POINTS TEST 2 - Cat`s TCM Notes

Waking early in the morning and failing to fall asleep again indicates
A. Deficiency of Gall Bladder
B. Deficiency of Heart-Blood
C. Deficiency of Liver
D. Liver-Fire or Heart-Fire
Source: The Foundations of Chinese Medicine, Maciocia, 1989, page 159
Which treats hypertension, dizziness, and headache?
A. Celery
B. Spinach
C. Potato
D. Eggplant
Source: http://www.aaaom.org/FOOD%20ENERGETICS.htm
Which Nourishes Yin; Moistens dryness; and Tonifies Blood?
A. chicken
B. pork
C. beef
D. mutton
Source: http://www.aaaom.org/FOOD%20ENERGETICS.htm
Empty-Heat from Kidney Yin deficiency appears in the complexion as
A. Dry black
B. Smoky yellow
C. Moist black
D. Dusty red
Source: The Foundations of Chinese Medicine, Maciocia, 1989, chapter 16, pg. 146
A patient has just given birth has dull ache in all of the muscles which are worse after exercise with tingling of the
limbs. What is the pattern?
A. deficient Qi
B. deficient Blood
C. stagnant Blood
D. invasion of wind-cold
Source: Diagnosis in Chinese Medicine, Maciocia, 2004, page 709
Which of the following locations of sweat/diagnoses are INCORRECT?
A. Only on arms and legs/ Stomach and Spleen deficiency
B. Whole body/ Yin deficiency
C. Only on hands/ Lung-Qi deficiency or nerves
D. Only on head/ Heat in the Stomach or Damp-Heat
Source: The Foundations of Chinese Medicine, Maciocia, 1989, page 155
A patient has a sporadic cough which is productive with thick-white phlegm, shortness of breath, weak voice,
tiredness, loose stools, and poor appetite. What is the primary root (ben) pattern?
A. Deficient Spleen Qi
B. Deficient Lung and Spleen Qi
C. Deficient Lung Qi
D. Deficiency
Source: Foundations of Chinese Medicine, Maciocia, 2005, page 1119
Pain in the arms and shoulders experienced only when walking is usually due to
A. Liver-Qi stagnation
B. Blood deficiency
C. Blood stasis
D. Dampness obstructing muscles
Source: The Foundations of Chinese Medicine, Maciocia, 1989, page 156
A patient has frequent and urgent urination which stops midstream, pale and turbid urine, hypogastrium feels
heavy. What tongue is expected?
A. Red tongue with thick-greasy yellow coating
B. White-greasy coating on root
C. Pale and wet tongue
D. Pale tongue with thin yellow coating
Source: The Foundations of Chinese Medicine, Maciocia, 1989, page 289
10. A 43 year old man is suffering from exhaustion. He feels very tired after eating. He has dull headaches, and heavy
and achy limbs. The tongue is red and swollen with sticky yellow coating. The pulse is weak (xu mai) and slippery
(hua mai). What is the diagnosis?
A. Deficient Spleen Qi
B. Stomach Phlegm-Heat
C. Spleen Damp-Heat
D. Deficient Spleen Qi with Accumulation of Dampness
Source: The Practice of Chinese Medicine, Maciocia, 1994, page 638-639
11. A patient has dry cough with just a small amount of sputum, low-grade fever, hot sensations in the evening, night
sweats, red cheeks, and dryness. What tongue is expected?
A. Dry tongue
B. Red peeled tongue with cracks
C. Thin yellow coating
D. Pale or normal colored tongue
Source: The Foundations of Chinese Medicine, Maciocia, 1989, page 233
12. A 27 year old woman has constipation as the main complaint. She has on the average two bowel movements per
week. Her period has a scanty blood flow with PMS. She has poor memory and insomnia. The tongue is pale. The
pulse is choppy (se mai). What is the diagnosis?
A. Stagnant Liver Qi
B. Heart Yin Deficient
C. Deficient Kidney Yin with Empty Fire
D. Deficient Blood
Source: The Practice of Chinese Medicine, Maciocia, 1994, page 486
13. A patient has edema with puffy face and eyelids, bright and shiny skin, decreased urination, and chills with fever.
The tongue has a thin white coating. The pulse is slippery and fast. What is the diagnosis?
