національний університет “києво

Pavlo Kutuev
Associate Professor of Sociology
and Political Science
University “Kyiv-Mohyla Academy”
Course syllabus
“History of Sociology in 20th Century” (50 hours)
The course aims at discussing the major traditions in 20th century sociology which has undergone a
transformation from a theory of modern society to a “survival skin” under postmodern conditions.
The course outlines the interaction among dominent schools of though, philosophy of social sciences and
societal change in 20th century. In short the course analyzes the transformation of a modern society into
postmodern one and the reflection of this process in academic discourse of social science community.
Method of teaching
The overall course consists of 50 teaching hours divided in 22 hours of lectures and 28 hours of seminars.
Course requirements
Regular assigned reading
Attendance and participation in class discussions (40%).
Four short essays on required readings (5-7 pp. each) (30%).
Final oral exam (30%).
Course outline
Lecture 1 (2 hours) Sociological Theory After World War II and Philosophy of Science
Seminar 1 (2 hours) Logical Positivism and the Development of Sociological Theory After World War II
1) Background Assumptions of Logical Positivism and Sociology
2) Major Currents in Sociological Theory After World War II
3) Parsons’s Structural Functionalism and its Critics
4) Philosophy of Science in a Discourse of Contemporary Social Theory
Àëåêñàíäåð Äæ., Êîëîìè Ï. Íåîôóíêöèoíàëèçì ñåãîäíÿ // Ñîö. èññë. 1992. ¹10.
Áàóìàí Ç. Ôèëîñîôèÿ è ïîñòìîäåðíèñòñêàÿ ñîöèîëîãèÿ // Âîïð. ôèëîñîôèè. 1993. ¹3.
Áóðæóàçíàÿ ñîöèîëîãèÿ íà èñõîäå 20 âåêà. Ì., 1986. Ñ. 121-144.
Âèòãåíøòåéí Ë. Ëîãèêî-ôèëîñîôñêèé òðàêòàò. Ì., 1958. Ñ. 31-47.
Íîâûå èíòåðïðåòàöèè Ò. Ïàðñîíñà â áóðæóàçíîé ñîöèîëîãèè // Íîâåéøèå òåíäåíöèè â ñîâðåìåííîé
íåìàðêñèñòñêîé ñîöèîëîãèè. Ì., 1988. ×. 2.
Êóòóºâ Ï.Â. Äâ³ âåðñ³¿ ñîö³îëî㳿 Ò.Ïàðñîíñà: Ð.Ìþíõ ³ Äæ.Àëåêñàíäåð // Ô³ëîñ. ³ ñîö³îë. äóìêà. 1993.
¹7-8; ¹9-10.
Êóòóºâ Ï.Â. Êëàñè÷íà ñîö³îëîã³ÿ òà ñó÷àñíà ñîö³àëüíà òåîð³ÿ // Ô³ëîñ. ³ ñîö³îë. äóìêà. 1995. ¹ 1/2. Ñ.
Ôèëèïïîâ À.Ô. Ïîâîðîò ê Êàíòó â ñîâðåìåííîé áóðæóàçíîé ñîöèîëîãèè // Íîâåéøèå òåíäåíöèè â ñîâðåìåííîé
íåìàðêñèñòñêîé ñîöèîëîãèè. Ì., 1988. ×. 2.
Alexander J.C. Theoretical Logic in Sociology. - Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of
California Press, 1982. Vol. 1: Positivism, Presuppositions and Current Controversies. - XX, 234 p.
Alexander J.C. Action and its Environments: Toward a New Synthesis. NY: Columbia University
Press, 1988. 342 p.
Alexander J.C. The New Theoretical Movement // Handbook of Sociology / Ed. by N.J.Smelser. Los Angeles and London: Sage, 1988. - P.77-101.
Alexander J.C. Structure and Meaning: Relinking Classical Sociology. - NY: Columbia University
Press, 1988. - 258 p.
