Title: Establishment of a Joint Degree Program, the Master of

University of Illinois at Chicago
College of Pharmacy
College of Applied Health Sciences
March 2, 2005
Final version 2.0
April 7, 2005
Robert Mrtek, Chair
Senate Committee on Educational Policy
Roger Nelson
Assistant Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs
I am submitting for review and action of the Senate Graduate Committee on Educational
Policy the attached proposal to Establish a Joint Degree Program, the Master of Science in
Health Informatics and the Doctor of Pharmacy.
The proposal was approved by the College of Applied Health Sciences Academic Affairs
Committee on November 9, 2004, and by the College of Pharmacy faculty on November
23, 2004. The proposal may be reviewed by the Graduate College Executive Committee at
their meeting to be held on Friday, April 8, 2005. I will report to SCEP on the outcome of
that meeting just as soon as the results of the meeting are available.
Please note that this revision is based on the proposed revised requirements for the M.S. in
Health Informatics program that are currently undergoing review by the Senate Committee
on Educational Policy.
C. Hulse
R. Betts
R. Sagraves
C. Tate
J. Wencel-Drake
J. Engle
J. Livermore
A. Valenta
L. Smith
University of Illinois at Chicago
College of Pharmacy
College of Applied Health Sciences
March 2, 2005
Final version 2.0
Establishment of a Joint Degree Program, the Master of Science in Health
Informatics and the Doctor of Pharmacy
College of Pharmacy; College of Applied Health Sciences
Unit Approvals:
Biomedical and Health Information Sciences, Committee on Academic and Educational
Policy – October 20, 2004
College of Applied Health Sciences, Academic Affairs Committee – November 9, 2004
College of Pharmacy, Educational Policy Committee - November 10, 2004
College of Pharmacy Faculty - November 23, 2004
Description: The College of Pharmacy and The College of Applied Health Sciences, Department
of Biomedical and Health Information Sciences seek approval for the establishment
of a program that will provide students with concurrent formal study towards two
degrees: the Doctor of Pharmacy and the Master of Science in Health Informatics
(HI). The joint degree program integrates Pharmacy Science and clinical practice
with health informatics, the goal being identification, collection, processing and
management of information to support pharmacy practice, administration, education
and research. It promotes the expansion of pharmacy knowledge and leadership
and is an important new dimension of pharmacy practice.
To be admitted to the joint program, a student must meet the admissions criteria of
each individual degree program. Similarly, a student must meet the degree
requirements of each program in order to graduate. The program of study may be
completed on a full- or part-time basis.
Students are considered for admission to the PharmD program with a minimum of 61
hours of accrued undergraduate credit; however the MS in HI requires an earned
bachelor’s degree. In the increasingly minority case in which the students apply to
the PharmD program without having earned a degree at the baccalaureate level (i.e.,
with only 61 accrued hours), the attached sample course planner shows the
proposed sequence of coursework that meets the intent of the previously earned
bachelors degree admissions requirement for the MS. Students will be permitted to
take BHIS 460, available to upper level undergraduate students, in the fall of their
second year in the PharmD curriculum. They will be accepted to the MS in HI the
spring of their second year, at the point in the PharmD curriculum in which they will
have accrued 128 credit hours—a baccalaureate equivalent. The MS in HI degree
will not be awarded prior to the awarding of the PharmD degree.
In the true sense of a joint degree program, only one thesis or project will be required
with the student drawing from both pharmacy and health informatics faculty.
Students in the joint program will have two advisors, one from the pharmacy faculty
in the College of Pharmacy and one from biomedical and health information sciences
in the College of Applied Health Sciences. Students may withdraw from the joint
program and transfer to one of the two-degree programs.
University of Illinois at Chicago
College of Pharmacy
College of Applied Health Sciences
March 2, 2005
Final version 2.0
Degree Requirements
 The coursework will consist of core coursework and specialty coursework
from each of the degrees.
Core Courses in Pharmacy – Phar
331,321,341,332,322,400,342,333,323,401-408, 352-354, 324,343,355,344,
346,345,365,356 and PhyB 301, 302
Clerkship Courses in Pharmacy (7 clerkships, one being BHIS 580)
Elective Courses in Pharmacy (12 CH electives in BHIS)
Core Courses in Health Informatics – BHIS 437, 500, 510, 511, 525, 537,
580, BHIS 597 or 598
Elective Courses in Health Informatics – BHIS 515, 520
Given the role of the pharmacist in a rapidly changing, competitive health care system, with
its focus on improving patient safety through implementation of the electronic health record,
there is an increasing need for pharmacists with both technological and administrative skills.
