Daniel Winkler Geologist (M.Sc) Cellphone: +972-526-204-201 danielwinkler1@gmail.com Born: 8/2/1985 Lives in: Haifa, Israel. www.DanielWinkler.co.nr Geology Courses (Notes are not important…) Geochemistry Introduction to Geochemistry / Prof Jiwchar Ganor Measurement and errors in measurement; chemical composition of Earth and the solar system, the early history of Earth and the solar system, meteorites – stony and iron meteorites, rates of cooling. Equilibrium systems. Basic equations of thermodynamics. Condensation processes of the solar system. Principles of radiometric dating; stable isotopes, Fractionation of the core, mantle, crust and atmosphere of Earth; distribution of major elements between different rock types; fractionation coefficients and trace elements; geobarometers and geothermometers, chemical oceanography and the concept of residence time Isotope Geochemistry / Prof. Itamar Pelly Geochronology : general principles and equations for radiometric dating; radiodating methods ( 14C, tritium, Rb-Sr, K-Ar, Ar-Ar, U-Pb; Sm-Nd, fission tracks). Sr-Sr ratios and BABI; fission tracks and thermal history; CHUR and crustal residence time; Stable isotopes: isotopic equilibrium, differentiation, geothermometers, equations for paleotemperatures determination. Isotopic abundance; nuclear binding energies and stability of nuclei; nucleosynthesis in stars. Isotopes in Aqueous Mediums / Dr. Orit Sivan introduction to isotope geochemistry, the use of stable isotopes as tracers for sources and processes in contaminant and non-contaminant natural water systems, and the use of radioactive isotopes for dating water ages and flow rates. Water Geochemistry / Prof. Jiwchar Ganor Concentration units and unit conversions; chemistry of rainwater – sources and mixing relationships; weathering processes in soils and the subsurface – weathering reactions, thermodynamics of rock-water reactions; spring water composition – activity diagrams, mass balance, kinetics of solution reactions and weathering processes; sources of salts in the ocean; evaporation processes and production of brines. Hydrology Solutes Transfer in Groundwater / Dr. Alex Yakirevich. Using of Visual MODFlow Student Version physical/mathematical models of flow and transport systems in saturated porous media, methods of predicting direction and amplitude of pollutant flow, presentation and definition of 'safe' zones, tracer tests for transport and conduction, molecular diffusion and hydrodynamic dispersion; Fick's law, retention, solution and replacement of solutes in the saturated zone, solution, transport and precipitation of solutes; numerical methods for solving distribution of pollutants in time and space. Solutes Transfer in the Unsaturated Zone / Dr. Alex Yakirevich. Using of Hydrus1D simulation program 1. Introduction to soil and rock structure with reference to interactions between solid and liquid phases: grain size distribution, mineralogy, surface area, effective porosity. 2. Characteristics of the liquid phase relevant to flow in porous media: molecular structure, hydrogen bonds, influence of solutes, vapor pressure, surface tension, capillarity, density and viscosity. 3. Hydraulic head: Matrix pressure, osmotic pressure, measurement of potential of water in the soil. 4. Flow equation in unsaturated zone: hydraulic diffusivity, measurement and characterization of unsaturated hydraulic conductivity 5. Movement of solutes in the unsaturated zone Groundwater Hydrology / Dr. Offer Dahan The hydrological cycle in the subsurface. Identification of flow systems and aquifer classification by chemo-physical characteristics. Continuity (mass balance) and moment balance in porous media. Quantitative definition of water potential in soil, make-up of potential in saturated and unsaturated zone, matrix potential, osmotic and kinetic potential. Isotropy, anisotropy, homogeneity and inhomogeneity in subsurface flow systems. Development of moment equations – Darcy's law. Development of flow equations for porous saturated system. Use of flow equations in groundwater flow systems. Solution of flow equations to calculate flow rates and characterization of physical parameters – analytical solutions, interpretation of pump tests, and numerical methods. Engineering Geology Rock Mechanics / Dr. Yossef Hazor Index properties of rocks. Classification of rock masses for engineering purposes; Stress analysis in two dimensions; Strain analysis in two dimensions, Introduction to theory of elasticity and special cases; Theory and empirical criteria for rock strength, Friction of rock discontinuities; In-situ stress determination; Design of foundations in rock;; introduction to stability of underground openings. Introduction to Geomechanics / Dr. Yossef Hazor Introduction; Soil classification, soil water interaction, stress at a point, stress transformation, effective stress, theory of consolidation, quantitative assessment of amount and rate of consolidation, mechanical behavior of rocks and soils, shear strength of cohesionless soils, shear strength of cohesive soils, introduction to slope stability Structural Geology / Dr. Alon Ziv Recognition of basic geological structures. Basic analytical methods of forces, stresses and strains in understanding genesis of faults, joints, folds and microscopic deformational features. Exercises in graphic methods, stereographic projections, maps and sections, recognition of structures of different scales, structural