiting Canterbury Fellowships, Canterbury Grants and other leave programmes.
Professor Steve Weaver
Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research)
University of Canterbury
Christchurch, New Zealand
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Canterbury Fellowships at the University of Oxford
Under the Oxford/Canterbury Exchange Programme, Canterbury Fellowships at the
University of Oxford may be awarded to continuing academic staff members in any faculty
of the University of Canterbury to enable such staff members to increase their knowledge in
their academic disciplines so as to better enable them to teach such subjects to students.
In the case of new staff members, Canterbury Fellowships at the University of Oxford are
available after one full year of service at the University of Canterbury.
A member of the teaching staff of the University of Canterbury shall not normally be
awarded a Canterbury Fellowship at the University of Oxford unless a period of at least one
full year separates the end of any previous study leave or Erskine leave and the beginning
of the period of the Canterbury Fellowship. In exceptional circumstances, a variation on the
requirement to work twelve months between leave periods will be considered.
No more than a maximum of two Erskine-funded leave periods or University of Canterbury
funded leave periods at the University of Oxford under the Oxford/Canterbury Exchange
Programme or any other Fellowship/Grant administered by the Erskine Programme,
occurring in full or in part within any five-year period shall be approved. Fellowships under
the Oxford/Canterbury Exchange Programme are additional to Erskine Grants.
An award will normally be for a period of from one to three months.
While visiting the University of Oxford, staff members will participate in teaching, seminars
and academic meetings, as agreed with the hosting department, in order to facilitate the
sharing of ideas and expertise with staff and students.
A letter of support is required from the proposed host department at the University of Oxford
indicating that hosting will be available at no cost to the visitor and that no bench fees
or any other additional departmental fees will be requested. Any necessary financial
arrangements for working space, library and computer privileges for the duration of the visit
must be mutually discussed and agreed upon in writing by the host Department before the
Fellowship is finally approved. The central University of Oxford will not be responsible for
meeting any financial commitments agreed to by departments. Access to other facilities,
including shared secretarial support, may be available in individual cases.
It is strongly recommended that a Canterbury Fellow seek College membership as a visitor
whilst at the University of Oxford.
A Canterbury Fellow at the University of Oxford will receive a grant-in-aid that takes
account of a return airfare Christchurch/London by the most direct and economical route,
return rail or coach travel Heathrow/Reading/Oxford, and a daily allowance towards living
expenses (accommodation and daily costs).
A Canterbury Fellow normally remains on full salary from the University of Canterbury for
the duration of the leave.
A Canterbury Fellow who fails to return to duty at the University of Canterbury or returns for
a period of less than one full year will be required to refund the grant-in-aid. The amount of
money to be repaid by the University of Canterbury staff member will be calculated on a
proportionate basis starting from the date they return from leave. The Deputy Vice
Chancellor (Research), University of Canterbury, will take into consideration any mitigating
factors and will consult with the Head of Department/School in determining the final amount
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of money to be refunded to the University of Canterbury. The Erskine Programme Manager
will confirm, by email, the amount of the refund. Payment of the refund is expected in full
before the staff member’s final date of employment at the University of Canterbury.
Within three months of returning to the University of Canterbury, a Canterbury Fellow shall
send to the Erskine Programme Manager a brief report regarding the activities of the visit,
particularly with regard to teaching your specialist subjects to students, and have a
commentary on benchmarking issues, such as the standard of facilities and teaching,
comparison of curricula, admission standards, and the quality of student achievement at the
visited institution. The report will be circulated to the University of Oxford Council and to the
Council and academic departments of the University of Canterbury.
A Canterbury Fellowship at the University of Oxford does not constitute study leave; the
period concerned is credited as service at the University of Canterbury for study leave
Three Canterbury Fellowships at the University of Oxford are available to be awarded each year to
University of Canterbury continuing academic staff members. These Fellowships are additional to
those available under the existing Erskine Grants and other leave programmes.
Applications by University of Canterbury continuing academic staff members for a Canterbury
Fellowship at the University of Oxford are made in consultation with the Head of the relevant
Department or Faculty at the University of Oxford and the Head of the relevant School/Department
at the University of Canterbury.
There is a maximum of one application per year that will be considered from each
The location of study must be a constituent part of the University of Oxford, as opposed to
an affiliated organisation/body.
A signed letter of support from the Head of the relevant Department or Faculty at the
University of Oxford is to be included with the application.
The deadline for the receipt of applications is 30 April for Oxford Fellowships to be held in the
following year (i.e. 30 April 2015 for fellowships to be held in 2016).
Applications are sent to the Erskine Programme Manager, University of Canterbury and are
considered in the first instance by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor, University of Canterbury. Up to
four short-listed applications will be forwarded to the University of Oxford for final selection.
Decisions are expected to be notified to all applicants in August/September.
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General Information
Terms Dates 2016
Michaelmas Term
11 October 2015 to 5 December 2015
Hilary Term
17 January 2016 to 12 March 2016
Trinity Term
24 April 2016 to 18 June 2016
Michaelmas Term
9 October 2016 to 3 December 2016
First Semester:
22 February 2016 to 8 April 2016
2 May 2016 to 27 June 2016
Second Semester:
11 July 2016 to 19 August 2015
5 September 2016 to 14 October 2016
For any assistance required, please contact:
Erskine Programme Manager, University of Canterbury at
Postal address:
P B 4800, Christchurch, NEW ZEALAND
+64-3-364-2363 (direct line) (Standard New Zealand time: 12 hours ahead
Level 5 South, Matariki, University of Canterbury
Additional Information
Additional information can be found in the Canterbury Fellowships at the University of Oxford –
Information for
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University of Canterbury
Application for Canterbury Fellowship at the University of Oxford
Please refer to the accompanying regulations governing Canterbury Fellowships at the University of Oxford. A curriculum vitae, a list of
publications and a letter of support from the relevant Head of Department or Faculty of the University of Oxford and the University of
Canterbury must be attached to this application.
Please type
Name: (please capitalise the surname)
UoC School/Department:
Oxford Faculty/School/Department:
Field of special interest and/or
Teaching subject(s) to be advanced
when overseas:
Period of leave (in days):
days from
Maintenance allowance sought:
nights @ NZ$280 per night = NZ$
Please give details of any financial assistance from other sources that you have already been
awarded, or are likely to be awarded, for the leave now being sought. The Erskine Programme Office
must be notified of any assistance not foreseen at the time of this application.
Cost of travel (see regulation 6) - The Erskine Programme Office will obtain a quote from the
University’s travel agency Orbit Travel in due course if the nomination is approved
Reasons for the application, including a brief outline of the work to be done. Provide details of the
expected outcomes, particularly with regard to your teaching to students. Please use a separate sheet
if necessary.
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Dates of any annual leave, as approved
by the Head of School/Department,
being taken during any part of the above
Particulars of any previous
Dates of last study leave taken:
Please ensure the following documents are attached to the application:
A curriculum vitae and a list of publications; and.
A signed letter of support by the Head of the relevant Department or Faculty at the University
of Oxford.
Signature of applicant
Head of School/ Department, University of Canterbury
Whom did you consult about this
application and what form did the
consultation take?
Head of School/Department
at University of Canterbury
College Pro-Vice Chancellor, University of Canterbury
Head of School/Department
at University of Canterbury
Please forward the completed application form and supporting documents to Erskine Programme
Office, Level 5 South, Matariki.
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Deputy Vice-Chancellor Research, University of Canterbury
Approved or declined
Shortlisted applications are referred to the University of Oxford for final selection
University of Oxford, Director of International Strategy
Approved or declined
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