1998 Evol Role Sex Chr Genetika Eng transl.doc Russian journal of Genetics, Vol. 34. No. 8. 1998, pp. 986-998. Translated from Genetika, Vol. 34, No. 8, 1998, pp. 1171-1184. Original Russian Text Copyright © 1998 by Geodakian. DEBATABLE TOPICS Evolutionary Role of Sex Chromosomes: A New Concept V. A. Geodakian Severtsov Institute of Ecology and Evolution, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, 117071 Russia Received May 8, 1996; in final form, December 3, 1997 "It seems that the human mind should freely develop concepts prior to the confirmation of their existence… Science cannot flourish on pure empirical evidence. This flourishing is possible only when the fictitious and the observed are compared." Albert Einstein [1] "One of the primary aims of a theoretical study in any field of human knowledge is establishing the viewpoint that reflects the studied object with maximum simplicity." Willard Gibbs [2] Abstract—Sex differentiation provides for testing evolutionary innovations in the male genome before they are transferred to the female one. This is possible with dichronous (asynchronous) evolution, when evolution in males precedes that in females [3-7]. Hence, along with common autosomal genes for stable characters, exclusively male and exclusively female genes must exist. The male genes are already acquired by the male genome, but are not yet transferred to the female one. The female genes are already lost by the male genome, but still remain in the female genome. They constitute temporary evolutionary genotypic sexual dimorphism. Common genes cannot exhibit genotypic sexual dimorphism; they show only constant phenotypic hormonal sexual dimorphism. On the basis of the interpretation of genotypic sexual dimorphism as a consequence of sex dichronism, the evolutionary role of sex chromosomes is clarified, and a new concept for them is suggested. According to this concept, theY chromosome is the "conductor" of ecological information into the genome, the "place of birth" and testing of new genes and the accelerator and regulator of genotypic sexual dimorphism. By contrast, the X chromosome of the heterogametic sex provides the transportation of new genes from the Y chromosome to autosomes. This chromosome stabilizes, relaxes, and suppresses genotypic sexual dimorphism and accumulates genes that will be eliminated. This concept sheds light on many problems: the chromosomal localization of genes and their transfer to other chromosomes, the inactivation of chromosomes, mobile genes, mutation bursts, insertional mutagenesis, the association of theY chromosome with stress, retroviruses, etc. In particular, it explains why and where genes "jump," why transpositions of mobile elements depend on ecological stress, why different genes mutate simultaneously, etc. [8]. INTRODUCTION Since the discovery of sex chromosomes by McClung in 1901 [9], it is thought that their main role is to determine sex and establish a 1:1 sex ratio. Is this true? Of course, sex chromosomes perform both these functions, but is their role restricted to only this? Only one trigger gene is sufficient for sex determination, and the 1:1 sex ratio automatically results from crossing a recessive homozygote to a heterozygote. Sex existed before the appearance of sex chromosomes, and many modern dioecious species lack them. Thus, the evolutionary significance of autosomal-gonosomal differentiation is unclear. What principle underlies it? What is the significance of different algorithms of chromosome behavior? Why are autosomes passed from parent to offspring in a random fashion, whereas sex chromosomes have specific routes: the Y chromosome is transferred from the father to sons, and the X chromosome to daughters? How are conjugation, crossing over, and sex-chromosome condensation related to sex and gamete type? We have ample knowledge on the operation of genes on chromosomes in ontogeny, but the evidence of their existence in the genome and of their genomic phylogeny is scarce. It is unclear whether genes have a resident life mode: whether they are "born," "live," "work," and "die" on one chromosome, or whether their "life" is nomadic disperse, i.e., whether they pass different stages of their life on different chromosomes. Is there a regular route of genes in the genome, and if so, what is this route? 1998 Evol Role Sex Chr Genetika Eng transl.doc Many mysteries, contradictions, and new data that cannot be explained in the context of the classic theory of sex chromosomes have been accumulated. For instance, the role of Barr bodies is traditionally interpreted as the dose compensation of X-chromosome genes. If this interpretation were true, then the Barr bodies would normally always be present in homogametic sex. However, in birds, as in mammals, the female chromosome is condensed, although birds possess only one X chromosome. How can this be explained on the basis of dose compensation? Moreover, birds lack the conjugation of sex chromosomes. For some unknown reason, DNA replication of the single X chromosome in homogametic sex and the Y chromosome occurs after the termination of autosome replication [10]. TheY chromosome is enigmatic. This chromosome is most variable (especially in length) in the genome. It is rich in repeats and heterochromatin in animals and in euchromatin, and is dispersed over all chromosomes repeats in plants [11]. In humans, it is almost empty genetically, except for genes determining hairy ears and webbed toes. In other species, the Y chromosome can contain numerous active genes. For example, many genes in Drosophila are localized within the Y-chromosome heterochromatin. In guppy Lebistes reticulatus, more than 30 Y-chromosome genes (and only one autosomal gene) controlling color in males were found as early as in 1920s and 1930s. Some of these genes participate in the unequal crossing over with the X chromosome, and the Y → X transfer occurs four times more often than the X → Y transfer [12, 13]. Studies on dragonflies showed that the XY form appeared in evolution later than XO. However, an opposite view exists, according to which sex chromosomes originated from a normal autosomal pair carrying genes of sex determination. Because of this, in more primitive species, the Y chromosome has the same size as the X chromosome, enters into partial or complete conjugation with the latter, and participates in crossing over. In more evolutionarily advanced species, the Y chromosome is small, binds with the X chromosome only in terminal parts, and lacks crossing over. In the process of evolution, the Y chromosome loses active genes, degrades, and disappears. Consequently, the XY form precedes XO [14]. The reason for this is unknown. However, the opinion that the bright red spot on males of guppy previously was characteristic of females and later lost by them seems to me dubious. I believe that females never had this spot. A Y chromosome of a larger size was observed in different ethnic or social groups. There is evidence that this chromosome exhibits greater variation in rodents inhabiting zones of high seismic activity [15], that it is associated with retroviruses [16], new mutations [17, 18], and so on. The results discussed above produce the impression that we do not have an essential understanding of the role of sex chromosomes, particularly the Y chromosome. We do not understand why sex chromosomes exist; what their functional, adaptive, and evolutionary significance is. There is no logical explanation of their appearance. In the present study, I suggest a new concept of sex chromosomes that provides answers to these questions. My model is