Lab Exam Review for Biomes & Climate (Chapters 5 & 9) Causes of global-scale patterns of species distribution: Biomes & Biotic Provinces While there is great diversity of life over the surface of the Earth, there are large areas that are (or appear to be) remarkably similar What are the causes of these large-scale patterns? Historical geography —> Leads to large regions with similar evolutionary heritage (= Biotic Provinces) Climate —> Leads to large regions with plants (& animals) that have similar adaptations (= Biomes) Biotic Province: A region inhabited by a characteristic set of taxa bound by barriers that tend to limit emigration & immigration of species. Emphasizes history and evolutionary connections Biotic provinces are shaped primarily by geological and evolutionary history Continental Drift, caused by plate tectonics, has resulted in periodic unification and separation of continents Unification —> genetic mixing Separation —> geographic isolation & evolution of new species Biome: A large-scale community that is determined primarily by the physical environment (esp. climate) Emphasizes the abiotic forces of nature in shaping ecosystems and communities of organisms Terrestrial biomes are most strongly determined by climate Rule of climatic similarity: similar environments favor organisms with similar form and functions (but not necessarily similar evolutionary history) Due to pressure & opportunities presented by similar physical environment (landscape, climate) Weather vs. Climate (Chapter 9 pp 203-207) Weather - A description of physical conditions of the atmosphere Climate - A description of the long-term weather pattern in a particular area The Great Weather Engine Solar Radiation Incoming solar energy at the top of the atmosphere averages about 1,330 watts/m3 About half is reflected or absorbed by atmosphere Most solar energy reaching the earth is visible light Energy re-emitted by the earth is mainly infrared radiation (heat energy) Longer wavelengths are absorbed in the lower atmosphere, trapping heat close to the earth’s surface (Greenhouse Effect) Solar Radiation Drives Convection & Latent Heat Exchange Lighter air rises and is replaced by cooler, heavier air, resulting in vertical convection currents These currents transport energy and redistribute heat Much of solar energy absorbed by the earth is used to evaporate water Energy stored in water vapor as latent heat If condensation nuclei are present, or if temperatures are low enough, condensation will lead to precipitation Causes of Global Variation in Climate Energy Balance Solar energy is unevenly distributed Sun strikes the equator directly all year Earth’s axis is tilted Energy imbalance is evened out by movement of air and water vapor in the atmosphere and by liquid water in rivers and ocean currents Convection Cells and Prevailing Winds As air warms at the equator, rises, and moves northward, it sinks and rises in several intermediate bands, forming circulation cells Surface flows do not move straight North and South, but are deflected due to Coriolis Effect Major zones of subsidence occur at about 30o north and south latitude where dry, subsiding air falls on continents, it creates broad, subtropical desert regions Jet Streams - Large-scale upper air flows Generally follow meandering paths from west to east (6-12 km above surface) Wind speeds are often 200 km / hr Number, flow speed, location, and size all vary on a daily basis Usually 2 main jet streams over North America: Subtropical - (30o) north Northern - Circumpolar vortex During winter, the Northern Hemisphere tilts away from the sun and the atmosphere cools, pushing cold polar air farther south Terrestrial Biomes (pp 96-102) Climate Factors & Characteristics Biomes - Areas sharing similar climate, topographic and soil conditions, and roughly comparable communities Temperature and Precipitation are among the most important determinants in biome distribution Most terrestrial biomes are identified by the dominant plants of their communities Global distribution of the major land biomes Deserts Characterized by low moisture levels and precipitation that is infrequent and unpredictable from year to year Wide daily and seasonal temperature fluctuations Soils are easily disturbed by human activities, and slow to recover Plants exhibit water conservation characteristics Grasslands Communities of grasses, seasonal herbaceous flowering plants, and open savannas Few trees due to inadequate year- round rainfall (rainfall is primarily in summer) Large daily