Appreciative Inquiry Proposal Sample February 1, 2001 Ms X, Director of XXXXX Dear X, It was a pleasure to meet with you last week to discuss the possibility of board projects with XXXX and the XXXX. Appreciative Inquiry would be an excellent approach and philosophy to use in a planning process. I am interested in working with you to unleash and focus board members energy in a positive and productive direction. This letter summarizes what I heard and proposes an approach with fee estimates. You have copies of The Thinbook of Appreciative Inquiry for further background on AI. What I heard you want: Greater self-sufficiency, responsibility, direction on the part of the boards Raise more money given the investment of time and energy of staff Less duplication of work - meetings, luncheons, parties, trips (high demands) More direct benefit to patients through fundraising and service projects To reinvigorate and sustain successful service projects Less scorekeeping and more cooperation/collaboration between the two groups To grow membership with productive new members You will be talking with key board members to test interest in a planning process. Each group of leaders will determine when they are ready to start. I suggested that we introduce the idea at a board meeting, outline the process and try out AI by doing appreciative interviews. At that point board leaders would decide to move ahead, or not. I am recommending a seven-month process, with the intent of having “big ideas” ready for implementation in the fall. You can expect some early changes in board energy and behavior, once the AI process begins. And, the board’s planning results will benefit fall 2001, 2002 activities and beyond. Boards will need to dedicate time and effort during and between monthly board meetings, including holding extra meetings some months. A 2-day Summit is held as an important culminating activity, with outside stakeholders represented. The pace can be shifted, either faster or slower, depending on the commitment level and sense of urgency. While I will be the project lead and contact point for you, it may be beneficial to bring in XXX and/or XXX for board consultations or large meetings, especially if both boards decide to engage simultaneously. Appreciative Inquiry Proposal Sample Proposed Approach A graphic outline of an AI planning process is included with this letter in a separate file – graphic plan XXXX Development.ppt. It covers the 4D’s – Discover, Dream, Design and Deliver. Tasks, participants and estimated time frames for each set of activities are outlined. Each group will confirm and refine these as we work. Our Partnership It is my understanding that you, XXXX, would be the sponsor and buyer for this endeavor, and that both you and XXXX would get the project started and provide leadership and counsel along the way to both the board leaders and the consultant(s). We will discuss what organizing support you will provide and what will be board responsibility and consultant(s). As part of the process, we want to build self-sufficiency in board members by setting it up that way. Resources and Fees You are billed for hours of work completed according to the plan and deliverables. Attached is a chart that outlines activities, outcomes, board time commitment and estimated consulting fees. This is a conservative estimate, assuming buy-in and relatively smooth progress. If complications and delays occur, we will revisit time and cost commitments. My preference is to meet with you monthly to discuss progress, costs and results to make sure we are on track. I look forward to hearing from you about your interest in board planning. Susan O. Wood Corporation for Positive Change 717 964 3069 Appreciative Inquiry Proposal Sample 4 D Cycle Activity Pre-discovery February Introduce to board/experience AI Go/no go Define focus Identify steering committee Introduce to board/enlist volunteers Discovery – March June Develop Topics Draft questions Design, pilot and finalize interview guide, ID interviewers Train interviewers Conduct interviews Debrief interviews/synthesize stories Dream and Design July Schedule, invite and plan Summit Conduct Summit: Positive core, PP’s, action teams Deliver – August Implement and follow up TOTAL Outcome/deliverable Estimated hours/days – board meeting time and work hours Understand AI, propose process Decision point Purpose and desired outcomes, plan/dates Key leaders/participants Commitment and launch Meeting 1: 2.5 hours Estimated consulting fees per cycle to design, plan, deliver $X000 (meeting 1) Meeting 2: 1 hour (Meeting 2) Meeting 3: 3.5 hours $X000 3-5 topics for focus/lead-ins Questions by topic Draft interview guide Prepared interviewers Gather stories (data), develop relationships with stakeholders Highlight stories, identify what works and what they do well (Meeting 3) (Meeting 3) Email and conference call review. Meeting 4: 2 hours Meeting 5: 2 hours 1.5 hours X # interviews Email and phone counsel Mini-meetings, Email, conf calls, storyboard or Db. $X000 (2 consultants) Summit participant list, logistics, meeting design Positive core, PP’s, action plans and teams Meeting 6: 2 hours debrief stories and plan Summit Meeting 7: Summit 2 days $X000 Progress, resources, decisions Meeting 8: 2 hours $X,000