A. Deficient Spleen and Kidney Yang
B. External Wind with Internal Water
C. Deficient Kidney Qi
D. Bladder Cold-Damp
Source: Chinese Acupuncture and Moxibustion, Foreign Language Press, 2003, page 438
14. The color of the tip of the nose can be used in diagnosis. Which of the following nose tip colors are paired with the
correct condition?
A. Green / abdominal pain
B. Yellow / Blood deficiency
C. White / impairment of Water
D. Red / Damp-Heat
Source: The Foundations of Chinese Medicine, Maciocia, 1989, page 148
15. The qi of the following organs normally descends EXCEPT?
A. Stomach qi
B. Lung qi
C. Kidney qi
D. Heart qi
E. Gall bladder qi
Source: The Foundations of Chinese Medicine, Maciocia, 1989, chapter 26, page 265
16. The nose corresponds to the
A. Heart
B. Lung
C. Spleen
D. Liver
E. Kidney
Source: Foundations of Chinese Medicine, Maciocia, 2004, page 288
17. A patient has poor appetite, loose stools, weak voice, shortness of breath, sweats easily after exertion, and brightwhite complexion. What tongue is expected?
A. Pale, swollen and wet tongue
B. Thick, greasy and white coating
C. Pale tongue
D. Greasy and yellow coating
Source: The Foundations of Chinese Medicine, Maciocia, 1989, page 246
18. A patient has high fever that is higher in the afternoon, constipation, dry stools, burning anus, abdominal fullness
and pain, irritability, delirium, red tongue with thick yellow dry coating, and a deep-full-fast pulse. What is the
A. Defensive-Qi level (wei)
B. Qi level (qi)
C. Nutritive-Qi level (ying)
D. Blood level (xue)
Source: The Foundations of Chinese Medicine, Maciocia, 2005, page 729
19. Tiredness, sallow complexion, loose stools, abdominal distention and pain which is better with pressure, wiry
pulse with weakness on heavier palpation is an indication of
A. True excess with false deficiency
B. True deficiency with false excess
C. Transformation of deficiency and excess
D. Complication of deficiency and excess
Source: Chinese Acupuncture and Moxibustion, Foreign Language Press, 2003, page 294
20. If the baby is not growing in the womb or seems small there is usually a mixture of deficiency in the
A. Spleen and Liver
B. Lung and Large Intestine
C. Spleen and Kidney
D. Heart and Spleen
E. Kidney and Heart
Source: Acupuncture in Pregnancy and Childbirth, Zita West, 2001, chapter 2, pg. 32
21. Which Strengthens the Spleen and Stomach; and Tonifies Chi and Blood?
A. pork
B. chicken
C. beef
D. mutton
Source: http://www.aaaom.org/FOOD%20ENERGETICS.htm
22. A 37 year old woman has PMS. It started after she got depressed from giving birth. She gets irritable and cries a
lot. She has breast distention. Other symptoms include constipation, headaches, insomnia, excess dreaming, and
palpitations. The tongue is pale, thin and red on the sides. The pulse is thin, wiry on the left middle position, and
weak on the left front position. What is the diagnosis?
A. Stagnant Liver Qi and Blood
B. Liver and Heart Blood Deficiency, Stagnant Liver Qi
C. Stagnant Liver Qi, Deficient Heart Yin
D. Liver and Kidney Yin Deficiency
Source: The Practice of Chinese Medicine, Maciocia, 1994, page 771-772
23. A 15 year old girl had tonsillitis three months ago. At that time the tonsils were red, painful and purulent. She also
had a headache and swollen glands. She now feels very tired. The tonsils are only slightly swollen but her lymph
glands are no longer swollen. She has headaches on the temples. She complains of sometimes feeling cold and
other times feverish. Other symptoms include thirst, irritability, and insomnia. The tongue is red. The pulse is wiry
(xuan mai). What is the diagnosis?