traps. Field exercises concentrating on structural problems and features in the Negev and Sdom/Rift Valley regions. Advanced Structural Geology / Prof. Dov Bahat Introduction to fractography and Tectono-fractography, Joints and Faults, Criterions for classification of joints in sedimentary layers and in granites, faults and joints and the interaction between them, Examples of provinces of faulting in sedimentary layers and newyork utta, south England and Ramat Hovav, examples of faults in Granites: Germany, Czech republic: Merrakutin quarry, and in California USA Oceanography Introduction to Enviromental Oceanography / Dr. Orit Sivan Introduction, The Water: An important component on earth, The Atmosphere as a HeatMachine, Thermohaline circulation, , Chemical composition of sea, Marginal basins, dynamic equilibrium in seawater fluxes and residence time. Mass balance of certain elements Chemical Oceanography / Dr. Orit Sivan General introduction, Water in earth, Introduction to Oceanography, Seawater composition, Dissolved gasses in seawater, Control processes, Stable and radioactive isotopes as tracers for processes in the ocean, Marine sediment Marine Sedimentology / Dr. Beverley Goodman and Dr. Timor Katz [course in IUIInteruniversity Institute for Marine Sciences in Eilat]. Principles of sedimentary deposition in Eilat gulf, Survey of the Enviromental conditions of Eilat gulf, Tools and knowledge of proxies to deduce environmental condition of the sediment, Sampling by Grab, pneumatic boreholes, shallow cores, surface sampling. Tools for recognition between different marine and continental environments, Recognition of the benthic environment – sediments and organisms foraminifera and petropods as proxies in the sediment, analysis of fossils, uses of stable isotopes in order to deduce different geochemical processes. Paleo-Climatic Proxies / Dr. Orit Sivan and Dr. Sigal Abramowitz The course aims to provide coverage of methods and proxies that are used in reconstruction past climate and paloceanographic changes , as well as investigating key events in the Phanerozoic . Specifically, the course will focus on the importance and contribution of each proxy in the investigation of main paloceanographic and climatic parameters such as temperature variation, oceanic circulation, water stratification, productivity, etc. Geography Introduction to GIS / Dr. Tal Savoray. using the program ArcGIS. Geomorphology – Mechanics and Evolution of Landscapes / Dr. Itay Haviv Introduction to earth surface processes and landscape evolution, runoff and drainage basins, hillslope form and processes: diffusion [creep, rainsplash], non-linear diffusion, wash slopes, stochastic hillslope processes: debris flows and landslides, weathering and soils, openchannel hydraulics and fluid mechanics, alluvial channels: plane form, hydraulic geometry, bed morpholgies and sediment transport, geomorphic mapping, alluvial channel: longitudal profiles, fans, terraces and climate, , bedrock channels: incision processes, long profile, knickpoints and strath terraces, geochronologic methods: low temperature thermochronology, glaciers: mechanics, morpholgy and influence on landscape Geological Mapping Mapping of Sedimentary Layers [ Zohar ridge Arad, Ein Yorqueam] – Dr. Yossef Hazor Geological Mapping The columnar section. stratigraphic sections; fence diagrams; use of aerial photography in geological mapping. Geological maps. Measuement of section thickness and dips from maps. Structural maps, isochore maps, isopach maps, lithofacies maps. Instrumentation. Exercises in measurement and field mapping. Geological Mapping Field Camp in Eilat Region [Magmatic/Metamorphic units] – Dr. Yaron Katzir Field recognition and map representation of structures and texture in metamorphic rocks: foliation, lineation, folds, crenulations, porphyroblasts. Measurement of linear and planar features in rocks.. Field relations between various crystalline rocks and generations of deformation. Deduction of metamorphic grade and mapping of isograds. Rock-sampling, thin section preparation and petrographical study under the microscope. Reconstruction of geological history based on field and lab data and writing a comprehensive report. Analysis of Geological Maps / Prof. Yehuda Eyal Interpretation of geological maps from Israel and various parts of the world. Analysis of areas with horizontal and tilted bedding; with and without faulting; folded areas with and without faulting; areas with local and regional unconformities, and magmatic and metamorphic terrains. Geology of Israel Regional Geological Field Trip [South Israel] – Prof. Haim Binyamini [Machtesh Ramon: Stratigraphy of the Trias up until Lower Cretaceous, Oron Syncline and Machtesh Ramon: Meeting the Jurassic and the Cretaceous, Central Negev Mountains: Upper Cretaceous until Eocene, Arad Region to Hazeva Region: Rift Zone and its surroundings Regional Geological Field Trip [North Israel]: Prof. Yehuda Eyal. Lower Galilee: Nazareth area and Tiberius, Golan Plateau: Yarmouch River, Gamla Road, Gadot lookout and Attereth Stronghold, The Hermon and North-East Galilee: Travertine in Kibbutz Snir, Nimrod Fortress and Birqet Ram, The Tanur waterfall and Ayun valley, Western Galilee: Rosh HaNikra and Adamit, Pqiinn Fault and Kafar Sme, Beit HaCerem faults near Shazor, Dalton Plateu near Meron Mountain The Geology of Israel - Prof. Moshe Eyal and Prof. Haim Binyamini Daniel Winkler, Geologist (M.Sc)