Combining the patient care expertise of a pharmacist with the knowledge of health
information technology is a powerful way to ensure the pharmacist’s perspective on patient
care is considered in technology debates and decisions. The voice of the pharmacist is vital
when working with system developers, discussing system features, selecting the appropriate
clinical functionality required for patient care, customizing vendor software for specific
patient populations or care settings, and enhancing collaboration related to technology
issues with other members of the health care team. More pharmacists are needed with
specialized informatics knowledge to standardize computerized documentation; improve
communication; enhance the quality, effectiveness, and efficiency of patient care; develop
and disseminate new knowledge; and advance both the science of pharmacy and
There is no program in the Midwest that offers a joint program in pharmacy and health
informatics. Establishing such a program at UIC should attract more top pharmacy students
to the UIC College of Pharmacy, reflecting positively on the caliber of students in the Master
of Science in Health Informatics program. The joint degree program makes both programs
attainable in 5 years rather than the usual 6 years and gives students the incentive to
complete both while at UIC. The program offered at UIC exposes students to informatics
content in pharmacy, but more important, has a strong interdisciplinary focus as the content
is taught in Biomedical and Health Information Sciences.
We anticipate an enrollment of 10 students by year 3 of the joint degree program, distributed
about equally between part time and full time status. We should have two graduating
students in year 3 as well.
Catalog Statement:
University of Illinois at Chicago
College of Pharmacy
College of Applied Health Sciences
March 2, 2005
Final version 2.0
MS in Health Informatics/Doctor of Pharmacy
Minimum Semester Hours Required 153–157
Course Work Core Courses in Pharmacy: PHAR 321, 322, 323, 324, 331, 332, 333, 341, 342, 343, 344, 345, 346, 352, 353, 354, 355,
356, 365, 400, 401, 402, 403, 404, 405, 406, 407, and 408; PHYB 301 and 302.
Clerkship Course in Pharmacy: 24 hours
Core Courses in Health Informatics: BHIS 437, 500, 510, 511, 525, 537, 580; BHIS 597 or 598.
Elective Courses in Health Informatics: BHIS 515, 520.
Thesis, Project, or Course-Work-Only Option Thesis or project. No other options are available
Minority Impact Statement: No impact.
Budgetary and Staff Implications:
No immediate change is expected in the near future; however, in the case of joint degree
students (who must have two major codes listed in order to be awarded a degree from both
colleges) the first major code determines what tuition that student is going to be assessed
and determines which college can include that student in their headcount. The method to
assign students to the proper headcount in the correct college is currently under review.
Library Resource Implications:
The Library of the Health Sciences has a considerable holding in their electronic databases
of appropriate e-Journals for these two disciplines. No significant impact is expected with
the approval of this joint degree.
Space Implications:
About 50% of the MS in HI curriculum is online, so an increase in enrollment does not have
important implications for space. Current classrooms in BHIS and Pharmacy are sufficient
for the projected enrollment.
Proposed Effective Date : Fall 2005
University of Illinois at Chicago
College of Pharmacy
College of Applied Health Sciences
March 2, 2005
Final version 2.0
*Italicized course is not taken; substituted by course from the other program
indicated in the middle column.
