Constitution & By-Laws - Murray State University

Revised April 16, 2010
of the
Murray State University Inter-Fraternity Council
Article I: Name and Purpose
Section 1.
The name of this organization shall be the Murray State University
Inter-Fraternity Council (hereafter called the I.F.C.).
Section 2.
The purpose of the I.F.C. shall be to develop and maintain
fraternity life and inter-fraternity relations at a high level of
accomplishment and in doing so, consider the goals and ideals of
member groups as continually applicable to campus and personal
life. Promote superior scholarship as basic to intellectual
achievement; cooperate with member fraternities and the
university administration in concern for and maintenance of high
social and moral standards. Act in accordance with all rules
established by the university as not to violate the standards of
behavior established by the institution, nor the sovereign rights and
privileges extended to the membership of member fraternities by
their national grand chapter.
Article II: Membership and Voting
Section 1.
Regular member fraternities shall receive all rights and privileges
in the I.F.C. and shall adhere to its rules and regulations.
Section 2.
There shall be two levels of membership within the I.F.C.: Regular
and Colony.
Section 3.
Regular membership is defined as any fraternity possessing a
charter recognized by the National Inter-fraternity Conference,
National Pan-Hellenic Conference and/or by the National
Panhellenic Conference.
Section 4.
Colony membership is defined as a national fraternity chapter in
the active process of achieving chartered status.
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Section 5.
All member fraternities of regular status shall receive two votes.
Section 6.
Colonies shall receive one vote.
Section 7.
Non-members of the Inter-Fraternity Council (not to include the
I.F.C. advisor) may petition to appear at all regular meetings for
the purpose of announcing events or making special presentations.
Except for these presentations, I.F.C. meetings shall be closed to
Section 8.
Active members and pledges must have a minimum cumulative
G.P.A. of two point three (2.3) or a term G.P.A. of two point five
(2.5) at the end of each semester in order to remain in good
standing with the chapter for the following semester. If a member
falls below this standard, they will be placed on social probation.
This means that they can only participate in brotherhood events.
They are not allowed to participate in mixers, parties, or
intramurals representing their chapter.
Article III: Powers of I.F.C.
Section 1.
The Murray State University I.F.C. shall have the following
The power to impose and collect monetary fines.
The power to deduct points toward the All Sports Trophy
and not to allow a fraternity to compete for points.
Only with a two-thirds majority vote can the I.F.C. deny
Only with a two-thirds majority vote can the I.F.C. deny
voting privileges in I.F.C. for up to one year.
Only with a two-thirds majority vote can the I.F.C. impose
official I.F.C. censure. Copies of all censure actions shall
be sent to the national office of the group at whom the
censure is directed.
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The power to refer a fraternity to the Student Affairs office
for disciplinary action for violation of University
Section 2.
The I.F.C. shall have the right to reserve and enumerate the powers
that it deems necessary and proper to effectively execute its goals
and duties.
Article IV: Composition of the I.F.C.
Section 1.
I.F.C. shall be composed of two members from each member
Section 2.
Each chapter shall have one established senior member and one
established junior member.
Section 3.
The senior member from each chapter must be the president of that
respective chapter. The junior member is elected/appointed with
the discretion of the chapter.
Section 4.
Junior members of each chapter shall be established no later than
the final meeting of the previous semester.
Section 5.
Senior and junior members of each chapter shall be the voting
body (hereafter referred to as the General Assembly).
Section 6.
The General Assembly shall elect from amongst the body a
president, vice-president, rush chairman, social chairman,
secretary/treasurer, and a Greek Judicial Board representative, .
Section 7.
A two-thirds vote of the entire I.F.C. voting body shall remove an
officer from office. This vote shall be taken one (1) week
following the initial motion of removal.
Section 8.
If an I.F.C. office should become vacant, the I.F.C. shall give
written notice of no less than one week in advance to voting
member fraternities, informing them of the impending election to
fill the vacancy.
Section 9.
The vice-president of Internal Affairs shall assume the president
position, should the office of president become vacant for any
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reason. If this should occur, then the General Assembly shall
select a new vice-president via elections.
Section 10.
Officer Elections
All officers, shall serve a one (1) year term.
Nominations for offices shall occur at the second to last
meeting in November (for the following spring semester
term) and April (for the following fall semester term).
Nominations will be reopened during the final meeting in
November for the spring (April for the fall), directly before
elections for each office take place.