A. Tai Yang Syndrome
B. Lung Heat Lodged in Throat
C. Shao Yang Syndrome
D. Stomach Fire
Source: The Practice of Chinese Medicine, Maciocia, 1994, page 646
24. In the Lesser-Yang (shao yang) stage the pathogenic factors oscillate between
A. Lesser-Yang (shao yang) and Greater-Yang (tai yang)
B. Greater-Yang (tai yang) and Bright-Yang (yang ming)
C. Lesser-Yang (shao yang) and Bright-Yang (yang ming)
D. Greater-Yang (tai yang) and Greater-Yin (tai yin)
Source: Foundations of Chinese Medicine, Maciocia, 2005, page 716
25. After a meal with milk, ice cream and cookies, a child complains of symptoms, such as poor appetite, indigestion,
abdominal pain and distension with loose stools. What is the child's pathophysiology in terms of Chinese
A. Lactose intolerance
B. Spleen Qi deficiency
C. Liver Qi deficiency
D. Large Intestine Qi deficiency
Source: Pediatric Acupuncture, Mary Loo, 2003, Chapter 4, pg. 30
26. A patient has poor appetite, abdominal distention which is worse after eating, lassitude, sallow complexion, no
stamina, a bearing down sensation in the abdomen, and a prolapsed stomach, pale tongue, and empty-weak pulse.
What is the pattern?
A. Spleen Qi Deficiency
B. Spleen Yang Deficiency
C. Spleen Qi Sinking
D. Spleen Not Controlling Blood
Source: The Foundations of Chinese Medicine, Maciocia, 1989, page 244
27. The color of the tip of the nose can be used in diagnosis. Which of the following nose tip colors are paired with the
correct condition?
A. Yellow / Blood deficiency
B. White / impairment of Water
C. Green / abdominal pain
D. Grey / Blood deficiency
E. Red / Damp-Heat
Source: The Foundations of Chinese Medicine, Maciocia, 1989, page 148
28. A patient has wrinkly skin, large head, broad cheeks, narrow shoulders, large abdomen, and a long spine. What is
the body type?
A. wood type
B. fire type
C. earth type
D. metal type
E. water type
Source: Diagnosis in Chinese Medicine, Maciocia, 2004, page 20
29. A patient has a burning pain and burning sensations in the epigastric area, thirsty for cold drinks, constant hunger,
swollen, painful and bleeding gums, acid reflux, constipation, nausea and bad breath. What tongue is expected?'
A. Red tongue with thick, yellow and dry coating
B. Red tongue with thick, yellow and greasy coating
C. Purple tongue with purple spots
D. Peeled in the center or coating without root
Source: The Foundations of Chinese Medicine, Maciocia, 1989, page 269
30. A patient has frequent and urgent urination which stops midstream, pale and turbid urine, hypogastrium feels
heavy. What tongue is expected?'
A. White-greasy coating on root
B. Pale tongue with thin yellow coating
C. Pale and wet tongue
D. Red tongue with thick-greasy yellow coating
Source: The Foundations of Chinese Medicine, Maciocia, 1989, page 289
31. A patient has palpitations, shortness of breath on exertion, fatigue, listlessness, discomfort in the chest, cold
feelings, cold hands, and bright pale face. What tongue is expected?
A. Pale tongue
B. Bluish-purple tongue
C. Pale, thin and slightly dry tongue
D. Pale, wet and swollen tongue
Source: The Foundations of Chinese Medicine, Maciocia, 1989, page 203
32. Which of the following western diseases is not related to wei syndrome?
A. Multiple sclerosis
B. Poliomyelitis
C. Secondary trigeminal neuralgia
D. Myasthenia gravis
Source: The Practice of Chinese Medicine, Maciocia, 1994, page 698
33. Which of the following is the most difficult type of epigastric pain to treat?
A. Phlegm-Fluids in the Stomach
B. Retention of Food in the Stomach
C. Stagnant Liver Qi Invading the Stomach
D. Stomach Heat
Source: The Practice of Chinese Medicine, Maciocia, 1994, page 415
34. A patient has abundant bleeeding during mid-cycle. The blood is sticky and has no clots. She has a yellow-brown
discharge before the bleeding starts. She has a feeling of heaviness and a dragging sensation in the lower
abdomen. She has a feeling of oppression of the chest, irritability, scanty-dark urine, burning urination. The tongue
is sticky-yellow and the pulse is slippery. What is the diagnosis?
A. Damp-Heat in the uterus
B. Spleen Deficiency with dampness in the lower burner
C. Hot Blood
D. Blood Empty-Heat
Source: The Practice of Chinese Medicine, Maciocia, 1994, page 757
35. A patient has an excess heat condition. Which of the following foods can he eat?
A. Lamb
B. Beef
C. Peanuts
D. Deep-fried foods
Source: The Foundations of Chinese Medicine, Maciocia, 1989, page 140
36. Weaning a baby too early can lead to the baby having
A. Retention of food
B. Deficient Qi
C. Stagnant Liver Qi
D. Excess Damp
Source: The Foundations of Chinese Medicine, Maciocia, 1989, page 162
37. A patient has continuous fever that decrease after sweating but soon increases again, a feeling of heaviness of the
body and head, a feeling of oppression of the chest and epigastrium, nausea, loose stools, a red tongue with sticky
yellow coating, and a soggy-fast pulse. What is the level?
