Patterns and Inductive Reasoning

Algebra 2 Curriculum & Pacing Guide
Pacing Guide
1st Marking Period
2nd Marking Period
I. Pretest
I. Matrices (2 Weeks)
II. Fundamentals of Algebra (2 Weeks)
II. Quadratics (5 Weeks)
III. Linear Functions (3 Weeks)
III. 2nd Quarterly Exam
IV. Systems (3 Weeks)
V. 1st Quarterly Exam
3rd Marking Period
4th Marking Period
I. Exponential & Logarithmic Functions (5 Weeks)
I. Complete Rational Functions & Polynomials (Last 3 of 6 Weeks)
II. Begin Rational Functions & Polynomials (First 3 of 6 Weeks)
II. Radical Functions (4 Weeks)
III. 3rd Quarterly Exam
III. Probability & Data Analysis – Optional (2 Weeks)
IV. 4th Quarterly (Final) Exam
Fundamentals of Algebra (2 weeks)
Why are functions and relations represented in multiple ways?
How are functions and relations useful?
How are patterns of change represented in functions?
Students should be
able to…
Evaluate expressions using
the Order of Operations
Algebra 2 Adv: 1-1–1-4
Algebra 2 Coll: 1.1, 1.2
Solving equations &
Algebra 2 Adv: 1-5, 1-6
Algebra 2 Coll: 1.3, 1.6
Identify domain & range,
dependent & independent
Algebra 2 Adv: 2-1–2-4
Algebra 2 Coll: 2.1
Apply the vertical line test
Algebra 2 Adv: 2-5
Algebra 2 Coll: 2.1
Apply this discussion to real
world problems
Middletown Public Schools
Grade-Level Expectations
Instructional Strategies and
SAT Correlation or Real
World Applications
2.2.a.1 Recognize vectors and matrices as
systems that have some, but not all,
of the properties of real numbers.
1.3.a.1 Model and solve problems with
linear, quadratic and absolute value
equations and linear inequalities.
1.1.a.3 Identify the characteristics of
functions and relations, including
domain and range.
Scientific Method
1.1.a.3 Identify the characteristics of
functions and relations, including
domain and range.
1.1.a.2 Make and justify predictions based on
3.1.a.2 Test the validity of logical arguments.
August 2010
Linear Functions (3 weeks)
What makes a relationship linear?
Why are linear functions useful?
What are the different ways that rate-of-change (slope) can be used to represent various concepts?
How do I generate a line of best fit from a given set of data?
What different information is obtained from equivalent forms of algebraic equations?
Students should be
able to…
Graph Equations &
Algebra 2 Adv: 1-7, 2-1, 22, 3-1, 3-2
Algebra 2 Coll: 2.2, 2.3, 2.6
Write the equation of a line
given information
Algebra 2 Adv: 3-3–3-5
Algebra 2 Coll: 2.4
Grade-Level Expectations
1.2.a.1 Represent functions and relations on
the coordinate plane.
1.2.a.2 Recognize the effect of changes in
parameters on the graphs of
functions or relations.
1.1.a.2 Make and justify predictions based on
Fit a trend line to a data set
Algebra 2 Adv: Supplement
Algebra 2 Coll: 2.5
1.1.a.2 Make and justify predictions based on
Apply linear functions to
real world problems
1.1.a.2 Make and justify predictions based on
3.1.a.2 Test the validity of logical arguments.
Middletown Public Schools
Instructional Strategies and
Linear Functions Mini-Poster
August 2010
SAT Correlation or Real
World Applications
Simple Interest,
Fixed/Variable Cost,
Stock Market
*Advanced Algebra 2 will teach the Systems Unit and Matrices Unit simultaneously.*
Systems (3 weeks)
How are systems of equations and inequalities useful?
How does the solution to a system of inequalities relate to the solution to a system of equations?
Which problem-solving strategy is most appropriate in each situation?
Students should be
able to…
Grade-Level Expectations
Instructional Strategies and
SAT Correlation or Real
World Applications
Solve a system of equations
1.3.a.3 Use logarithms, vectors and matrices
Algebra 2 Adv: 4-1, 4-2, 4-6
to solve problems.
