Year 7 Unit on weather and Climate 8 weeks
Lesson Room
1 CR What is weather and climate?
Use of IAW for display of instruments and weather elements
ICT What are climates like in the world?
Use of web cams and students to capture and label different conditions
ICT How do I show different climatic conditions?
Students to use excel and data to create line and bar graphs
What are these three climates like?
Use of word mat & descriptive text type to describe the 3 climates
What clothes do I pack for the journey?
Locating climate graphs on a world outline and justifying choice of clothes for each climate type-IAW to display images of each climate
ICT How are plants and animal adapted to my 3 climates?
Capturing a picture of one of each for each climate type and explaining
CR how it survives in this region; use labelled diagrams & explanation
How do I read a weather map?
IAW-modelling how to interpret satellite photos and pressure maps and how to explain the two main systems; descriptive and explanation
ICT What is the weather going to do?
Pupils research weather maps and satellite photos for a presentation
CR What is the weather going to do?
Pupils to take it in turns to present a weather forecast using satellite photos- they need to use the IAW for the presentation in 2 lessons
11 CR What was it like when the snow came down?
Use of IAW images and report story writing on actual events
IAW = Interactive Whiteboard
CR = Classroom
Skills used in this unit
Literacy - descriptive, explanation and report writing
Numeracy –use of data and creation of Bar and Line Graphs in one graph
Satellite Photo interpretation
Weather map interpretation
Thinking skills –card sorting/ packing for a journey + starter and plenary exercises using e.g. Odd One Out and Story Telling/Mind Movies
Creativity – use of images
ICT – Search Engines. Presentation and Decision Making
Created by Sue Sturman, AST Gloucestershire and made available through