Each nominee will be allowed to speak for two minutes,
and another member of the I.F.C. will be allowed to speak
on his behalf for two minutes.
The nominee with the most votes for each respective office
will take office immediately following the elections at the
final meeting in November/April.
The former officers are required to remain installed for
advisement purposes of the newly elected members for the
remaining of the semester after installment.
Article V: The Office of President
Section 1.
The president shall:
Have the overall responsibility for the operation of the
Murray State University I.F.C..
Call and preside at all regular and all special meetings of
the Murray State University I.F.C..
Endorse, along with the secretary/treasurer, all checks
written on behalf of the I.F.C..
Endorse, along with the vice-president, all contracts
involving the Murray State University I.F.C..
Appoint all special committees which he deems necessary
and proper for the effective operation of the I.F.C..
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Serve as member ex-officio of all I.F.C. committees,
having a voice but no vote.
Maintain a complete and up-to-date president’s file, which
must include a copy of the current Murray State University
I.F.C. constitution, by-laws and standing rules, and the
current I.F.C. budget.
(viii) Have the power to plan future programs and events based
on recommendations from member fraternities as deemed
necessary and proper.
Have the power to assure effective and organized execution
of planned programs and events.
Have the power to administer and regulate the enforcement
of all rules and regulations deemed necessary and proper
for the effective organization of Formal Rush, membership,
sports, and special events.
Article VI: Office of the Vice-President of Internal Affairs
Section 1.
The vice-president of Internal Affairs shall:
Perform the duties of the president in his absence, inability
to serve, or upon his request.
Serve as the non-voting chairman of the Judicial
Committee, Greek Judicial Board, and the Constitutional
Reform Committee. Only in the event of a tie will the vicepresident be permitted to cast a decisive vote.
Endorse, along with the president, all contracts involving
the Murray State University I.F.C..
Work in cooperation with the social chairman as the Head
of the coordination of MSU Greek Week. This
coordination will include members from the I.F.C., the
Panhellenic Council, and the National Pan-Hellenic
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Develop and oversee an IFC scholarship program.
Article VII: Office of the Vice President of External Affairs
The Vice President of External Affairs shall:
Work directly with the office of student affairs to advertise
I.F.C. in the Greek Brochure and Summer Orientations.
Be responsible for handling all outside events regarding
Be responsible for marketing I.F.C. on campus and the
community as well as addressing both the campus
newspaper and local community papers.
Oversee the I.F.C. website.
Serve as the liaison between I.F.C., Panhellenic Council,
and N.P.H.C. to keep all organizations informed on what
the others are doing.
Attend Panhellenic meetings as the I.F.C. representative.
Article VIII: Office of the Secretary/Treasurer
Section 1.
The secretary/treasurer shall:
Keep a current roster of the members of the I.F.C. and call
it at all council meetings.
Keep current statistics concerning the names of all initiated
new members, pledges, and associates of each I.F.C.
member fraternity.
Keep full minutes of all meetings of the Murray State
University I.F.C. and a record of all actions taken by the
Judicial Committee.
Distribute to each member fraternity of the I.F.C. a copy of
the minutes of the previous meeting at the current meeting
being held.
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Maintain a complete and current file which will include the
minutes of every I.F.C. meeting, Judicial Committee
meeting, and a copy of all contracts made by the I.F.C..
Sign I.F.C. contracts when authorized to do so by the
Be responsible for the general supervision of the finances
of the Murray State University I.F.C..
(viii) Be responsible for the preparation of the annual budget and,
following its approval by the General Assembly of the
I.F.C., also be responsible for providing a copy of this
budget to the individual member fraternities of Murray
State University I.F.C..
Maintain current financial records, give a financial report at
each regular meeting of the I.F.C., and an annual report at
the close of each academic year.
Receive all payments due the I.F.C., and collect all dues of
the member fraternities.
Be responsible for the prompt payment of all bills of the
Murray State University I.F.C..
Be responsible for the coordination of the all-Greek
Blackboard communications system with Panhellenic
Council and the National Pan-Hellenic Council.
Article IX: Office of the Social Chairman
Section 1.
The social chairman shall:
Be responsible for keeping an up to date calendar including
all of the member fraternities’ events, and reporting these
events to the General Assembly of the I.F.C. at least two
(2) weeks before the events will occur.