based on the idea of dichronous evolution. However, a more fundamental problem should first be considered: what is the purpose of sex? THE PROBLEM OF SEX For more than a century, sex has been a primary issue of evolutionary biology. The problem of sex was investigated by prominent biologists of the 19th and 20th centuries: Darwin, Wallace, Weissmann, Gold-schmidt. Fisher, and Muller. In spite of this, modem scientists still speak of a crisis in evolutionary biology in relation to the problem of sex. In the past decade, interest in this problem has been revived. A dozen monographs appeared bearing in the title words "sex" and "evolution" [19-28]. One of them [19] begins with the phrase: "The prevalence of sexual reproduction in higher animals and plants is incompatible with evolutionary theory." Another author [20] writes: "We do not have an adequate explanation for the origin and preservation of sex." In the third monograph concerned with evolution and the genetics of sex, the author states: "The problem of sex is the key challenge to the modem theory of evolution .... This is the queen of problems .... Insights of Darwin and Mendel that shed light on a multitude of problems could not overcome the enigma of sexual reproduction" [21]. Another prominent authority argues: "It is amazing, but scientists do not know why sex exists" [29]. Numerous papers and reviews appear on the problem of sexual reproduction. In 1993 and 1994, at least two leading genetic journals devoted special issues to it [30, 31]. Thus, the key problem of evolutionary biology and genetics—the problem of sex—remains unresolved, and the main question— what is the purpose and adaptive significance of sex— still have no answer [32]. In the early 1960s, I realized that evolutionary theory has no answer to these fundamental questions. The heuristic solution of the problem of sex was first published by me in 1965 in a mathematical journal [3]. 1998 Evol Role Sex Chr Genetika Eng transl.doc What Is the Essence of the Problem, and Why Is It Still Unanswered? The most important program of life is reproduction. It underlies such biological phenomena as replication, reduplication, and asexual reproduction. Reproduction is the main criterion in distinguishing living and nonliving systems. The main source of variation in this program is mutation. The second most important program is the recombination underlying crossing over, fertilization, and syngamy. Creating a new variation source independent of environment, recombination provided an ultimate solution to the problem of diversity. On the basis of recombination, the sexual process appeared. The third most important program is differentiation, which underlies meiosis, sexual, and other types of differentiation. As a result, dioecious forms, castes in social insects, dwarf males in some fish species, and other forms of differentiation appeared. In the process of evolution, these programs arose exactly in the order given above. This order reflects the constitutive-facultative relationships between them, according to which the preceding basic programs are obligatory for the formation of subsequent ones, whereas the opposite is not necessarily true. The concept of sex includes two basic phenomena: the sexual process (the fusion of the genetic information of two individuals) and sexual differentiation (the division of this information into two). According to the presence (+) or absence (-) of this phenomena, numerous existing modes of reproduction can be classified into three main groups: asexual (-, -), hermaphroditic (+, -), and bisexual (dioecious) (+, +) (Table 1). Table 1 Characteristics of three main reproduction types. Program (biological phenomenon) Type of reproduction Efficiency Source of divercity* Reproduction Sexual process Sexual differentia tion Asexual + – – max mid min M Hermaphroditic + + – mid max mid M+R Dioecious + + + min mid max M+R+D Quantitative Assortative Qualitative * M—mutation, R—recombination, D—differentiation. The sexual process and sex differentiation are two different and, in essence, opposite phenomena. The evolutionary purpose of the sexual process is to create or increase genotypic diversity. By contrast, sex differentiation causes a twofold decrease in this diversity, and nobody knows what the evolutionary role of this is. For instance, in an asexual population of size N, the maximum theoretically possible variability of offspring genotypes is N, given that the genotypes of all parents are different. Since the offspring of each asexual individual is a clone with the same genotype, the variability of the offspring σ is always lower than N. In the sexual process, the variability of offspring is squared. In hermaphroditic organisms, each of N individuals can mate with all individuals except itself, i.e., N - 1; but, as the cross of individual 1 with individual 2 is the same as that of individual 2 with individual 1 (there is no reciprocal effect), at N >> 1 , σ = N(N - 1)/2 ≈ N2/2; with the reciprocal effect, σ = N2. In dioecious forms, sex differentiation that excludes one-sex (male-male, female-female) combinations, decreases the amount of diversity possible in hermaphroditic organisms by at least two times: σ = N/2 x N/2 = N2/4 (each female with each male, with the same number of males and females equal to N/2). The offspring diversity in a population of dioecious organisms also depends on the sex ratio in the parental generation: it is the highest at a 1:1 sex ratio and decreases with any deviation from it. Thus, with the same population size N, maximum possible offspring diversity levels in asexual, hermaphroditic, and dioecious populations are in the ratio N : N2/2 : N2/4 ; i.e., dioecious populations have two times less diversity than hermaphroditic populations! It is completely unclear, what the advantage of sex differentiation is if it decreases the main benefit of sexual reproduction by twofold. 1998 Evol Role Sex Chr Genetika Eng transl.doc Why do all evolutionarily advanced animal taxa (mammals, birds, insects) and dioecious plants reproduce sexually if asexual reproduction is simpler and more effective and if hermaphroditic reproduction yields more diverse progeny? This is the essence of the enigma of sex. It is still unresolved, mainly because there is no clear understanding that the sexual process and sex differentiation are two opposite phenomena. Biologists try to reveal the advantages of sexual (hermaphroditic and dioecious) over asexual reproduction, but the main task is to understand what are the advantages of dioecious over hermaphroditic reproduction (see Table 1)? The purpose of the sexual process is obvious: it generates genetic diversity. But it is still unclear what the purpose of sex differentiation is. Although it is already clear that, since sexual reproduction has no apparent advantages over asexual reproduction, it must be evolutionarily advantageous [32], biologists continue to tackle the problem of sex as the problem of reproduction rather than evolution. THE CONCEPT OF ASYNCHRONOUS (DICHRONOUS) EVOLUTION According to Darwin's theory, the evolution of a system follows environmental alteration and proceeds as a trial-and-error process. Hence, it is more advantageous to test part of a system rather than the whole. For this, the system should be divided into two parts: the first, more valuable part should be removed from environmental influence in order to preserve its past characteristics, whereas the second, experimental part should be exposed to the environment in order to assess what is needed at present and what changes may be required for the future. This