College of Continuing Education Appreciative Inquiry Facilitator Appreciative Inquiry (AI) is an energizing approach for sparking positive organizational change and group/community development. Unlike the traditional problem-based approaches which focus on what is not working well, AI focuses on what is working well (appreciative) by engaging people in asking questions and telling stories (inquiry). This shift in focus to the positive generates life within the organization/group/community allowing it to move more effectively towards its goals. Dr. Jeanie Cockell is a dynamic facilitator who is known for her creativity, sense of humour, sensitivity, and ability to get diverse groups to work collaboratively together. She is a leader in Appreciative Inquiry as an organizational and community development process, a research and evaluation methodology, and foundation for fostering collaboration in groups. She trains facilitators for the Centre for Appreciative Inquiry. AI is a way of being and seeing. It is both a worldview and a process for facilitating positive change in human systems. Its assumption is simple: every human system has something that works right – things that give it life when it is vital, effective and successful. AI begins by identifying this positive core and connecting to it in ways that heighten energy, sharpen vision, and inspire action for change. Since the 1980s, AI has been used to bring about collaborative and strengths-based change in communities and organizations worldwide. Learning Objectives By the end of this two-day workshop, participants will be able to: Explain basic theory, concepts, models and uses of Appreciative Inquiry Engage in an appreciative inquiry using the 5 D model (Define, Discover, Dream, Design and Deliver) Determine ways to apply AI in their own organizations/groups. Jeanie has been an educational and organizational consultant since 1999. She has extensive experience in facilitating, training, evaluation and research, coaching, conflict resolution, leading and collaboratively designing strategies for individuals, groups, organizations and communities to build positive futures and to respond effectively to change. Jeanie specializes in working with groups and brings to that work a wealth of experience and doctoral research. She uses “making magic” as the metaphor for the facilitating she does with groups that results in improved communication where appreciation is combined with critical reflection to enhance goal achievement and working relationships. Jeanie built her consulting practice out of her broad background in adult education, including teaching and college leadership roles in British Columbia. In 2005 she moved to Halifax, Nova Scotia. She continues to travel across Canada and the US to deliver workshops, speak at conferences, and consult for clients from various sectors. Resources Dates Costs Location $755 (hst incl.) Teaching Methodology This workshop will include a variety of activities including interactive presentations and discussion of theory and practice, as well as interviewing, telling stories, writing stories, generating themes from these stories, creating images and designing strategies. TBA 8:30 am – 4:30 pm Ask about our special rate for graduates of the Certificate in Adult Education. Materials included (light snack served in a.m.) Please register online or contact: Dawne Walker, Program Manager, College of Continuing Education 1459 LeMarchant Street, Suite 2201, PO Box 15000, Halifax, NS B3H 4R2 (902-494-8837) 2201-1459 LeMarchant St. Halifax, NS