Chapter 11 Notes – Introduction to Genetics

Chapter 11 Notes – Introduction to Genetics
The Work of Gregor Mendel
A. Gregor Mendel – father of genetics(Scientific study of Heredity); studied plants
He experimented with garden pea plants.
1. observed Traits (a trait is a specific characteristic, such as seed color or plant height,
that varies from one individual to another.)
2. studied self-pollinating plants (sperm cells in pollen fertilize the egg cells in the same
flower and the seeds that are produced inherit their characteristics from the single
parent plant)
3. studied cross pollinating plants (sperm cells in pollen from the flower on one plant
fertilize the egg cells of the flower on another plant and the seeds that are produced
inherit their characteristics from two parent plants)
He found that self-pollinating plants would produce offspring identical to themselves. This is
known as true breeding.
Genes and Dominance
A. Mendel studied 7 different pea plant traits (e.g. seed color, plant height etc).
Each trait had 2 contrasting characters
B. He crossed true breeding plants with contrasting characters for the same trait and studied their
C. The original pair of plants is the P (parental) generation.
The offspring of the P generation is the F1 generation (“f” means filial, Filius is Latin for
D. The offspring from crosses between parents with different traits are hybrids.
He ALWAYS found that all of the offspring had the character of only one of the parents and
character of the other parent seemed to have disappeared.
One parental (P) trait disappeared in the Filial (F1) generation.
E. Mendel concluded:
1) The biological inheritance is determined by factors that are passed from one generation to
the next. We now call these chemical factors “genes.”
Alleles – different forms/versions of a gene that controlled each trait.
Each trait is controlled by 1 gene --------> 2 contrasting forms
2) His second conclusion was called the principle of dominance. It states that some alleles are
dominant and some are recessive.
Dominant allele for a particular form of a trait will always exhibit that form of the trait.
Recessive allele for a particular form of a trait will exhibit that form only when the dominant
allele for the trait is not present.
A. He continued experiments with self-pollination.
Mendel self-pollinated the F1 hybrid plants and in F2 generation found some peas had traits of
generation P (traits not found in their own parents).
The traits controlled by the recessive alleles had reappeared in F2 generation. Roughly 1/4 of
the F2 plants showed the trait controlled by the recessive allele. Remaining ¾ F2 plants showed
the trait controlled by dominant allele.
Ratio of dominant to recessive is 3:1
During gamete (sex cells) formation, alleles segregate (separate) from each other so that each
gamete carries only a single copy of each gene.
Each F1 plant produces two types of gametes—those with the allele for tallness and those with
the allele for shortness. A capital letter T represents a dominant allele. A lowercase letter t
represents a recessive allele.
The alleles are paired up again when gametes fuse during fertilization. The TT and Tt allele
combinations produce tall pea plants; tt is the only allele combination that produces a short pea
Punnett Squares
A diagram used to determine the gene combinations that might result from a genetic cross
homozygous – having 2 identical alleles for a trait (BB or bb) – True breeding
heterozygous – having 2 different alleles for a trait (Bb) – hybrid
phenotype – physical characteristics of an organism (brown hair)
genotype – genetic makeup of an organism (BB or Bb)
Examples of crossing:
Example #1
Trait – seed pod color
G = green seed pod (dominant allele)
g = yellow seed pod (recessive allele)
**Remember…there are two genes for each trait in an individual.**
Cross a true breeding green seed pod with a true breeding yellow seed pod (crosspollination)
GG x gg = 100% Gg (F1)
Example #2
Cross F1 generation (self-pollinate)
Gg x Gg = F2
Genetics and Probability
A. probability – the likelihood that a certain event will occur
B. If you toss a coin, what is the probability of getting heads? 1 chance in 2 = ½ = 50% tails? 1
chance in 2 = 50%
C. If you toss a coin three times in a row, what is the probability that it will land heads up all three
times? ½ * ½ * ½ = 1/8
D. The principles of probability can be used to predict the outcome of genetic crosses.
The probability predicts the average outcome of the event, and cannot predict the precise outcome of
an individual event.
Exploring Mendelian Genetics
A. Independent Assortment- does the segregation of one pair of alleles affect the segregation of
another pair of alleles?
He followed two different genes as they passed from one generation to the next.
1. The Two-Factor Cross: F1 – crossing only homozygous dominant with homozygous
2. The Two-Factor Cross: F2 – crossing the F1 generation that are both heterozygous
alleles for seed shape segregated independently of those for seed color and do not influence
each other's inheritance. The results were very close to the 9 : 3 : 3 : 1 ratio that the Punnett
square shown above predicts.
The principle of independent assortment states that genes for different traits can segregate
independently during the formation of gametes. Independent assortment helps account for the
many genetic variations observed in plants, animals, and other organisms.
A Summary of Mendel’s Principles
1. The inheritance of biological characteristics is determined by genes. In sexually
reproducing individuals, these genes are passed from parents to offspring.