conservative-operative specialization is obtained by consecutive (cascade) or dichronous (for binary systems) evolution: new characters first appear in the operative subsystem (in males), are tested there, and then are passed on to the conservative subsystem (to females) [3]. In 1972, I extrapolated this concept to a number of binary evolutionary systems from the molecular to the population and social levels of organization: DNA-proteins, autosomes-gonosomes, nucleus-cytoplasm, female sex-male sex, cerebral subcortex-cerebral cortex, etc. I also advanced a hypothesis that all differentiations of adaptive systems can be regarded as operative-conservative specializations that determine information transfer from the environment to subsystems [33]. Based on this, isomorphic theories of the dichronous evolution of sexes [4, 5] and of the asymmetry of organisms and the brain [34] were developed. The explanatory and predictive potential of these theories is exceptional in biology (e.g., see [35]). Later, I attempted to extrapolate this approach to the autosomal-gonosomal differentiation of the genome [8]. A population can be divided into males and females; bilateral organisms or organs (e.g., the brain) into the left and the right halves; human society into right- and left-handers; the genome into autosomes and sexual chromosomes; sexual chromosomes into X and Y chromosomes. All these classifications are based on the same specialization principle that is primary for evolutionary systems: the preservation (P) and alteration (A) of the system. First, the presence of preservation and alteration is the main prerequisite of evolution. The absence of one of them precludes evolution: the system either disappears or remains constant. Second, the ratio between preservation and alteration characterizes the evolutionary plasticity of the system; Third, these conditions are alternative: an increase in alteration is associated with a decrease in preservation, as their sum is unity (A + P = 1). Without the specialization of subsystems, the system reaches an intermediary optimum of A/P, whereas with specialization, levels of both A and P can be increased. For instance, with isogamy, each gamete simultaneously performs both conservative (providing the zygote with resources) and operative (searching for a partner gamete) functions. As isogametes are of medium size, their performance of both functions is mediocre. Differentiation in size allows small- and large-sized gametes optimize the search and the resource supply, respectively. Hence, the large-small size combination is more advantageous than the medium-medium one, which explains the evolutionary advantage of differentiation. In each of the above examples, the first subsystem is conservative, main, and protected from the environment, whereas the second subsystem is operative, "experimental," and more exposed to environmental impact. Because of this, environmental information first enters into the operative subsystem and then into the conservative one. Consequently, the evolution of any character in these systems occurs dichronously (asynchronously): it starts and terminates earlier in the operative than in the conservative subsystem. Thus, according to this theory, new characters first appear in males, and then, after many generations, are passed on to females [4, 5]; new functions become leading first on the right side of the body, then on the left side; dominating operating centers first appear in the left cerebral hemisphere and then are transferred to the 1998 Evol Role Sex Chr Genetika Eng transl.doc right one [34]. Similarly, new genes appear first in sex chromosomes, and then in autosomes [8]. The Theory ofDichronous Evolution of Sex: The Appearance of Dichronism and Phases of Character Evolution Sex differentiation is an economical form of the informational contact of a dioecious population with the environment. Because of dichronous evolution, it allows the population to test all new characters in males before transmitting them to females (Figs. 1, 2). Figure 1 Evolution of trait (0 → 1) in the monoecious forms. Abscissa: X—mean population genotype for a given trait, (0)—preevolutionary, (1)—postevolutionary. Ordinate: T—time of phylogeny, T1 beginning; T2—end of trait evolution. E—stage of trait evolution; s1—preevolutionary, s2—postevolutionary phase of the trait stable state. Dashed lines parallel to the tragectory and small distribution curves between them show the magnitude of genotype variants in the population during different phases. T s2 T2 E T1 s1 T0 0 Figure 2 Dichronous evolution of traits (0 → 1) in males (♂♂) and females (♀♀). T1–T3—beginning-end of trait evolution in ♂♂; T2–T4—in ♀♀; Phases of evolution: d— divergent, p—parallel, c—convergent; E♂♂ and E♀♀—evolution of trait in ♂♂ and ♀♀. SD—sexual dimorphism, SDC—sexual dichrony.For other designations, see Figure 1. 1 X T s2 T4 c ♀♀ E♀♀ T3 SDC p SD T2 ♂♂ d E♂♂ T1 Males and females respond to environmental changes, e.g., the ecological s1 differential, in a different fashion. In 1974, I advanced a hypothesis on a broader reaction T0 1 0 X norm in females than in males. Based on this hypothesis, I successfully predicted a higher concordance of male pairs of monozygous and female pairs of dizygous twins [36]. The broader reaction norm of females allows them to develop, on the basis of the old genotype, only via ontogenetic plasticity, a more adaptive phenotype, and leave the area of selection. Because of the narrow reaction norm, males lack this possibility. Consequently, 1998 Evol Role Sex Chr Genetika Eng transl.doc selection operates mainly in males, the number of males decreases, and evolution begins. Thus, the same environmental information results in the modification of females and elimination of males. In other words, sex differentiation for the reaction norm ensures the high phenotypic plasticity of females in ontogeny and the high genotypic plasticity of males in phylogeny, i.e., the leading evolution of males [3, 4, 5, 36]. Females transform ecological information into temporal phenotypic sexual dimorphism, whereas males transform it into genotypic sexual dimorphism at the expense of their number. After testing, this information is passed to females by an internal route. Thus, genotypic sexual dimorphism takes the place of the ecological differential as a moving force for females. In this way, females receive new information from males, rather than from the environment, and escape selection. This explains the evolutionary significance of sex differentiation and the advantage of dioecy. The evolution of any character in dioecious organisms consists of three phases. In the first, divergent phase, only males evolve, because only males receive new information from the environment. Genotypic sexual dimorphism appears and increases in subsequent generations (the stage of increasing genotypic sexual dimorphism). The duration of the divergent phase and the level of asynchrony (sexual dichronism) is equal to the evolutionary retardation of females or the acceleration of males (Fig. 2). This temporal difference is required for the testing of new characters in males. But sexual divergence cannot occur indefinitely, because it will ultimately lead to reproductive isolation. Next, the mechanism of the transfer of information from males to females switches on. Females start to change. This is a second phase of the evolution of a character. At this phase, both sexes evolve at the same rate. Genotypic sexual dimorphism enters a stationary phase, which remains until the end of this phase. The third phase of evolution is convergent. At