to view the full KUMC Infection Control Policy

KUMC Infection Control Policy
Acute Significant-Risk Infection (ASRI) – There are various acute infections that pose a significant risk
to patients, co-learners, faculty and staff. Acute infections included in this list that pose a
significant risk include but are not restricted to: Influenza, Strep Pharyngitis, Varicella/Zoster,
Hepatitis A, Active MSSA/MRSA infection, Pertussis, Active Clostridium difficile colitis and
mumps. This list is subject to change without notice.
Chronic Significant-Risk Infection (CSRI) – chronic infections that could pose a significant risk to
patients, co-learners, faculty and staff would include the following: HIV/AIDS, Hepatitis B,
Hepatitis C, and tuberculosis. This list is subject to change without notice.
Affiliate Institution (AI) – There are many affiliate hospitals and institutions both urban and rural. There
are also many students learning in the VA system. All of these entities are considered affiliate
institutions for the purpose of this policy
KUMC Campus – Any campus in the KUMC system. The tri-campuses are Kansas City, Salina and
Student Health Center (SHC) – Each of the campuses has a designated Student Health for their campus.
Students on away rotations will report to the affiliate institution per their protocols. Student
Health Services (SHS) refers to all collective student health services on any campus and the
administration thereof.
All enrolled students in the KUMC system with either an ASRI or CSRI must advise in person or by
telephone the appropriate Student Health Center of the presence of such infection. Examples of an either
an ASRI or CSRI under this policy are defined as above. Students that have acquired many of the ASRIs
may not need to be seen in person at the SHC but may need to refrain from scheduled learning activities
until the acute episode is no longer considered contagious. Students that are unclear if they have an
infection that poses a significant risk may call the SHC for advice and consultation. Students that have
seen a provider outside the SHC system should notify the SHC of such infections as are covered under
this policy.
Prior to participation in school activities, all students are required to have their SRI risk status assessed.
Students with a known CSRI or ASRI may be asked to:
- give consent to release of appropriate medical records to providers at their SHC
- be evaluated in person by their SHC providers
- obtain diagnostic testing
- potentially be referred to the appropriate specialist depending on the nature of the SRI.
The student is responsible for any and all costs (some of which may be covered by medical insurance)
involved in evaluation of his/her condition. Students should be assured that patient confidentiality will be
The Staff at SHS has an obligation to reduce the risk of transmission to patients, other students, faculty
and staff on the KUMC campuses. Therefore, a decision about the risk the student poses to the health and
safety of others on the KUMC campuses or while performing student duties at an AI will be the
responsibility of the SHS Staff; taking into account that some AI’s may have more restrictive policies.
Individualized plans for accommodation with respect to students with any infection risk will utilize
appropriate guidelines from the Center for Disease Control, Kansas Department of Health and
Environment and local standards of care. Specifically, there will be adherence to the updated disease
specific recommendations to promote patient safety while providing risk management and practice
guidance to students and health-care providers.
If there are restrictions or accommodations that are requested or suggested in individual cases, the
student’s school of study and/or Academic Accommodation Services will be contacted concerning SHS
recommendations without giving specific medical information unless the student signs a consent for
release of such medical information. The student’s school of study will make the final determination of
any accommodation(s) that can be reasonably made to allow a student to participate to the fullest potential
and complete their educational requirements without compromising the health, safety and welfare of
others on the KUMC campuses and affiliates. Various institutions that provide student learning activities
have standards that for a specific situation are more or less restrictive. Students will necessarily need to
comply with the most restrictive standard or make other arrangements to complete the learning