Algebra 2 Coll:3.1, 3.2
Graph a systems of
Algebra 2 Adv: 4-10
Algebra 2 Coll: 3.3
Apply solving systems of
equations and graphing
inequalities for Linear
Algebra 2 Adv: 4-11
Algebra 2 Coll: 3.4
Apply systems of equations
and inequalities to real
world problems
Algebra 2 Adv: 3-5
Algebra 2 Coll:
Middletown Public Schools
1.3.a.1 Determine equivalent representations
of an algebraic equation or
inequality to simplify and solve
Profit Maximization,
Resource Allocation,
1.1.a.6 Understand and use optimization
strategies, including linear
1.1.a.2 Make and justify predictions based on
3.1.a.2 Test the validity of logical arguments.
Mixture Problems
August 2010
Matrices (2 weeks)
How can matrices help organize information and how do I manipulate them?
Why are matrices useful in displaying data and solving problems?
Students should be
able to…
Grade-Level Expectations
Instructional Strategies and
2.2.a.1 Select and use appropriate methods
for computing to solve problems in a
variety of contexts.
2.2.a.2 Solve problems involving scientific
notation and absolute value.
Use the determinant to solve 2.2.a.1 Select and use appropriate methods
a system of equations
for computing to solve problems in a
(Cramer’s Rule)
variety of contexts.
Algebra 2 Adv: 4-3, 4-9
2.2.a.2 Solve problems involving scientific
Algebra 2 Coll: 4.3
notation and absolute value.
Solve systems with 32.2.a.1 Select and use appropriate methods
Variables using Inverse
for computing to solve problems in a
variety of contexts.
Algebra 2 Adv: 4-8
2.2.a.2 Solve problems involving scientific
Algebra 2 Coll: 4.4
notation and absolute value.
Apply systems of equations
and matrices to real world 1.1.a.2 Make and justify predictions based on
Algebra 2 Adv: 4-11
3.1.a.2 Test the validity of logical arguments.
Algebra 2 Coll: 4.5
SAT Correlation or Real
World Applications
Perform matrix operations
Algebra 2 Adv: 4-7
Algebra 2 Coll: 4.1, 4.2
Middletown Public Schools
Data Entry,
Computer Programming,
Using Spreadsheets,
August 2010
Quadratics & Complex Numbers (5 weeks)
Which problem-solving strategy is most appropriate in each situation?
How do quadratic relations model real-world problems and their solutions?
Why are complex numbers important?
How are real, imaginary, and complex numbers related?
How can graphical and analytic methods be used to support each other in the solution of a problem?
Students should be
able to…
Identify a quadratic function
Algebra 2 Adv: 5-1, 5-2
Algebra 2 Coll: 5.1
Graph a quadratic function
Algebra 2 Adv: 5-2
Algebra 2 Coll: 5.1
Solve a quadratic equation
using the quadratic formula,
by factoring, by graphing,
and by completing the
Algebra 2 Adv: 5-3
Algebra 2 Coll: 5.2, 5.3, 5.5
Solve quadratic equations
with imaginary solutions
Algebra 2 Adv: 5-4, 10-2,
Algebra 2 Coll: 5.4, 5.6
Middletown Public Schools
Grade-Level Expectations
1.1.a.1 Identify, describe, create and
generalize numeric, geometric and
statistical patterns with tables,
graphs, words and symbolic rules.
1.1.a.1 Identify, describe, create and
generalize numeric, geometric and
statistical patterns with tables,
graphs, words and symbolic rules.
1.2.a.1 Represent functions and relations on
the coordinate plane.
1.2.a.2 Recognize the effect of changes in
parameters on the graphs of
functions or relations.
2.1.a.2 Select and use an appropriate form of
number (integer, fraction, decimal,
ratio, percent, exponential, scientific
notation, irrational) to solve practical
problems involving order,
magnitude, measures, labels,
locations and scales.
2.1. a.1 Compare, locate, label and order real
numbers on number lines, scales,
coordinate grids and measurement
2.2.a.2 Perform operations with complex
Instructional Strategies and
Basics of Quadratics Poster
August 2010
SAT Correlation or
Real World
Projectile Trajectories,
Stopping Distance,
numbers, matrices, determinants and
Evaluate a quadratic
Algebra 2 Adv: 5-5, 5-6
Algebra 2 Coll: 5.1
Apply quadratic equations
and functions to real world
Algebra 2 Adv: 5-7
Algebra 2 Coll: 5.8
Middletown Public Schools
1.3.a.1 Determine equivalent representations
of an algebraic equation or
inequality to simplify and solve
1.1.a.2 Make and justify predictions based on
3.1.a.2 Test the validity of logical arguments.
