[#MOD-122] Module BurJudson - missing verses or versification issues

[MOD-122] Module BurJudson - missing verses or versification issues Created:
22/Dec/09 Updated: 23/Jan/14 Resolved: 16/Feb/12
Fix Version/s:
Text Problem
Time Spent:
David Haslam
Not Specified
Not Specified
Not Specified
I just ran emptyvss BurJudson. Here is the condensed output.
Genesis 8:16
Genesis 14:23-24
Genesis 25:15
Genesis 29:24
Genesis 29:29
Exodus 1:5
Exodus 37:2
Exodus 38:15
Exodus 39:16-18
Leviticus 4:2
Leviticus 7:23
Leviticus 14:2
Leviticus 14:55-57
Leviticus 22:33
Numbers 7:5
Numbers 7:54
Numbers 8:26
Chris Little
Numbers 16:37
Numbers 25:18
Numbers 27:16-17
Numbers 27:22
Numbers 28:10
Numbers 31:2
Numbers 32:11-12
Numbers 34:15
Deuteronomy 14:14
Deuteronomy 17:19-20
Deuteronomy 29:11-13
Deuteronomy 34:5
Deuteronomy 34:11-12
Judges 3:2
1 Samuel 13:2
1 Kings 7:44
1 Kings 8:42
1 Kings 8:60
1 Kings 10:17
1 Kings 11:16
1 Kings 15:2
2 Kings 10:36
2 Kings 11:21
1 Chronicles 5:15
1 Chronicles 6:34-38
1 Chronicles 6:40-43
1 Chronicles 6:45-47
1 Chronicles 9:35-44
1 Chronicles 16:16-19
1 Chronicles 16:40
1 Chronicles 24:22
1 Chronicles 26:7
2 Chronicles 3:2
2 Chronicles 6:5-6
2 Chronicles 27:9
2 Chronicles 36:22-23
Ezra 7:2-5
Ezra 10:33
Ezra 10:36
Ezra 10:38
Ezra 10:40
Ezra 10:43
Esther 4:16-17
Esther 9:8-10
Job 15:18-19
Job 19:2
Job 23:2
Job 30:31
Job 35:2
Psalms 6:10
Psalms 17:9
Psalms 63:11
Psalms 78:23-25
Psalms 102:20-22
Psalms 105:45
Psalms 107:3
Psalms 130:8
Psalms 132:3-5
Psalms 136:19-20
Psalms 149:7-9
Proverbs 5:2
Proverbs 22:21
Proverbs 22:27
Isaiah 12:6
Isaiah 38:3
Jeremiah 11:3-5
Jeremiah 27:20-21
Jeremiah 29:31-32
Jeremiah 45:3-4
Jeremiah 51:32
Ezekiel 16:57
Amos 8:5-6
Nahum 3:19
Luke 1:69-75
Luke 2:5
Luke 2:31-32
Luke 3:38
John 3:36
Romans 15:33
1 Corinthians 16:24
2 Corinthians 4:18
2 Corinthians 10:16
Ephesians 6:3
Philippians 1:30
1 Thessalonians 3:13
2 Thessalonians 2:17
Titus 3:10-15
Revelation of John 10:11
Revelation of John 19:20-21
The most likely explanation is that the text source has verse ranges just before some or all of
these locations.
Each passage needs examining in context of the preceding verses.
Comment by David Haslam [ 22/Dec/09 ]
Maybe it would be wise to go "upstream" to http://www.myanmarbible.com/bible/
rather than relying on what the Unbound Bible project made.
Comment by David Haslam [ 22/Dec/09 ]
I just checked there on the parallel view of Judson / WEB.
Combined Genesis 8:15-16 in the Judson parallels two separate verses in WEB.
Combined Job 15:17-19 parallels three separate verses.
My guess is that many of the other passages are somewhat like this.
Yet there are strange instances too!
Combined Titus 3:9-15 looks too short to match the seven verses displayed in the WEB.
Might this be a real textual problem that needs referring back to Myanmar Bible Society?
They have, "The electronic bibles on MyanmarBible.com have undergone automated conversion
in to web pages. Some versions have had to be retyped, because the originals predate computers.
There may therefore be conversion or typing errors. If you find such an error please report it,
clearly stating the version and bible reference. The authoritative reference in such cases will be
the most up-to-date printed edition."
Comment by David Haslam [ 22/Dec/09 ]
I just fired off a memo to Myanmar BS about Titus 3.
Copy sent to Chris using bcc.