this stage, only females evolve. It begins with the termination of ecological pressure on males, while females are still subjected to the effect of genotypic sexual dimorphism. Genotypic sexual dimorphism is reduced and disappears. The dimorphic character again becomes monomorphic and constant. At this point, the evolution of the character is completed. This means that dioecy, which is traditionally regarded as an efficient mode of reproduction, is in fact an efficient mode of evolution [4,5]. This new interpretation of the key notion, sex differentiation, allows us to interpret its derivatives (i.e., sexual dimorphism, sex ratio, sex chromosomes, sex hormones, etc) in a new evolutionary context. Sexual Dimorphism Darwin's theory of sexual selection is virtually the sole explanation of the appearance of sexual dimorphism [37]. However, Darwin committed a methodological error when he explained the general phenomenon of sexual dimorphism as a consequence of a special mechanism of sexual selection. A theory must always be more general than the phenomenon that it explains. In this lies the weakness of the theory of sexual selection. This theory cannot explain sexual dimorphism in plants that lack sexual selection and in animals for characters not connected with this type of selection. Moreover, no predictions can be made based on this theory [7, 38]. According to my theory, genotypic sexual dimorphism is a consequence of the dichronous evolution of sexes; hence, only evolving characters can display this dimorphism. It appears in the evolution of any character as a "distance" between sexes and is characteristic of all types of selection (natural, sexual, artificial). The direction of the evolution of the character is indicated by the direction of genotypic sexual dimorphism (from the female to the male form of the character). If new information (In) is already acquired by males but is still absent in females ("quarantine"), or if old information (Io) is already lost by males but still retained by females ("archive"), the sum of these values characterizes genotypic sexual dimorphism. The information contained in the male genome can be expressed as Im = Is + In, and in the female genome as If = Is + Io, where Is is the information shared by both sexes. Is includes information on the primary sexual traits of both sexes. When two populations (species, races, ethoses) are mixed, the shared information is mixed in the first generation, whereas the new and old information are retained in different sexes for the time that sex dichronism persists. This concept easily explains the differences between interspecies, interracial, or interethnic reciprocal hybrids related to the direction of crossing, because in these hybrids, only Is is identical, but In and Io they receive from different forms. If the offspring received identical information from mothers and fathers, no reciprocal effects would be observed. 1998 Evol Role Sex Chr Genetika Eng transl.doc On the basis of the theory of the dichronous evolution of sexes, many easily verified predictions and simple explanations of numerous unclear phenomena and facts can be made. For instance, the evolution of most vertebrate species was accompanied by an increase in body size, while body size in many insect and spider species became smaller in the process of their evolution. Hence, according to my theory, in large vertebrates, males are larger than females, whereas in small insects and spiders, this relationship is reversed. This is exactly what we observe in nature. The same trend is characteristic of mammals, in particular, primates, and other taxa. The theory of the dichronous evolution of sexes is confirmed by the better performance of males with regard to all commercial traits in agricultural plants and animals. Compared to females, males produce more meat of better quality, they have better fodder assimilation and growth dynamics. In the commercial breeding of sheep, horses, reindeer, fur animals, silkworms, and hemp, males surpass females in all valuable traits. For phenotypically sex-specific traits, the theory can be tested by reciprocal effects, since it predicts the presence of the paternal effect (dominance of paternal traits) in reciprocal hybrids for all traits (including those occurring only in females) with divergent evolution and the maternal effect for traits with convergent evolution [4, 5, 7, 38, 39]. The paternal effect was reported for hatching ability, early maturity, egg production, and live weight in poultry, in milk production and milkfat content in cattle [39], alcohol addiction in humans [40], etc. These traits are new, as they resulted from selection or social causes. The paternal effect for egg and milk production means that, genotypically, bulls have a higher "milk yield" than cows and cocks "lay more eggs" than hens of the same breeds. According to the theory of the dichronous evolution of sexes, in humans, the new and old information was differentiated between sexes throughout many generations. Taking into account the historical processes of ethnic admixture, e.g., migrations (participation of both sexes of both ethnic groups), conquests (participation of males, and in the conquered ethnic group, of both sexes), the deportation of females of the conquered ethnic group (participation of females from two and males from one ethnic group), a number of anthropological phenomena can be explained. Using the method of the generalized portrait, Pavlovsky [41] revealed a marked sexual dimorphism in the Turkmeni population: portraits of females and males corresponded to one and two types, respectively. An analogous phenomena was shown by Yusupov [42] for Bashkirs: female and male skulls followed respectively unimodal and tetramodal distributions. In Udmurts and Bulgarians, Dolinova and Kavgazova discovered sexual dimorphism for dermatoglyphic characters (females had the pattern of one neighboring ethnos, and males, the pattern of another one [43]). No theory except that of dichronous evolution of sexes can explain these facts. AUTOSOMAL-GONOSOMAL DIFFERENTIATION OF THE GENOME In 1965, when I first used the theory of dichronous evolution for solving the problem of sex, I realized that this concept underlies the autosomal-gonosomal differentiation of the genome. In the conclusion of my paper [3], I wrote: "In the chromosome set, sex chromosomes and autosomes play the role of operative and conservative memory, respectively. Because of this, sex chromosomes, and primarily the Y chromosome, mediate the accumulation of hereditary variation" [3]. At present, this theoretical prediction has been convincingly confirmed by a series of experimental studies on the rate of nucleotide substitutions [17, 18]. When a system is divided into subsystems, the succession of systems receiving information from the environment is of key importance. The information first enters the operative subsystem; next, it is transmitted to the conservative one [33]. The succession is as follows: in sex differentiation, environment → males → females; in the differentiation of the brain, environment → left hemisphere → right hemisphere. If chromosomal and sex differentiations are in fact isomorphic, this isomorphism can be used to reveal cascade evolution and to clarify the evolutionary significance of autosomes and sex chromosomes. To do this, one should compare the different evolutionary roles of males and females (obtaining information from the environment, transforming this information into phenotypic or genotypic one, and its transmission to progeny) and the algorithms of chromosomal inheritance. 