Third year I Semester (VAE 311: 1+1) INTRODUCTION TO SOCIOLOGY AND DEVELOPMENT STUDIES THEORY Sociology: Concepts of Sociology and Rural Sociology in Animal Husbandry Extension. Man - Animal Relationship (Society, Community, Association and Institutions); Social Groups - types and functions, Social Institutions, Social Change and Factors Influencing Social Change, Social Organizations, Ecological Entities and Collectivities. Differences between Rural/Tribal and Urban Communities Important Social Psychology Concepts in Animal Husbandry Extension. Role of Animals in Economy of Livestock Owners and National Economy. Leadership and Role of Leaders in Animal Husbandry Extension Panchayati Raj: Structure and Functions of Three Tier System of Democratic Decentralization. Gender and Livestock Development: Concept of Gender, Role of Women in Livestock Rearing, Concept of WSHG and Women Empowerment through Livestock Rearing. Concept of Development: – Paradigm of Development, Role of Livestock Extension in Economic, Human, Political, Social, and Sustainable Development. Concept of Poverty: Below Poverty Line (BPL), Human Development Index (HDI) and National Goals. Dynamics of Change: Processes of Change, Extension in the Context of WTO, Private and Corporate Extension Services, Public-Private Partnerships in Animal Husbandry Extension. Dynamics of Development: Development Processes, Approaches and Strategies, Social and Cultural Dynamics of Development. Problems and Issues in Development: Basic Issues in Development (Population, Poverty, Inequality, Unemployment); Issues in Livestock Development; Social issues in Development (Education, Health, Gender). PRACTICAL Social Ssurvey and its types (Socio economic status of livestock owners) Use of sampling techniques in AH extension studies Data collection methods: Observation, interview and questionnaire methods Techniques of Rapid Rural appraisal in identifying constraints and PRA in identifying solutions in livestock production/ health care practices Identification of key communicators through Sociometry Use of local leaders in planning extension programmes Differences in livestock production practices of Rural/ Tribal and Urban communities Third year II semester (VAE 321: 1 +1) FUNDAMENTALS OF ANIMAL HUSBANDRY EXTENSION EDUCATION THEORY Concept of Education, Extension Education: Meaning and Principles, Evolution of Veterinary and Animal Husbandry Extension in India, Community Development. Teaching - Learning Process, Steps in Extension Teaching. Extension Teaching Methods and Audio- Visual Aids - their Classification and Use. Application of ICT tools in AH Extension – Mobiles, Kiosk, Internet. Information on AH related web directories. Communication in Animal Husbandry Extension – Meaning, Scope, Functions, Process and Models. Adoption and Diffusion of Livestock Innovations / Practices. Farming System: Types of Farming System in India – Large and Small Scale Farming, Mixed Farming, Co-Operative and Collective Farming, Contract Farming, Subsistence and Commercial Farming, Specialized and Diversified Farming. Economic Principles of Cooperatives and Anand Pattern of Milk Cooperative Societies Programme Planning and Evaluation, Feedback Evaluation of Extension Programmes Major AH development programmes: past – KVS, ICDP, OF, IRDP; Current programmesGoshala, NPCBB, KVK, TTC, ATMA, ATIC, RKVY, MGNREGA, National Dairy Plan; ICAR/SVVU institutions – Names and Locations. PRACTICAL Classification of teaching methods and audio visual aids Principles and hands on experience in use of Over Head and Multimedia projectors. Use of various visual aids, literature and electronic media in AH Extension Preparation and use of visual aids like Circular letters, Leaflets, Pamphlets, Posters and Folders Identification of constraints in the adoption of improved Animal Husbandry Practices.. Group discussion on any chosen topic based on the survey conducted - problem tree Organization of campaigns with the involvement of students in all stages. Identifying difficulties in the way of organizing Animal Husbandry Extension programmes. Exposure visits to livestock shows, exhibitions organized by various organizations Fourth year I semester (VAE 411: 2 +1) LIVESTOCK ECONOMICS, MARKETING AND MANAGEMENT THEORY Economics: Introduction, definition and scope (production, consumption, exchange and distribution) of economic principles as applied to livestock. Common terms - wants, goods, wealth, utility, price, value, real and money income. Important features of land, labour, capital and organization. Livestock contribution to national economy. Demand projections of livestock produce. Theory of consumer behavior, law of diminishing marginal utility and indifference curve analysis. Theory of demand; meaning, types of demand, demand curve and law of demand, individual and market demand, elasticities of demand and factors affecting demand. Laws and types of supply. Elasticity of supply. Theory of production, law of diminishing returns, laws of returns to scale and concept of short and long run periods. Economics of animal disease and disease losses. Management: Concept of management, Process of management, Organisation, Factors of production, Human Resource/ Personnel Management, Job specialization, Improving labour efficiency, Organizational aspects of livestock farms. Concept of Production management. Marketing: Concept of market; meaning and classification of markets. Market price and normal price, price determination under perfect competition in short and long run. Marketing of livestock products. Merchandising - product planning and development, Marketing functions: Physical functions- grading, transportation, storage and warehousing. Facilitative functions standardization, risk bearing, market information and market intelligence. Market opportunities marketing channels of livestock and livestock products, organized/unorganized markets and cattle fairs. Import and export of animal and animal products. International Agreements/Regulations (WTO and General Agreement on Trade and Tariff-GATT) for marketing/trade of live animals and products. Accounting: Definition, objectives, common terms. Different systems of book keeping- single and double entry system. Various types of account books including books of original entry. PRACTICAL Classification of fixed and variable resources and costs, methods of Depreciation Economics of dairy farm, Economics of goat /sheep unit, Economics of layer/ broiler unit, Economics of a piggery unit. Break even analysis- dairy and poultry units Classification of accounts and rules of debit and credit recording of business transactions. Book keeping; Journal entry, ledger posting, recording in subsidiary books (cash book, purchase book, sales book, purchase return book, sales return book), trading account, profit and loss accounts, Balance sheet. Financial analysis. Visit to" livestock farms, markets and cattle fairs Fourth year II semester (VAE 421: 1 +1) LIVESTOCK ENTREPRENEURSHIP THEORY Concept of enterprise and entrepreneurship. Concepts and theories of self - employment and entrepreneurship. Types of entrepreneurs, Avenues of Livestock Entrepreneurship /employment in private and public sectors. Essential criteria for development of entrepreneurship in livestock sector-basic requirements for entrepreneurship initiatives in livestock and allied sectors ( i.e., techno-economic feasibility of the enterprises under different conditions) Management skills ( technical, human resource and conceptual skills), business acumen, Organisational communication – importance, types and purposes. Entrepreneurial training/ development programmes at the state and national level, animal insurance, bank support for Entrepreneurship, Financial management – general principles and practices, Preparation of projects, financial analysis of projects – payback period, return on investment, Internal rate of return Bank support for entrepreneurship - banking requirements , Preparation of projects for bank finance, Assessing projects. Materials management – procurement of inputs, Retail marketing, sales operations, sales promotion of products and services. PRACTICAL Visit to different enterprises in relation livestock production ( commercial dairy, poultry, goat/ sheep; diary and meat processing units; feed mixing units Preparation of entrepreneurial project Preparation of techno-economic feasibility report Preparing projects for bank appraisal Financial analysis banking requirements