Carmelite Community of Mary - Carmelife . . . Carmel in the World

Carmelite Community of Mary
St. Jude The Apostle Church
Lewes, Delaware
May 10, 2014
In attendance were Pam Becker, Marianne Chapin, Mary Jo DeVries, Jeanne
Gaetano, Diane Householder, Cindy Ostrowski, Debra Rose, Beverly Smith, and Dawn
Waehler. Jeanne Danko was excused. Beverly left at noon.. There were two visitors,
Lilia Mujemulta and Maria Spudis of St. Jude’s. Brother Bryan was also present. A new
schedule for the day was introduced. We began with Morning Prayer and Lectio Divina.
After the break, our visitors left. We divided into two groups for formation: aspirants and
candidates preparing for temporary promise. Lunch followed at noon, with the business
meeting at 12:45 and Professed Formation at 1:30 p.m. Closing Prayer was at 2 p.m.
with the singing of the Salve Regina.
A summary of the Business Meeting follows:
 Opening Prayer
 An opening prayer, based on our mission as a community, was introduced.
 This prayer was based on ideas discussed at the first meeting of the
leadership council.
 It is a working draft.
 Please e-mail Diane your thoughts about it.
 At the council meeting it was agreed that an agenda would be e-mailed the
Wednesday prior to the monthly meeting.
 Role Report-Dawn gave the attendance report (see above).
 Minutes-Minutes were e-mailed prior the meeting but Pam did not have
them with her to read to the community.
 Treasurer’s Report
 Jeanne D was not present to give a report.
 A separate line item will now be included for donations.
 Please give Jeanne any receipts you spend for the community.
 While Jeanne is in Florida, Marianne can accept checks and make
 Formation Director’s Report
 Cindy e-mailed a report.
 Diane will e-mail it to us.
 The Visitor’s Class will start in September.
 Visitor’s must come 3 consecutive months(September, October,
November) in order to become aspirants in December.
 Dawn will need a supply of visitor’s brochures.
 She will mail brochures to our visitors who came today.
 Mary Vendetti has initiated the paperwork for transfer to a community in
 Diane has mailed copies of the form to Mary and to the president of the
Canadian community.
Old Business
 Marianne will bring extra brochures for Dawn to have on hand.
 Mary Jo will ask St. Michael’s/Mary Mother of Peace for permission to
put out the visitor’s brochure.
New Business
 Schedule
 Diane passed out a copy of the schedule through December, 2014.
 Look it over; e-mail Diane anything we think should change.
 Professed will be doing April’s formation in June.
 Diane will call all the parishes where we have members to let them
know we will be meeting at St. Francis in June.
 Pam will e-mail bulletin articles to our own parishes as well as to the
neighboring parishes, including Holy Name of Jesus, St. Luke’s/St.
Andrew’s, Mary, Star of the Sea, St. Peter’s/Paul’s and Holy Cross.
 Creation of Chapter Offices
 Chaplain-Pam
 Technology-Marianne
 Library-Jeanne G.
o People will sign out books with Jeanne
o Diane asked Jeanne pray about what she wants to do.
 Timekeeper-Beverly
o Beverly has offered to print paperwork for the meeting.
o Diane will ask Beverly what she’d like to print.
 Liturgy of the Hours
 Cindy is interested in chanting the Liturgy of the Hours
o Pam will go through the Liturgical year to suggest what dates
would be appropriate.
o Promises should be renewed during the Easter Season; we will
need to do that during the next meeting.
 Mentor Program
 Jeanne G. has declined to be mentored for the treasurer’s position.
 Diane will talk with Beverly about the possibility of being
mentored for the secretary’s position.
 Marianne will post our monthly prayer intentions on the website.
 She will keep the prayer book in order to do this.
Our next meeting will be at St. Francis De Sales Church on Saturday, June 14 at 9 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Pam Becker