1998 Evol Role Sex Chr Genetika Eng transl.doc Chromosomal Algorithms and Their Comparison with Phases of Evolution Algorithms of the informational behavior of chromosomes can be classified into vertical (the transmission of chromosomes in generations) and horizontal (the reception of information from the environment, the distribution of information among chromosomes, and the loss of information—i.e., the genetic processes of mutation, crossing over, translocations, transfer by episomes, viruses, plasmids, mobile elements, etc.). The chromosome behavior is primarily determined by the following three vertical algorithms: (1) stochastic algorithm (homologous chromosomes are randomly transmitted to sons and daughters), which is characteristic of autosomes and X chromosomes of the homogametic sex; (2) ipsi-algorithm (the chromosome is transmitted from a parent to the offspring of the same sex as the parent), which is typical for the Y chromosome or of one of the X chromosomes of the homogametic sex (iX); and (3) contra-algorithm (the chromosome is transmitted from a parent to the offspring of the opposite sex), which characterizes X chromosomes of the heterogametic sex and the second X chromosome of the homogametic sex. The stochastic algorithm controls only the information shared by both sexes. Mixing genes in each fertilization, it maximizes unimodal genetic 'diversity and homogenizes and levels off all drastic changes. Consequently, it cannot generate genotypic sexual dimorphism. This algorithm, which realizes only programs of reproduction and recombination, is the most ancient, and existed prior to sexual differentiation. Nonstochastic algorithms appeared later than dioecy and deal with genetic information that is different in males and females, i.e., genotypic sexual dimorphism. They create, maintain, and regulate this type of dimorphism. The ipsi-algorithm initiates the program of differentiation, transmits information within one sex, creates the information potential between sexes (genotypic sexual dimorphism)—increases or-decreases it. The contra-algorithm, as the stochastic one, transmits information from one sex to the other, arid thus levels potentials, but, in contrast to the latter, it maintains genotypic sexual dimorphism rather than annihilating it. The combination of ipsi-algorithms develops and maintains a specific level of genotypic sexual dimorphism among subsystems and regulates it according to environmental conditions. The contra-algorithm acts as a stabilizer of genotypic sexual dimorphism (negative feedback), and the ipsi-algorithm, as a regulator (positive feedback) [44]. The combination of ipsi-contra associations is of general significance in all cases in which a "distance" between subsystems should be established and maintained. The same system of control underlies an unexplained fundamental phenomenon of neurobiology, the control by cerebral hemispheres of opposite parts of the body [34]. The same principle governs the regulation of sex hormones in males and females. To ensure the dichronous evolution of the sexes, the above algorithms operate in the following succession. (1) As, at the divergent phase only males evolve and genotypic sexual dimorphism arises and increases, new information should be transmitted only via the ipsi-algorithm. Evidently, as this phase is aimed at transporting information to the male genome and accumulating it there in the form of genotypic sexual dimorphism for subsequent testing, these aims can be realized only by the Y chromosome. (2) At the parallel phase, both sexes evolve, and the level of genotypic sexual dimorphism is constant. Consequently, new information must be transferred from the Y, chromosome to the female genome. This can be performed only by the contra-X chromosome. (3) At the convergent phase, females evolve and genotypic sexual dimorphism decreases and disappears. For this, the reception of new information from the environment by the Y chromosome must stop, and the transmission of this information to the female genome Via X chromosomes must continue. Evolutionary Routes of Genes in Chromosomes As many generations are required to test a gene on the Y chromosome, a new gene must remain there for this time period. Both in plants and animals (Lebistes, Melandrium), only some genes of the Y chromosome are located in the conjugating region in the partial conjugation of the X and Y chromosomes [11-13]. If new genes directly entered this region, they would immediately be transmitted to the female genome. However, this contradicts the rationale of the theory of dichronous evolution of sexes. Consequently, the "input" and "output" of the Y chromosome must be localized at a distance. The time required for a gene to move along the Y chromosome to the region conjugating with the X chromosome corresponds to sexual dichrohism. Because of this, only genes that passed the "quarantine" in the Y chromosome enter the conjugating region and are transmitted via unequal crossing over between the Y and X chromosomes to the female genome. 1998 Evol Role Sex Chr Genetika Eng transl.doc Apparently, in the X chromosome, the input and output are remote from each other. Moving along the X chromosome, "young" genes are tested in the hemizygous state in the male genome (Fig. 3). Thus, prior to entering autosomes, each new gene is tested twice in the sex chromosomes: first at the divergent phase in the Y chromosome, and then, at the parallel phase, in the contra X chromosome. As recessive genes are expressed only in males, selection acts exclusively on this sex. In general, the hypothetic scenario of gene transfer in cascade (sequential) chromosome evolution can be visualized as follows. When a new gene appears, environment → cytoplasm → Y → cXm → cXf → (iX?) → A; when a used gene is lost, A → iX → cXf → cXm. As in sexual differentiation, there is a dichronomorphism of characters, autosomal-gonosomal differentiation must produce the oligochronomorphism of genes, i.e., three out of four times of appearance and the same number of localization types (Y, cX, A, iX) of one gene. The direction of evolution of chromosomal oligomorphism (iX → A → cX → Y) and sexual dimorphism (females → males) is always opposite to that of the information flow (Y → cX → A → iX, males → females) and can serve as an evolutionary "compass" (Fig. 2). If the route of genes is known, the principle of their localization in chromosomes can be determined. Fig. 3. The hypothetical scheme of the route of a gene in sex chromosomes at the evolutionary stages. E, environment (cytoplasm). Chromosome regions: a, the input of the Y chromosome not participating in crossing over with the cXm chromosome; b, the output of the Y chromosome participating in the unequal crossing over with the cXm chromosome; c, the input of the cXf chromosome participating in the unequal crossing over with the Y chromosome; d, the output of the cXm participating in the unequal crossing over with the cXf chromosome; e, the input of the iX chromosome participating in the unequal crossing over with the cXf chromosome; f, the output of the iX chromosome, translocations of genes on autosomes; g, the input of autosomes receiving translocations. Gene transfer: (1) from the environment to the Y chromosome (mutation); (2) along the Y chromosome from the nonconjugating (a) to the conjugating (b) region; (3) unequal crossing over Y → cXm; (4) along the cX chromosome in the male and female genomes; (5) vertical cX algorithm (father → daughter); (6) unequal crossing over cXm → iX; (7) along the iX chromosome; (8) translocations (plasmids, viruses) iX chromosome → autosomes; (9) along