2014WishList - Cracker Box Palace


Our Wish List for 2014 –

Building Projects and Equipment

A large animal chute Stocks for our older horses

A bucket truck or lift to paint the big barns

Medical equipment for our new lab Heavy duty truck

Fence materials – lumber, horse and goat fence, cattle panels Lean to and out buildings or the materials to build them

Roof repair for the Cow Barn Round pens Indoor arena

Electric upgrades and repairs to houses and barns

Hay wagons and hay equipment

Trail Bridges Pavilion at the Campgrounds

Farrier tools, knives, clippers, rasp and hand pruning shears.

Muck rakes, shovels, wheel barrels, muck buckets Brooms, extension dusters, window squeegies

Tools – hammers, battery power tools, chain saws, pruners, loppers, wire cutters, bolt cutters

Ongoing Items Always in Need

Hay (round and square bales always welcome!) Straw Corn Cob bedding

Shavings – fine textured or our bulk shavings are ordered through E.A. Eaton Trucking 315-946-2579

Feed – For the horses – Purina Senior, Purina Hydrated hay blocks, Blue Seal Sentinel Safe Start, Blue Seal Sentinel LS.

12% Sweet Feed and Pine Creek 12% Horse pellet.

For the goats, sheep – Pine Creek’s Sheep and Goat pellet.

For the Hogs – 16% hog pellets

The rabbits – 16% Rabbit Feed

The Poultry – Chicken Scratch and Layer feed

The water fowl and turkeys – Wild Game and Turkey Feed

Cat food for our Barn Cats – dry and canned

A list of all our feeds are available at Pine Creek Feed Store in Lyons, call 315-946-6061 and

Sodus Feeds and Needs in Sodus, call 315-553-2264

Tractor Supply, Newark carries a great corn cob bedding

Salt and Trace Mineral blocks 747 Supplement B-L Solution Blue Seal’s Sunshine or Calfmana

Wormers – Ivermectrin, Pranziquantel, Safequard and Panacur, Qwest or Zimectrin Gold

Medical – Banamine, SMZ, B12 complex, Bute, Deximethizone, Antihist powder, Pergolide or Prasend tablets, broad spectrim injectable antibiotics, Aloe Vera Vet Cream, drawing salve, furazone, dmsoVet wrap, elasticon, gauze pads, speed wraps and cotton batting and leg wraps. Betadine, peroxide, triple antibiotic ointment, Cortizone Cream, scarlet oil spray, Absorbine, Critical Care for the rabbits,

R.H. Campbell’s Naturals line of topical treatments – 315-945-0434

Other items we can use – halters of all sizes and for all kinds of animals, lead lines, blankets and sheets for assorted sizes and animals, towels and blankets, fly spray, totes of all sizes. Rabbit cages, Nesting boxes for rabbits and chickens. Bleach. Hand sanitizer. Donations of new or craft items with a farm theme for our Gift

Shop and donated items and services for our event raffle, auctions and awards.

Staffing the Shelter and Farm. Our volunteers are amazing and we appreciate all the help we can get, but to have people on staff that can guide our volunteers and community groups in tasks, imagine what we could accomplish.

Creating job opportunities has always been a goal from the very concept of buying Alasa Farms. People to manage the barns, work on forestry projects, continue the historic legacy of the farm, run and add to the agricultural areas of the farm to provide more sustainability to operating costs included with such a place as Cracker Box Palace while including the educational programs this farm can offer are a priority for us to succeed. We would like to hire a veterinarian of our own. With a vet on staff, we would be able to care for all of our animals and offer clinics for the community here at the farm including shot clinics, gelding/spay and neuter clinics and add even more educational opportunities to encourage good animal husbandry or future large animal vets.

Trainers – currently with all the horses here at the farm, we are reaching out to experiences horse trainers to work with at least 20 horses to give them a talent and make them more adoptable. We are currently working on a “Trainers

Challenge” competition to encourage help from our trainers for the spring.

A web page coordinator that can keep up with our constant news from the farm for our web site.

An office person that can manage our office and the never ending phone calls for people needing help with the animals, along with handling the paperwork, accounting, animal health records, helping our event planners, scheduling volunteers, community organizations and interns. This person would be the organizing force for the daily operations of the farm.

Volunteers for all areas of the farm. The shelter alone uses almost 70 volunteers to keep the animals healthy and happy, work with and train volunteers with projects on the farm, provide staffing for Farm Camp and kid’s projects, host tours of the farm, provide expert animal care seminars, run events and fundraisers to afford their costs, work in the hay fields, take care of the barn and fence repairs and do everything from muck a stall to write grants. But we also have the other areas now including our forestry projects including the trails, sugar bush and conservation, historic restoration including reviving the museum, agricultural products, Gift Shop and market.

Sponsors - Sponsors for our upcoming events would enable us to increase our advertising and make our events much more successful. See our upcoming event page in this newsletter if you’re interested in Name Recognition Sponsorships or sponsoring a part of the event or our Large Animal Emergency Response Team. Prizes, awards, gift baskets, raffle or door prize items are needed for all the events. Sponsoring a new truck for the farm or the LART trailer will help us keep providing assistance when emergency calls come in, help us with bringing in hay, large donations and delivering feed to the farm. The new S.T.E.A.D.Y. Work, Young Adult program will need donors, sponsorship, mentors and support to provide young adults guidance and a leg up to get started in the working world and help provide CBP with staffing all areas of the farm for the future.

Adopt or Foster Care an animal – Email crackerbpalace@netzero.net

for the adoption/foster application

For more information on the shelter and farm – call 315-483-2493 or visit our web site at www.crackerboxpalace.org

Thank you for your kind donation!
