All Classes are held at St. Mary’s Academy, 301 Allen Street, Hudson – phone 828-0843
PreK thru 10th grades meet immediately following 9 a.m. Mass until 11:15 a.m.
Please make every attempt to attend weekly Mass. . .Sunday school is no substitute for the
Real Presence or a family who worships together!
September 8th
Catechist Meeting-- please come!
September 15th
Classes Begin – late registrations accepted
Catechetical Sunday (blessing at 9 a.m. Mass) -- Please thank your catechist for serving our parish
September 22nd
Classes in Session
September 29th
Classes in Session - Confirmation Parent Meeting - Confirmation teens at Alight 12-2 pm
Respect Life Sunday - Diaper Rally Please donate a package of diapers -- your help is greatly needed!
October 6th
1st Reconciliation Parent Meeting 10:30 a.m. in the conference room
AND 11:30 pm Parent/Child meeting for anyone wanting to be involved in Christmas Pageant Extravaganza!!
October 13th
Holiday weekend – No Classes --TRASH & TREASURE SALE!
October 19th
Holy Days of Obligation 2013-2014
Christian Service Committee's Ethnic Food Sale!! Sells out quickly!
November 1st - All Saints Day
October 20th
Classes in Session - CROP WALK -- All Welcome to Join!
Fire Drill - need parent monitors/helpers! Weather dependent!
December 8th -Immaculate Conception
October 27th
Classes in Session--Father Bath hears Confessions (tentative)
Catechist Meeting following classes
November 3rd
Classes in Session--Father Bath hears Confessions (tentative)
Safe Environment Day
December 25th - Christmas
January 1st - Mary, Mother of God
May 29th - Ascension - -Holy Day of
Obligation (transferred to Sunday, June 1,
2014 in most dioceses of the United
November 10th
Veteran's Day Weekend -- No Classes -- Hug a veteran!!
November 17th
Classes in Session -- Packing food boxes for Salvation Army--please help!
November 21st-24th
National Catholic Youth Convention, Indianapolis, IN!! Pray for us!
November 24th
NO SUNDAY SCHOOL** - cancelled for the Trash & Treasure Sale! Come to the sale!
December 1st
Thanksgiving Weekend -- Thank God for your family! -- No classes--First Day of Advent
Dec 4th or 6th
1st Reconciliation Parent & Child Retreat
5:30-7:30 Meet at the Rectory--Pizza served!
(Weds or Fri night)
December 7th
August 15th - Assumption of Mary
1st Reconciliation - 11:30 a.m. in the Church
December 8
Classes in Session - Feast of Immaculate Conception observed December 9th
December 11th (Weds)
6:30 p.m. Communal Penance Service at St. Mary's Church--Several priests will hear confessions
December 15th
Classes in Session--Packing food boxes for Salvation Army in the gym - please help!
December 22nd
Christmas Pageant Extravaganza!! -- Immediately following 9 a.m. Mass -- families please
attend! The entire community is invited! At the Academy!
Merry Christmas!! God bless you all!!
*Spring Dates for Confirmation & Confirmation Retreat to be determined at a later date
January 26th
All Classes Resume--Confirmation Class Rite of Welcoming -- parents & teens meet with
Michael VanAllen in the Sacristy of the Church at 8:30 a.m. -- teens have class following 9 a.m. Mass
Catechist Meeting following classes
February 2nd
Classes in Session; Father Bath hears confessions
February 9th
Classes in Session -- Father Bath hears confessions
February 16th
February Break - Have Fun and Be Good! -- No Classes
February 23rd
February Break - Have fun and be good! -- No Classes
March 2nd
Classes in Session;
March 5th
Ash Wednesday - 1st Day of Lent
March 9
Classes in Session, 1st Communion Parent Meeting
March 16th
Classes in Session - Confirmation Class Saint Museum - other classes please attend!
March 19th
ALL DAY 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. -- Mandatory Confirmation Retreat Concludes with "Mary's Way of the Cross" at 7 p.m. - Everyone Welcome!
March 23rd
Classes in Session
March 30th
Classes in Session, Catechist Meeting following classes
April 6th
Classes in Session
April 9th (Wednesday)
Communal Penance Service 7 pm in the Church - All Welcome! Several priests will hear confessions
April 13th
Palm Sunday – no Classes – Free Easter Eggstravaganza Easter Egg hunt at the Academy!!
And, if you are able, please also support the Christian Service Committee’s Palm
Sunday breakfast fundraiser in support of our parish
The Triduum & Easter Sunday
April 17th (Thursday) Holy Thursday Mass at 5:30 pm with Covered Dish Dinner following -BRING A DISH TO SHARE AND INVITE FRIENDS AND
ENJOY THE EVENING! Kids love this! Call Kathy 828-1334
with the dish you will bring!
April 18th (Friday)
Good Friday - Veneration of the Cross at 3 pm
April 20th
Easter Sunday – No Classes – Have a blessed Easter!
April 23rd or 25th
(Weds or Fri night)
Jesus Day parent/child Retreat -- meet from 6-8 pm in the Church -- this retreat is
mandatory for all 1st Communion children--bring 2 school sized pictures of your child.
April 27th
Classes in Session -- Saddest Day of the Program --Final classes for the year -- Have a
wonderful summer!
May 10th*REVISED
First Communion Rehearsal at the Church 11:30 am -- please be kind and be on time!
May 11th *REVISED
First Communion and May Crowning 9 am Mass, meet in Rectory at 8:30 a.m.
check our website for Mass times and other important information