autosomes. What Genes Are Localized in Sex Chromosomes and in Autosomes ? The classical chromosomal theory does not give an answer to this question. However, the very name of sex chromosomes (gonosomes) implicates that they carry genes for characters associated with sex and reproduction, and, consequently, autosomes carry genes for non-sexual, somatic characters; i.e., genes are localized in chromosomes according to the reproductive criterion. The new concept gives a definite answer to the above question: sex chromosomes must carry genes for evolving characters, and autosomes, genes for constant (stable) ones; i.e., the criterion is evolutionary (Table 2). What are facts? It is evident that 29 out of 30 genes determining color in guppy (with the exception of one autosomal gene) [12, 13] and Y-chromosome genes determining hairy ears and webbed feet in humans are evolutionarily new somatic mutations that are n6t directly associated with reproduction. At the same time, genes controlling "the most reproductive" characters, i.e., primary sexual traits (gametes, gonads, and genitalia), are localized in autosomes. These facts contradict traditional views and confirm the new concept, according to which the main difference between genes located in autosomes and sex chromosomes concern^ evolution rather than reproduction. 1998 Evol Role Sex Chr Genetika Eng transl.doc Table 2. Which genes are localized on autosomes and which on sex chromosomes? Combination of characters* S, C Localization of genes according to the classical theory according to the new concept Sexual dimorphism The basis of sexual dimorphism A A — — R, C A SC RSD Phenotypic S, E A SC ESD Genotypic R, E SC SC SD+ESD Phen + gen * S, somatic; C, constant; R, reproductive; E, evolving; SC, sex chromosomes; SD, sexual dimorphism; RSD, reproductive sexual dimorphism; BSD, evolutionary sexual dimorphism. Dichronous evolution means that, in the gene pool of a dioecious population, genes can be classified into the following three groups according to their evolutionary age and localization in chromosomes of males and females. (1) Exclusively male Y- and X-chromosome genes. These are new, "young," "tomorrow" genes determining future characters that appeared in males but were not yet tested, transmitted to autosomes, and shared. (2) Shared (working, "today") genes. These constitute the main part of the genome, are localized in autosomes, and are present simultaneously in both sexes. (3) Female X-chromosome (old, having worked in autosomes, "yesterday") genes. These genes were already lost by males but still preserved in females as atavistic prior to elimination. The existence of group 3 is proved by the theory and follows from known facts and phenomena that cannot be otherwise explained [41, 43, p. 13]. These genes are probably localised in a special region of the X chromosome (or maybe in autosomes) and are transferred to the male genome only for elimination. As gonosomal genes evolve and autosomal genes are stable, the ratio of gonosomal to autosomal genes (G/A) reflects the evolutionary plasticity of the population. Populations continuously living in a constant environment lack gonosomal genes (G/A = 0); the more variable the environment, the higher the G/A ratio. Consequently, there must be an equilibrium [A] ↔ [G] similar to that of the sex ratio [females] ↔ [males]. This equilibrium depends on the environment and shifts to the right and to the left in extreme and optimal environments, respectively. When populations mix, autosomal genes become mixed in the first-generation progeny, whereas gonosomal genes remain differentiated between sexes during the period of sex dichronism (see Fig. 4). According to the chromosomal and sexual localization of underlying genes, sexual dimorphism can be classified into three types. (1) After appearance of any character, male genes form a dichronous (gonosomic) temporary evolutionary genotypic sexual dimorphism of a "futuristic" nature. As these genes reach autosomes and become shared by sexes, genotypic sexual dimorphism disappears. (2) However, for characters that have different selective values in males and females, genotypic sexual dimorphism is maintained by sex hormones and is transformed into autosomal (constant phenotypic sexual dimorphism. For these (primary and secondary sexual) characters, genotypic sexual dimorphism is absent, whereas the presence and level of the expression of phenotypic sexual dimorphism determines the hormonal sex of the individual. (3) In the loss of any character, female genes also form a dichronous temporary evolutionary genotypic sexual dimorphism that is of an atavistic nature. This dimorphism appears when a shared gene is transformed into a female one and disappears when this genes is eliminated in the contra-X chromosome. Constant phenotypic sexual dimorphism is constitutive (basic), and evolutionary genotypic sexual dimorphism is facultative and can develop only on the basis of the constitutive one. An evolving reproductive character can have a double (constant and evolutionary) genotypic sexual dimorphism. 1998 Evol Role Sex Chr Genetika Eng transl.doc Fig. 4. Autosomal (A) and gonosomal (G) genes. Abscissa: genotypes X for the given character; ordinate: their frequency v in the population. GPD, genotypic sexual dimorphism. In populations continuously living in the constant environment, all genes are localized in autosomes; consequently, distributions of male and female genotypes coincide: G/A = 0, GSD = 0, phenotypic sexual dimorphisms 0, "tomorrow" and "yesterday" genes and reciprocal effects are absent, the character is constant (1). In populations living in the changing environment, autosomal and gonosomal (male Gm and female Gf) genes are present; this results in evolutionary plasticity, G/A ≠ 0, GSD ≠ 0; the characters evolve; reciprocal effects may be present (2). When the a and b populations are mixed, barriers between A genes (dotted line) disappear; i.e., genes are mixed in the F1 hybrids (3). The barriers between G genes (bold lines) remain for the period of the sexual dichronism. Because of this, two types of GPD and reciprocal hybrids of both sexes can exist. As mentioned above, when the environment changes, females are moved from the zone of selection, whereas males remain in it. Thus, the latter must have a constant genotypic sexual dimorphism for the reaction norm already at the stage of stability. Genetic information on the broad reaction norm must be transmitted only maternally, and on the narrow reaction norm, paternally. This can be achieved via ipsialgorithms, i.e., the Y chromosome and the ipsi part of the X chromosome. Why are the narrow reaction norm and operative specialization characteristic of males rather than females, and can the opposite be true? Reversion of Sexual Dimorphism in Polyandry Polyandry, i.e., the mating of one female with several males, occurs in invertebrates, fishes, birds, and mammals. In polyandry, the female have a broader "section of the channel" than males for transmitting information to the progeny. In polyandric species, a reversion of sexual dimorphism is often observed: females are larger and brighter than males; males build nests, hatch eggs, care for the progeny, and do not fight for females. In polygyny, the opposite trends are observed. Thus, the direction of the dichrony and the ratio of evolutionary rates depend on the direction of polygamy, i.e., the ratio of channel sections. In a strictly monogamous population, males and females have the same average channel section; i.e., the number of fathers is equal to the number of mothers. In this case, the