SCH 3U1 Chemistry Course Outline: Properties & Structure

SCH 3U1 - Unit 1:
Properties, Changes and Structure of Matter
Day 1
Chemistry SCH 3U1 Outline
Scientific Inquiry, Observations and Inference
 Making quality observations
 Qualitative and quantitative observations
Chemistry: A Volatile History (first 20 min.)
Day 2
Properties of Matter Review
 Classification of Matter
 Physical and Chemical Properties
 Physical and Chemical Changes
Chemistry: A Volatile History (last 40 min.)
Day 3
Percent Composition: Lab Preparation
 Using Mg, create an experiment to show a
chemical change has occurred
 Following standard lab report format
 This lesson requires a lab book
Day 4
Percent Composition Lab: Data Collection
 Requires a lab book
 Carry out experiment and begin write up
Day 5
Percent Composition Lab: Lab Report
 Complete Lab Report
Day 6
Atomic Theory Review 1
 Development of the Atomic Theory
 Atomic number, mass number
 AZX Notation
Day 7
Day 8
Isotopes and Isotopic Abundance
Atomic Theory Review 2
 Stable vs. radioisotopes
 Bohr Model of the Atom
 Solving percent abundance and average
 Bohr-Rutherford Diagram Review
atomic mass problems
Day 9
Periodic Table The Elements
Development and Organization
Properties of the Main Groups Families (1,2,17,18)
Periodic Table The Elements
Zodiac Periodic Table Activity
Day 10
Ions and Ionization Equations
Trends of the Periodic Table
 Predicting the atomic radius, first
ionization energy and electron affinity
Day 11
The Variation of Atomic Properties
Graphing Assignment
Day 12
Unit Review