Some traits from the English 10 homework blog – A Midsummer Night’s Dream Characters and traits (adjectives) Egeus Powerful Protective Quotes that illustrate those traits With cunning hast thou filch'd my daughter's heart,/Turn'd her obedience, which is due to me,/To stubborn harshness” (Act I, scene 1, lines 36-38) And she is mine, and all my right of her/I do estate unto Demetrius.(Act I, scene 1, lines 97-98) Helena Full of herself Self-centered Lacks self respect and self confidence Desperate Courageous Determined Brave Egeus is an overbearing, inconsiderate father who wants to try and control his daughter, even if it means allowing her to die for disobeying his wishes. Egeus reveals how overbearing he is when he brings his daughter before Duke Theseus. Egeus shows just how inconsiderate he is when he argues that his daughter is his property. In the end, Egeus’s overbearing and inconsiderate actions work against him because they drive his daughter away with Lysander. Hermia Strong-willed Independent Passion to be in control of her life Strong Brave and courageous Bottom Wild and crazy Stupid and ignorant Clueless Some traits from the English 10 homework blog – A Midsummer Night’s Dream Demetrius Straight forward Hypocritical Mean Lysander Loving and caring Courageous Strong-hearted Strong-willed Titania Loyal to friends Gutsy Responsible Puck Loyal Mischievous Roguish Clever Sneaky Intelligent Oberon Jealous Stubborn Selfish