and seasonal temperature fluctuations Frequent grass fires Historic grazing by roaming herds of large ungulates Subtropical Seasonal Forests / Savanna Semi-evergreen and partly deciduous forests tending toward open woodlands and grassy savannas Characterized by distinct wet and dry seasons with hot temperatures year-round Mediterranean / Temperate shrublands Characterized by warm, dry summers and cool, moist winters Fires are a major factor in plant succession Referred to as Chaparral in California Biodiversity hotspot Broad Leaf Deciduous Forest Temperate regions support lush summer plant growth when water is plentiful Deciduous leaves an adaptation to freezing temperatures Eastern half of US was covered with broad leaf deciduous forest when European settlers arrived Much of that was harvested a century ago for timber Now large areas have re-grown and are again approaching old-growth status Tropical Rainforests Humid tropical regions support one of most complex and biologically rich biomes Ample rainfall and uniform temperatures Cloud Forests - High mountains where fog and mist keep vegetation continually wet Tropical Rainforests - More than 200 cm annual rainfall with warm-hot temperatures year-round 90% nutrients tied up in living organisms Rapid decomposition and nutrient cycling Thins soil cannot support continued cropping, and cannot resist erosion Conifer Forests Cone-Bearing trees, somewhat low diversity Plants reduce water loss by evolving thin, needle-like evergreen leaves with thick waxy coating Can survive harsh winters & droughts and accomplish photosynthesis even under poor conditions Fire often plays role in maintenance Boreal Forest - northernmost conifer forest of North America & Eurasia Broad band of mixed coniferous and deciduous trees between 45° and 60° N latitude Moist and cool climate with abundant streams and wetlands Montane Coniferous Forests - common in drier mtn ranges of North America & Eurasia Cold temperatures, heavy winter snow, and dry summers Tundra Treeless areas with Very short growing season, with cold harsh winters (Damage slow to heal) Arctic Tundra exhibits low productivity, diversity and resilience Alpine Tundra receives intense solar radiation, hot summer ground temperatures, and potential droughts AQUATIC ECOSYSTEMS Saltwater ecosystems cover vastly more total area and contain much greater volume of water than all freshwater bodies combined. Oceans hold bulk of world’s water. Aquatic ecosystems are influenced by local characteristics of climate, soil, and resident communities, and also by adjacent terrestrial ecosystems. Critical Aquatic Characteristics Dissolved Substances Suspended Matter Depth Temperature Flow Rate Bottom Characteristics Internal Convective Currents Connectivity to Other Aquatic Ecosystems Vertical Component Vertical stratification is an important aspect of many aquatic ecosystems. Organisms tend to form distinctive vertical sub-communities. Benthos - Bottom sub-community. Low oxygen levels Thermocline - Distinctive temperature transition zone that separates warm upper layer and deeper cold layer. Estuaries Estuaries - Bays or semi-enclosed bodies of brackish water that form where rivers enter the ocean. Usually carry rich sediments. Fan-shaped sediment deposit (delta) formed on shallow continental shelves. Wetlands Land surface is saturated or covered with water at least part of the year. Swamps - Wetlands with trees Marshes - Wetlands without trees Bogs and Fens - Waterlogged soils that tend to accumulate peat. Water usually shallow enough to allow full sunlight penetration. Trap and filter water, and store runoff. Coastal Barrier Islands - Low, narrow, sandy islands that form offshore from a coastline. Protect inland shores from surf. Prized for human development. Loss of vegetation triggers erosion. Coral Reefs - Accumulated calcareous skeletons of colonial organisms (coral). Depth limited by light penetration. Among most endangered communities. Barrier Islands HUMAN DISTURBANCE By some estimates, humans preempt about 40% of net terrestrial primary productivity. Temperate broad-leaved deciduous forests are the most completely human-dominated biome. Tundra and Arctic Deserts are the least disturbed. About half of all original wetlands in the US have been degraded over the past 250 years. LANDSCAPE ECOLOGY Landscape Ecology - The study of reciprocal effects of spatial patterns on ecological processes. Spatial patterns shape, and are shaped by, ecological processes occurring in them. Considers humans an element