I certify that these minutes are a true and accurate record of the IEB meeting held on
Thursday 17 th July 2014 at 5.30pm
Signed……………………………………..Chair of IEB Date………………………………………………
Minutes of the Meeting of the Interim Executive Board on Thursday 17 th July 2014 at 5.30pm
1. Present & Apologies
Mr G Booth
Mrs U Hutchinson
Mr M Price
Mr R Stead
Mr P Whiteman
Non-members in attendance:
Mr M Snow Headteacher
Miss C Bailey Clerk to Governors
Apologies: Received and accepted from: None
Quorum: The meeting achieved the minimum number to be quorate (3) and remained above this number for the whole of the meeting.
Start & Finish Times: The meeting convened at 5.30pm and finished at
Key : Red: Action Points; Blue: Challenge, Purple: ring fenced funding.
2. Order of Business
A discussion on school relocation will take place at the end of the meeting. Mrs Bowen will join the meeting to cover items 7 & 8.
3. Declaration of Interest
No interests were declared.
4. Minutes and Matters Arising from 19 th June 2014
AP1. Mrs Hutchinson met with Mr Snow and her report is on this agenda.
AP2. Mr Stead and Mr Snow could not find a mutually convenient meeting time but will do so at the start of the next academic year.
AP3. EYFS and KS1 data summaries and tracking data for Years 3&4 have been distributed.
AP4. Mrs Hutchinson met with Mr Snow and her report is on this agenda.
AP5. Year 3 improvements and the class teacher progress will come to the meeting on 13 th
November 2014.
AP6. Board members will visit school during the two training days at the start of the autumn term.
AP7. Mrs Bowen will deliver her report to this meeting.
AP8. Eleven school staff have signed that they’ve read the Keeping Children Safe in
Education Part 1.
Action Point 1: Mr Snow will remind staff to read the document and sign the sheet.
Action Point 2: Clerk will resend the KCSiE document to the Board.
The Board unanimously agreed the minutes correct for signing.
5. Members Reports
Mr Booth: Mr Booth met with Mrs Bowen; he was impressed with the amount of preparation work she’d done for the meeting. The review of protocols and spending for next year is well advanced and she is liaising with Mr Whiting on the costs. Comparing
Barton to best practice needs further investigation.
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I certify that these minutes are a true and accurate record of the IEB meeting held on
Thursday 17 th July 2014 at 5.30pm
Signed……………………………………..Chair of IEB Date………………………………………………
Action Point 3: Mr Booth will research benchmarking for Pupil Premium.
Mrs Bowen will be filling in the Pupil Premium toolkit document. Mr Snow made the Board aware That Mr Minns will no longer be Barton’s HMI inspector and Andrew Best has been replaced by Jane Wilson. Mr Booth is confident that the evidence for SEN and Pupil
Premium is good.
Action Point 4: Mr Booth will monitor Pupil Premium three times a year at the end of each term.
Mrs Bowen joined the meeting at 5.40pm
Item 8 A paper was tabled on the Pupil Premium spend for 2013/2014 and a statement for the Pupil Premium principles at Barton. The Board looked at and discussed the principles document for the website. It was agreed to be too long for a ‘snapshot’ description for parents. The vision statement needs to be on the first page and the current ‘range of provision’ is possibly too long and should say ‘may include’ rather than consider; it is difficult to tie down strategies that may be used. It was agreed that the first bullet point should be around ‘accelerating the progress of children’.
Action Point 5: Mrs Bowen will rewrite the Pupil Premium website statement.
The board examined the 2013/14 spend document.
Members’ questions:
Q. The word ‘new’ is against some items; does this imply this will be done in future or has been done?
These are items which were new for 2013. It was suggested that a date might be more informative.
Q. Does ‘continued’ mean it was done in the previous year?
Q. Why is it in this particular format?
It reflects the Ofsted format.
Q. The clerk questioned the monetary figures on the document against staff names; if these reflect salary then they should be removed or re-titled. Has this gone on the website? If so, there is a data protection issue.
The figures do not entirely reflect salaries but Mr Snow will check and adjust if necessary.
Q. How will you record the PP spend this year?
By using the Ofsted PP Toolkit
Mr Snow told the Board that the gap is closing between PP and non-PP children, the gap is
4.5 points, last year was 7.6 points, and in reading and writing some PP children are achieving better than non-PP. He needs, but can’t find the data from 2012 including FSM data.
Action Point 6: Mr Booth will check data held at the Authority to see if 2012 is available.
Q. How close are the actual figures to your predictions?
Quite close, there was some concern about writing but the results were better than expected. They now know the children and the data well.
Q. Where are the actual gaps?
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I certify that these minutes are a true and accurate record of the IEB meeting held on
Thursday 17 th July 2014 at 5.30pm
Signed……………………………………..Chair of IEB Date………………………………………………
The achievement between FSM and non-FSM; none exceeded targets. This is echoed in
Reading, Writing and Maths. Interventions have already been planned for next year and discussed with the teacher.
Q. Had all the below target EYFS children gone to the Nursery?
Six were non-nursery but the Nursery is under achieving.
Q. When will they catch up?
An action plan is already in place, the situation is changing and some have already met expectations.
Q. Is the Action Plan a review or an active document?
Active; the review is at the end of each academic year. Mrs Bowen meets half termly with teachers. Mr Booth will monitor the SEN/ PP termly and a baseline is needed at the beginning of next term.
Q. Do you have a break-down of the summary figures?
Yes; initials, interventions and impact.
