Guidelines for Abstracts, Papers and Posters


Southern African Wildlife Management Association (SAWMA)

Symposium 16-19 September 2012

Klein Kariba ATKV Conference Resort, Bela-Bela, Limpopo Province

Responsible Biodiversity Research and

Wildlife Management

Abstract and Topic Submission

Abstracts must be submitted electronically by attaching the Microsoft Word file containing the abstract to an email message. The email must include the information:

TO :

SUBJECT : Topic (Specify poster or paper)

-Contact person (presenter)

- Address

- Telephone, FAX

- Preferred email address

- Special requests for equipment other than computer and projector (see "Oral Presentations")

- Attached abstract following the specified guidelines

You will be notified of receipt via email. If you have questions contact the SAWMA Secretariat, Elma Marais, PO

Box 217, Bloubergstrand, 7436. Tel: 021-5541297; email:

Abstract Content and Style

Deadline for paper and poster titles: 31 May 2012

Abstracts must be received as soon as possible after 31 May, and not later than 30

June 2012

Each submitted abstract must include the following and adhere to these guidelines:

Title – (centred, bold) The title must be in sentence case.

Author(s) – (centred, bold) List the full first name followed by initials and last names of each author.

Underline the presenting author

Affiliation information of each author - (centred, italics) Use superscripts to identify multiple authors with different affiliations (follow format below). Do not use superscripts for single authors or multiples from the same affiliation.

Presenter's contact information – (centred) name, address, phone number, email.

Body of Abstract – (justified) Abstracts must not exceed 350 words. Emphasize the results of a study or the practical application of a management project or programme. If there is more than one paragraph, single space between paragraphs and do not indent.

Sub Theme(s) - Identify the theme(s) under which you think this presentation best fits.

Adaptive management

Science/management interface

Intensive wildlife management and implications for biodiversity

Habitat/species preservation as a key factor in maintaining important biodiversity variables

Indicators of changes in biodiversity

The influence of scale on biodiversity conservation and management

A special session on "Small Carnivore Conservation" will also be included

Develop the abstract in Microsoft Word in a Windows format, using 2 cm margins and Arial, 10 point font. All spacing within the title/author area, abstract body and conference topic should be single-spaced and separated from each other by one space. Please see the example below:

Please note: Paper as well as poster presenters should submit an abstract and the organising committee will not edit or review any data/information presented in the abstracts.


Patterns of invertebrate species richness and endemism in a protected area on the Pondoland Coast,

South Africa.

Michelle Hammer 1 , Rob Slotow 1 and Jan Venter 2

1 Inland Invertebrate Initiative, University of Kwazulu-Natal, South Africa

2 Scientific Services, Eastern Cape Parks Board, South Africa

Jan Venter, Eastern Cape Parks, 6 St Marks Street, East London 5213. (043) 742 2557.

We investigated the patterns of invertebrate species richness and endemism in the Mkambati Nature Reserve situated in Pondoland on the Wild Coast, South Africa. Sampling were conducted in different vegetation types which included swamp, coastal and dune forests; several types of grassland and wetland vegetation.

The number of new species identified is remarkable, and ……

Sub theme: pick relevant subtheme

Platform Presentations

Oral presentations in the concurrent sessions will be 20 minutes in length (15 minutes of presentation followed by 3 to 5 minutes for questions). Presentation time limits will be strictly enforced to allow conference delegates to move from session to session.

If your abstract is accepted, you will be provided further information on operating system requirements for your presentation, instructions on getting your presentation loaded, etc.

Microsoft PowerPoint is strongly preferred for oral presentations. Overhead or slide projectors will be available only upon special request made at the time your abstract is submitted.

Poster Presentations

Posters are strongly encouraged as they allow extended informal discussions and active participation of coauthors. The programme will make allowance for a poster session where posters can be displayed and informally discussed.

General guidelines:

Maximum size: PORTRAIT AO = Width 841mm – Height 1189 mm.

Include your name, address and if possible a small photo on the poster.

A viewer should be able to read and understand the poster in less than two minutes.

There will be a special poster session, and you will stand at your poster and share your information with the audience.

Should you have further enquiries please contact:

Elma Marais: E-mail address:, Tel: 021-5541297; Fax: 0866729882
