TOPICAL CALENDAR FALL 2005 Week 1 Sept. 8 Week 2 Sept. 15 Week 3 Sept. 22 Week 4 Sept. 29 Week 5 Oct. 6 Week 6 Oct. 13 Week 7 Oct. 20 Week 8 Oct. 27 Week 9 Nov. 3 Week 10 Nov. 10 Week 11 Nov. 17 Week 12 Nov. 24 Week 13 Dec. 1 Week 14 Dec. 8 Week 15 Dec. 15 Introduction to Economic Sociology; Neoclassical Economics Theory Rational Actors, Transaction Costs, Principals & Agents Classical Economic Sociology: Weber, Schumpeter, et al. Institutionalist Theories of Markets & Organizations Cultural Institutionalism and the Economy Social Capital, Trust, and Social Embeddedness Markets, Hierarchies, and Networks Evolutionary Economics and Environmental Sociology Legal & Governance Institutions of the Economy Economics and Politics of Welfare States Post-Communist and Transitional Economies THANKSGIVING – NO CLASS Multinational & Transnational Corporations in the Global Economy Globalization and Developing Nations in the World System NO CLASS THIS WEEK 1 Modified Oct 31, 2004 WEEK 1 SEPT 8: INTRODUCTION TO ECONOMIC SOCIOLOGY; NEOCLASSICAL ECONOMICS THEORY Becker, Gary S. 1993. “Nobel Lecture - The Economic Way of Looking at Behavior.” Journal of Political Economy 101:385-409. Beckert, Jens. 1996. “What is Sociological About Economic Sociology? Uncertainty and the Embeddedness of Economic Action.” Theory and Society 25/26: 803-840. Coleman, James, S. 1993. “The Impact of Gary Becker’s Work on Sociology.” Acta Sociologica 36:169-178. Fine, Ben. 1999. “A Question of Economics: Is It Colonizing the Social Sciences?” Economy & Society 28:403-425. Swedberg, Richard. 1997. “New Economic Sociology: What Has Been Accomplished, What Is Ahead?” Acta Sociologica 40:161-182. Zafirovski, Milan. 1999. “Economic Sociology in Retrospect and Prospect: In Search of its Identity within Economics and Sociology.” American Journal of Economics & Sociology 58:583-627. Becker, Gary S. 1962. “Irrational Behaviour and Economic Theory.” Journal of Political Economy 70:1-13. Becker, Gary S. 1968. “Crime and Punishment: An Economic Approach.” Journal of Political Economy 78:169-217. Becker, Gary S. 1976. The Economic Approach to Human Behavior. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Becker, Gary S. 1991. “A Note on Restaurant Pricing and Other Examples of Social Influences on Price.” Journal of Political Economy 99:1109-1116. Becker, Gary S. 1992. “Habits, Addictions, and Traditions.” Kyklos 45:327-346. Becker, Gary S. 1996. Accounting for Tastes. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. Becker, Gary S. and Kevin M Murphy. 2000. Social Economics: Market Behavior in a Social Environment. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. Becker, Gary S. and Kevin M. Murphy. 1988. “A Theory of Rational Addiction.” Journal of Political Economy 96:675-700. Becker, Gary S., Michael Grossman and Kevin M. Murphy. 1991. “Rational Addiction and the Effect of Price on Consumption.” American Economic Review 81:237-241. Beckert, Jens. 2002. Beyond the Market: The Social Foundations of Economic Efficiency. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. Biggart, Nicole Woolsey and Thomas D. Beamish. 2003. “The Economic Sociology of Conventions: Habit, Custom, Practice, and Routine in Market Order.”Annual Review of Sociology 29:443-464. 2 Modified Oct 31, 2004 Boettke, Peter J. and Virgil Henry Storr. 2002. “Post-Classical Political Economy: Polity, Society and Economy in Weber, Mises and Hayek.” American Journal of Economics and Sociology 61:161-191. Coleman, James S. 1984. “Introducing Social Structure into Economic Analysis.” American Economic Review 74:84-88. De Vecchi, Nicolo. 1995. Entrepreneurs, Institutions and Economic Change. The Economic Thought of J. A. Schumpeter (1905-1925). Aldershot, UK: Edward Elgar. Dequech, David. 2003. “Uncertainty and Economic Sociology: A Preliminary Discussion.” American Journal of Economics & Sociology 62:509-522. Friedman, Milton. 1953. “The Methodology of Positive Economics.” Pp. 1-43 in Essays in Positive Economics. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Gibbons, Robert. 