Doctor of Pharmacy
Shared Courses
MS in Health Informatics
Course # and Hours
(Not to exceed 25% of total
hrs required)
Course # and Hours
Professional Elective
4 hours
Professional Elective
4 hours
Professional Elective
4 hours
Senior Clerkship
4 hours
PHAR 345 Pharmacy Law
3 hours
PHAR 355 Drug Information
and Statistics
4 hours
PHAR 341 Roles,
Environments, and
3 hours
Course # and Hours
BHIS 510 Healthcare
Information Systems I
4 hours
BHIS 520 Healthcare
Information Systems Analysis
and Design
4 hours
BHIS 525 Social and Org
Issues in Health Informatics
4 hours
BHIS 580 Practicum in
Biomedical and Health
Information Sciences
3 to 12 hours (student takes 4
PHAR 345 Pharmacy Law
3 hours
Selected as shared course
given similar course content
and focus on legal and ethical
issues in the discipline
PHAR 355 Drug Information
and Statistics
4 hours
Selected as shared course
given course content focus on
building information literacy
and data reporting in the
PHAR 341 Roles,
Environments, and
3 hours
Selected as shared course
given course content focus on
teaching students
communication skills
applicable to the discipline
BHIS 510 Healthcare
Information Systems I
4 hours
BHIS 520 Healthcare
Information Systems Analysis
and Design
4 hours (Recommended
elective for HI program)
BHIS 525 Social and Org
Issues in Health Informatics
4 hours
BHIS 580 Practicum in
Biomedical and Health
Information Sciences
3 to 12 hours (student takes 4
BHIS 505 Legal and Social
Issues in Health Informatics
3 hours
BHIS 499 Information Sources
1 hour
BHIS 595 Seminar in BHIS
1 hour
BHIS 503 Communication
Skills in Health Informatics
2 hours
Senior Clerkships (24)
PHAR 331 Fundamentals of
Drug Action I
5 hours
PHYB 301 Human Physiology
and Pathophysiology I
5 hours
PHAR 321 Drug Delivery
University of Illinois at Chicago
College of Pharmacy
College of Applied Health Sciences
March 2, 2005
Final version 2.0
Systems I
3 hours
PHAR 332 Fundamentals of
Drug Action II
4 hours
PHYB 302 Human Physiology
and Pathophysiology II
5 hours
PHAR 322 Drug Delivery
Systems II
3 hours.
PHAR 400 Pharmacokinetics
3 hours.
PHAR 342 Experiential I
2 hours.
PHAR 333 Fundamentals of
Drug Action III
4 hours.
PHAR 323 Drug Delivery
Systems III
3 hours.
PHAR 401 Principles of Drug
Action and Therapeutics I
3 hours.
PHAR 402 Principles of Drug
Action and Therapeutics II
4 hours.
PHAR 352 Experiential II
2 hours.
PHAR 324 Contemporary
Pharmacy Practice
3 hours.
PHAR 343 Pharmacy Systems
2 hours.
PHAR 403 Principles of Drug
Action and Therapeutics III
3 hours.
PHAR 404 Principles of Drug
Action and Therapeutics IV
3 hours.
PHAR 344 Social and
Behavioral Pharmacy
2 hours.
PHAR 405 Principles of Drug
Action and Therapeutics V
3 hours.
PHAR 406 Principles of Drug
Action and Therapeutics VI
3 hours.
PHAR 346 Pharmacy Services
and Reimbursement
2 hours.
PHAR 353 Experiential III
2 hours.
University of Illinois at Chicago
College of Pharmacy
College of Applied Health Sciences
March 2, 2005
Final version 2.0
PHAR 407 Principles of Drug
Action and Therapeutics VII
4 hours.
PHAR 408 Principles of Drug
Action and Therapeutics VIII
3 hours.
PHAR 354 Experiential IV
2 hours.
PHAR 365 Non-Prescription
Pharmaceuticals and Herbal
3 hours.
PHAR 356 Principles of
Pharmacoeconomics and
Drug Treatment Outcomes
2 hours.
BHIS 460 Health Informatics
1 hour (Prerequisite for MS in
BHIS 437 Health Care Data
3 hours
BHIS 500 Strategic Inquiry in
3 hours
BHIS 511 Application of
Health Care Information
2 hours
BHIS 515 Mgmt of Healthcare
Information Systems
4 hours (Recommended
elective for HI program)
BHIS 537 Healthcare
Information Technology
Vendor Management
3 hours
Thesis (8 hours) or Project (4
Total Degree Hrs: 133
Total Shared Hrs: 26
Total Degree Hrs: 45-49*
Doctor of Pharamcy:
117 Hours = PharmD Coursework
+ 16 Hours = BHIS Courses to apply to the PharmD program
133 = Total hours required for PharmD
Master of Science in Health Informatics
35-39 Hours = BHIS Coursework
+ 10 Hours = PharmD Courses to apply to the MS in BHIS program
45 = Minimum Total hours required for the M.S. in Health Informatics Program
University of Illinois at Chicago
College of Pharmacy
College of Applied Health Sciences
March 2, 2005
Final version 2.0
March 2, 2005 v3
Pharm.D. Courses For The P-1 Year