Comment by David Haslam [ 24/Dec/09 ]
Reply from KS:
Thanks for spotting that. I have now uploaded a corrected version of Titus onto the website.
There was a mistake in the XML markup of the OSIS file, which resulted in the verses not
showing even though the text was in the XML file.
I will try to check through the verse list you sent in due course, but it will probably not be until
the end of January.
Comment by David Haslam [ 24/Dec/09 ]
I just examined it online using parallel view of Judson / WEB. It now has the corrected text for
We could ask the Myanmar BS for the updated OSIS XML files.
A ZIP file that I know how to download has not yet been replaced.
They use a separate XML file per book, rather than one single XML file!
Comment by David Haslam [ 24/Dec/09 ]
All the XML files are dated 2008-05-30. I have fired off a reply to KS, with a request for
updated Titus.XML to be sent.
Myanmar Bible Society is the most authentic source. We should use their files for making the
next module revision.
I will therefore email Chris to give the private URL for the ZIP download.
Even though this is not yet changed, it will give Chris chance to consider how to combine the 66
files into one module.
Comment by David Haslam [ 07/Oct/11 ]
btw. Keith had already replied about the ZIP file issue. On 2010-02-01 He wrote,
I'll have a look at why the zip files are giving problems. They are generated from an ant script.
I've made some more recent corrections after checking the verses you mentioned, so I'll include
those when I update it. I'm also trying to get some more information on a couple of places where
verses appear to be missing in both the online version and the printed version. I think the printed
copy I have is a fairly recent reprint so that it is possible that the original version would have the
Comment by David Haslam [ 07/Oct/11 ]
Results of my own analysis of the OSIS files from Myanmar Bible, comparing with the online
HTML & our module.
Empty verses
Titus 3:10-12 are already corrected in the HTML online edition. They are missing from the
module BurJudson.
Lev 22:30-33, 1Chr 24:22, Isa 12:6 had not been detected by DFH before 2011-10-07.
Lev 22:30-32 are online as separate verses.
The last verse Lev 22:33 is not indexed online, nor is it in the module BurJudson.
1Chr 24:21-22 are joined online, as in the module BurJudson. The join is not correctly tagged in
the OSIS file.
Isa 12:6 is not indexed online, but judging from the length of 12:5 it is appended therein.
It too is the last verse in the KJV.
Comment by David Haslam [ 07/Oct/11 ]
There are joined verses detected at 71 locations in the OSIS XML files from Myanmar Bible.
Details available on request.
Comment by David Haslam [ 08/Oct/11 ]
The whole of 1 Samuel 9 is not encoded correctly in the BurJudson module!
Xiphos displays all the characters in this chapter as question marks.
Comment by David Haslam [ 08/Oct/11 ]
The same is true of two more chapters:
II Samuel 14
II Chronicles 33
So three chapters in total are badly encoded.
Comment by David Haslam [ 08/Oct/11 ]
Just checked - these three chapters are still badly encoded at http://unbound.biola.edu/
Comment by David Haslam [ 08/Oct/11 ]
Correction: Levi Sap Nei Thang is a woman. See
Comment by David Haslam [ 08/Oct/11 ]
See also http://www.myanmarbible.com/documents/2067.html
She is originally from Chin Hill. She grew up in Myanmar. She has earned Bachelor of Science
in Physics in Myanmar and Master of Divinity in Malaysia. She is married to Daniel Lim.
Together with their son Samuel Lim, they are Missionaries in U.S.A attached with International
House of Prayer.
Comment by David Haslam [ 08/Oct/11 ]
The General Secretary of the Bible Society of Myanmar is Rev. Khoi Lam Thang
See http://www.myanmarbible.com/documents/157.html
Comment by David Haslam [ 08/Oct/11 ]
There are 281 instances of a systematic character difference between our module text and the
text from Myanmar Bibles.
< BurJudson
> MyanmarBS
These two characters have some visual similarity. The tail is longer for the NYA.
Comment by David Haslam [ 11/Oct/11 ]
The canonical Psalm titles in module BurJudson are misplaced as extra text appended to the last
verse of the previous Psalm. They were not identified as titles and tagged as such. The fault
stems from the Unbound Bible source text.
Comment by David Haslam [ 12/Oct/11 ]
The above observation about Psalm titles appertains to the following Psalms:
Psalms 4,8,19,31,35,39,52,53,55,57,58,60,61,64,71,91,93,103.
So it's not all Psalms with canonical titles where this occurred, only some of them.
