Donald S. Jones, Sr. CSP, PE, MBA

1800 East Oakton Street
Des Plaines, Illinois 60018-2187
FAX 847.296.3769
March 9, 2007
The Honorable Elaine L. Chao
United States Department of Labor
Docket No. NACOSH 2007-1
Room N-2625
U.S. Department of Labor
200 Constitution Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20210
By e-mail:
RE: Nomination of Don Jones to
Dear Secretary Chao:
On behalf of the 30,000 member safety, health and environmental
(SH&E) professionals of the American Society of Safety Engineers
(ASSE), we respectfully urge you to consider the qualifications of
Donald S. Jones, Sr. CSP, PE, MBA, for appointment to the National
Advisory Committee on Occupational Safety and Health (NACOSH).
Don Jones has achieved the highest levels of leadership in the
occupational safety and health field as a Certified Safety Professional
and Professional Engineer working to protect workers and workplaces
in the petrochemical industry. With industry leaders like Dow and
Exxon, Don has achieved a widely respected level of expertise in
process safety and in leading corporate efforts to achieve Voluntary
Protection Program status with OSHA. Given OSHA’s current efforts to
focus on process safety issues in US workplaces and the emphasis OSHA’s
outreach efforts place in encouraging employers to achieve Voluntary
Protection Program status, Don Jones is uniquely qualified to provide timely
advice and expertise that can help OSHA continue to achieve advances in the
safety and health of US workers.
Beyond his work experience, Don Jones has also been a tireless leader within
the safety and health community, serving on the national boards of both the
Voluntary Protection Program Participants’ Association (VPPPA) and the
American Society of Safety Engineers (ASSE). He currently serves as
ASSE’s President, with his term ending in July 2007. Both his highly
respected professional achievements and personal good nature have lent
themselves to building positive relationships across the safety and health
community as well as with government leaders, relationships that can also
serve the mission of NACOSH well.
Don Jones has a wealth of expertise and experience in occupational safety and
health and the widespread respect of his peers. Without a doubt, his
appointment as a member of NACOSH would serve you and the Assistant
Secretary for OSHA well.
Michael W. Thompson, CSP
cc: Assistant Secretary of Labor Edwin G. Foulke, Jr.
Donald S. Jones, Sr. CSP, PE, MBA
Don Jones currently is a leader in the Global Personal Safety Expertise
Center for the Dow Chemical Company headquartered in Midland,
Michigan. Over a 33-year career in the petrochemical industry, Don
worked at Exxon for six years as an Engineer and the last 27 years for
Dow as an Engineer and Safety and Health Professional. Over the last 15
years at Dow, he has been actively involved in all phases of personal and
process safety. Don was sworn in as a Special Government Employee of
the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and for the
past 10 years helped lead OSHA Voluntary Protection Program (VPP)
audits. Don also works as a member of the Adjunct Safety and Health
Faculty at Southeastern Louisiana University.
Don Jones earned his Bachelor of Science Civil Engineering from
Louisiana State University in 1973 and Masters Degree in Business
Administration from Texas A&M University in 1978. Don is also a
graduate of the Safety and Occupational Health Council’s Career Track I
and II programs and the OSHA 501 course offered by the OSHA Training
Institute. Don is currently working toward an Associate Degree in
Occupational Safety and Health at Southeastern Louisiana University.
Don Jones has been a registered Professional Engineer (PE) in the State of
Louisiana for the past 28 years. Don is one of only a few Certified Safety
Professionals that originally achieved certification in five past specialty
areas: Management, Construction, Systems, Engineering, and
Comprehensive Specialty Areas.
Don Jones has been actively involved as a leader in a number of the most
recognized safety and health organizations. Because of his active
involvement with OSHA VPP, he involved himself in the Voluntary
Protection Program Participants’ Association (VPPPA), serving as
Chairman of the OSHA Region VI Board and on the VPPPA National
Board. Don is currently the President of the American Society of Safety
Engineers (ASSE), a position he was elected to by his fellow ASSE
members after long service to the Society that included holding each of the
offices in ASSE’s Greater Baton Rouge Chapter, including President,
serving on several committees in ASSE’s Region IV, Administrator and
Assistant Administrator of the ASSE Management Practice Specialty, and
national Senior Vice President and President Elect of ASSE. Don has also
served as an Exam Proctor and Specialty Exam Advisor for the Board of
Certified Safety Professionals (BCSP). Don also has provided leadership
for the Greater Baton Rouge Industrial Managers’ Association as Plant
Safety and Health Group Chair for five years. Don has served as President
of the Baton Rouge Capital Area Safety and Health Council focusing on
small business outreach. He also chairs the Southeastern Louisiana
University Safety and Health Advisory Committee and is a Secretary of
the Louisiana State University Engineering Advisory Council. Don is a
past member of the Louisiana Chemical Association Health and Safety
Committee and the Louisiana Emergency Preparedness Association.
Don Jones has received many awards & honors. In 1996, he received the
Greater Baton Rouge Chapter Award for Outstanding Safety
Achievement. In 1997, Don received the OSHA VPP National Award for
Safety & Health Outreach. He was also the recipient of the 1999-2000
ASSE Greater Baton Rouge Chapter Safety Professional of the Year
(SPY) Award and the ASSE Region IV SPY Award. Don also was
awarded the ASSE National Edgar Monsanto Queeny Safety Professional
of the Year Award and also received the Society’s Culbertson Award. He
was also honored with the Capital Area Safety Council’s Safety & Health
Innovator Award.
Don Jones likewise has been actively involved with various community
related activities such as the Boy Scouts of America, serving on the
Executive Board and as the Commissioner for the Istrouma Area Council.
In addition, he was selected and participated in Leadership Greater Baton