2. Principle of Dominance – some alleles are dominant and some are recessive
3. Principle of Segregation - in most sexually reproducing organisms, each adult has two
copies of each gene. These genes are segregated from each other when gametes are
4. Principle of Independent Assortment – the alleles for different genes usually segregated
independently of one another (i.e. hair color and eye color are not linked together)
Beyond Dominant and Recessive Alleles
The genetics is more complicated as not all genes show simple patterns of dominant and
recessive alleles. The majority of genes have more than two alleles. Many important traits are
controlled by more than one gene.
1. Incomplete Dominance – where one allele is not completely dominant over another; the
heterozygous phenotype is in between the two homozygous (parents) phenotypes.
Ex: a cross between red-flowered (RR) and white-flowered (WW) plants consists of pinkcolored flowers (RW).
2. Codominance – both alleles are expressed; i.e. in certain varieties of chicken, the allele for
black feathers is codominant with the allele for white feathers. Heterozygous chickens have
a color described as “erminette,” speckled with black and white feathers.
3. Multiple Alleles – when genes have more than two alleles. This does not mean that an
individual can have more than two alleles. It only means that more than two possible alleles
exist in a population. e.g. is human genes for blood type (A, B, AB, O)
Polygenic Traits – traits controlled by interaction of two or more genes (often show a wide
range of phenotypes) i.e. at least three genes are involved in making the reddish-brown
pigment in the eyes of fruit flies. Different combinations of alleles for these genes produce
very different eye colors. Wide range of skin color in humans result from more than four
different genes that control this trait.
A. Mendel’s Principle require 2 things :
Each organism must inherit a single copy of every gene from both it’s parents.
When an organism produces gametes, those 2 sets of genes must be separated from each other
so that each gamete contains just one set of genes.
Meiosis is a cellular reproduction in which number of chromosomes per cell is cut in half due
to separation of homologous chromosomes of the diploid parent cell.
The result is 4 haploid cells that are genetically different from one another and from the
original cell.
gametes – sex cells; combine during sexual reproduction; examples are egg, sperm
diploid – cell with 2 complete sets of chromosomes (2N); matching pairs are called
homologous chromosomes; all body cells are diploid; result from mitosis
haploid – cell with one complete set of chromosomes (N or 1N); examples are gametes; result
from meiosis
Phases of Meiosis I
1. Meiosis I – Prior to meiosis each chromosome is replicated and homologous pairs of
chromosomes come together.
2. Prophase I
a. chromosomes become thick and visible
b. homologous pairs (4 chromatids) form a
structure called “tetrad”
c. may exchange portion of chromatids
(alleles) called as “crossing over”
d. nucleus disappears; spindle fibers form
3. Metaphase I
a. homologous pairs line up at the middle of the cell
b. spidle fibers attach to the chromosomes
4. Anaphase I
a. The spidle fibers pull homologous chromosomes toward opposite end of the cell.
5. Telophase I
a. cytokinesis takes place
b. each new cell is haploid (neither daughter cell has 2 complete sets of chromosomes)
c. nuclear membrane may reform
Phases of Meiosis II – each of the daughter cells produced during Meiosis I will divide again
during Meiosis II. Neither cell goes through chromosome replication
1. Prophase II
a. nuclear membrane disappears
b. chromatids attached at centromere
c. centrioles and spindle fibers visible
2. Metaphase II
a. chromosomes lined up at center of cell
b. chromosomes attached to spindle fibers at centromere
3. Anaphase II
a. spindle fibers contract
b. sister chromatids separate
c. chromatids pulled to opposite poles of cell
4. Telophase II
a. chromatids are at separate poles of cell
b. nuclear membrane reforms
c. cytokinesis begins
5. four new haploid cells are produced; each contains one strand of each of the original pairs
of homologous chromosomes
6. Meiosis allows for mixing of genes and variation among species.
VIII. Linkage and Gene Maps
A. Mendel’s law of independent assortment - each pair of alleles segregates independently of other pair of
alleles during gamete formation
The two genes (color and shape) assort independently of each other and do not influence each other's
What about the genes located on the same chromosome? Wouldn’t they be inherited together?
B. Thomas Morgan Researched on Fruit flies and explained “principle of Gene Linkage”
Some genes are linked together and are inherited together. Linkage groups assort independently.
He found Drosophila has 4 linkage groups. Coincidently, Drosophila also has 4 pairs of chromosomes.
Conclusion – each chromosome is a group of linked genes.
Chromosomes assort independently, Not individual genes
C. How did Mendel missed gene linkage?
The 6 out of 7 genes Mendel studied, are located on different chromosomes, which segregate
independently during gamete formation.
A modern restatement of Mendel’s Second Law - genes located on different chromosomes assort
independently during meiosis
D. Crossing-over during meiosis sometimes separates genes that had been on the same chromosome onto
homologous chromosomes. Crossover events occasionally separate and exchange linked genes and
produce new combinations of alleles. This is important because it helps to generate genetic diversity
E. Gene Maps – shows the locations of genes on a chromosome; the farther apart two genes are, the more
likely they are to be separated by a crossover in meiosis.
Q. Would you expect more cross over events to occur between star eye and speck wing or between star eye and
black body?