UbD Chemistry

Unit: Chemistry
Grade: 8
Stage 1: Desired Results
Enduring Understandings
Students will understand that…
The particles that make up an atom have mass, volume, a location, and a charge.
Chemical and physical properties of a substance enable us to identify matter and are similar within families of elements.
Essential Questions
Build It Up Questions
 Why do we organize the elements into a periodic
 Why is it important to understand the properties of
different types of matter?
 How can newly discovered elements be incorporated
into the periodic table?
Knowledge & Skills (8th)
Prior Knowledge (7th & 6th)
(SAISD scope & sequence, TEKS etc.)
 8.8A-describe structure & function of the atom
 8.8B-identify the properties of an atom including
mass & electrical charge
8.9B-interpret information on the periodic table to understand
that physical properties are used to group elements.
 Differentiate between the different atomic structure
 How can we classify matter?
 What makes elements differ from each other?
How can a newly discovered element be incorporated into the
periodic table?
Stage 2: Assessment Evidence
Performance Task:
(be sure to create an assessment rubric for the performance task as well)
In August 2007, the Phoenix Mission blasted off from Earth. Seven months later, it safely
arrived on Mars. During 5 days of exploring soil samples, the rover found a never before
described element. As NASAs primary geological team, it is up to your group to identify this
element with one of the rewards being able to name this element. Your team’s goal is to
describe its physical and chemical properties, naming this element and placing it properly
on the current periodic table. You are preparing to go before the Mendeleev’s Union of
Applied Chemistry to have your element approved. You will need to include the following
 Create a 3 dimensional atomic structure of your element that shows the correct
number of protons, electrons, and neutrons
 A power point, brochure or poster board presentation to elaborate the details of your
element (see checklist & rubric)
Other evidence:
(quizzes, tests, academic prompts, self-assessments, etc.
note – these are usually included where appropriate in Stage 3 as well)
Stage 3: Learning Activities
(Steps taken to get students to answer Stage 1 questions and complete performance task)
Day 1 – will begin with a diagnostic exam to refresh students’ memories on what an element is, difference
between physical & chemical properties/characteristics, and how elements are aligned on the periodic
table. Included will be an atomic structure to see if students have been introduced to the parts of an atom.
http://www.sciencespot.net/Media/atomsfam.pdf for Atoms Family activity for introduction to atomic
http://www.sitcomsonline.com/sounds/theaddamsfamily.mid to link to music for the Atoms Family song
Hook the students with the Atoms Family Song and provide lyrics for them to sing along. Reiterate the 3
subatomic particles and where they are found via the lyrics. Introduce students to the 3 sub-atomic
particles by reading the story of Matterville. Allow students to discuss what each of the subatomic are, their
charges and where they are found in an atomic structure. Ticket Out the Door – there are many people
absent today…so what would you tell them about today’s class to help them catch up?
Day 2 – Hook the student with the question: What is the smallest particle possible on Earth? Have some
sand available and give each student a grain of sand. Use the sand to compare the size of a grain of sand
to the size of an atomic structure that makes up the sand. Students will take Cornell Notes on atomic
structure while drawing and labeling the parts of an atom.
http://science-class.net/index.htm Mary Poarch’s website with a plethora of stuff! Close the class by using
one of the ppt. to reiterate atomic structure.
Day 3 – Hook with the question: Looking at the atomic structure of Lithium and the periodic table
information of Lithium, what connections can you make between these 2 pieces? Make the connection
between the atomic structure and the periodic table by showing students how to glean necessary
information from the periodic table to construct an atomic structure. Guide students using The Atoms
Family Math Challenge, walking them through just a few and have the remaining problems as homework.
Day 4 – Hook http://www.privatehand.com/flash/elements.html Element Song to reinforce the connection of
the Periodic Table and the atomic structure. Briefly introduce the Performance Task (New Element
Submission). Check homework (Atoms Family Math Challenge). Continue with the connection of periodic
table information and atomic structure by including group, period and valence electrons. Show students
how to find elements using group and period and equate it to x & y coordinates (or the game Battleship).
Students will do the Color the Periodic Table
Address valence electrons and have the students identify them using pictures of atomic structure from
www.chemicalelements.com Also incorporate where each element is on the periodic table by group &
period. Extend understanding by having students draw selected atomic structures and justify its position on
the periodic table. (Use Lewis Dot Structure worksheet, working through some and have remaining
problems as homework)
Day 5 – Address homework (Lewis Dot). Paint Chip Activity to assess classification on Periodic Table.
Day 6 – Atomic Structure Relays to assess/re-teach atomic structure using information from the periodic
table (4 problems). Students will begin Performance Task (New Element Submission). Students groups
will divide out the work.
Day 7 & 8 - continuation of Performance Task in class.
Day 9 – Element presentations.
Day 10 – District 3 week assessment
The Atom Builder Guide to Elementary Particles
This is a game
This is that cool Visual Elements poster
Interactive Elements in the human body
Brain Pop Atoms
Mary Poarch’s site/Atoms
Graphic organizer for Atomic Structure
Mary Poarch’s Site