dispersions of ipsi-chromosomes in sons and daughters are identical. In polygyny, the number of mothers exceeds that of fathers, and the dispersion of the Y chromosome is lower in sons than that of the ipsi-X chromosome in daughters. In the case of polyandry, the situation is reversed. The dispersion of the Y chromosome in sons is inversely proportional to the number of fathers, and the dispersion of the ipsi-X chromosome in daughters, to the number of mothers. In addition, the Y chromosome triggers the synthesis of testosterone, the concentration of which determines sexual dimorphism. On the other hand, as shown above, the ratio between the reaction norms of males and females determines the genotypic sexual dimorphism for any trait. Thus, I can hypothesize that the reaction norm is inversely proportional to testosterone concentration, and consequently, the direction of genotypic sexual dimorphism, i.e., the ratio of evolutionary rates of males and 1998 Evol Role Sex Chr Genetika Eng transl.doc females (Em/Ef) with the ratio of their channel sections (Sf/Sm). Sf/Sm ~ Nfathers/Nmothers ~ σY/σiX ~ Tm/Tf ~ Rf/Rm ~ Em/Ef, where N is the number, σY and σiX are dispersions of Y chromosomes in sons and ipsi-X chromosomes in daughters, Tm and Tf are concentrations of testosterone, Rm and Rf are reaction norms in males and females, and ~ is the sign of the positive relationship. Thus, the roles of evolutionary "vanguard" and "rear-guard" are always played by the more polygamous and the more monogamous sex, respectively. The wide occurrence of polygyny in nature and the rare occurrence of polyandry are explained by the higher reproductive potential of males (higher number of male gametes). Polyandry in a strict sense does not exist, because the possibilities of females in this respect are limited, and they are capable only of oligoandry. On the basis of the above considerations, I can make the following prediction: in paternal half-sibs (the offspring of one father and different mothers), daughters have a higher viability, and in maternal half-sibs, sons. The Evolutionary Significance of Autosomes and Sex Chromosomes Autosomes, as analogues of females in populations, play the role of the conservative memory of the dioecious genome and the depot for stable genes shared by both sexes. They are aimed at the conservation of the genome. Evolutionarily, autosomes are the most ancient chromosomes and contain the basic information for the species. Their programs (reproduction and recombination) are also more ancient. Autosomes are stochastically inherited. They are mixed in each generation, ensuring maximum genotypic diversity. Consequently, in autosomes, especially in hermaphroditic organisms, programs of the sexual process are realized most efficiently. In this sense, autosomes can be named recombinational chromosomes. Sex chromosomes play the role of the operative memory or experimental genomic subsystem. Being analogous to males in populations, they are aimed at changing the genome. As a new character does not appear in the female genotype without prior testing in the male one, a new gene is not transferred to autosomes without testing in sex chromosomes. The main aim of sex chromosomes is developing dichronomorphism for effective evolution. Phylogenetically, sex chromosomes arose later than dioecy; i.e., they are evolutionarily younger than autosomes. Triggering and performing the differentiation program, they form conservative-operative subsystems in the population and distribute roles among them according to polygyny/polyandry. Because of this, the more monogamous and more polygamous sexes have respectively broader and narrower reaction norms, irrespective of the gametic type [36]. Thus, two independent, dichronously evolving subsystems separated by informational barriers are created. Regulating the rates of the horizontal transfer (along and among chromosomes), sex chromosomes control and restrict the transfer of new information to the female genome. These chromosomes mainly carry evolving genes that are being lost and acquired. Their activity is directed against the recombination program, as they restrict the male-male and female-female combinations. Thus, the efficiency of the sexual process is reduced twofold. In this sense, they can be called "antisex" rather than sex chromosomes. In view of their role, I should name them evolutionary chromosomes. The Y chromosome is a link between the genome and the environment (cytoplasm). For Drosophila, it was shown that reproductive isolation between races is determined by the incompatibility of the Y chromosome of one race with the cytoplasm of the other [45]. The Y chromosome is the "genomic gate" for new information. This chromosome transforms ecological information into genetic information; i.e., it creates new genes, mutations. The Y chromosome switches on male sex hormones and thus controls the male reaction norm. It carries "genes of tomorrow;" initiates, accelerates, and regulates sexual dichronomorphism. This chromosome provides "testing ground" and "quarantines" for new genes. In view of this, it should be named "the ecological chromosome." The contra-X chromosome transfers genes; links the Y chromosome and the female genome; and stabilizes, relaxes, and destroys sexual dichronomorphism in phylogeny. It is the transportation chromosome, in which young hemizygous in males genes are tested in ontogeny. As it is subjected to strong selection, it may be a place for the elimination of useless or deleterious genes coming from autosomes. The ipsi-X chromosome probably controls sex hormones and the female reaction norm (according to the polygamy/type). This chromosome carries female genes and/has a high content of modifier genes for quantitative traits. 1998 Evol Role Sex Chr Genetika Eng transl.doc The Evolution of Sex Determination and Sexual Dimorphism. Hormonal and Psychic Sex In the process of progressive evolution, the determination of sex passes from genie (in hermaphrodites) to chromosomal (in dioecious organisms) and genomic (in bees). This process is accompanied by an increase in the level of differentiation and by the expansion of sexual dimorphism. Asexual organisms lack sexual dimorphism; in hermaphrodites, it exists at the level of primary sexual traits (gametes, gonads, genitalia); monogamous dioecious organisms have sexual dimorphism at the organismic level (secondary sexual traits); polygamous dioecious organisms have it at the population level, including sexual dimorphism for the sex ratio and dispersion. Bees have genomic sexual dimorphism (haploidy-diploidy) and new conservativeoperative differentiation into casts. This differentiation implies the division of the species into two ecological subsystems: drones of other (rich) families and worker bees, which bring information from neighboring and remote (honey plants) environments, respectively. Genetically, worker bees are females, but, according to my concept, they function as a second ecological (male) sex. Thus, reproduction in bees is more advanced from an evolutionary viewpoint. In fish species having dwarf males (and probably ants and termites, which have casts), the second conservative-operative differentiation was based on the male genome, with the aim to transport ecological information to the female genome from two different environments. Based on the above considerations, the ecological subsystem could be distinguished in the ontogeny at other levels of sex determination: genic → hormonal → psychological. Androgens are interpreted as ecological hormones that bring the system closer to the environment, and estrogens