Prayer Itinerary: Burji, Ethiopia Sat, Nov 22: Team checks into RDU at 11:00AM. Pray for the Lord’s grace thru airport personnel in checking the quantity/weight of the suitcases. Depart RDU for Washington/Dulles at 2:38 PM. Leave Dulles at 8:30PM. There is a stopover in Rome to refuel. Pray for safety on the plan and that no luggage is delayed/lost. Pray for families back home and for God’s protection for them emotionally, physically, and spiritually. Sun, Nov 23: about 7:30pm arrive at Addis/Bole Airport. Pray for the Lord’s grace thru Ethiopian Customs. We settle into Addis Kidan Guesthouse after about 30 hours of travel. Pray for a good night’s sleep. Mon, Nov 24: The team splits up in Addis…some are visiting the Prime Minister, some are touring the National Museum and other places, Jon is speaking at Evangelical Theological College Chapel at 4:00pm. We are running errands and resting some before travelling down country. Pray for the Lord to make our paths straight and for a good witness with the Prime Minister. Tues, Nov 25: About 5:30 am we depart Guesthouse for Burji! We are expected to arrive in the evening after a long day of travel. Pray for safety on the road and for Demissie as he drives and dodges people, animals, donkey carts, etc. Pray for the bus to work well. Wed, Nov 26: Our first day in Soyama. Assorted activities include meeting with local government leaders, reviewing solar platforms, training the Burji Youth Corps, visiting Soyama Schools, meeting translators, etc. Pray for a good connection with our Ethiopian counterparts. The ministry in this trip is multi-faceted and complicated. Pray against the Evil One causing confusion in the midst of cultural differences, ministry understandings, and language barriers. Pray especially for the church leaders as they coordinate their aspects of the work. Pray for good mentoring of the Burji Youth Corp in spiritual matters. Pray for adjustment to Ethiopian food.…see other schedule for details Thurs, Nov 27: Jon will be teaching all-day Bible classes with the Burji Youth. Pray for a good connection with these students. Pray for understanding through the language barrier. They do learn English in school. Fri, Nov 28: Jon, Cindy, and Mary will be travelling to 2 different villages to distribute Bibles to the ones waiting for a Bible. They have to memorize 9 passages of Scripture (93 Verses) to receive these Bibles. Our team will be distributing 1054 Bibles on this trip! Pray for safety as we travel and that God would bless His Word going into the hands of these believers. Sat, Nov 29: Jon is teaching the first half of the Soyama Town Bible Conference. We will be studying 1st Corinthians. This church averages 700 people each Sunday. All are invited to the Conference. Pray for clarity in speaking and understanding of this book. Sun, Nov 30: Jon is preaching Sunday morning at the Soyama Town church. Pray for God’s blessing on our time together. The men arrive for the Rural Men’s Bible Conference. Pray for their safety as they walk for several hours to attend this 4-day Conference. Mon, Dec 1-Thurs, Dec 4: Jon is leading the Men’s Bible Conference. There are 76 men who have read 1 Corinthians twice, memorized 1 Cor. 1:18-31, and committed to teach 8 lessons from the Conference in their churches. These men represent 31 churches among the Burji people. Pray for our Conference. Pray for understanding and translation. Pray for the Lord to guide Jon in making application of this book to these rural men. Pray for fruitful discussion and understanding of this book. Fri, Dec 5: Pray for the men as they walk back home from the conference. Jon, Cindy, and Mary will be distributing Bibles in 2 more villages today. Pray for us for travelling and for God’s blessing on His Word as we present Bibles to these village believers. Sat, Dec 6: Jon is teaching the second half of the Soyama Town Bible Conference. We will continue our study through 1st Corinthians. Pray for clarity in teaching and understanding. In the evening Jon, Cindy, and Mary will be travelling to the medical Clinic to meet the staff. Pray for safety in this travel. Sun, Dec 7: We will be in the Soyama Town church worshipping with our brothers and sisters in the Lord. There will be a meeting with the church leaders in the evening to tie up any loose ends from our ministry together. Pray for God’s blessing on our time with them this day. Mon, Dec 8: We will spend this entire day traveling back to Addis on Demissie’s bus. Pray for travel safety and bus operation. Tues, Dec 9: A day of rest in Addis. We will have our last supper with our Ethiopian friends before going back to the airport. Our flight leaves at 10:15 PM. Pray again for safety and luggage. Wed, Dec 10: 1:41 pm the Team is scheduled to arrive back at RDU airport. Continue praying for each one of us as we process the past weeks and allow the Spirit to have His full and complete work in our personal lives. Be in prayer as well for other teams members ministries that are happening between Nov 27-Dec 7. They include work at the Medical Clinic, Outreach to the Guji Tribe (this is a warring, nomadic tribe that has murdered many Burji people), Ministry in several villages which will include Hygiene classes, health classes, farming workshops, children’s ministries, preaching, Bible distribution, eyeglass distribution, home visitations, etc. There will also be Solar panels installed at the Medical Clinic as well as in three of the village churches. At the end of our time in Burji there will be a Reconciliation Conference between the Gujis and the Burjis. Pray for God’s hand in that time. Keep in mind that we will be 8 hours ahead of the Eastern Time zone in the USA. Thank you for your prayers for us as we travel. Here is a picture of our team From Left to Right: Matt Rummage, Ed Johnson, Jamie Huff, Lynette Carver, Jon Glass, Jason Evans, Molly Evans, Leigh Humphries, Cindy Jacobs, David Black, BeckyLynn Black, & Mary Jacobs