Sudbury United Methodist Church Facility Study Committee Minutes of Meeting 2/04/2015 The meeting was called to order at 7:40 p.m. by Chair Richard Morris. Present were: Committee members Chair Richard Morris, Kate Altman (substituting for Karen Bowler), Jennifer Eaddy, Cassandra Allwell (representing Sunny Hill), Patrick Helsingius, and Bill Cooper and architect Doug Sacra. Tadj Gozdeck and Pastor Joel Guillemette joined the meeting at approximately 8:15 p.m. 1. Chair Morris opened the meeting with a prayer. 2. The committee appointed Bill Cooper to take minutes of the meeting. 3. Review of Minutes – The minutes of the January 21 meeting as edited by Chair Morris and architect Sacra were reviewed and accepted. 4. Historical Synopsis – The Committee reviewed the historical background of the formation of Sunny Hill, including how it came to be located between the sanctuary and the fellowship hall and how what was then appropriate is now seen as impeding interaction among church attendees because of the distance between the sanctuary and the fellowship hall. The discussion also touched on increasing the shared use of the classroom space by Sunny Hill and the Sunday School and how regulations affecting preschools often complicate the sharing of space. 5. Architect – Doug reviewed the work he has been doing and distributed updated existing condition plan drawings and space measurements of the first floor and basement. 6. Needs Assessment – A tabulation of the results of the identification and prioritization of church needs at the February 1 congregational meeting was reviewed (see attached document). That assessment showed the top three needs to be: 1. Better fellowship space 2. Upgrading the HVAC systems 3. Repair of the parking lot. Doug asked the committee to review the full list of needs developed from the congregational meeting, noting that some of the items might be reasonably be considered in groups. The committee noted that educational space, including a nursery with adjacent restroom, should also be assigned a high priority. Doug recommended that the possibility of shared used of Sunny Hill classrooms and the use of the classrooms recently rehabilitated beneath the sanctuary and Hawes Hall be fully investigated prior to a decision to add new classroom space as part of the building program. The committee also noted that several groups at Sunday’s congregational meeting listed the need for additional conference rooms. Doug suggested that since several rooms underneath the sanctuary and Hawes Hall might also be used as conference rooms, along with other rooms such as the library, the need for new conference room spaces and the locations of those spaces should also be fully investigated. 7. Fellowship Hall – There was a discussion of the location and impact of a proposed new fellowship hall that would provide space for congregational socializing after services and for general use at 1 other times. The location suggested was just to the southeast of the present sanctuary. The restrooms there would be accessible to those attending services without walking to the front of the sanctuary. The space was sized to accommodate 120 people at 15 5’-round tables. The same space could be set up to accommodate up to about 300 people with an assembly layout with just chairs or 200 or more at closely-spaced rectangular tables. A removable platform or stage might be included at one end. Located adjacent to the new fellowship hall would be related spaces such as table and chair storage, linen storage, kitchen facilities and restrooms. At this point it is unclear how this alternative would impact the present entrance to Sunny Hill. The use of Hawes Hall if a new fellowship hall were built was discussed. Patrick volunteered to speak with the Savoyards regarding their expected needs, including a stage. Alternate uses of some portion of the space might include classrooms, meeting rooms or an expanded choir room, if acceptable to the music program, which would enable the existing choir room to be converted to meeting space. 8. Costs – As an aid to guiding our thinking on the scope of the proposed project, Doug provided initial very rough estimates of the construction costs of the top three needs mentioned above: $1,260,000 for fellowship space, $442,000 for HVAC replacement, and $440,000 for parking lot repair, totaling $2,142,000. To this construction cost, 30% needs to be added to cover contingency, design, engineering, furniture and equipment and other related costs, bringing the project total to $2,784,000. If chancel improvements and handicap accessibility to all existing areas were included, the final total would be about $3,084,000. Since these renovations easily total more than 30% of the church’s present assessed valuation, there likely would be other expenses mandated by the town to bring all areas of the church up to present-day code requirements. Doug noted that Carter Memorial UMC raised capital funds of about six times its annual pledge budget. For SUMC that would mean raising approximately $3,500,000. 