

Name _____________________________________

Science Chapter 6 Study Guide

1. What element makes up most of Earth’s atmosphere? _______________________________________

2. The Earth’s atmosphere is comprised of how much oxygen? ________________________________

3. What is energy transferred as electromagnetic waves called? ________________________________

4. What is energy transferred as heat through a material called? ________________________________

5. What is thermal energy transferred by circulation of a liquid or gas called? _____________________

6. What is the process by which gases in the atmosphere absorb thermal energy and radiate it back to earth called? __________________________________

7. What is the process called when the amount of energy received from the sun and the amount of energy returned to space called? _________________________________________

8. What causes wind? __________________________________________________________________

9. What causes differences in air pressure around the Earth? ____________________________________


10. What are global winds that blow from west to east called? __________________________________

11. What are local winds produced by? ____________________________________________________

12. What is the atmosphere? _____________________________________________________________

13. Why is air pressure greatest at the Earth’s surface? ________________________________________

14. Why does air temperature change as altitude increase?_____________________________________


15. What happens to most of the solar energy that reaches Earth’s atmosphere? _____________________


16. What are the winds that blow from 30 degrees latitude in both hemispheres toward the equator called?


17. What are the winds that blow from 30° to 60° latitude in both hemispheres called? ______________________

18. What are the winds that blow from the poles to 60° latitude in both hemispheres called? ___________________

19. What causes local winds? ____________________________________________________________________

20. Why does warm air rise and cold air sink? _______________________________________________________

21. What is the bottom layer of the atmosphere, where almost all weather occurs called? _____________________

22. In which layer of the atmosphere is the ozone layer located? _________________________________________

23. By which method does most thermal energy in the atmosphere circulate? _______________________________

24. In which wind belt is most of the United States located? ____________________________________________

25. What is the middle layer of the atmosphere, the coldest layer? _____________________________________

26. What is the layer of the atmosphere where gases do not mix called? ___________________________________

27. What is the highest layer of the atmosphere where temperatures can reach 1,000°C called? _________________

28. What is the layer of the atmosphere closest to Earth’s surface called? __________________________________

29. During most of the year, the air over Boston, Massachusetts, contains a high amount of moisture. Which of the following best explains why there is a high amount of moisture in the air?

A. Boston is close to an ocean.

B. Boston is at a low elevation.

C. Boston is near many mountains.

D. Boston is far north of the equator.

The map below shows the continental United States and four arrows representing wind directions.

30. Which arrow best

represents the direction of the jet stream that influences weather across the continental United States? ______________________________


When air near the ground is warmed by sunlight, what occurs?


32. In the summer, coastal towns usually experience cool ocean breezes, as shown in the diagram below.

Which process creates the type of ocean breeze shown?

A. Cool air above the ocean sinks and warm air above the land rises.

B. Cool air above the ocean rises and warm air above the land sinks.

C. Warm water evaporates and condenses above the ocean.

D. Warm water condenses and precipitates above the ocean.

33. What occurs when cool air moves from the beach toward the ocean during the night?


If a sailboat sailed from the eastern United States to Europe and then back, which of the following winds would most directly power the sailboat?

Name _____________________________________

Science Chapter 6 Study Guide

1. What element makes up most of Earth’s atmosphere?


2. The Earth’s atmosphere is comprised of how much oxygen? 21%

3. What is energy transferred as electromagnetic waves called? radiation

4. What is energy transferred as heat through a material called? conduction

5. What is thermal energy transferred by circulation of a liquid or gas called? convection

6. What is the process by which gases in the atmosphere absorb thermal energy and radiate it back to earth called? The greenhouse effect

7. What is the process called when the amount of energy received from the sun and the amount of energy returned to space called? Radiation balance

8. What causes wind? Differences in air pressure

9. What causes differences in air pressure around the Earth? Warm air rises at the equator, and cold air sinks at the poles.

10. What are global winds that blow from west to east called? westerlies

11. What are local winds produced by? Local geographic features

12. What is the atmosphere? A mixture of gases

13. Why is air pressure greatest at the Earth’s surface? because gravity pulls gas molecules toward the surface

14. Why does air temperature change as altitude increase? Gases that absorb solar energy

15. What happens to most of the solar energy that reaches Earth’s atmosphere?

Absorbed by Earth’s surface

16. What are the winds that blow from 30 degrees latitude in both hemispheres toward the equator called?

Trade winds

17. What are the winds that blow from 30° to 60° latitude in both hemispheres called? westerlies

18. What are the winds that blow from the poles to 60° latitude in both hemispheres called? Polar easterlies

19. What causes local winds? Temperature differences

20. Why does warm air rise and cold air sink? Because warm air is less dense than cold air

21. What is the bottom layer of the atmosphere, where almost all weather occurs called? troposphere

22. In which layer of the atmosphere is the ozone layer located? stratosphere

23. By which method does most thermal energy in the atmosphere circulate? convection

24. In which wind belt is most of the United States located? westerlies

25. What is the middle layer of the atmosphere, the coldest layer? mesosphere

26. What is the layer of the atmosphere where gases do not mix called? stratosphere

27. What is the highest layer of the atmosphere where temperatures can reach 1,000°C called? thermosphere

28. What is the layer of the atmosphere closest to Earth’s surface called? troposphere

29. During most of the year, the air over Boston, Massachusetts, contains a high amount of moisture. Which of the following best explains why there is a high amount of moisture in the air?

* A. Boston is close to an ocean.

B. Boston is at a low elevation.

C. Boston is near many mountains.

D. Boston is far north of the equator.

The map below shows the continental United States and four arrows representing wind directions.

30. Which arrow best represents the direction of the jet stream that influences weather across the continental United States? Arrow 1


When air near the ground is warmed by sunlight, what occurs? The warm air expands and rises, resulting in convection.

32. In the summer, coastal towns usually experience cool ocean breezes, as shown in the diagram below.

Which process creates the type of ocean breeze shown?

A . Cool air above the ocean sinks and warm air above the land rises.

B. Cool air above the ocean rises and warm air above the land sinks.

C. Warm water evaporates and condenses above the ocean.

D. Warm water condenses and precipitates above the ocean.

33. What occurs when cool air moves from the beach toward the ocean during the night?

A land breeze