Coordinate fraternity sports with the Campus Recreation
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Work with the vice-presidents and other Greek councils on
the scheduling of Murray State University Greek Week.
Serve as the liaison to all outside organizations.
Maintain and report back to I.F.C. all upcoming events and
issues discussed in outside meetings.
Assist officers of the I.F.C. in assuring member fraternity
compliance with the Murray State University Greek Social
Event Policy and the I.F.C. Social Events Policy.
Article X: Office of the Rush Chairman
Section 1.
The Rush Chairman shall:
Report and oversee all rush infractions.
Be responsible for providing each member fraternity with a
copy of the current rush rules and regulations.
Publicize Formal Rush and rush registration.
Oversee the production of the I.F.C. rush posters.
Oversee rush registration, which includes the scheduling of
rush registration workers, all paperwork with potential
rushees and producing the final master rush list.
Article XI: Office of the Assistant Rush Chairman
Section 1.
The Assistant Rush Chairman shall:
Report directly to the Rush Chairman.
Manage the rush committee and utilize its members.
Double check all documents to be submitted for printing,
such as posters or T-shirts.
Be a member from a different fraternity as the Rush
Article XII: Greek Judicial Board Representative
Section 1.
The Greek Judicial Board representative shall:
Shall attend all Greek Judicial Board hearings and represent
the I.F.C..
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Shall hold a one (1) year term upon being elected in the
previous spring semester.
Article XIII: I.F.C. Advisors
Section 1.
An advisor to the I.F.C. must be appointed at all times.
Section 2.
The I.F.C. may, through a majority vote, elect any advisors that it
deems necessary.
Section 3.
The I.F.C may discontinue an advisor’s relationship by a majority
Section 4.
The I.F.C. advisor must be a full-time Murray State University
faculty or staff member.
Section 5.
The I.F.C. advisor shall have a voice but no vote.
Section 6.
The I.F.C. advisor shall:
Set and oversee all new member classes, designed to
educate and inform new members of fraternity issues facing
Track and report each fraternity’s attendance record for the
new member classes.
Monitor the grades of all new members of member
Make suggestions to improve the scholastic achievement of
new members in chapters whose new member G.P.A. is not
in compliance with I.F.C. regulations.
Article XIV: Committees of the I.F.C.
Section 1.
The president shall appoint all committees he deems necessary.
Care will be taken that all fraternities receive equal opportunities
on these committees.
Section 2.
The final lists of committee members shall be approved by a
majority vote of the I.F.C.
Section 3.
A Constitutional Reform Committee consisting of one voting
member from each member fraternity of the I.F.C. shall be called
upon as needed.
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Article XV: Dues
Section 1.
Colonies shall pay seventy-five cents ($0.75) per member, per
Section 2.
Dues for regular members each semester shall be one dollar and
fifty cents ($1.50) per active per semester, not to exceed eightyfive dollars ($85.00).
Section 3.
Each member fraternity shall be required to collect and redistribute
to I.F.C. a fifteen dollar ($15.00) rush fee from each new member.
Section 4.
Said charges shall be paid in full within two weeks after Formal
Rush for that semester.
Section 5.
Failure to pay within this time period will result in a ten percent
(10%) increase in dues for that semester, and until the bill is settled
the member fraternity shall have voice but no vote in the I.F.C.
Article XVI: Absences
Section 1.
The absence of any established member from any regular or
special meeting shall be punishable by a fine of fifty dollars
Section 2.
The absence of any member fraternity of regular status from any
regular or special meeting shall be punishable by a fine of one
hundred dollars ($100.00).
Section 3.
Any member, senior or junior, may miss no more than two (2)
meetings in an academic year. Of those, no more than one (1) may
be unexcused. If a third (3rd) meeting time is missed, then that
individual representative will be brought before the General
Assembly for disciplinary action.
Section 4.
Two (2) absences of a member fraternity of regular status in a
semester will result in a letter being sent to the member fraternity.
Three (3) absences in a semester will result in a letter being sent to
that member fraternity’s national headquarters.
Section 5.
An absence of any established member without provision of a
designated substitute shall result in the loss of one (1) vote in the
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event a vote should be taken on that date of absence and a fine of
fifty dollars ($50.00).
Section 6.
An absence of a member fraternity without substitute shall result in
a fine of one hundred dollars ($100.00).
Article XVII: Definition of an Active
Section 1.
An active shall be any dues paying person recognized by a member
fraternity’s national headquarters as an active and currently
enrolled at Murray State University.