Fall Semester
PHAR 331
PHYB 301
PHAR 321
PHAR 341
Spring Semester
Fundamentals of Drug Action l
Human Physiology and
Pathophysiology I
Drug Delivery Systems l
Roles, Environments, and
Credit Hrs
PHAR 332
PHYB 302
PHAR 322
PHAR 400
PHAR 342
Fundamentals of Drug Action II
Human Physiology and
Pathophysiology II
Drug Delivery Systems II
Experiential I
Credit Hrs
Pharm.D. Required Courses For P-2 Year
Fall Semester
Spring Semester
PHAR 333
PHAR 323
PHAR 401
PHAR 402
PHAR 352
Fundamentals of Drug Action III
Drug Delivery Systems III
Experiential 2
BHIS 460
Health Informatics
Credit Hrs
PHAR 324
PHAR 343
PHAR 355
PHAR 403
PHAR 404
PHAR 344
Contemporary Pharmacy Practice
Pharmacy Systems Management
Drug Information and Statistics
Social and Behavioral Pharmacy
Credit Hrs
Pharm.D. Required Courses For P-3 Year
Fall Semester
Spring Semester
PHAR 405
PHAR 406
PHAR 345
Pharmacy Law
PHAR 407
PHAR 408
PHAR 356
PHAR 353
BHIS 510
Experiential 3
Health Care Info Systems
PHAR 354
BHIS 515
Pharmacoeconomics and
Drug Treatment Outcomes
Experiential 4
Mgmt of Health Care Comm Sys
BHIS 500
Credit Hrs
Strategic Inquiry in BHIS
Credit Hrs
Summer Session: BHIS 525 Soc and Org Issues in Health Informatics 4
Pharm.D. Required Courses For P-4 Year
Fall Semester
PHAR 346
BHIS 520
BHIS 537
BHIS 597/598
BHIS 527
Spring Semester
Pharmacy Services and
Hlth Info Sys Analysis & Design 4
Hlth Care IT Vendor Mgmt
Project Research or Thesis
Knowledge Mgmt (Sug Elec)
Credit HRs (w/elective)
PHAR 365
Nonprescription Pharmaceuticals
BHIS 437
BHIS 511
BHIS 597/598
BHIS 528
BHIS 580
Health Care Data
Application of Hlth Care Info Sys
Project Research or Thesis
Consumer Hlth Info
(Sug Elec)
Credit HRs (w/elective)
Pharm.D. Required Courses For P-5 Year
Fall & Spring Semesters
Six Senior Clerkships
University of Illinois at Chicago
College of Pharmacy
College of Applied Health Sciences
March 2, 2005
Final version 2.0
Catalog Descriptions of Shared Courses:
BHIS 510 Health Care Information Systems I
4 hours. Examination, through case studies, discussion, and problem-based learning of
current information technologies and systems currently in place and on the horizon, in
health care organizations and in health science libraries. Same as HPA 510. Taught only
online. A UIC netid is required. Prerequisite(s): Consent of the instructor.
BHIS 520 Health Information Systems Analysis and Design
4 hours. A project course applying systems analysis and design theory to health care
systems evaluation, modeling and implementation. Same as HPA 531. Taught only online.
A UIC netid is required. Prerequisite(s): BHIS 510 or HPA 510 or consent of the instructor.
BHIS 525 Social and Organizational Issues in Health Informatics
4 hours. Examines the impact of information systems on the health care organization and
applies theory through case study analysis. Same as HPA 540. Taught only online. A UIC
netid is required. Prerequisite(s): BHIS 510 or HPA 510; and BHIS 515 or BHIS 520 or
BHIS 530 or HPA 520 or HPA 531 or HPA 550; or consent of the instructor.
BHIS 580 Practicum in Biomedical and Health Information Sciences
3 TO 12 hours. Field experience under supervision of a professional expert in a biomedical
and health information sciences setting that is consistent with the student's area of study
and career goals. May be repeated. Prerequisite(s): Consent of the instructor.
PHAR 341 Roles, Environments, and Communications
3 hours. Selected factors that influence pharmacist's practice, societal, and professional
expectations, and the importance of effective communications with a variety of patients and
professional audiences. Prerequisite(s): Acceptance into the Doctor of Pharmacy program
and a current pharmacy technician license in good standing.
PHAR 345 Pharmacy Law
3 hours. Federal and state statutes and regulations pertaining to the licensing of
pharmacists, the practice of pharmacy, and distribution of drugs. Case law relating to the
pharmacists' standard of care. Prerequisite(s): PHAR 342.
PHAR 355 Drug Information and Statistics
4 hours. Overview of drug information resources and statistics used in healthcare
research, including systematic approaches for critical evaluation of the literature and
effective communication of information. Prerequisite(s): PHAR 341.