A. Qi level (qi)
B. Defensive-Qi level (wei)
C. Nutritive-Qi level (ying)
D. Blood level (xue)
Source: The Foundations of Chinese Medicine, Maciocia, 2005, page 730
38. Which level has a tongue with red sides/front and thin white coating?
A. Qi level (qi)
B. Blood level (xue)
C. Defensive-Qi level (wei)
D. Nutritive-Qi level (ying)
Source: The Foundations of Chinese Medicine, Maciocia, 2005, page 724
39. All of the following muscle channels affect the groin area except?
A. Spleen muscle channel
B. Stomach muscle channel
C. Kidney muscle channel
D. Liver muscle channel
Source: Foundations of Chinese Medicine, Maciocia, 2005, page 760-761
40. Patient with the following clinical manifestations, stabbing pain in the epigastrium which is worse with heat and
pressure, pain after eating, vomiting of dark blood, blood in the stools, tongue is purple with purple spots, and
pulse is wiry or choppy, has the following diagnosis?
A. Stomach qi deficiency
B. Stasis of blood in the stomach
C. Stomach qi rebelling upwards
D. Retention of food in the stomach
E. Cold invading the stomach
Source: The Foundations of Chinese Medicine, Maciocia, 1989, chapter 26, page 272
41. A patient has no appetite, heavy feelings in the body, thirsty but drinks only small sips, low-grade heat sensations,
loose and foul smelling stools, burning anus, and scanty and dark urine. What tongue is expected?
A. Red tongue
B. Pale, swollen and wet tongue
C. Thick, greasy and white coating
D. Greasy and yellow coating
Source: Damp-Heat Invading Spleen - The Foundations of Chinese Medicine, Maciocia, 1989, page 245
42. The CPT code for acupuncture with one or more needles and without electrical stimulation for the initial 15 minutes
of personal one-on-one contact with the patient is
A. 97811
B. 97810
C. 97814
D. 97813
Source: http://www.acupuncture.com/news/cptcodes_jan2005.htm
43. In an infant, if the finger veins of the index finger are a green-blue color it indicates all of the following except
A. food damage
B. heat
C. fright-wind
D. pain
Source: Practical Diagnosis in Traditional Chinese Medicine, Deng, 2003, page 26
44. A patient has a sallow complexion, vertex headache, insomnia, sleep disturbed by dreams, malar flush, blurred
vision, easy to anger, dizziness, dry eyes, dry throat, night sweats, tinnitus, 5-palm heat, dry stools, scanty
menstruation. What tongue is expected?
A. Red tongue with thin yellow coating
B. Red tongue with thin white coating
C. Red and peeled tongue with cracks
D. Red tongue with thick-yellow coating
Source: Kidney and Liver Yin Deficiency - The Foundations of Chinese Medicine, Maciocia, 1989, page 259
45. A 21 year old woman has recurrent urinary tract infections. This time she has frequent and scanty urination. The
urine is dark, hot, burning, and painful. Antibiotics help but the attacks reoccur. She is depressed from the loss of
her mother. The tongue is a little red with yellow coating at the root. The pulse is fast (shuo mai) and full (shi mai)
in the front left position. What is the diagnosis?
A. Stagnant Liver Qi Transforming to Fire
B. Bladder Damp-Heat
C. Deficient Yin with Empty Fire
D. Heart Fire Transmitted to Small Intestine
Source: The Practice of Chinese Medicine, Maciocia, 1994, page 503
46. A 32 year old man has had migraines for the past 7 years. The pain is over the whole head, dull but intense in
character. The migraines improve while lying down, get worse from stress and exposure to light or cold. With the
migraines there is nausea and cold sensations. He has hypochondrial pain which is triggered by eating fatty foods.
He has frequent belching and suffers from constipation. The tongue has a normal color and is swollen with a dirty
coating. The pulse is wiry (xuan mai) and slow. What is the treatment plan?
