Eco Areas of Responsibility

Eco Areas of Responsibility
 Each year group has an area of responsibility to monitor
and develop. You may choose to split this – terms 1 and 3
the ‘a’ classes and terms 2 and 4 ‘b’ classes. Just a
 The class Eco Rep will feed back to the Eco Committee
regularly on their class’s progress, findings, suggestions,
help needed.
 All activities / monitoring need to be recorded (on a
simple graph / sheet - if you need any examples just ask!)
as we have to display our findings on the Eco Wall and
decide on any action to be taken.
 Each class to undertake at least one outdoor lesson per
month as part of our school grounds action plan. Please
take photos so they can be displayed. Any comments /
evaluations by pupils greatly appreciated too!
P1 Playground (School Grounds) what they like/dislike, ideas
for improvement, what they like / dislike about games boxes,
use of playground games, buddies, friendship stops, bins, ideas
for plants etc. (class walk around the playground, observation
and discussions, record pictorially etc.) possible visit from the
Gardening Club to talk about what they are planning to do this
term, any suggestions from P1?
P2 Bins/Labels (Waste Minimisation) – monitoring of recycling
labels throughout the school (in all rooms, at hand towel
dispensers) monitor the correct use of bins, make new labels as
P3 reusing paper (Waste Minimisation) – monitoring of
classes to ensure each class is using both sides of paper (if
possible – random checks at during wet plays), supplying a label
for a tray in each class where paper can be put to be reused
(as paper for wet intervals), making sure the tray is clearly
displayed in class, (check and record on a chart) checking paper
recycling bins to see if paper is less, recording waste paper
amounts over a period of time at end of a day (full, half full,
P4A Energy Monitors – to undertake random checks on classes
to check that lights / computers are switched off at
break/lunch/end of day and record findings. Check Energy
saving labels are displayed around the school, small pictures
for light switches, taps at sinks etc.
P4B Fruit/Games Monitors – monitoring of classes to ensure
fruit is being eaten daily and waste is being put in correct bin,
record results, identify ways to improve amount of pupils
eating fruit. Encourage participation in playground games.
Liaise with Health Committee.
P5A Litter Monitors – undertake random checks on
class/outside bins to make sure the correct litter is in the
correct bins, record findings, offer suggestions for ways to
Design posters to encourage correct use of bins in school, not
dropping litter.
P5B Biodiversity – spiders web – put in grounds and monitor
use. Wormery to be established with help from the Eco
Committee. Bird boxes/ bird feeders – monitor birds in our
school grounds, look at ways to encourage more (growing
specofoc plants to encourage birds, plants etc.)
P6A Sustaining Our World – raise awareness of the term
Sustainable Development through assembly.
Track energy use within the school and ideas to reduce energy
P6B Transport – raise awareness of the school Travel Plan.
Monitor means of transport used to travel to school. Ideas to
encourage walking to school.
P7A Water – ideas on how to cut down water usage. Install a
water butt to collect rainwater for watering indoor/outdoor
plants ( monitor rain water collected). Track water usage in the
school and ways to reduce water use.
P7B – Food and the Environment – raise awareness of the
impact of food on our environment. Whole school assembly
during ‘Fair Trade Fortnight‘.