LETTER 3: ADMINISTRATORS Dear [administrator’s name, formal style, e.g. Mr. Smith]: Thank you for the benefits you have provided to our students at [SCHOOL NAME(s)] in the 2015-16 school year by supporting my membership in the National Association of School Nurses (NASN). Here are some of the benefits we will receive this coming school year. Discounts of almost $400 in NASN’s Learning Center, including $150 worth of programs provided free of charge to members only. $100 discount on NASN Annual Conference registration. There are discounts for regional conferences and NASN live educational workshops and continuing education as well. A 20% or greater discount on most books purchased at the NASN book store. [OPTIONAL! MENTION A BOOK YOU WANT FOR YOUR RESOURCE LIBRARY!]. Discounted liability insurance. Two peer reviewed journals, (the Journal of School Nursing and NASN School Nurse) that keep me up-to-date about the latest best practices to help our students. A couple of the articles that I read last year that helped my practice were about [list]. I have plans to take advantage of my membership benefits. Please let me know if there are any in particular about which you would like more information. My membership also includes other benefits: I can provide vouchers for free eyeglasses and exams to our students in need. Even though I work away from other school nurses, membership gives me access to an online community where I can collaborate with my peers. Sincerely, [Name, Credentials] [School or District]