A. Tonify Liver, Nourish Blood
B. Move Liver Qi, Eliminate Cold
C. Resolve Dampness, Disperse Liver and Gall Bladder, Clear Heat
D. Sedate Liver, Clear Fire
Source: The Practice of Chinese Medicine, Maciocia, 1994, page 33
47. A patient has high-fever, profuse sweating, intense thirst, red face, a feeling of heat, irritability, delirium, red
tongue with yellow coating, and big-fast pulse. What is the treatment principle?
A. Harmonize the Lesser-Yang
B. Clear Stomach Heat
C. Drain Fire from Stomach and Intestines, and move downward
D. Clear Heat above, expel Cold below, and harmonize the Liver channel
Source: Foundations of Chinese Medicine, Maciocia, 2005, page 715
48. A patient has chills, a feeling of cold, lying with body curled up, listlessness, desire to sleep, cold, limbs, diarrhea,
no thirst, frequent and pale urination, a pale and wet tongue with white coating, and a deep-weak-slow pulse. What
is the treatment principle?
A. Nourish Kidney Yin and clear Empty Heat
B. Clear Heat above, expel Cold below, and harmonize the Liver channel
C. Tonify Kidney Yang and expel Cold
D. Release the Exterior, expel Wind and Cold, and restore the diffusing and descending of Lung Qi
Source: Foundations of Chinese Medicine, Maciocia, 2005, page 717
49. Which Luo-Connecting channels have an effect on the throat?
A. Large Intestine and Lung channels
B. Kidney and Liver channels
C. Stomach and Triple Burner channels
D. Gall Bladder and Liver channels
Source: Foundations of Chinese Medicine, Maciocia, 2005, page 760
50. A patient has lower abdominal pain, one or two days before the period, a feeling of distension of the abdomen and
breasts, hesitant start of the menstrual blood dark with clots, pain relieved after passing clots, and pre-menstrual
tension. What is the pattern?
A. Stagnant Blood
B. Stagnant Qi and Blood
C. Stagnant Qi
Source: The Practice of Chinese Medicine, Maciocia, 1994, page 738
51. Which of the following is NOT a hot-energy food?
A. Peanuts
B. Lamb
C. Beef
D. Deep-fried foods
Source: Chinese Medicine, Maciocia, 1989, page 140
52. Excess eating of sweet foods and sugar gives rise to
A. Dampness
B. Cold
C. Heat
D. Wind
Source: The Foundations of Chinese Medicine, Maciocia, 1989, page 140
53. A patient has prolapsed uterus, dry vagina, bearing down sensation in the lower abdomen, frequent urination, and
tinnitus. The tongue is pale. The pulse is weak. What is the pattern?
A. Deficient Qi and Blood
B. Deficient Kidney Qi
C. Deficient Spleen and Stomach Qi
D. Deficient Spleen and Kidney Yang
Source: Chinese Acupuncture and Moxibustion, Foreign Language Press, 2003, page 501
54. A patient has difficulty falling asleep, dreams, palpitation, poor memory, anorexia, and sallow complexion. The
tongue is pale with thin white coating. The pulse is thin and weak. What is the pattern?
A. Kidney and Heart Not Harmonized
B. Deficient Heart and Spleen Qi
C. Upward Disturbance of Liver Fire
D. Deficient Gall Bladder
Source: Chinese Acupuncture and Moxibustion, Foreign Language Press, 2003, page 447
55. A patient has chronic diarrhea which tends to occur in the early morning, pain below the navel, and cold
extremities. The tongue is pale with white coating. The pulse is deep and weak. What is the pattern?
A. Earth not controlling Water
B. Cold-Damp
C. Deficient Spleen Yang
D. Deficient Kidney Yang
Source: Chinese Acupuncture and Moxibustion, Foreign Language Press, 2003, page 423
56. A patient with a square face and a small head is a
A. wood type
B. fire type
C. earth type
D. metal type
E. water type
Source: Foundations of Chinese Medicine, Maciocia, 2004, page 294
57. A patient has a burning pain and burning sensations in the epigastric area, thirsty for cold drinks, constant hunger,
swollen, painful and bleeding gums, acid reflux, constipation, nausea and bad breath. What tongue is expected?
