One for all

Flexible and efficient battery chargers for electric forklift fleets
One for all
Wels, Austria - The cost of charging large and medium-sized
traction batteries in electric forklifts and other ground
conveyor systems is not insignificant. Battery chargers from
the Fronius "Selectiva" range, which utilise Active Inverter
Technology, demonstrate the considerable savings potential
in this area.
Many financial controllers - commissioned by management to monitor company efficiency - would rub their eyes in disbelief if they
knew by how much the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) of a forklift
fleet could be reduced by using the correct battery charger technology. Electricity costs would plummet, maintenance expenditure on
batteries would fall, battery life could increase by up to 25% and
valuable storage space would be freed up. A dramatic cut in CO2
emissions would also boost a company's green credentials.
Intelligent battery charger technology has been around for many
years, but the economic and environmental benefits of Fronius
Active Inverter Technology as opposed to conventional inverter
(high frequency) and old 50 Hz transformer technologies are still
not widely known. This is all about to change. "Selectiva" chargers
with "Active Inverter Technology" from the Austrian company Fronius offer the intralogistics sector high levels of energy efficiency
and constant output levels throughout the entire charging process,
all in a compact format. Lower ongoing operating costs and less
environmental impact round off the package.
High efficiency saves cash
"Selectiva" chargers are available in three categories: "Selectiva",
"Selectiva Plus E" (E = single-phase) and "Selective Plus D" (D =
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of the press release from Fronius International GmbH
"One for all - flexible and efficient battery chargers for electric forklift fleets"
three-phase). Even the "Selectiva Plus D" battery chargers, designed for the 48 and 80 V traction batteries commonly found in
conveyors, provide the same cost-cutting benefits. An extremely
high efficiency level of 94% reduces energy costs dramatically (by
up to a third) when compared with the old 50 Hz transformer and
conventional HF devices. 94% efficiency means that 94% of the
power drawn from the socket is used to charge the battery. Old 50
Hz transformer and conventional HF devices achieve just 60 to
80%. A constant charging current and voltage provide ideal battery
charging conditions, extending battery life by up to 25% to reduce
costs even further.
Active Inverter Technology saves on space and weight as well.
The compact Fronius devices are up to 70% smaller and far lighter
than 50 Hz devices with their large transformers and enormous
switch cabinets. The two housing versions from the "Selectiva
Plus D" range measure a compact 630 x 280 x 180 mm and 625 x
480 x 290 mm (W x H x D) and weigh just 18.5 and 40 kg respectively. Users benefit from chargers that can be kept practically
anywhere, e.g. between loading doors, on shelves or fitted to concrete pillars, saving valuable storage space..
Extremely flexible thanks to adjustable number of cells
"Selectiva Plus D" chargers are designed for battery capacities of
up to 1700 Ah. A large Selectiva model is essentially a single
charger for all wet or gel traction batteries. In addition to the 80 V
batteries, smaller 12, 24, 36, 48 and 72 V batteries can also be
charged. Different synergic lines allow charging to be optimised to
suit the requirements of the application. Uniquely, Selectiva
chargers can also charge single cells. This is particularly helpful to
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"One for all - flexible and efficient battery chargers for electric forklift fleets"
maintenance personnel for targeting faulty individual battery cells
or charging newly-installed ones. Like all the other chargers in the
range, "Selectiva Plus D" chargers have short-circuit protection,
thermal overload protection and a safety cut-out. By gently
charging batteries, the risk of explosion from a gas build-up is reduced to a minimum.
Convenience as standard, sophisticated optional extras
The basic "Selectiva D" model is very easy to use. It has an LCD
charging indicator display, a variable delayed start time to prevent
several devices switching on simultaneously and causing expensive peak currents, and time-controlled top-up charging. The
charging start time can be chosen to take advantage of cheap offpeak electricity tariffs. Should a power cut occur during the process, charging can be restarted from the same point when power
is restored.
In addition to the high level of standard equipment, Fronius also
offers numerous options that add value and provide extra safety
for the "Selectiva D". For example, "I-Puls" uses a special
charging characteristic to provide current pulses tailored exactly to
the battery to supply it with more energy in less time. This electronic method of electrolyte recirculation reduces charging times by
about one hour, saving even more energy. The "Air-Puls" option, a
pneumatic method of electrolyte recirculation, offers even greater
energy efficiency. It reduces the charging time by around two
hours and eliminates the need to change batteries during multishift operation.
A serial interface for documenting the last 35 charging processes
and generating charging protocols using an RS-232 interface is
available. Further helpful options include a cumulative error fea-
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"One for all - flexible and efficient battery chargers for electric forklift fleets"
ture, remote displays, protection against undesired starting, external start-stop functions and also solenoid valve control for the automatic filling of batteries with distilled water (Aquamatic). Temperature-controlled charging is a fascinating option that protects batteries used predominantly in refrigerated warehouses and other
cold environments. A sensor constantly monitors the temperature
of the battery and controls the charging characteristic accordingly.
The environmental aspect
One factor cannot be overlooked when it comes to Active Inverter
Technology: the environment. For an idea of the difference in CO 2
emissions between the new Active Inverter Technology and the
old 50Hz transformer system, use of the latter requires the equivalent of between 20 and 80 trees more, which makes a real difference when it comes to carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere.
With all things considered, even the most number-crunching of
financial controllers cannot fail to be convinced by the benefits of
the Selectiva range.
February 2010
Number of characters (main text): approx. 6875
Charging single cells: faulty individual battery cells
can be targeted, and newly installed battery cells can
be charged.
[Photo credit: Fronius]
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of the press release from Fronius International GmbH
"One for all - flexible and efficient battery chargers for electric forklift fleets"
Extremely flexible thanks to adjustable number of
cells. The same charger can charge smaller 12, 24,
36, 48 and 72 V batteries in addition to 80 V batteries.
[Photo credit: Fronius]
Fronius - the company
Fronius International GmbH is an internationally active company with headquarters in Pettenbach, Upper Austria. It employs more than 2,500 people
worldwide in its Battery Charging Systems, Welding Technology and Solar
Electronics Divisions. The company has four production sites in Austria, the
Czech Republic and Ukraine, plus twelve international sales subsidiaries in
Europe and America and two agents in Turkey and China. In Germany, Fronius is represented by its subsidiary Fronius Deutschland GmbH in Neuhof
near Fulda.
The Battery Charging Systems Division is the oldest division in the company.
Company founder Günter Fronius started the company in 1945 by repairing
Today, this division uses Active Inverter
develop and produce chargers for starter and traction batteBattery Charging Systems Division
The special features of this technology are intelligent charging, 100%
Divisional marketing
Buxbaumstraße 2
electronically safe, constant output throughout the charging process, a comA-4600 Wels
+43 (0)7242
241 6436energy
+43 (0)7242 241 952 560
efficiency and the highest safety standards.
In 2008, Fronius generated turnover of just under €370 million, an increase
of 24% on the previous year. About 90% of its products are exported. Froni-
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of the press release from Fronius International GmbH
"One for all - flexible and efficient battery chargers for electric forklift fleets"