

Comm. 150I: Organizational Communication Inquiry

Prof. Federico Varona


Chapter 1: The Quick Introduction to Appreciative Inquiry

I. Appreciative Inquiry

II. Chapters’ Topic

III. Conclusion

Chapter 2: What is Appreciative Inquiry

I. What is Appreciative Inquiry

II. Key components of AI:

1. Strength-based

2. Art of Appreciation

3. Collaborative

4. Inclusive

5. Generative

Chapter 3: Why is AI Important Now?

I. The problem-centered view of the world

II. Consequences of the problem-solving approach:

1. Fragmentation

2. The indivisibility of possibility

3. Self-fulfilling deficit prophesies

4. Over dependence on experts and hierarchy

5. Exhaustion and visionless voice

6. Spirals of blaming

Chapter 4: AI’s Driving Force: The Unconditional Positive Question

I. The meaning of “Appreciate”

II. The meaning of “Inquiry”

III. The meaning of “Appreciative Inquiry”

Chapter 5: Re-thinking Human Organizations and Change

I. The Appreciative Principles:

1. The Constructionist Principle

2. The Poetic Principle

3. The Principle of Simultaneity

4. The Anticipatory Principle

5. The Positive Principle

6. The Narrative Principle

Chapter 6: What does the Practice of AI Looks Like?

I. Introduction

II The 4-Ds of Appreciate Inquiry:

1. Discovery Phase

2. Dream Phase

3. Design Phase

4. Destiny Phase


Chapter 7: Getting Started: Choosing the Affirmative Topic

I. The Affirmative Topic

II. Conclusion

Chapter 8: Building Capacity for Teamwork: The Medic Inn Story

I. AI is generative

II. A Tale of Two Stories: The Diagnosis Phase

III. A Tale of Two Stories: The Report Phase

IV. Conclusion

Chapter 9: Building Community Capacity: AI With the US Navy

I. The Power of Working with the Whole

II. The Story of the Navy Information Professional

III. Summit Dynamics

VI. Post Summit Work

Chapter 10: CONCLUSION: AI as Learning that Builds Cooperative Capacity

I. Why AI?

II. The Magnetism of Experiencing Wholeness

III. Suspension of problem-solving through AI

IV. Suspension of Hierarchy through Storytelling

V. Positive Questions beget Positive Action


