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Name: ___________________________
Date: ____________ Period: _____
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Lesson 6-7 Open Book Test
1. What does the “H” represent on weather maps? High-pressure.
2. What does the “L” represent on weather maps? low-pressure..
3. What type of weather would you expect in an area marked with an “H”?
High-pressure weather is usually clear
What type of weather would you expect in an area marked with an “L”?
Low-pressure weather is usually cloudy.
If hurricanes get their energy from warm, evaporating water, where on
earth do you think hurricanes form most often? Over warm water,
usually near the equator where evaporation is abundant.
What process is at the heart of hurricane formation? The water cycle
7. What are the ingredients of cloud formation? Evaporation, warm rising
air, dust particles, condensation of water, and the weight of air (air pressure).
Water pressure is caused by the weight of water.
Air pressure is caused by the weight of air.
10. Air pressure is one factor that creates the constant
changes in weather on the earth.
11. What is a barometer? An instrument that detects and measures air
pressure changes.
The waters of the ocean move in streams called currents.
13. List 5 factors that help form ocean currents: Heat from the sun, wind,
salinity, land masses acting as barriers, and the rotation of the earth.
What are major forces that drive ocean currents? Temperature and wind
15. What do ocean currents do? They dissolve oxygen from the
atmosphere and bring minerals up to the surface, where tiny floating plants
can use them. They also help move heat around the globe.
Who made some of the earliest studies of ocean currents?
Benjamin Franklin
17. What did he discover? He discovered how sailors could use
thermometers to guide their ships into the current or out of it
18. How does temperature affect the way water moves? The hot water is
less dense so it rises. The cool water is more dense so it sinks.
19. What are trade winds? Winds that blow from the east to the west
across the tropical Pacific Ocean.
20. What is El Nino? An unusually warm flow of surface water. There is
no wind to push the warm water westward, and the cold water near the
Americas cannot rise to the surface.
What produces surface ocean currents? Wind blowing over the oceans.
22. What do surface ocean currents do? They transfer heat from tropical
areas near the equator to Polar Regions.
23. What is the Gulf Stream? A tremendous warm-water current that
flows northward along the East Coast of the US. It carries huge amounts of
warm tropical water into areas farther north.
Surface ocean currents have a major effect on global climate
From the past 2 lessons, do water and air move the same way? Explain.
Cold water and cold air sink. Hot water and hot air rise.
Bonus Questions: Each question is worth 1 point
1. How fast does the Earth move around the Sun?
a. 8,400 mph
b. 31,650 mph
c. 67,000 mph
2. What gas makes up 78 % of the atmosphere?
a. Nitrogen
b. Hydrogen
c. Oxygen
3. Which state has the most earthquakes?
a. California
b. Washington
c. Alaska
4. What does an agronomist study?
a. Trees and bushes
b. Precipitation and runoff
c. Soil and agriculture