In addition, extra text was found appended to the last verse of the chapter preceding each of the
Deuteronomy 29, Joshua 10, II Chronicls 13, Ezra 9, Song 4, Song 8, Isaiah 11, Isaiah 64,
Jeremiah 9.
Comment by David Haslam [ 12/Oct/11 ]
The Psalm titles encountered as extra text in the last verse of some Psalms are for the same
Psalm, not the next one afterwards. i.e. for ...
Psalms 3,7,18,30,38,51,52,54,56,57,59,60,63,70,90,92,102.
So these titles have been displaced. Weird!
NB. A few of these displaced Psalm titles contain a character mismatch, as noted in my
comment of 8/Oct/2011.
Comment by David Haslam [ 12/Oct/11 ]
My earlier comment about these passages is not true.
Deuteronomy 29, Joshua 10, II Chronicls 13, Ezra 9, Song 4, Song 8, Isaiah 11, Isaiah 64,
Jeremiah 9.
For each of these, the text is a proper part of the last verse in the previous chapter.
Comment by David Haslam [ 13/Oct/11 ]
The last snapshot of the late Keith Stribley's Myanmar Unicode Resources website.
Comment by David Haslam [ 22/Oct/11 ]
I hope to meet Levi Thang this afternoon.
She and her husband have speaking engagements in Bolton, Greater Manchester.
Comment by David Haslam [ 23/Oct/11 ]
I did get to meet Levi Thang yesterday, and (among other things) learned that the Unbound
Bible project had obtained an early copy of the Judson text from Myanmar Bibles, before it was
proof-read, and despite being instructed not to release it until the necessary corrections had been
made, they went ahead and did it anyway.
This means that all the electronic copies of the Judson Bible (in multiple places on the Internet)
were based on an unauthorised working copy. Our SWORD module BurJudson is in this
category. The text contains spelling mistakes and similar errors, most of whiich have been
subseqently corrected by Myanmar Bibles. It was a team of typists working for Myanmar Bibles
that transcribed the published printed edition to create the first digital edition. The conversion to
Unicode was done by the late Keith Stribley.
The electronic copy now hosted by Myanmar Bibles has been proof read, and although there
may be some residual errors, not yet corrected due to other circumstances, it is the more
authentic source.
We should also distinguish between the Myanmar Bible Society per se and the website called
Myanmar Bibles. The latter was instigated at the initiative of Levi Thang several years ago, with
permissions from the Society.
Most of the IT support for the website was managed by Keith Stribley, and as Levi herself is not
a website designer or programmer, this key resource for the people of Myanmar is currently
without adequate technical support.
Comment by David Haslam [ 28/Jan/12 ]
I will presently submit an updated module to CrossWire.
Here are some of my notes: (pasted from my own conf file)
1. Made from the merged OSIS XML file derived from the 66 individual XML files. \
This repaired several osisID errors and also included a general tidy up. \
2. Missing verses: Numbers 8:26, II Kings 11:21, I Chronicles 9:35-44, II Chronicles 36:22-23.
These have been reported to Myanmar Bibles. Still awaiting a response. \
3. Psalms 58:12 text is appended to Psalms 58:11, verse 12 being not in the KJV versification. \
There are also 125 linked verses in total, as listed in osis2mod.rawtext.log \
4. There are 281 text differences regarding U+1025 MYANMAR LETTER U and U+1009
i.e. compared to the text of the BurJudson module version 1.1. \
These two characters have some visual similarity, so they may be typographical errors. \
Whether the new text or the old is correct in these locations is still unresolved. \
This issue has not yet been reported in detail to Myanmar Bibles. \
5. There are 12 further unresolved minor text differences at identified locations. \
These have not yet been reported to Myanmar Bibles. \
6. With the exception of I Samuel, each book contains an afterword division. \
These titles appear after the last verse of the last chapter in each book. \
Such titles are not filtered by switching off OSISHeadings. \
7. Padauk font did not cover some characters in the Myanmar block. \
This is the reason for changing the default font to Code2000.
Comment by David Haslam [ 28/Jan/12 ]
Module just submitted, together with merged OSIS XML file.
Comment by Chris Little [ 16/Feb/12 ]
module updated 2012-02-15
changed back to Padauk because of rendering & availability problems with Code2000
Generated at Tue Feb 09 08:15:02 MST 2016 using JIRA 6.2#6252sha1:aa343257d4ce030d9cb8c531be520be9fac1c996.