GUIDELINES AND PROCEDURES FOR ACADEMIC STAFF IN THEIR PROBATIONARY PERIOD INDEX 1. Introduction 1.1 Purpose of Probation 1.2 The Probationary Period 2. Support Processes 2.1 Head of Department 2.2 Mentor 2.3 The Appraisal Process 2.4 Staff Development 2.5 Extra-departmental Support 2.6 Review Mechanism 2.7 Promotion from Lecturer 7 to Lecturer 8 3. Formal Procedures 3.1 Role of the Head of Department 3.2 Probationary Agreement 3.3 Role of the Dean 3.4 Faculty Committee 3.5 Promotions Committee Introduction It is Lancaster University's practice to appoint academic staff whom it feels have achieved the status of or have the potential to become successful teachers, researchers and administrators. As part of the formal process of appointment a new entrant may be given a probationary period of up to three years. These guidelines and procedures are for the use of new staff and Heads of Department and have been devised to assist all parties in ensuring that probation is a constructive and successful process for the individual, for the department and for the University. 1.1 The Purpose of Probation The purpose of this probationary period is for the new lecturer to develop the appropriate skills and knowledge in teaching, research and administration to a sufficient level for transfer to the permanent staff of the University. This period of probation will be supported by the Head of Department and other colleagues. New full-time academic staff at Lancaster are normally appointed for a probationary period of three years. However, the length of the designated period will vary, depending on past experience and will be determined by the appointing committee. 1.2 The Probationary Period The probationary period should be one in which new members of staff are given every reasonable opportunity and support to develop their work to the appropriate professional standard. Departments and faculties thus have the responsibility to ensure that individuals are given full and clear information about the requirements of the probationary period and time and resources to fulfil these requirements. Criteria for successful completion of the probationary period will be related to departmental requirements. On or shortly after arrival the new lecturer and the head of department will draw up a Probationary Agreement (see page 4) setting out criteria for success in all appropriate areas of work, the nature of the support that will be provided within and outside the department, and arrangements for formative and final review of the lecturer's probation. Successful fulfilment will constitute the basis of the probationer's case for transfer to the indefinite staff. 2. Support Processes 2.1 Head of Department The Head of Department is responsible for the overall arrangements for induction of new staff members into the department. This should include: the provision of initial information about the department the designation of a maximum percentage of the average teaching load in the department, to allow the probationer to prepare teaching adequately and establish a research programme the identification, with the probationer, of a mentor within the department who will provide regular help and support in research and teaching and assist in the development of Teaching Profiles the establishment of a timetable of appraisal meetings for the probationary period 2 2.2 the drawing up of a Probationary Agreement with the probationer which will identify the criteria for successful completion of the probationary period and the training and support to be provided the submission of a case during the final year of probation Mentor A mentor within the department will be agreed with each new lecturer. This person should be sufficiently experienced to offer advice and guidance on a range of issues which the probationer may confront. The mentor will meet the new lecturer on a regular basis to review progress and offer necessary support. Amongst other matters, the mentor will assist the probationer in the development of a Teaching Profile. Appraisal will not be conducted by a probationer's mentor. 2.3 Appraisal Process The University has a scheme for the regular review of the work of all staff. The appraisal is carried out by a trained appraiser, usually the Head of Department or another senior colleague. Those within their probationary period will be appraised annually. The new lecturer will thus normally expect to have two formal appraisal interviews within the course of a three-year probationary period. The Probationary Agreement drawn up at the start of a lecturer's career in the University will form the basis of this on-going review. 2.4 Staff Development The Staff Development Policy states that "Staff who are required to teach but who have less than the equivalent of three years full-time teaching experience will be expected to undertake a programme of teacher training". Suitable courses or other programmes will be identified by the new lecturer and the head of department with assistance where required from the Staff Development Officer. The programme of training may be undertaken via courses external to the University, in-house courses as part of the University's staff development programme, or through modular self-instruction, depending on the circumstance and background of the person involved. It is the Head of Department's responsibility to develop with the Probationer an appropriate programme. Financial support or other resources and assistance are also available to provide help in developing other areas such as research and administration. 2.5 Extra-departmental Support The above support arrangements are intended to provide the probationer with a wide range of possibilities to help ensure that the probationary period is successfully completed. Outside the Department the Dean of Faculty also monitors the performance of probationary staff. 2.6 Review Mechanism The process of probation includes regular reviews. There will be informal review discussions with the mentor, as described above. In addition the scheme for annual appraisal ensures that a person on a three year probationary period will have a minimum of two formal appraisal interviews with the head of department or their nominee. During the final year of the probationary period there will be a formal summative review of the new lecturer's work. This is conducted by the probationer and the Head of Department. The completed form and supporting documents, including the Probationary Agreement, are then forwarded to the relevant Faculty Committee. 