Section 2.
To maintain a current roster of active fraternity membership, a list
must be turned in within three (3) weeks of the first day of class
indicating the status of all members from I.F.C. member
Article XVIII: Sports Regulations
Section 1.
The handling of the Greek League in intramural sports shall be
delegated to the Intra-Collegiate Sports and Recreation Office
except for punishments enforced by the I.F.C. Judicial Committee.
Section 2.
Any person who does not have a minimum cumulative G.P.A. of
two point three (2.3) or a term G.P.A. of two point five (2.5) is not eligible
for participation in intramural sports.
Article XIX: Amendments
Section 1.
This constitution may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the
membership of the Murray State University I.F.C.
Section 2.
All amendments must also meet the approval of the Vice-President
of Student Affairs, or his designee.
Section 3.
A three-fourths majority vote of the entire I.F.C. membership will
override the veto exercised by the Vice-President of Student
Affairs or his designee.
Section 4.
As needed, the Constitutional Reform Committee may amend this
constitution without General Assembly approval.
Section 5.
This constitution will be reviewed in full at least every two (2)
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Article XX: Rules of Procedures
Section 1.
Unless contrary to the I.F.C. Constitution, Robert’s Rules of Order
shall govern all meetings.
Title II: RUSH
Article I: Definition of a Rushee
Section 1.
A rushee or potential member is any non-Greek male who is
currently enrolled at Murray State University.
Article II: Rush
Section 1.
No fraternity shall install any rushee that has not completed at least
twelve (12) hours and have at least a two point three G.P.A. (2.3),
except when the rushee is a first semester freshmen in which case
the rushee must be of “Admitted” status. Rushees with “Admitted”
status must have a minimum composite score of a twenty-one (21)
on the A.C.T. with a three point zero (3.0) high school G.P.A.
verified by a high school transcript. Rushees with “Admitted with
Restrictions” status shall be referred to the Office of Student
Affairs and will be considered eligible on a case by case basis.
“Admitted,” and “Admitted with Restrictions” are spelled out in
the Murray State University Undergraduate bulletin.
Section 2.
First semester freshmen who can transfer with at least twelve (12)
hours to Murray State University from one of the United States
Armed Forces, shall be eligible for fraternity rush if their
cumulative G.P.A. is at least a two point three (2.3).
Section 3.
Any student with a college G.P.A. is eligible for rush based upon
the following standards:
i.)If the chapter pledge class term G.P.A. for the previous
semester is two point five (2.5) and above, they may recruit
new members that have a two point three (2.3) cumulative
G.P.A. or above.
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ii.) If the chapter pledge class term G.P.A. is below two
point five (2.5) for the previous semester, they have to
recruit new members that have a two point five (2.5)
cumulative or above.
iii.) There is no appeal process for exemptions to this
Section 4.
Any member fraternity requesting special consideration due to an
inadequacy of the constitutional requirements shall meet with the
I.F.C. advisor concerning a particular rushee's status.
Section 5.
All potential rushees must be verified by the I.F.C. advisor before
bid distribution.
Section 6.
All potential rushees will be required to get a card stamped three
times before he will be eligible to receive a bid from anyone. If
they attend the All Greek event on the first day of Rush week, they
will receive one stamp from I.F.C. and only be required to visit
two other fraternities to be eligible. If potential rushees do not
attend the All Greek event, they will be required to visit three
fraternities before being eligible for a bid.
Potential rushees must be respectful and attend the
event for at least one half hour in order to have their
card stamped by the individual fraternities.
Article III: Rush Week
Section 1.
Formal Rush will be on dates designated by the I.F.C. during the
previous semester.
Section 2.
Official colonies of the I.F.C. will be allowed to participate in rush.
Section 3.
No fraternity member will be allowed on the property or event of
another fraternity during the other fraternity's rush function. This
violation is applicable only if the two fraternities in question will
contest as such. This excludes I.F.C. members who are checking
the status of a rush event.
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Section 4.
Bids will be distributed on the last day of rush week at a time and
place designated by the Rush Chairman.
Section 5.
No fraternity shall hold a rush function on the first day of Formal
Rush, provided there is an all-Greek function. No girls will be
allowed to attend the all-Greek function. If there is no all-Greek
function, then each fraternity may be allowed to hold their own
rush function.
Section 6.