August 2010
Exponential Functions & Logarithmic Functions (5 weeks)
How do exponential functions model real-world problems and their solutions?
How are the properties of exponential and logarithmic functions used to evaluate functions and solve problems?
Students should be
able to …
Simplify and apply the
exponential properties
Algebra 2 Adv: 6-1, 6-4,
Algebra 2 Coll: 6.1
Grade-Level Expectations
Instructional Strategies and
1.1.a.1 Describe and compare properties and
classes of functions, including
exponential, polynomial, rational,
logarithmic and trigonometric.
2.1.a.2 Select and use an appropriate form of
number (integer, fraction, decimal,
ratio, percent, exponential, scientific
notation, irrational, complex) to
solve practical problems involving
order, magnitude, measures, labels,
locations and scales.
Compound Interest,
Population Growth,
Exponential Decay,
Richter Scale,
Measuring pH,
Measuring Sound (dB)
1.2.a.1 Relate the graphical representation of
Graph exponential functions
a function to its function family and
Algebra 2 Adv: Supplement
find equations, intercepts, maximum
Algebra 2 Coll: 8.1, 8.2, 8.3
or minimum values, asymptotes and
line of symmetry for that function.
Evaluate an exponential
2.1.a.4 Judge the effects of computations
with powers and roots on the
Algebra 2 Adv: 6-5
magnitude of results
Algebra 2 Coll: 8.1, 8.2, 8.3
Simplify and apply the
1.1.a.1 Describe and compare properties and
logarithmic properties
classes of functions, including
Algebra 2 Adv: 6-8, 6-9
exponential, polynomial, rational,
Algebra 2 Coll: 8.4, 8.5
logarithmic and trigonometric.
Middletown Public Schools
SAT Correlation or
Real World
August 2010
Graph logarithmic functions
Algebra 2 Adv: Supplement
Algebra 2 Coll: 8.4
Solve exponential equations
using logarithms
Algebra 2 Adv: 6-9, 6-10
Algebra 2 Coll: 8.6
Simplify logarithmic
Algebra 2 Adv: 6-11
Algebra 2 Coll: 8.5
1.2.a.1 Relate the graphical representation of
a function to its function family and
find equations, intercepts, maximum
or minimum values, asymptotes and
line of symmetry for that function.
1.1.a.4 Solve problems involving financial
applications including compound
interest, amortization of loans, and
1.3.a.3 Use logarithms, vectors and matrices
to solve problems.
2.2.a.2 Perform operations with complex
numbers, matrices, determinants and
2.2.a.2 Perform operations with complex
numbers, matrices, determinants and
1.1.a..2 Analyze essential relations in a
Apply exponential and
problem to determine possible
logarithmic equations to
functions that could model the
solve real world applications
Algebra 2 Adv: 6-14
3.1.a.2 Test the validity of logical arguments.
Algebra 2 Coll: 8.7
Middletown Public Schools
Census Project
August 2010
Rational Functions & Polynomials (6 weeks)
How do polynomial functions model real-world problems and their solutions?
How can the properties of fractions be extended to algebraic rational expressions?
When do we solve for a variable and when do we leave it factored form?
How are the zeros of the polynomial function, the factors of the polynomial, and the solution to the polynomial related?
Students should be
able to…
Grade-Level Expectations
Graph functions including
asymptotes, discontinuities,
and complex solutions
Algebra 2 Adv: 7-1, 7-2,
10-3, 10-4
Algebra 2 Coll: 6.2, 9.2
1.1.a.7 Apply the concepts of limits to
sequences and asymptotic behavior
of functions.
1.2.a.1 Relate the graphical representation of
a function to its function family and
find equations, intercepts, maximum
or minimum values, asymptotes and
line of symmetry for that function.
