Insert 3: Disability Awareness Form DECAP Application Form QUEEN’S UNIVERSITY BELFAST Doctorate in Educational, Child & Adolescent Psychology Disability Awareness Form 2016 Please note the completion of this form is optional Background Information The Doctorate in Educational, Child & Adolescent Psychology is a three year course which is approved and accredited for the training of Educational Psychologists. About half the course is university based while the other half consists of a variety of training placements. These placements may be in any part of Northern Ireland and some may be in Great Britain. The Disability Discrimination Act 1995 came into effect in December 1996 and the Special Educational Needs and Disability Order (SENDO) came into effect in 2005. In line with this legislation it is necessary for universities to make reasonable adjustments to accommodate a person with a disability. Recruitment and Selection will continue to be made on the basis of the merit principle. In line the Disability Discrimination Act 1995, a disability is defined as: “a physical or mental impairment which has a substantial and long term adverse effect on your ability to carry out normal day to day activities” 1. Please indicate whether you have a disability - (please circle any which apply) 0 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 T None Specific learning difficulty (eg, dyslexia) Visual Impairment Hearing Impairment Mobility/wheelchair user Personal support needs Mental health Medical condition Multiple disabilities Other (not stated) Autistic Spectrum 2. Do you consider that your disability would have an impact on your ability to complete the course for which you have applied? Yes/No Yes (please provide appropriate details) Insert 3: Disability Awareness Form DECAP Application Form 3. Is there any reasonable adjustment which you believe is necessary to allow you to complete the course for which you are applying? 4. Please outline relevant details regarding your disability and your anticipated support requirements. If you are successful in being offered a place on this course, a letter and questionnaire will be sent to you to be returned to Disability Services to allow them to undertake a Needs Assessment and advise the Course Director on your individual needs. If you have any physical condition, which would require special arrangements for you to attend for interview, you should inform the Course Administrator. Applicant's Name Address for communication E-mail Signed Date