A. Red tongue with thick, yellow and greasy coating
B. Purple tongue with purple spots
C. Red tongue with thick, yellow and dry coating
D. Peeled in the center or coating without root
Source: The Foundations of Chinese Medicine, Maciocia, 1989, page 269
58. A patient has dry cough, dry skin, dry mouth, dry eyes, thirst, and a hoarse voice. What tongue is expected?
A. Pale or normal colored tongue
B. Red peeled tongue with cracks
C. Dry tongue
D. Thin yellow coating
Source: The Foundations of Chinese Medicine, Maciocia, 1989, page 234
59. A 54 year old man's main complaint is insomnia. He easily falls asleep but wakes up several times during the night.
He has a dry throat. He also complains of erectile dysfunction for two years. The tongue is red with very thin
coating. The pulse is empty (xu mai) at the deep level and very weak (xu mai) and thin (xi mai) in the left rear
position. What is the diagnosis
A. Deficient Kidney Essence, Deficient Heart Blood
B. Deficient Kidney and Liver Yin with Disturbed Shen
C. Kidney and Heart Not Harmonized
D. Heart Fire Blazing
Source: The Practice of Chinese Medicine, Maciocia, 1994, page 295
60. The difference between Bright-Yang (yang ming) organ pattern and Bright-Yang (yang ming) channel pattern is that
the former has
A. Body Fluids injured by heat
B. an overflowing pulse
C. intense thirst
D. a thin tongue coating
Source: Foundations of Chinese Medicine, Maciocia, 2005, page 715
61. Which level has restlessness and a generally clear mind?
A. Defensive-Qi level (wei)
B. Qi level (qi)
C. Nutritive-Qi level (ying)
D. Blood level (xue)
Source: The Foundations of Chinese Medicine, Maciocia, 2005, page 724
62. A patient has Deficient Kidney Yang due to sexual excess and Stagnant Liver Qi due to emotional issues. When a
patient has more than one root (ben) each with its own manifestation (biao) what course of action should be taken?
A. treat the root with the most symptoms
B. treat the root that is most chronic
C. each root must eventually be treated
D. treat the root that has the most severe symptoms
Source: Foundations of Chinese Medicine, Maciocia, 2005, page 1121
63. The root (ben) and manifestation (biao) can only be the same when
A. The manifestation (biao) is caused by physical trauma
B. The original qi is involved as etiology
C. The manifestation (biao) becomes a secondary root (ben)
D. The manifestation (biao) has severe symptoms
Source: Foundations of Chinese Medicine, Maciocia, 2005, page 1122
Coincidentally the Five element theory developed at about the same time as
A. The organ pairs system
B. The Greek theories of the elements developed
C. The Yin-Yang theory
D. The concept of excess and deficiency
Source: The Foundations of Chinese Medicine, Maciocia, 1989, chapter 2, pg. 17
Sudden blindness with no indication of eye disease and normal looking eyes is generally ascribed to
A. qi vacuity
B. damage to both qi and blood
C. depressed heat in the liver channel
D. liver and gall bladder fire
Source: Practical Diagnosis in Traditional Chinese Medicine, Deng, 2003, page 393
66. Miscarriage in Chinese medicine is often considered to be
A. less Jing depleting than childbirth
B. the same Jing depleting as childbirth
C. more Jing depleting than childbirth
D. more Jing replenishing than childbirth
E. Less Jing replenishing than childbirth
Source: Pediatric Acupuncture, Mary Loo, 2003, Chapter 3, pg. 7
67. A 10 year old girl has an upper respiratory tract infection. Symptoms include fever, shivering, sore throat, cough,
and tonsils are severely swollen with difficulty and pain during swallowing. The front part of the tongue is red with
red dots. The pulse is fast (shuo mai). What is the diagnosis?
External Wind-Heat, Stomach Heat
External Wind-Heat, Kidney Yin Deficiency
Wind-Heat Invading Lungs, Fire-Poison in throat
External Wind-Heat, Heart Fire
Source: The Practice of Chinese Medicine, Maciocia, 1994, page 790
Answer Key Below
1. A 2. A 3. B 4. A 5. B 6. B 7. B 8. A 9. B 10. C 11. B 12. D 13. B 14. A 15. C 16. C 17. C 18. B
19. B 20. C 21. C 22. B 23. C 24. B 25. B 26. C 27.C 28. E 29. A 30. A 31. D 32. C 33. A 34. A
35. C 36. A 37. A 38. C 39. C 40. B 41. D 42. B 43. B 44. C 45. D 46. B 47. B 48. C 49. C 50. B
51. A 52. A 53. B 54. B 55. D 56. D 57. C 58. C 59. C 60. A 61. B 62. C 63. A 64. B 65. B 66. C 67. C