2005. “What is Economic Sociology and Should Any Economists Care?” Journal of Economic Perspectives 19:3-7. Granovetter, Mark. 1990. “The Old and New Economic Sociology: A History and Agenda.” Pp. 89-112 in Beyond the Marketplace: Rethinking Economy and Society, edited by Roger Friedland and A.F. Robertson. New York: Aldine de Gruyter. Granovetter, Mark. 1993. “The Nature of Economic Relationships.” Pp. 3-41 in Exploration in Economic Sociology, edited by Richard Swedberg. New York: Russell Sage. Granovetter, Mark. 2005. Society & Economy: The Social Construction of Economic Institutions. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. Granovetter, Mark and Richard Swedberg (eds.). 1992. The Sociology of Economic Life. Boulder, CO: Westview Press. Guillen, Mauro F., Randall Collins, Paula England and Marshall Meyer (eds.). 2002. The New Economic Sociology: Developments in an Emerging Field. New York: Russell Sage. Hirsch, Paul, Stuart Michaels and Ray Friedman. 1987. “Clean Models vs. Dirty Hands: Why Economics is Different from Sociology.” Theory and Society 16:317-336. Holton, Robert J. 1992. Economy and Society. New York: Routledge. Kalleberg, Arne L. 1995. “Sociology and Economics: Crossing the Boundaries.”Social Forces 73:12071218. Krier, Dan. 1999. “Assessing the New Synthesis of Economics and Sociology: Promising Themes for Contemporary Analysis of Economic Life.”American Journal of Economics & Sociology 58:669-696. Oberschall, Anthony and Eric M. Leifer. 1986. “Efficiency and Social Institutions: Uses and Misuses of Economic Reasoning in Sociology.” Annual Review of Sociology 12:233-253. Perrow, Charles. 1986. “Economic Theories of Organization.” Theory and Society 15:11-45. Roberts, Jennifer and Michael Dietrich. 1999. “Conceptualizing Professionalism: Why Economics Needs Sociology.” American Journal of Economics & Sociology 58:977-998. 3 Modified Oct 31, 2004 Smelser, Neil J. and Richard Swedberg (eds.). 2005. The Handbook of Economic Sociology, Second Ed. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. Stigler, George and Gary Becker. 1977. “De Gustibus Non Est Disputandum.” American Economic Review 67:76-90. Swedberg, Richard. 1991. “Major Traditions of Economic Sociology.” Annual Review of Sociology 17:251-276. Swedberg, Richard. 1997. “Toward a New Economic Sociology: Evaluation and Perspectives.” Cahiers Internationaux de Sociologie 103:237-263. Swedberg, Richard. 2003. Principles of Economic Sociology. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. Zafirovski, Milan and Barry B. Levine. 1997. “Economic Sociology Reformulated: The Interface Between Economics and Sociology.” American Journal of Economics & Sociology 56:265-285. 4 Modified Oct 31, 2004 WEEK 2 SEPT 15: RATIONAL ACTORS, TRANSACTION COSTS, PRINCIPALS & AGENTS Boudon, Raymond. 2003. “Beyond Rational Choice Theory.” Annual Review of Sociology 29:1-21. Coase, Ronald. 1937. “The Nature of the Firm.” Economica 4:386-405. Eisenhardt, Kathleen M. 1989. “Agency Theory: An Assessment and Review.” Academy of Management Review 14:57-74. Hechter, Michael and Satoshi Kanazawa. 1997. “Sociological Rational Choice Theory.” Annual Review of Sociology 23:191-214. Williamson, Oliver E. 1988. “Transaction Cost Economics: How It Works; Where It Is Headed.” De Economist 146:23-58. Zafirovski, Milan. 2000. “The Rational Choice Generalization of Neoclassical Economics Reconsidered: Any Theoretical Legitimation of Economic Imperialism?” Sociological Theory 18:448471. Akerlof, George A. and Janet L. 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Colander, David. 2000. “The Death of Neoclassical Economics.” Journal of the History of Economic Thought 22(2):127-144. David E. M. Sappington. 1991. “Incentives in Principal-Agent Relationships.” Journal of Economic Perspectives 5: 45-66. Demsetz, Harold. 1995. The Economics of the Business Firm. New York: Cambridge University Press. Dietrich, Michael. 1994. Transaction Cost Economics and Beyond: Towards a New Economics of the Firm. London: Routledge. 5 Modified Oct 31, 2004 Dugger, William M. 1983. “The Transaction Cost Analysis of Oliver E. Williamson: A New Synthesis?” Journal of Economic Issues 17:95-114. Fama, Eugene F. and Michael C. Jensen. 1983. “Agency Problems and Residual Claims.” Journal of Law and Economics 26:1-21. Fama, Eugene. 1980. “Agency Problems and Theory of the Firm.” Journal of Political Economy 88:288-306. Garen, John E. 1994. “Executive Compensation and Principal-Agent Theory.” Journal of Political Economy 102:1175-1199. 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