Each member fraternity shall be required to submit a list of new
members to the I.F.C. rush chairman by the next I.F.C. meeting
following formal new member introduction.
Section 7.
No member fraternity shall have any type of formal or informal
“bid acceptance” function until 5:00 p.m. on the Monday following
Formal Rush week.
Section 8.
Each member fraternity must submit its rush schedule to the I.F.C.
rush chairman by the last meeting of the previous semester.
Failure to do so may result in the said fraternity’s rush schedule
being omitted from the I.F.C. rush poster.
Section 9.
No fraternity shall have their philanthropy before Formal Rush
Section 10.
No fraternity shall host social functions beyond the scope of
private and exclusive functions as outlined in Title III, Article III,
of this constitution.
Section 11.
A unanimous vote shall be required to suspend Section 1., Section
5., or Section 9. of this article in regard to rush dates and times, bid
distribution, and formal or informal “bid acceptance” functions.
Article IV: Open Recruitment
Section 1.
In accordance with the North-American Inter-Fraternity
Conference By-Laws, Section 2: Standards, Campus Expectations,
Murray State University I.F.C. will support open recruitment and
will not prohibit any male enrolled as a full-time student in good
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standing from participating in recruitment activities and joining an
I.F.C. member fraternity.
Section 2.
The I.F.C. will not prohibit a member fraternity from recruiting
male students during the academic year following the conclusion
of Formal Rush week.
Section 3.
Open recruitment shall be continuous throughout the academic
year following the conclusion of Formal Rush week each semester.
Section 4.
Official colonies of the I.F.C. will be allowed to openly recruit.
Section 5.
Bids may be distributed any time during the fall and spring
semesters following the conclusion of Formal Rush week.
Section 6.
Bids may not be distributed during the summer or winter breaks or
Summer Orientation sessions.
Section 7.
Bid acceptances may not take place until twenty-four (24) hours
have elapsed after bid distribution.
Article V: Alcohol
Section 1.
The I.F.C. will support a dry rush program where no alcoholic
beverages will be served to any rushee during the prescribed
Formal Rush or open recruitment events.
Section 2.
Every fraternity shall abide by the rules set forth by the I.F.C.
Section 3.
No person shall consume alcohol while in the presence of a rushee
during Formal Rush and open recruitment events.
Section 4.
No person affiliated with any fraternity shall supply or transport
alcohol to any rushee, nor shall they transport any rushee to any
alcohol related establishments or activities during Formal Rush and
open recruitment events.
Article VI: Summer Orientation
Section 1.
No fraternity or fraternity member shall hold any alcohol related
functions or provide alcohol to summer orientation participants on
the days coinciding with Summer Orientation.
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Section 2.
No Summer Orientation participants shall be allowed on any
fraternity property during the days coinciding with Summer
Article I: Purpose
Section 1.
The purpose of the I.F.C. Social Events Policy shall be to ensure
the provision of a safe social environment for all persons that
attend fraternity sponsored social events where the consumption of
alcohol is deemed likely to occur.
Article II: Definition of Social Event
Section 1.
Any social gathering consisting of host fraternity members and
more than fifty (50) non-members no younger than 18 years of age
at any location owned, leased, or rented by the host fraternity
where the consumption of alcohol is deemed likely to occur.
Article III: Categories of Social Events
Section 1.
Exclusive social events shall be defined as ‘any scheduled social
event consisting of fraternity members governed by the
I.F.C., N.P.H.C., and females no younger than 18 years of age.’
Section 2.
Limited social events shall be defined as ‘any scheduled social
event consisting of members governed by the I.F.C., NPHC, and
persons no younger than 18 years of age.’
Section 3.
Philanthropic social events shall be defined as ‘any scheduled
social event consisting of members governed by the I.F.C., NPHC
and persons no younger than 18 years of age and that is held in
conjunction with the official philanthropic activity registered with
the Panhellenic Council.’
Section 4.
Scheduled social events with Greek organizations (hereafter called
Mixers) shall be defined as ‘any scheduled social event consisting
of fraternity members governed by the I.F.C., N.P.H.C. and
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sorority members governed by the Panhellenic Council or the
Section 5.
Philanthropic social events shall be subject to all stipulations set
forth regarding Limited social events.
Section 6.
Private social events shall be defined as any scheduled social event
consisting of host fraternity members and females no younger than
eighteen (18) years of age. Private social events are commonly
referred to as family parties.