are interpreted as hormones protecting the system from environmental effects. At the behavioral and psychological levels, lefthanders and right-handers can be regarded as analogues of males and females, respectively. By analogy with the sex ratio (males/females), the ratios androgens/estrogens and left-handers/right-handers (percentage of left-handers) act as regulators of the distance from the environment and evolutionary plasticity that decreases in optimal environments and increases in extreme environments [46]. Experimental confirmation of the key idea of the 1965 theory of dichronous evolution of sexes was first obtained in 1987 [17]. The number of cell divisions in spermatogenesis is much higher than the corresponding number in oogenesis; errors in DNA replication and repair are the main source of mutations for molecular evolution. Consequently, the frequency of mutations in sex chromosomes must be higher than in autosomes. On the basis of this, males were assumed to generate mutations (at least for the evolution of mammals). It was repeatedly shown in Drosophila, silkworm, and mammals (including humans) that the level of both spontaneous and induced mutation in heterogametic and homogametic males is higher than in females [47]. Comparison of nucleotide substitutions in human and murine and rat autosomes, X chromosomes, and Y chromosomes demonstrated that males act as the main source of mutation for molecular evolution. Moreover, the ratio of evolution rates Y : A : X = 2.2 : 1 : 0.6 corresponds to the theoretically expected 2 : 1 : 2/3 ratio [17]. Using a similar method, other authors compared the Y/X ratio of nucleotide substitution in synonymous genes of humans, orangutans, baboons and squirrel monkeys. The Y-chromosome genes of these species were shown to diverge faster and to a farther distance than the X-chromosome genes. Thus, in higher primates, males also lead molecular evolution [18]. The title of both articles begin with the words maledriven evolution. The number of such studies has been increasing. I cited only two of them: the first and the second, which, in my opinion, are the most elegant. These experiments fully confirm the theory of the dichronous evolution of sexes at the molecular level. As the new concept of sex chromosomes is an isomorphic extrapolation of the same ideology from the population to the chromosomal level, these studies can be regarded as conforming the main points of my concept of sex chromosomes. WHAT CAN BE EXPLAINED AND PREDICTED ON THE BASIS OF THE NEW CONCEPT? The new concept revises century-old notions on sex chromosomes. Their significance receives a radically different (sometimes an opposite) interpretation. For instance, their main role is not reproductive (determination of sex), as believed earlier, but evolutionary, i.e., the creation of dichronomorphism for economical evolution, even at the cost of reproduction. Sex chromosomes change and regulate the 1:1 sex ratio rather than maintain it. Based on the new concept, the phenomenon of the unequal Y → X crossing over 1998 Evol Role Sex Chr Genetika Eng transl.doc and the association of the Y chromosome with retroviruses can be explained. DNA regions of murine X and Y chromosomes were studied by hybridization with retroviral DNA. DNA of murine retroviruses was revealed in Y chromosomes of ten different lines of mice, whereas in their X chromosome, this DNA was absent. Another phenomenon that is explained on the basis of the new concept is the capacity of the sperm of many species to bind alien DNA and transfer it into the egg by fertilization. This was first observed in 1971, in an experiment on the introduction of the DNA of virus SV40 in rabbit sperm [48]. However, at that time, this discovery did not receive proper attention. Later, it was confirmed and extrapolated to other animal species (mice, sea urchins, bees, chickens, swine, cattle, and humans). Studies in which sperm was used as a vector for producing transgenic animals have received much consideration [49]. Thus, based on my concept, an important conclusion (prediction) can be made: alien DNA or viruses are bound only by Y-chromosomecarrying sperm; therefore, transgenic animals must consist mostly of males. Studies of mutation bursts, insertion mutagenesis, and "jumping genes" are intensely developing lines of research that are directly related to the concept of sex chromosomes. This concept can explain where and why genes "jump," why the transpositions of mobile elements depend on ecological stresses (temperature, Yradiation, chemical substances, hybrid dysgenesis, etc.), why different genes mutate simultaneously, what the source of mutations is (oogenesis or spermatogenesis), autosomes or sex chromosomes, X or Y chromosomes, and so on. As far as I know, these questions have not been even posed. The concept offers a different explanation to numerous obscure events listed at the beginning of this paper. For instance, the condensation of the X chromosome in the female genome (Barr's body), irrespective of the gametic type, is interpreted as a barrier to the spreading of new, nontested information in females rather than gene-dose compensation; as pointed out above, the latter explanation is a fallacy. Euchromatic Y chromosomes of plants and nucleotide repeats dispersed among chromosomes are explained by the relatively late evolution of sex differentiation in plants as compared to animals [11]. If nucleotide repeats are required for the formation of new genes (before the appearance of sex chromosomes, new genes arose in all chromosomes), the dispersion of repeats in chromosomes reflects an earlier stage of sex differentiation. The ecological Y chromosome must be closely associated with stress. This explains a number of previously known facts, e.g., the relatively larger size of the Y chromosome in some ethnic or social groups and the higher dispersal of this chromosome in rodents in zones of high seismic activity. I believe that, in the latter case, it is explained by stresses from frequent earthquakes rather than by high radiation levels or radon concentrations, as argued the authors. A prediction may be made of the change in size and/or dispersion of the Y chromosome in regions of frequent or strong earthquakes, other calamities, and social stresses (genocide, wars, migrations, hunger, etc.). The same must happen in intensely selected animals and plants. The present paper is theoretical (see the epigraph and [50]). It is devoted to evolutionary relationships rather than concrete mechanisms underlying horizontal gene transfer, which requires special investigation. However, I hypothesize that mitochondrial DNA is associated with the Y chromosome, which acts as a source of induced and directed evolutionary potential rather than spontaneous and random mutations. This is a program for future investigation. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I am grateful toYu.G. Rychkov andYu.F. Bogdanov for their discussion, helpful criticisms and advice. REFERENCES 1. Einstein, A., Fizika i rea’lnost' (Physics and Reality), Moscow, 1965. 2. Frankfurt, W.I., Dzhozaiya Villard Gibbs (Josaya Willard Hibbs), Moscow, 1964, p. 76. 3. Geodakian, V.A., The Role of Sexes in the Transfer and the Transformation of Genetic Information, Probl. Peredachi lnf., 1965, vol. l. no. l, pp. 105-113. 4. Geodakian, V.A., Evolutionary Theory of the Sex, Priroda, 1991, no. 8, pp. 60-69. 5. Geodakian, V.A., The Theory of Sex Differentiation in Human Problems, Chelovek v sisteme nauk (Humans in the System of Sciences), Moscow: Nauka, 1989. 6. 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