9. Further Review of Needs – Doug asked that the committee review the entire list of needs developed at the February 1 congregational meeting with the objective of identifying items that should be included in a “maximum” list and also items that could be dropped, taking into account the cost consideration described above. He suggested that these be evaluated by asking whether they were important or not and by asking if they would be easy to do later. He also needs direction on whether to include chancel renovations. Jen Eaddy urged that there be a specific definition of “education space.” A general discussion ensued regarding sharing rooms across ages and grades and alternative uses for spaces. 10. Future Meeting Schedule – At the next scheduled meeting on February 25, Doug plans to present a “maximum” scheme for discussion. Further committee meetings are scheduled for March 18, April 8, April 27, and May 20. Congregational meetings are set for April 12 and June 14. Presentations are scheduled to the Trustees on June 1, to the Church Council on June 9 and to a Church Conference on June 28. The meeting adjourned at 10:10 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Bill Cooper 2 Building Needs and Priorities Developed at February 1 Congregational Meeting Attachment to Minutes of FSC Meeting 2/04/15 Score* Need FSC/Architect Questions/Comments Site Improvements 18 Parking lot - organized, with lines, drainage, lights & trees 9 Ground water drainage, keep moisture out of basement, control humidity Assume away from the building to reduce mold & mildew. Identify source of problems. Could also be a "Systems" project. 2 Grass area in front of church For gathering in good weather or just to look good? Outdoor soccer field What size? Systems/Space Enhancements (Better Quality, Not Larger or More) 24 New HVAC system More efficient, less maintenance 5 Technology access in building - Wi-fi 2 Energy efficient windows 2 Organ for Davison Chapel Everywhere? Newer additions & Sanctuary are already double pane. On-line streaming of worship service Add video to audio systems in Sanctuary Pew cushions Better signage Program Space 46 Fellowship space / enlarged narthex Should enter before entering Sanctuary. Could also have open space for gathering near Chapel 9 Additional conference rooms; some larger Specifically for adults? For church use only or for everyone's use? 8 Flexible chancel & alter space To accommodate more options for worship & music 5 Nursery & bathrooms on ground floor, accessible to everyone 4 Add AV room for Sanctuary 4 Update kitchen, modify to facilitate serving, increase room for volunteers to work together in social way. 2 Dedicated Sunny Hill space 2 More Choir space Assume this is for people to occupy who are controling sound and video during service In the Choir room or in the chancel? 3 Score* Need FSC/Architect Questions/Comments Program Space (Continued) 2 Bathroom near entrance Could be the same bathroom near the nursery 2 Labyrinth (indoor) for meditation Just pattern on floor. In tile in Chapel? 2 Restroom accessibility/flexibility. Addition of a family restroom. What does flexibility mean? A family restroom with a changing table? Near nursery or Sanctuary? 1 Sports facility and stage 1 Bigger chancel 1 Additional worship & music storage. Instrument storage space. To accommodate worship & music programming Do we need the Hawes Hall stage? Enhance Hawes Hall functionality Sunday School classrooms above ground Abandon basement, add 2nd floor classrooms Classrooms in basement - provide bathrooms & sinks or move classrooms upstairs. Is it safe to get out of basement in an emergency? Yes; all basement classrooms have two means of egress via stairs. Sunday School office & storage space close to classrooms Multi-use library space; larger library (2 mentions) Update Chapel Aesthetics? Audio-visual capabilities? Make better use of Chapel Enhance access to Chapel Assume this means more direct access from front of building Better shared Sunny Hill space Coffee house area Assume this could be a shared space with lighting, tables, etc. Better utilization of space - not more Assume this means multi-function capability as well as sharing of space Getting around Sunny Hill space Ability to move from one side of church to the other without passing through Sunny Hill when in session Easy to use elevator Youth Group meeting space New meeting space or would enhancement of existing space under Hawes Hall suffice? *The attendees divided into five groups of about eight persons each. Each group developed a list of building needs, after which each member in each group selected the top three needs in the group's list. Some groups indicated 1st, 2nd and 3rd priorities; others did not assign priorities. Points were assigned to each need as follows: 3 for each 1st priority need, 2 for each 2nd priority and 1 for each 3rd priority. Unprioritized top three needs received 2 points each. The five lists of needs and the points assigned to each need were then merged into a single list, and the points of identical or similar needs were combined to produce a total score for each of the needs in the combined list. 4