Section 7.
Private social events (theme parties, crush dances, etc.) shall be
subject to all stipulations set forth regarding Exclusive Social
Section 8.
Alumni and parent social events are not subject to the I.F.C. Social
Events Policy.
Section 9.
Events where alcohol is not present are not subject to the I.F.C.
Social Events Policy.
Article IV: Scheduling Restrictions on Social Events
Section 1.
All social events are to be scheduled in accordance with the
Murray State University Greek Social Events Policy and any
stipulations set forth by the I.F.C. in Title III: Article IV of
this constitution.
Section 2.
Exclusive social events shall be permitted throughout the duration
of the calendar year except during those time frames outlined in
Title II: RUSH and Title IV, Article VII: Philanthropy Events.
Section 3.
Limited social event dates shall not coincide with those time
frames outlined in Title II: RUSH and Title IV: Article VII:
Philanthropy Events.
Section 4.
Limited social events shall not be scheduled earlier than the day
after the conclusion of formal fraternity rush.
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Section 5.
Scheduling of Limited social events shall be unlimited during
summer and winter breaks except when in lieu of summer
orientation sessions.
Section 6.
Limited social events held by more than one participating
fraternity shall be recorded the responsibility of the fraternity who
possesses liability over the event venue.
Section 7.
Each fraternity shall be permitted to schedule one (1) Philanthropic
social event per year, and it has to be registered with I.F.C. one
month in advance.
Section 8.
In the event ‘a member fraternity chooses not to host a
Philanthropic social event’ or ‘there is a time conflict within the
Panhellenic Council calendar’, the chapter shall have an
opportunity to substitute a Limited social event in place of that
Philanthropic social event.
Section 9.
Mixers shall be scheduled in accordance with the Murray State
University Greek Social Event Policy, national and local by-laws
of the participating sorority (sororities), and any stipulations
mandated by the Murray State University Panhellenic Council or
National Pan-Hellenic Council.
Article V: Attendance of Social Events
Section 1.
All social events shall be conducted in accordance with the
Murray State University Greek Social Event Policy and the
I.F.C. Social Events Policy.
Section 2.
All social events shall have no more than one (1) entry point
granting access to the venue.
Section 3.
I.F.C. fraternity members attending an Exclusive social event
hosted by a different fraternity shall be required to present a
personal MSU identification card. NPHC fraternity members
must list themselves as such on the guest list for admittance.
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Section 4.
All persons not attending Murray State University must present a
valid identification card confirming a specific address that is to be
recorded on the guest list.
Section 5.
All persons attending a social event, including the host fraternity,
shall be affixed a wristband verifying age as either ‘of legal
drinking age’ or ‘not of legal drinking age’ for admittance.
Section 6.
The distribution of any physical form of alcohol at social events
hosted by member fraternities of regular status is prohibited unless
full liability is relieved for that distribution by a hired third-party
vendor. Third party vendors are required to affix a monetary dollar
amount to each beverage. This amount is to be charged
specifically to the consumer of the alcoholic beverage.
Article VI: Regulation of Social Events
Section 1.
I.F.C. officers and established members of the council, directed
by the officers, shall conduct random social evaluations of social
events to ensure compliance with the Murray State University
Greek Social Event Policy and the I.F.C. Social Events Policy.
Section 2.
Alleged violations of the Murray State University Social Event
Policy and/or the I.F.C. Social Events Policy witnessed by the
I.F.C. officers and/or established members of the council directed
by the officers shall be reported to the Greek Judicial Board. The
Judicial Board shall convene no later than one (1) week after the
alleged violation for enforcement and violation proceedings.
Section 3.
Guest lists shall be subject for review periodically to ensure
compliance with the Murray State University Greek Social Event
Policy and the I.F.C. Social Events Policy
Article I: Judicial Committee of the I.F.C.
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Section 1.
There shall be a Murray State University I.F.C. Judicial
Section 2.
It shall be the duty of the I.F.C. Judicial Committee to enforce the
policies and standards of the I.F.C. and to hear complaints
regarding alleged breaches of such policies and standards.
Section 3.
The I.F.C. Judicial Committee will be composed of the junior
Section 4.
The member fraternities involved directly in the prosecution or
defense in a respective judicial hearing shall have no vote in the
final decision of the Judicial Committee.
Section 5.
If there is a majority of the I.F.C. member fraternities involved in a
judicial hearing, the issue must be brought before the Greek
Judicial Board.
