By Laws - Santa Barbara County CAER

Adopted & Approved December 10, 1993
Revised & Approved November 11, 1994
Revised & Approved August 18, 1999
Revised & Approved December 14, 2005
CAER - Community Awareness and Emergency Response - is an organization
initiated by industry and designed to help assure emergency preparedness and
foster community right-to-know for hazardous materials. CAER is intended to
serve facilities that handle acutely hazardous materials, high risk facilities such
as those required to complete Risk Management Plans (RMP’s), facilities
handling significant quantities of hazardous materials, government agencies and
other organizations with compatible goals. Santa Barbara County CAER has
additionally expanded its goal to encompass "all-risk" emergency planning and
disaster preparedness to serve its members and the community with the full
resources of its knowledge base.
CAER was started by the Chemical Manufacturers Association in 1985 as a
voluntary program for member companies. It has evolved into a program that
encompasses a broad spectrum of facilities that handle hazardous materials and
respond to emergency incidents.
The Santa Barbara County CAER Chapter is a not for profit organization made
up of representatives from business, industry and various governmental and
nongovernmental agencies. Local elected officials and community leaders are
encouraged to participate whenever possible. Santa Barbara County CAER does
not endorse candidates seeking public office.
“A Public Commitment”:
To operate our plants and facilities in a manner that protects from “all
risks” the health and safety of our employees, the public, and the
To recognize and respond to community concerns about all apparent
hazards associated with our operations.
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To ensure that all chemical emergencies are handled in a responsible safe
way and that all hazardous materials are disposed of in an
environmentally responsible manner.
To participate with government and others in creating responsible laws,
regulations, and standards to safeguard the community, workplace and
the environment.
To share experiences, offer assistance and support planning with others
who respond to regional emergencies and disasters that affect our
Elected Officers
Vice Chair
All terms of office will be for one year. An annual election of officers will be held
at the end of the calendar year. The Chair and Vice Chair positions shall be from
industry and require at least one year's active General Membership in CAER.
Appointed Officers
The elected Chair and Vice Chair will appoint standing committee chairs, cochairs, and representatives as needed. Appointed officers may represent general
or associate members. The current appointed officers are:
Representative – Membership
Representative – Industry At Large
Representative – Government At Large
Representative – Non-Government At Large
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The Executive Committee consists of elected officers, appointed committee chairs
and at large representatives. The Executive Committee will be responsible for
scheduling events and will meet monthly or as scheduled by the Chair and Vice
Membership in the Santa Barbara County CAER Chapter is comprised of General
and Associate members. All members shall subscribe to the Santa Barbara
County CAER Chapter Code of Ethics. Associate members shall be subject to
approval by the Executive Committee.
Members may be expelled for good cause, including failure to adhere to the
Santa Barbara County CAER Code of Ethics. No refunds of annual membership
fees will be authorized.
General Membership
Business, industry, and government agencies with responsibility for hazardous
materials or other all risk concerns.
General Membership in the Santa Barbara County CAER Chapter is by
organization or agency. There are no individual or personal memberships. The
annual membership fee, due each January, is as follows:
1. 0 - 50 employees
2. 51 to 100 employees
3. Greater than 100 employees
4. Government Agencies
Associate Membership
Community Organizations, trade associations, consultants and other interested
organizations including but not limited to organizations having an interest in
hazardous materials, public safety, education and training.
Associate membership in the Santa Barbara County CAER Chapter is by
organization. Associate members are voting members of the Chapter. The annual
associate membership fee, due each January, is $50.00.
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No person or entity shall use the Santa Barbara County CAER name, logo,
intellectual property and/or membership information for personal use or gain.
The name Santa Barbara County CAER, logo, website and intellectual property
are for the exclusive use of the association. Use of the names, addresses,
telephone numbers and/or email addresses of the Santa Barbara County CAER
membership for any purpose other than association business without the written
authorization from the Executive Committee are prohibited. Violations of this
policy may result in the removal of the offending party(ies) from the
membership of Santa Barbara County CAER.
The Treasurer shall maintain a record of all financial transactions related to the
Santa Barbara County CAER Chapter. A simple majority of the Executive
Committee must authorize all expenditures. The books of the Santa Barbara
County CAER Chapter will be audited upon either the appointment of a new
treasurer or every two years, whichever occurs first. In the event the Santa
Barbara County CAER Chapter disbands, any remaining funds will be donated
to a non-profit organization chosen by the prevailing Santa Barbara County
CAER Executive Committee.
Membership meetings will be held bimonthly or as scheduled by the Executive
Business will be conducted according to Roberts Rules of Order. A simple
majority of meeting attendees will be required on matters determined by the
Santa Barbara County CAER Membership. Members must be notified at least 15
days in advance of any business requiring a vote. This notification may be in the
form of e-mail or letter. Voting may be conducted electronically or at a scheduled
meeting. Proxy voting may be allowed as determined by consensus of the
Executive Committee.
Items requiring a vote of the Santa Barbara County CAER Membership are:
1. Election of Officers
2. Revising the Bylaws
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Voting authority shall be limited to one representative of each general and/or
associate member organization.
The Executive Committee will be responsible for developing an annual statement
of the goals and objectives for the forthcoming year, and reviewing the Bylaws as
Santa Barbara County CAER shall be governed in accordance with the laws of
the State of California. If any aspect of these bylaws is found to be unlawful or
unenforceable by a competent court having jurisdiction, the remaining document
remains in full force.
These amended bylaws of the Santa Barbara County CAER were read and
accepted by the vote of the members on December 14, 2005.
Chair _____________________________ Secretary ____________________________
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