of most landscapes. Few places, if any, are devoid of human impacts. Patchiness and Heterogeneity Landscape ecologists claim all landscapes consist of similar mosaics of discrete, bounded patches with different biotic or abiotic composition. Predominate cover type acts as a matrix in which other patch types are embedded. Landscape heterogeneity can exist across a wide range of scales. Landscape Dynamics Boundaries between habitat patches are considered significant. Dynamics between patches may be of greater importance than processes within each patch. Departs from classic ecological focus, and aligns with conservation biology. RESTORATION ECOLOGY Restoration Ecology - Seeks to repair or reconstruct damaged ecosystems. Restoration - Active manipulation to re-create species composition and ecosystem processes as close to predisturbance state as possible. Rehabilitation - Attempt to rebuild ecological structure or function without necessarily achieving original conditions. Restoration Ecology Remediation - Cleaning chemical contaminants from a polluted area by physical or biological methods. Living organisms are highly effective cleaning agents for many contaminants. Reclamation - Chemical or physical manipulations of severely degraded sites. Historically - irrigation projects to transform wetlands and deserts into agricultural production. Restoration Ecology Re-creation - Attempts to construct new biological communities on a severely disturbed site where basically nothing is left to restore. Mitigation - Developers and government agencies are often required to mitigate damage caused in one area by recreating a comparable biological community somewhere else. Restoration Ecology Questions: Is the best strategy to avoid destruction in the first place, or is nature a simple social creation to be molded ? Under what conditions can / should we walk away let nature heal itself ? What role should community / plant authenticity place in restoration ? Which historic state should an area be restored to ? ECOSYSTEM MANAGEMENT Ecosystem Management - Attempts to integrate ecological, economic, and social goals in a unified systems approach. Most resource agencies (Federal and state) are attempting to identify endangered landscapes and implement ecosystem management as their guiding policy. Turning away from commodity production and commercial / recreational resource use as top priority. Ecosystem Management Critiques We do not understand ecosystems in the detail necessary to manage them as single entities. In developing countries, immediate needs of the poor will hamper enforcement of environmental protection. Preservation / Management Summary: Terrestrial Biomes Aquatic Ecosystems Human Disturbance Landscape Ecology Restoration Ecology Ecosystem Management Global-scale patterns: Realms & Biotic provinces A. R. Wallace suggested a global division into 6 realms based on characteristic features of animals. Key feature of classification is the similarity of animals of many taxa within a realm based on evolutionary relationships Certain dominant taxa (orders/families/genera) in each realm Similar roles (niches) in different realms filled by different genetic stocks Fig 8.2a The main biogeographic realms for animals are based on genetic factors. Fig 8.3 The major vegetation realms are also based on genetic factors. Part 2: Biodiversity • Genetic diversity - variety of different versions of the same genes within a species • Species diversity - number of different kinds of organisms within an ecosystem • Ecological diversity - complexity of a biological community (number of niches, trophic levels, etc.) Biodiversity Hotspots Part 3: How do we benefit from biodiversity? • • • • Food Drugs and medicines Ecological benefits Aesthetic and cultural benefits Fig. 5.21 Part 4: What Threatens Biodiversity? Extinction - the elimination of a species • • • • • • • • • • • Natural process - one species lost every 10 years Process been accelerated by human impacts on populations and ecosystems E.O. Wilson - we are currently losing thousands of species a year Part 5: Human-Caused Reductions in Biodiversity Habitat destruction and fragmentation Hunting and fishing Commercial products and live specimens Predator and pest control Exotic species introduction Diseases Pollution Genetic assimilation • • • • • • • • Hunting and fishing laws The Endangered Species Act (ESA) Recovery plans Reintroductions Minimum viable population Private land and critical habitat Reauthorization of the ESA International wildlife treaties