Section 6.
Appeal of an I.F.C. Judicial Committee decision may be made
provided that new evidence is discovered concerning the
questioned events. This new evidence shall be presented to the
chairman of the original trial, who shall determine the worthiness
of the evidence. If the evidence is deemed worthy, a new trial
shall transpire at the next scheduled I.F.C. meeting. At the appeal,
the president of the I.F.C. shall preside, and each fraternity not
serving as a party to the hearing shall receive one vote.
Section 7.
The I.F.C. Judicial Committee shall meet immediately following a
regularly scheduled I.F.C. meeting.
Section 8.
When the I.F.C. vice-president is a member of a fraternity involved
in a hearing, the president shall take his place as chairman of the
Judicial Committee.
Section 9.
A simple majority vote will determine the decision of the I.F.C.
Judicial Committee. The chairman of the Judicial Committee shall
vote only when needed as a tiebreaker.
Revised April 16, 2010
Article II: Charges
Section 1.
Charges made to the I.F.C. Judicial Committee may originate only
from individual fraternities or individual members of any fraternity
represented in the I.F.C.
Section 2.
Charges brought against any fraternity must be submitted to the
president within thirty (30) days after the violation has been
committed, for immediate referral to the Judicial Committee.
Section 3.
If thirty (30) days have transpired, the charges may still be heard
pending a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the I.F.C. in favor of hearing the
Section 4.
Any fraternity brought up on charges concerning the constitution
will be brought before the I.F.C. Judicial Committee.
Article III: Rush
Section 1.
Any fraternity accepting ineligible rushees, for any reason aside fro
academic violations, will lose those ineligible rushees and be fined
no less than one hundred and fifty dollars ($150.00) per ineligible
new member.
Section 2.
Any fraternity accepting a new member with below a two point
three 2.3 G.P.A. will lose those ineligible new members and be
fined no less than fifty dollars ($50.00).
Section 3.
Chapters whose new member classes do not achieve the G.P.A.
requirement will be placed on review the following semester.
Section 4.
Chapters whose new member classes do not achieve the G.P.A.
requirement that following semester will not be allowed to take
first semester freshmen the following fall semester, and each
subsequent fall semester until satisfactory academic performance
has been met.
Article IV: Summer Orientation
Section 1.
Any charges brought against a fraternity concerning charges
related to summer orientation rules, will be brought before the
president during the first scheduled meeting of the I.F.C. The
Revised April 16, 2010
procedures will be that of any other violation process. The I.F.C.
Judicial Committee will recognize special circumstances.
Section 2.
Any fraternity found guilty of violating alcohol related rules
concerning summer orientation will be subject to a fine of no less
than two hundred dollars ($200.00).
Article V: Formal Rush Week
Section 1.
Any fraternity found guilty of trespassing or causing damage on
another fraternity’s property during their rush function will be
subject to a fine of one hundred and fifty dollars ($150.00) and the
cost of repair for damages.
Section 2.
Any fraternity found guilty of slander against another fraternity
before, during, or after rush will be subject to a fine of no less than
two hundred and fifty dollars ($250.00).
Section 3.
Any fraternity that does not abide by the stipulations set forth by
the I.F.C. constitution concerning when bids are to go out during
Formal Rush will be subject to a fine of no less than fifty dollars
($50.00) and no more than one hundred dollars ($100.00) per bid.
Section 4.
Any fraternity found guilty of distributing alcohol to rushees,
allowing rushees to consume alcohol at rush events, participating
in the consumption of alcohol with rushees at any venue during
formal fraternity rush, or participating in the consumption of
alcohol in the presence of a rushee shall be subject to a fine of no
less than two hundred and fifty dollars ($250.00) and no more than
five hundred dollars ($500.00) and the fraternity will be limited
to installing only fifty percent (50%) of the previous
corresponding semester’s new member class.
Article VI: I.F.C. Social Events Policy
Section 1.
Alleged violations of the rules set forth in the I.F.C. Social Events
Policy shall be determined by I.F.C. officers or those established
members of the council delegated by the officers to maintain
such power.
Revised April 16, 2010
Section 2.
