National Catholic Schools Week

National Catholic Schools Week
Sunday, January 26 – Friday, January 31, 2014
Catholic Schools: Communities of Faith, Knowledge and Service
This year’s theme, “Catholic Schools: Communities of Faith, Knowledge and Service,” expresses our school’s focus
on faith development, academic excellence and dedication to community service.
Faith: Incorporate prayer into each day: Drop everything and Pray At some point during each day this week,
classes will take a break and pray.
Knowledge/Academic Excellence: Diocesan Math Bowl (Wednesday, January 29) @ SLDM, International Fair
(Thursday, January 30), National Blue Ribbon Award: wear SLDM National Blue Ribbon T-shirts on Wednesday,
January 29
Service: The coin wars will take place all week to benefit the American Diabetes Association
We will also have a service project benefiting the Lord’s Pantry: “Super Bowl Party Bags”.
Sunday, January 26 – Faith, Knowledge and Service: In Our Parish
*Students and teachers participate in weekend masses
*Students will greet and bring up offertory gifts and CSW banner
*Wear school uniforms and CSW buttons.
Monday, January 27– Faith, Knowledge and Service: In Our Community
10:00 AM : CSW kickoff for the entire school; Musical performance by Toni McDonald in gym.
*Items for the Lord’s Pantry Super Bowl Party Bags will be collected Monday-Friday.
*Students wear jersey of favorite team to emphasize team/family group/community.
*Muffins and coffee provided for teachers and staff members.
Tuesday, January 28– Faith, Knowledge and Service: In Our Vocations
*9:30AM Father John will speak to students in grades K-4 about his pilgrimage this past fall. In gym.
*1:00PM Deacon Paul Lunsford will speak to students in grades 5-8 in gym.
*Students wear uniform bottoms and colored shirt of purple, blue, orange or green (colors of CSW logo)
*Treat bags delivered to teachers and staff members.
*Diocesan Math Bowl (grades 4-6) hosted by SLDM 5:30-7:30PM in gym
Wednesday, January 29– Faith, Knowledge and Service: In Our Faculty, Staff and Volunteers
*8AM School Mass CSW Theme and presentation of Saint Theodore Guerin Award
*9:15AM Joe Reitz will speak to students and emphasize the importance of serving others, especially the Lord’s
Pantry Super Bowl Party Bags collection
*Students wear National Blue Ribbon t-shirts with uniform bottoms.
*Lunch provided for teachers and staff members.
*Dine-To-Donate at Sky Zone 3-8PM ($13 per hour, $3 comes back to SLDM)
Thursday, January 30– Faith, Knowledge and Service: In Our Nation/Worldwide
*Our connection to our parish in Brazil and other mission work that parents and parishioners have done will be
*Students (junior kindergarten-grade 4) will make Valentine cards for local Nursing Homes (Allisonville Meadows
and St.Augustine)
*International Fair in the gym. Parent viewing hours: 8-8:30AM with students, 10:30AM-1:45PM no students.
*All Students may wear dress-up clothes for International Fair.
*Prayer card in mailboxes for teachers and staff members
Friday, January 31– Faith, Knowledge and Service: In Our Students
*9:00AM Students and staff members will meet in “Family Groups”. Each group will create a poster of “The Top 10
reasons to attend a Catholic school”.
*Students will enjoy a movie in their classrooms.
*Students and staff members may wear spirit wear and jeans, crazy hat and crazy socks (no hair color, please)
*Snacks and treats will be provided for the teachers and staff members.