3 If the probationary period is found to have been satisfactorily completed, the probationer will be transferred to an indefinite appointment. An appointment may be confirmed at a date earlier than that originally agreed. If a Head of Department, after review meetings with the probationer, forms the opinion that the latter's probationary period should not be confirmed the probationer will be notified during the year before the termination of probation (or earlier if the decision is reached before that date). The probationer will be given a copy of the completed form to be submitted to the Faculty Committee. If there are doubts about performance, an extension of probation may be given. Currently the maximum duration of a probationary contract (including extension) is 4 years. Extensions are normally granted for one year only but, exceptionally, and provided that the total period does not exceed 4 years, a further one-year extension may be granted. If, at the end of this period, the probationer has not been able to reach the required standards of work, no further extension can be made and the appointment is terminated upon due notice. 2.7 Promotion from Lecturer grade 7 to Lecturer grade 8 The majority of probationers are at an early stage in their career and accordingly are appointed on the Lecturer 7 grade. The transition to Lecturer 8 grade requires a positive decision to promote based on the promotions criteria and on the basis of "(a) a satisfactory standard of work and (b) academic attainment and ability, which will involve an appropriate level of achievement in teaching and its directly associated duties together with the successful furtherance of his/her research or the development of his/her subject." The review mechanism provided within the probationary guidelines allows these two procedures to mesh with a greater degree of coherence than hitherto. Progress towards satisfying the criteria of a probationary agreement may be used as evidence to support consideration of a promotion from Lecturer grade 7 to 8. 3. Formal Procedures 3.1 Role of the Head of Department The Head of Department is required to draw up the Probationary Agreement with the probationer and his/her mentor and to ensure that the support mechanisms as described above are made available. At the final review stage Heads of Department will submit the case for approval on behalf of their probationers. 3.2 Probationary Agreement The Head of Department will draw up a Probationary Agreement with the new lecturer which should include, as mentioned above: the criteria for successful completion, a 'Discipline Profile' which describes the expected characteristics, experience, personal and inter-personal skills, research and teaching abilities of an academic within the discipline, an identified maximum percentage of the average teaching load in the department, to allow the probationer to establish a research programme and prepare teaching adequately the name of the colleague who has been given the role of Mentor, the name of the lecturer's appraiser and a proposed date for the first formal appraisal interview at the end of the first year, the names and roles of any other colleagues providing any kind of supervision or support, 4 a timetable for meetings, a list of specific training and development opportunities to be provided for the probationer (whether within the department or faculty or from the central staff development office or from outside the University), and any other necessary arrangements Because of differences in new entrants' backgrounds and experience, and in the requirements of the department and the discipline, there will be considerable variation between the agreements of different individuals. However, all should meet the requirements of University policy on Staff Development and other matters. The Probationary Agreement will be subject to the agreement of the Dean of the Faculty. This is to ensure comparability of agreements between the various departments and consistency with the aims of the probationary period, and to permit support and guidance from the Faculty. The document will then constitute an agreed statement of undertaking which can be used as a basis for the summative review conducted during the final year of probation. At that time it will be submitted with the completed form, to the Faculty Committee and, if appropriate, to the Promotions Committee. Where the procedures above are departed from the change must be approved by the Promotions Committee. 3.3 Role of the Faculty or School Dean The Dean has the responsibility to monitor any Probationary Agreement drawn up within the school or faculty in order to ensure that agreements in the various departments are consistent with the aims of the probationary period and to assist in the probationer's career development. In addition, where a complaint arises in the course of the probationary period, it will be the Dean's responsibility to appoint a senior person to consider and help to resolve the matter. (N.b. Any appeal against the decision of the Faculty or Promotions Committees will be dealt with under the University's usual appeals procedures -see section 3.6). 3.4 Faculty Committee There are currently four Faculty Committees. The role of the Faculty Committee is to consider, inter alia, probation cases and, where appropriate, to forward its recommendations to the Promotions Committee. 3.5 Promotions Committee The Promotions Committee receives and considers recommendations from Faculty Committees to extend or terminate probationary appointments. The Promotions Committee may ask a Head of Department and/or a probationer to appear before it in order to clarify and/or amplify aspects of the case under consideration. It is possible that, after such consideration, the Committee will make a decision or recommendation other than that proposed by the Faculty Committee. The approval of the Promotions Committee must be sought at the beginning of a probationary period where the procedures described under the heading "Probationary Agreement" above are departed from for any reason. 5 As soon as possible after its meeting, the Committee will inform the probationer in writing of its decision and, in the case of extension or termination, its reasons. Details of the formal appeal procedures will also be provided. 6