Supplemental Material Materials and Methods Deletion of shc in R. palustris TIE-1. The Failsafe PCR System (Epicentre, Madison, WI) and primers PW13 and PW14 were used to amplify the upstream region of the shc gene (1 kilobase) from R. palustris TIE-1 genomic DNA. The PCR reaction was purified using the QIAquick PCR Purification Kit (Qiagen, Valencia, CA) and both the PCR fragment and the cloning vector, pJQ200SK (1), were digested with NotI and SpeI for 2 hours at 37oC. The restriction enzymes and buffer were removed from both digestions with the QIAquick PCR purification kit and eluted in 30 l of water. A ligation reaction was set up by mixing 15 l of NotI/SpeI cut PCR product, 2 l of NotI/SpeI cut pJQ200SK, 2 l of 10X T4 DNA Ligase Buffer (New England Biolabs, Ipswich, MA), and 1 l T4 Ligase (New England Biolabs). The ligation reaction was incubated for 1 hour at room temperature and then 1 l of the ligation reaction was electroporated into electrocompetent E. coli S17-1 cells and plated on LB plus gentamicin at 20 g/ml. Gentamicin resistant colonies were screened by PCR and verified by sequencing for insertion of the shc upstream region into pJQ200SK. One positive clone, pPVW3, was selected for further cloning. The shc downstream region (1 kilobase) was PCR amplified using primers PW15 and PW16 and cloned into pJQ200SK at SpeI and XmaI as described above. The resulting plasmid, pPVW4, was verified to be correct by PCR and sequencing. To generate the deletion plasmid, pPVW6, the shc upstream region was subcloned from pPVW3 into pPVW4 at the NotI and SpeI sites. To delete the shc gene in R. palustris TIE-1, pPVW6 was transferred from E. coli S17-1 to TIE-1 via conjugation. TIE-1 was grown in 20 ml of YP (0.3% yeast extract, 0.3% peptone) to an OD600 of 0.3-0.4 and centrifuged for 10 minutes at 5000 x g at 4oC. 1.5 ml of the donor strain, S17-1 carrying pPVW6, was pelleted for 1 minute at 14000 x g at room temperature. Each pellet was resuspended in 500 l of fresh YP and then combined in one microfuge tube. The cell mix was centrifuged 1 minute at 14000 x g at room temperature. The cell pellet was resuspended in 200 l of fresh YP and 50 l of cell mixture was spotted onto YP plates (4 spots per plate). The plates were incubated overnight at 30oC. After mating, the cells were scraped with a sterile pipet tip and combined in 1 ml of YP. Serial dilutions of the cell mixture were plated on YP + 800 g/ml gentamicin and incubated for 5 days at 30 oC. Because pPVW6 is a non- replicating plasmid in TIE-1, only cells that have inserted the plasmid via homologous recombination adjacent to the shc gene should be resistant to gentamicin. Several gentamicin colonies were screened by PCR for insertion of pPVW6 into the chromosome. One colony was grown for 2 days in YP for 30 oC without gentamicin to allow removal of pPVW6, and possibly deletion of shc, from the chromosome by homologous recombination. Because insertion of pPVW6 conferred sucrose sensitivity to the cell, removal of the plasmid should result in sucrose resistance. After 2 days of non-selective growth, serial dilutions were plated on YP + 10% sucrose and incubated for 5 days at 30oC. Sucrose resistant colonies were screened by PCR for loss of the shc gene. Several colonies were found to have deleted shc and one was picked for further characterization. Figure S1. Chemoheterotrophic growth curves of TIE-1 and shc strains in YP medium buffered at pH 4.5 and pH 5.0 as described in materials and methods. Each time point represents the average of three replicate cultures (error bars represent standard deviation and may not be visible beneath the data point marker). Each growth curve was repeated two times and a representative growth curve is shown. The wild type and shc strains are unable to grow chemoheterotrophically at pH 4.5 or lower and growth of the shc mutant is impaired at pH 5.0. Figure S2. Photoheterotrophic growth curves of TIE-1 and shc strains in FW medium buffered at pH 4.5 and pH 5.0 as described in materials and methods. Each time point represents the average of three replicate cultures (error bars represent standard error and may not be visible beneath the data point marker). Each growth curve was repeated two times and a representative growth curve is shown. The wild type and shc strains are unable to grow photoheterotrophically at pH 5.0 or lower. Figure S1. Chemoheterotrophic growth of R. palustris TIE-1 and shc at acidic pH Figure S2. Photoheterotrophic growth of R. palustris TIE-1 and shc at acidic and alkaline pH Table S1. Key data for hopanoid analysis of R. palustris strains by hightemperature GC-MS. Rta M+ (RI) Base Peak 2-methylhopene 19.76 424(18) 189 205(73), 355(23), 381(25) hopene 19.72 410(18) 189 191(93), 341(27), 367(23), 410(19) 21.61 484 205 189(81), 249(11), 409(5), 424(5) 21.61 484 205 189(32), 263(5), 355(4), 424(4) tetrahymanol acetate 21.58 470(6) 191 189(46), 249(6), 395(5), 410(4) unidentified BHP 25.37 550(5) 191 287(45), 392(15), 367(7), 369(6), 493(3) 2-methylBHtetrol acetate 27.25 728(1) 205/95 253(10), 383(19), 433(5), 493(38), 713(1) BHtetrol acetate 27.25 714(.5) 191 253(9), 369(18), 433(4), 493(34), 699(1) BHaminotriol 28.41 713(4) 191 369(20), 492(65), 653(10), 698(1) Analyte 20-methyltetrahymanol acetate 2-methyltetrahymanol acetate Characteristic fragments (RI) a. Retention time (min) on 15m DB-1HT column and using an Agilent 6890GC/5975MSD References 1. Quandt, J., and M. F. Hynes. 1993. Versatile suicide vectors which allow direct selection for gene replacement in gram-negative bacteria. Gene 127:15-21.