Ancient Greek Project- Individual Stations

Ancient Greek Project- Individual Stations
Choose any number of projects from this list that will total 40 points.
1. Create an original myth-include a booklet with cover, title page and illustration(10pts.)
2. Biography of an ancient Greek – 1 page written with picture (5 points each) or
become the person and speak for two minutes (10 points)
3. Create a political map of ancient Greece. Include climate (10 points) Show use of
scale and compass rose (optional) for 5 extra points.
4. Athens vs. Sparta – Write both the good and bad points about living in each city-state
and an opinion page explaining which of the two city-states you would rather live in
and why. (2 pages for 15 points, 3 pages for 20 points)
5. Create a chart of Greek words used today. Define each word, underline and define
each Greek root word. (5 points for 20 words and 10 points for 40 words.) Come up
with an additional word for each Greek root word for 5 extra points (optional)
6. Famous Olympians – Tell about 3 Gold Medal winners, 3 pages with pictures(15 pts.)
7. Illustrate the hierarchy of the gods (10 points)–See write-up in your packet for details.
8. The Zodiac - Research, write about and illustrate the Zodiac. Include a written
history of at least 2 Zodiac signs. (3 written pages with pictures total for 20 points.)
9. Mythical monsters – Research, write and illustrate mythical monsters. (3 written
pages with pictures for 20 points.)
10. Zodiac Zone – Create your own constellation. Write a 1-page myth of how the
constellation came to be. (10 points)
11. Advertising with the gods – Create your own advertisement with the gods of ancient
Greece as pitchmen. (10 points)
12. Create a chart of and illustrate the Greek alphabet. Write a history of any 2 of the
letters and write your first and last name using the Greek alphabet. (10 points)
 Remember to include your name and individual project number on
each project you hand in from this list. See instructions in your packet
for detailed instructions for each individual project.
Ancient Greek Project- Individual Stations - continued
Choose any number of projects from this list that will total 40 points.
13. Ancient Olympic Games writing assignment. – See packet #16 for handout
describing this project and or look at your packet instructions for details. (10 points)
14. Sundial – Research and explain how a sundial works. (10 points)
15. Pythagorean Theory – Describe and demonstrate Pythagoras’s theorem of a right
angle triangle. Make a model to demonstrate. (10 points)
16. Greek Numbers – Make a chart of the Greek numbers. Then write important
numbers in your life using the Greek numbers, i.e. your birthday, today’s date, the
millenium date, last day of school, etc. (10 dates – 5 points, 20 dates – 10 points.)
17. Plato Mobile – Follow the directions and create a mobile using at least 4 shapes.
Include the names of the shapes. (10 points) Explain the names of the shapes for an
extra 5 points. (optional)
Remember to include your name and individual project number on
each project you hand in from this list. See instructions in your packet
for detailed instructions for each individual project.
Ancient Greek Project – Homework Projects
Choose any number of projects from this list that will total 30 points
1. Create a physical map of Greece. Show the land elevations in 3-D. You may use
clay, paper mache or plaster. (20 points)
2. Greek – Research, prepare and present a Greek food. Include a write-up with recipe
and tell how and when the food would be presented. (10 points)
3. Drama – Videotape a Greek play or myth. Include costumes, memorized dialogue
and creativity. Hand in your script when finished. (30 points)
4. Fashion Show – Model an article of Greek clothing. Include a description of what it
is called, how it was made, when it worn and who would wear it. (10 points)
5. Olympic Equipment – Make 3 items that were necessary apparatus for 3 different
ancient Olympic events. Include an explanation of the use of each. (20 points)
6. Olympic Awards – Recreate 1 Olympic award (crown, medal, etc.) and then create an
original Olympic award. In detail describe of who would receive the award, how it
would be awarded and what each part of your award symbolizes. (20 points.)
7. Columns – Produce a recreation of each one of the 3 Greek style columns. (Doric,
Ionic and Corinthian) (20 points)
8. Make a Greek Monster, God or Goddess. Identify the character and which myth it is
associated with. Character should be 3-D or life-size 2-D. (20 points)
9. Create a Shoebox diorama of a myth. Include a brief summary of the myth and
describe which scene is being portrayed. (20 points)
10. Create a comedy or tragedy mask (15 points) - see handout #13.
11. Create a Greek Yo-Yo. (15 points) see packet #14.
12. Colors of life – Create a Fantastic Fresco. (20 points) See handout # 15
Remember to include your name and homework project number on
each project you hand in from this list. See instructions in your packet
for detailed instructions for each homework project.
Ancient Greece Project – Group Projects
Choose one and only one group project to do from this list.
1. Drama – Present a Greek play or myth with costumes and dialogue. It must be well
rehearsed and memorized and not much more than 5 minutes long. Please hand in a
script of the play when it is finished. (30 points)
2. Design your own Ancient Greece Board Game – You may use anything we have
studied to create a working board game. It must include all of the pieces needed to
play and a full set of directions. Please check with your teacher before actually
making the game. (30 points)
3. Create a Mural – It must be a minimum of 4 feet long. The topic may be anything
that has to do with ancient Greece. Check with your teachers if you think you have a
good topic. (30 points)
4. The Seven Wonders of the Ancient World – Research and report on the 7 wonders of
the ancient world. What were they? Why are they considered wonders? Where are
they and who built them? Why were they built? Include illustrations or models of
each. (30 points)
5. Life –Sized God or Goddess – Create a life-sized figure of a God or Goddess and a
summary on that God or Goddess including their rank in the Greek hierarchy of the
gods and the myths we will find your God or Goddess in. (30 points)
6. Create a newspaper for ancient Greece. – Include current events (1 page with at least
2 current event articles.) Include 2 people in the news. (1 page) Include a fashion
page that has trends and fads of ancient Greece for men and women. (1 page)
Include an educational page that describes schools in ancient Greece. Include an
obituary page that mentions 2 real people and 1 fictitious person. (1/2 to 1 page)
Include a food page with recipes and health related items. (30 points)
7. Create an ancient Greek Rap – Include a well - written copy of your lyrics and be
ready to perform your rap for the class. A videotape of your group singing the rap
may be acceptable. The rap must be about ancient Greece and must be o.k.d by your
teacher. See hand outs for instructions.
*Remember to include your name and group project number on each
project you hand in from this list. See instructions in your packet for
detailed instructions for each group project.