-1- Conservation Plan Brief This conservation plan brief outlines the scope of work for producing a conservation plan for a heritage place. The brief is designed to be adapted for a specific project. It is the client’s responsibility to negotiate an agreement with the consultant regarding the terms and conditions for producing the brief and seeking legal advice if required. Brief to prepare a conservation plan for (name of heritage place) Client: ………………………………………………………………………. Consultant: ………………………………………………………………………. Name of property: (if applicable) ………………………………………………………………………. Address: ………………………………………………………………………. Real Property Description: Lot(s) …………………………………… RP(s) ……………………….. Aim The conservation plan will contribute to informed decision making for anyone engaged in caring for the heritage place. It may also assist in applying for a financial grant to undertake conservation work. Scope The consultant will undertake the following activities in preparing this conservation plan. Conduct a physical investigation of the building(s)/structure(s) and the grounds. Gather historical material that has been produced on the heritage place and identify existing listings Prepare a statement of cultural significance for the site on the: building(s) on the site and where applicable, sections of building(s) grounds including features such as landscaping and trees moveable artefacts associated with the site. Prepare a conservation policy on the culturally significant items to ensure they are conserved. The policy should also identify the: potential or otherwise for future alterations or additions to the building(s) or new structure(s) possible feasible uses. Provide a conservation action plan including a dilapidation schedule, for the building(s)/structure(s), clearly illustrated by drawings and/or photographs, to identify the repairs needed and: prioritise items for conservation work provide sufficient work specifications so a competent builder/tradesperson can cost the work required as agreed with the client. -2- Create a set of measured drawings for the building(s)/structure(s) if unavailable. These drawings should be of a high standard for use in interpretative displays. On the drawings: mark the different periods of construction document any work required. Provide a maintenance manual to establish a routine program for maintaining the building(s)/structure(s). On request, Council’s Heritage Unit can provide a standard manual for use as a guide. Provide options to improve services, without compromising the heritage place’s cultural significance, for: air conditioning, plumbing, lighting and wiring noise reduction security. Make landscaping recommendations to: maintain the heritage place’s cultural significance reinstate the original garden layout and plantings. The Burra Charter This conservation plan will be carried out in accordance with the Australia ICOMOS Charter for the Conservation of Places of Cultural Significance (The Burra Charter). Acquiring evidence The acquisition of evidence will include: a detailed site investigation to be coordinated with the client and consultant historical and recent photographs to establish the development of the building(s)/structure(s) over time, as well as to document the external and internal condition of the building(s)/structure(s) site plan, floor plan, drawings and elevations/sections, which clearly identify the original structure as well as any subsequent additions and their significance appropriate internal and external paint analysis of the building(s)/structure(s) to identify original or significant colour schemes and/or previous finishes/decorative work assessing significant landscape features, including trees, bushes, paving and suitable planting/landscaping Conservation policy and management strategies The consultant is to analyse opportunities and constraints for future site intervention which are based on the cultural significance of the heritage place and recommended conservation policies and actions. Existing use(s) and management policies/protocols are to be considered when developing recommendations for appropriate conservation procedures and possible future requirements. Recommendations should include but not be restricted to: prioritising conservation work according to the level of deterioration or threat, including what needs to be undertaken to ensure the element or building(s)/structure(s) heritage significance is preserved reinstating significant features and decoration where required identifying measures to adapt the building(s)/structure(s) and provide: building services such as air conditioning, plumbing, lighting and wiring bird proofing noise-reducing measures. -3- Recommendations for the overall site should also: identify the potential for erecting additional building(s)/structure(s) in the grounds and include guidelines on how to erect them provide guidelines for suitable landscaping and planting outline maintenance requirements and provide a routine maintenance schedule, including housekeeping tasks and a system of recording work. Measured drawings Measured drawings are to comprise floor and roof plans, elevations and typical cross sections of the building(s)/structure(s) and a site plan of a suitable scale for the purpose intended. The client will provide (where available): historic records and photographs reports and records of repairs/conservation work previously undertaken. Report The report is to include all the information requirements of the brief as well as: client name and author of report report production date copies of original archival material as required. The report is to be in A4 format and be adequately footnoted and referenced. The client and Council’s Heritage Unit are each to be provided with a draft hard copy and an electronic copy of the report for consideration/comment. The consultant is to submit two electronic copies and four bound copies of the final report to the client. Council will keep one electronic copy and two bound copies of the final report. Liaison The consultant will maintain regular contact with the client and Council at all stages of the project and provide regular updates on progress. The consultant will provide Council with a draft copy for comment prior to preparing the final report. Timetable The Conservation Plan should be completed by (date). The actual time frame can be negotiated and agreed upon with the client. Please note: It is suggested that, at a minimum, clauses also be included in this brief in relation to: payment(s) copyright and confidentiality fee proposals to produce the conservation plan and hourly rates for any separate portions of work (where required) any changes to the brief information on the people engaged to do the work