Action Point 7: The IEB requested data to be presented in analysis and summary form only for the meetings.
Q. Can you give us the trends in broad terms?
Speech and language remains a problem area, if problems are not sorted before the age of
7 then there will be residual problems throughout school. Social skills are also lacking for which a skills group has been put in place. Development of language skills will be a focus.
Writing is also an issue; if children cannot talk in proper sentences then they cannot write in them.
The Board thanked Mrs Bowen for her hard work.
Item 7 The Board examined the SEND offer for the website and concluded that it was too long for parents to read. Mr Snow was not impressed by the LA form which was suggested for use but is not compulsory. There is a legal requirement to publish the SEND Offer on the website by 1 st September 2014. The Board agreed it needed a re-write.
Action Point 8: The IEB will meet on 28 th August 2014 to approve a re-write of the SEND
Action Point 9: Mr Snow will send the clerk the current draft and the original form to distribute to the Board.
Mrs Bowen left the meeting at 6.25pm
5. Members Reports (cont.)
Mrs Hutchinson: Mrs Hutchinson met Mr Snow on 3 rd July. The Year 3 data has been circulated. Andy Clark is working with teachers on assessment. TAs will receive instructions on the objectives from the lesson plans. Writing strategies are being put in place.
6. Update on S&L Learning Assistant
A TA is already trained to Level 2 and will be completing Level 3 for interventions and the
Higher Level TA will also be taking intervention groups in the afternoons. Good practice has been observed in a mainland nursery and Caroline Ardley (EYFS expert) will be leading a visit to another school. Greg Braham will be visiting the school in the first two weeks of
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I certify that these minutes are a true and accurate record of the IEB meeting held on
Thursday 17 th July 2014 at 5.30pm
Signed……………………………………..Chair of IEB Date………………………………………………
Action Point 10: Mrs Hutchinson will arrange to meet with Mr Braham to discuss speech and language interventions.
9. Preliminary SATs results.
The Board discussed the previously distributed data information. Mr Snow is pleased with the moderation which is proving accurate. New milestones will be set with the LA for the new academic year; they will be achievable steps.
KS1 has exceeded the milestones set with the exception of L2b+ in writing and there were no L3 achieved in any area. This class had 5 different teachers over the course of the year and the incoming teacher will reassess the children’s actual levels.
In KS2 the attainment exceeded milestones in L4+ and L5+ for Reading, Writing and Maths.
The reading L4+ figure was set at a high 93% as it was based on KS1 results for this cohort.
Q. How close were your predictions for the Year 6 cohort?
Because the previous data was unreliable the situation was analysed early in Year 6 rather than carried forward, boosts were put in place and the result has been good.
The EYFS results compare favourably with similar schools, but the more able children could have performed better.
Q. Is this data sound?
Yes, it has been moderated. There have been mixed messages regarding support in this area and a plan is in place to improve matters.
Action Point 11: The Board will look at KS2 Summary Data in September 2014.
Q. What are the current Year 5 looking like for achievement?
The high attainers need stretching; some made 4 points progress in writing last year; maths attainment is not so good and booster grouping has already been planned for next year;
80% L4+ is being aimed for in the 2015 KS2 SATs.
Q. Has the Year 3 problem of assessed results not triangulating with other factors been resolved?
The work has been re-moderated by Andy Clark and it now reflects the other factors.
In general the school is now better placed to progress, data is now reliable, teaching is being judged good in all but two areas, the new teacher is settling in well and has plenty of support, a temporary deputy head is in place, the staffing restructure will become active in
September and the school is starting to get the right people in the right places. Mrs Armiger is the Inclusion and Welfare Officer. Tony Wright has reviewed the H&S Policy and made operational recommendations. Mr Snow is dealing with trips and activities, Mr Wake will be receiving training for handling trips.
Action Point 12: Mr Whiteman will pick up on the issues raised in the H&S report from Mr
Wright in September.
The Board thanked Mr Snow for a fantastic year and achievement and for all his hard work.
Well done.
Pay Policy for Support Staff, Flexible Working Policy, Market Supplement Policy, Health &
Safety Policy. Mr Booth proposed adoption of these previously distributed policies, Mr
Stead seconded and the Board agreed unanimously.
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I certify that these minutes are a true and accurate record of the IEB meeting held on
Thursday 17 th July 2014 at 5.30pm
Signed……………………………………..Chair of IEB Date………………………………………………
Item under Order of Business
Relocation: It had been proposed to have a full agenda item at this meeting but there was no Hants officer available to answer questions. Mr Whiteman has had meetings with Cllr
Lumley and there is a funding stream available at the moment to help with relocation of the school; it may not be there indefinitely. Surveys of both sites and buildings have shown that it will cost as much to bring the current site up to date as to alter the Downside site for use as a Primary School. The Board discussed significant factors including capacity and soundness of the buildings. There is no funding at present for a new build.
The Board decided that a commitment at this stage without having questions answered would not be an appropriate response. The Board certainly were not averse to exploring the potential for moving sites but the decision needs to be based on the benefit to the children of this community. It was agreed to hold a meeting with a single item agenda on relocation in September; invitees to be confirmed.
(Post meeting note: Relocation meeting date 11 th September 2014 at 5.30pm.)
Mrs Hutchinson thanked members for their time and closed the meeting at 7.22pm.
Carole Bailey: Clerk to the IEB. carole.clerkbarton@gmail.com
Tel. 551412
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