Any fraternity found in alleged violation of the rules set forth in
the I.F.C. Social Events Policy shall be subject to a formal hearing
of the Greek Judicial Board. The Greek Judicial Board
shall determine if a member fraternity is ‘guilty’ or ‘not guilty’ of
alleged violations. The board shall maintain the power
to determine monetary fines and/or restrict fraternal social
privileges as deemed necessary. The board shall ensure that
monetary fines abide by stipulations set forth in Section 3. of this
Section 3.
Any fraternity found guilty of violating the rules of the I.F.C.
Social Events Policy shall be subject to a fine of no less than two
hundred fifty dollars ($250.00) and no more than five hundred
dollars ($500.00).
Section 4.
Any violation of the rules set forth by the I.F.C. Social Events
Policy could result in referral to the Murray State University Office
of Student Affairs; the Greek Judicial Board will make this
Article VII: Philanthropy and Community Services Events
Section 1.
Member fraternities may not host any category of social event, not
including Exclusive social events, during those time frames that
coincide with the philanthropy and community service event dates
registered with the Panhellenic Council and I.F.C.
Section 2.
Member fraternities may not host social events while panhellenic
and I.F.C. members are having philanthropy and community
service events, with a registered social event.
Section 3.
I.F.C. Members are allowed to have one registered community
service event per school semester. This event must be registered
with I.F.C. one month in advance if the fraternity wishes to have a
social event on the day of their community service event. If the
fraternity is having a social event that corresponds with their
Revised April 16, 2010
community service event, no other fraternities may have social
Section 3.
Any charges of violations brought before the I.F.C. Judicial
Committee and found guilty shall be punishable by a fine of no
less than two hundred fifty dollars ($250.00) and no greater than
five hundred dollars ($500.00). The fine will be payable to the
aggrieved fraternity’s philanthropy, by the I.F.C., after being
turned over by the I.F.C.
Article I: Colony Status
Section 1.
A colony is a group containing ten or more members or potential
members of a national fraternity and is in the active process of
achieving chartered status. A letter is to be sent to the I.F.C.
president with the following information:
A roster of officers and active members.
A list of members who are certified as new members.
A brief history, purpose, and intention of the group.
A copy of the organization’s constitution and by-laws.
The national fraternity requirements for recognition of a
colony and proof of a national fraternity’s interest in
developing a chapter on the Murray State University
Have a cumulative G.P.A. of two point three (2.3) or
Section 2.
Groups meeting the above criteria may be admitted as conditional
members (colony status) of the I.F.C. by a majority vote of all
regular I.F.C. member fraternities.
Section 3.
Colony members may participate in Greek social and recreational
Revised April 16, 2010
Section 4.
Colony members must adhere to the following rules regarding
Colonies may participate in I.F.C Rush Week, and must
conform to the rules and standards set forth by the I.F.C.
regarding Rush.
In any semester, colonies shall not take any new members
until the last Sunday of Formal Rush Week at the time
determined by the I.F.C. Rush Chairman or in accordance
with the I.F.C. open recruitment policies.
After I.F.C. Formal Rush Week, colonies may participate in
continuous open recruitment for the remainder of the
Section 5.
Colonies are required to follow and adhere to all regular rules and
Regulations of I.F.C.
Article II: Petitioning for Regular Status
Section 1.
Colonies at Murray State University seeking admittance as regular
members of the I.F.C. shall conform to the constitution and bylaws of the I.F.C.
Section 2.
To gain full admittance to the I.F.C., the colony must follow these
Invite the I.F.C. advisor or someone designated by him to
attend one or more meetings with the group as an observer.
Submit a brief statement of the new member education and
scholarship programs of the local group.
Pay in advance to the I.F.C. one semester’s dues.
Earn a record of satisfactory attendance at I.F.C. meetings.
Give proof of a minimum of twenty (20) active members
having grades of two point three (2.3) cumulative or higher.
Submit a formal letter of petition to the president of the
I.F.C., which shall include the following information:
Revised April 16, 2010
a. The adequacy of the group’s finances, efficiency of its
accounting procedures, and a copy of the budget and
balance sheets to cover the period of the report.
b. A brief description of the group’s activities, programs,
and projects.
c. Indicate progress being made toward providing a
permanent meeting place and/or provisions for living
Article I: Disclaimer by the I.F.C.
Section 1.
The Murray State University I.F.C. is not responsible for any
sponsored activities by the members of the I.F.C. This includes
rush and non-rush related activities. The I.F.C. advisor is not
responsible for any actions by the member fraternities. This also
includes alcohol related events held by members of the I.F.C.