Factor polynomials
Algebra 2 Adv: 7-3, 7-4
Algebra 2 Coll: 6.4, 6.5
2.2.a.2 Perform operations with complex
numbers, matrices, determinants and
Divide polynomials using
synthetic division
Algebra 2 Adv: 7-5
Algebra 2 Coll: 6.5
Factor higher degree
polynomials (factor
Algebra 2 Adv: 7-6
Algebra 2 Coll: 6.4, 6.5
Find products and quotients
of polynomials
Algebra 2 Adv: 7-7
Algebra 2 Coll: 6.3
Middletown Public Schools
Instructional Strategies and
SAT Correlation or
Real World
Lifetime Cost of Appliances,
Unit Conversions,
Potential Energy,
2.2.a.2 Perform operations with complex
numbers, matrices, determinants and
2.2.a.2 Perform operations with complex
numbers, matrices, determinants and
1.3.a.2 Combine, compose and invert
2.2.a.2 Perform operations with complex
numbers, matrices, determinants and
August 2010
Find the sums and
Differences of polynomials
Algebra 2 Adv: 7-8
Algebra 2 Coll: 6.3
1.3.a.2 Combine, compose and invert
2.2.a.2 Perform operations with complex
numbers, matrices, determinants and
Solve fractional equations
(identify domain and
extraneous solutions)
Algebra 2 Adv: 7-9, 7-10
Algebra 2 Coll: 9.6
1.1.a.5 Solve problems involving direct and
inverse variation
Apply polynomial and
fractional equations to solve
real world applications
Algebra 2 Adv: 7-11
Algebra 2 Coll: 6.9
Middletown Public Schools
1.1.a.2 Analyze essential relations in a
problem to determine possible
functions that could model the
3.1.a.2 Analyze essential relations in a
problem to determine possible
functions that could model the
August 2010
Radical Functions (4 weeks)
How do radical functions model real-world problems and their solutions?
Students should be
able to…
Graph radical functions
Algebra 2 Adv: 8-1, 8-2
Algebra 2 Coll: 7.5
Grade-Level Expectations
Instructional Strategies and
1.2.a.2 Relate the graphical representation of
a function to its function family and
find equations, intercepts, maximum
or minimum values, asymptotes and
line of symmetry for that function.
Simplify radical expressions 2.1.a.4 Judge the effects of computations
Algebra 2 Adv: 8-3
with powers and roots on the
Algebra 2 Coll: 7.1, 7.2, 7.3
magnitude of results
Solve radical equations
Algebra 2 Adv: 8-4
Algebra 2 Coll: 7.4, 7.6
Apply radical equations to
solve real world applications
Algebra 2 Adv: 8-5
Algebra 2 Coll:
Middletown Public Schools
SAT Correlation or
Real World
2.1.a.4 Judge the effects of computations
with powers and roots on the
magnitude of results
1.1.a.2 Analyze essential relations in a
problem to determine possible
functions that could model the
3.1.a.2 Test the validity of logical arguments.
August 2010
Probability & Data Analysis (2 Weeks) – Optional, if time allows.
How can probability be used to make wise decisions in life?
Students should be
able to…
Define probability
Algebra 2 Adv: 12-1, 12-2
Algebra 2 Coll: 12.1, 12.3
Apply combinations and
Algebra 2 Adv: 12-4, 12-5
Algebra 2 Coll: 12.1, 12.2
Apply the fundamental
counting principles
Algebra 2 Adv: 12-3
Algebra 2 Coll: 12.1
Apply Conditional
Algebra 2 Adv: 12-5
Algebra 2 Coll: 12.5
Be able to find the
probability of unions and
Algebra 2 Adv: 12-6
Algebra 2 Coll: 12.4
Apply Probability to solve
real-world problems.
Algebra 2 Adv: 12-7, 12-9
Algebra 2 Coll:
Middletown Public Schools
Grade-Level Expectations
Instructional Strategies and
SAT Correlation or
Real World
4.2.a.1 Determine statistical measures to
describe univariate data.
4.2.a.1 Determine statistical measures to
describe univariate data.
4.3.a.1 Understand and use permutations,
combinations, recursion and
mathematical induction to solve
Expected Value,
Decision Making,
4.2.a.1 Determine statistical measures to
describe univariate data.
4.2.a.1 Determine statistical measures to
describe univariate data.
4.2.a.1 Determine statistical measures to
describe univariate data.
4.2.a.1 Determine statistical measures to
describe univariate data.
August 2010
Middletown Public Schools
August 2010