Environmental Economics Journals American Journal of Agricultural Economics http://www.aaea.org/fund/pubs/ajae/ The purpose of the American Journal of Agricultural Economics is to provide a forum for creative and scholarly work in agricultural economics. Submitted manuscripts should have a relationship to the economics of agriculture, natural resources and the environment, or rural and community development. Ecological Economics http://www.elsevier.com/homepage/sae/econworld/econbase/ecolec/frame.htm Ecological Economics is concerned with extending and integrating the study and management of ``nature's household'' (ecology) and ``humankind's household'' (economics). This integration is necessary because conceptual and professional isolation have led to economic and environmental policies, which are mutually destructive rather than reinforcing in the long term. Environment and Development Economics http://uk.cambridge.org/journals/ede/ Environment and Development Economics, firmly positioned at the intersection of economics, environment and development, publishes original papers addressed equally to the research and to the policy communities, and is designed to be accessible to a broad readership. The Editor and Associate Editors are supported by distinguished panels of advisors from around the world, who together ensure that the journal is a major forum for key research conducted in low-income countries as well as elsewhere, and for the work of younger scholars. Environmental Economics http://www.ssrn.com/update/ern/ern_enviro.html Environmental Economics publishes working and accepted paper abstracts in the full range of subjects that comprise Environmental Economics. Topics include economic causes and consequences of environmental changes; tax and regulatory policies that affect the environment; markets for pollution rights and related issues; government policies toward the environment; valuation of environmental resources, "green accounting" and intergovernmental cooperation in environmental policy. Environmental Economics and Policy Studies http://link.springer-ny.com/link/service/journals/10018/about.htm Environmental Economics and Policy Studies was established as an official journal of the Society for Environmental Economics and Policy Studies to provide an international forum for debates among diverse disciplines such as environmental economics, environmental policy studies, and related fields. The main purpose of the journal is threefold: to encourage (1) integration of theoretical studies and policy studies on environmental issues, (2) interdisciplinary works of environmental economics, environmental policy studies, and related fields on environmental issues, and (3) contributions from Asian countries where severe environmental destruction has been experienced and partly overcome. Environmental and Resource Economics http://www.kluweronline.com/issn/0924-6460 The primary concern of Environmental and Resource Economics (ERE) is the application of economic theory and methods to environmental issues and problems that require detailed analysis in order to improve management strategies. Environmental Science and Policy http://www.elsevier.nl/locate/envsci Environmental Science and Policy promotes communication among government, business and industry, academia, and non-governmental organizations that are instrumental in the solution of environmental problems. It also seeks to advance interdisciplinary research of policy relevance on environmental issues such as climate change, biodiversity, environmental pollution and wastes, renewable and non-renewable natural resources, and the interactions between these issues. The journal emphasizes the linkages between these environmental issues and social and economic issues such as production, transport, consumption, growth, demographic changes, well-being, and health. Growth and Change http://gatton.uky.edu/CBER/GrowthNChange/Index.html For over twenty-six years GROWTH AND CHANGE has provided a broadly based forum for scholarly research on regional and urban policy making and its empirical foundations. Contributions which reflect environmental concerns and the international implications of regional and urban development are especially encouraged. Journal of Development Economics http://www.elsevier.com/homepage/sae/econworld/econbase/devec/frame.htm The Journal of Development Economics publishes papers relating to all aspects of economic development - from immediate policy concerns to structural problems of underdevelopment. The emphasis is on quantitative or analytical work, which is relevant as well as intellectually stimulating. Journal of Environmental Economics & Management http://www.aere.org/journal/ The Journal of Environmental Economics and Management (JEEM) is devoted to the publication of theoretical and empirical papers concerned with the linkage between economic systems and environmental and natural resources systems. Generally regarded as the top journal in natural resources and environmental economics, it concentrates on the management and/or social control of the economy in its relationship with the management and use of natural resources and the natural environment. Journal of Transport Economics and Policy http://www.bath.ac.uk/e-journals/jtep/ Land Economics http://www.wisc.edu/wisconsinpress/journals/landecon.html Land Economics has consistently published innovative, conceptual, and empirical research of direct relevance to economists. Each issue brings the latest results in international applied research on such topics as transportation, energy, urban and rural land use, housing, environmental quality, public utilities, and natural resources. Marine Resource Economics http://www.uri.edu/cels/enre/mre/mre.htm Marine Resource Economics is devoted to publishing creative and scholarly economic analyses of a range of issues related to natural resource use in the global marine environment. The journal welcomes conceptual and empirical investigations aimed at addressing real world policy problems, including studies of fisheries, aquaculture, seafood marketing and trade, marine mammals, recreation, pollution, oil and gas, coastal land use, estuaries and watersheds. Resource and Energy Economics http://www.elsevier.com/homepage/sae/econworld/econbase/resen/frame.htm Resource and Energy Economics provides a forum for high-level economic analysis of utilization and development of the earth's natural resources. The subject matter encompasses questions of optimal production and consumption affecting energy, minerals, land, air and water, and includes analysis of firm and industry behavior, environmental issues and public policies. Implications for both developed and developing countries are of concern. Water Resources Research http://www.agu.org/pubs/agu_jourwrr.html Water Resources Research is an interdisciplinary journal integrating research in the social and natural sciences of water. Contains original contributions in hydrology; in the physical, chemical, and biological sciences; and in the social and policy sciences, including economics, systems analysis, sociology, and law.