Lecture ²I-²²² (4 hours). The Emergence and Evolution of Parsons’s Structural Functionalism
Seminar ²I-I²² (4 hours). From Structure of Social Action to the Social System: Intellectual History of
Parsonian Theory
1) Ò. Parsons and European Sociological Tradition
2) Ò. Parsons and Utilitarian Tradition in Social Thought
3) Academic Reputation and Parsons’s Classical Predecessors Selection
4) “The Structure of Social Action“ as a Sociological Charter
5) “The Social System” as a Theory of Social Order
Êóòóºâ Ï.Â. Äâ³ âåðñ³¿ ñîö³îëî㳿 Ò.Ïàðñîíñà: Ð.Ìþíõ ³ Äæ.Àëåêñàíäåð // Ô³ëîñ. ³ ñîö³îë. äóìêà. 1993.
¹7-8; ¹9-10.
Êóòóºâ Ï.Â. Êëàñè÷íà ñîö³îëîã³ÿ òà ñó÷àñíà ñîö³àëüíà òåîð³ÿ // Ô³ëîñ. ³ ñîö³îë. äóìêà. 1995. ¹ 1/2. Ñ.
Alexander J.C. The New Theoretical Movement // Handbook of Sociology / Ed. by N.J.Smelser. Los Angeles and London: Sage, 1988c. - P.77-101. Óêðà¿íñüêèé ïåðåêëàä äèâ.: Ô³ëîñ. ³ ñîö³îë. Äóìêà. 1992. ¹
2. Ñ. 121-130 òà ¹4. Ñ. 132-156.
Alexander J.C. Formal and Substantive Voluntarism in the Work of Talcott Parsons: A
Theoretical and Ideological Reinterpretation // American Sociological Review. - 1978. - Vol.43.- N.2.
- P.77-88.
Alexander J.C. Theoretical Logic in Sociology. - Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of
California Press, 1983. - Vol.4: The Modern Reconstruction of Classical Thought: T.Parsons. -XXIV,
530 p.
Alexander J.C. The Centrality of the Classics // Social Theory Today / Ed. by A. Giddens and J.
Turner. - Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1988b. - P.11-57.
Alexander J.C. Parsons' "Structure" in American Sociology // Sociological Theory. - 1988. - N.1. - P.96102.
Alexander J.C. Structure, Value, Action // American Sociological Review. - 1990. - Vol.55. N.3. - P.339-345.
Camic Ch. Reputation and Predecessor Selection: Parsons and the Institutionalists // American
Sociological Review. - 1992. - Vol.57. - N.4. - P.421-445.
Camic Ch. Structure after 50 years: The Anatomy of a Charte // American Journal of Sociology. 1989. - Vol. 95. - N.1. - P.38-107.
Parsons T. Structure of Social Action: A Study in Social Theory with Special Reference to a
Group of Recent European Writers. - N.Y.: Free Press, 1968. - Vol.1-2. - LXV, 775 p.
Parsons T. The Social System. - N.Y.: Free Press, 1951. - 575 p.
Ðarsons T. Prolegomena to a Theory of Social Institutions // American Sociological Review. - 1990. Vol. 55. - N.3. - P.319-333.
Lecture IV (2 hours). Post-World War II revolt Against Parsons: Emergence of Conflict Sociology
Seminar IV (2 hours). Conflict vs. Order as a Pattern of Sociological Theorizing
1) Presuppositions of Conflict Sociology
2) Ò. Parsons as a Theoretician of Order and Conflict Alternative
3) L. Coser’s Functionalist Approach to Social Conflict
4 Class, Conflict and Democracy in Modern Industrial Society in R. Dahrendorf’s Interpretation
Coser, L. The Functions of Social Conflict. Glencoe, 1956.
Dahrendorf, Ralf. 1967. Society and Democracy in Germany. New York: Doubleday and Company.
Dahrendorf, Ralf. 1969. Essays in Sociological Theory. London.
Lecture V (2 hour). Symbolic Interactionism as a Challenge to Macro- perspective in Sociology
Seminar V (2 hours). Sources and Development of Symbolic Interactionism
1) Pragmatism as a Philosophy of Action: Peculiarity of American Cultural Tradition
2) Mind, Self and Society in G.H. Mead’s Theory
3) H.Blumer’s Symbolic Interactionism
Blumer H. Symbolic Interactionsim. Jersey City, 1969.
Mead G. H. Mind, Self and Society. Chicago, 1934.
Lecture V² (2 hours). Phenomenological Sociology and Ethnomethodology
Seminar V² (2 hours). Revival of Renewal of Micro- sociology : Everyday Life and Revolt Against Norms
1) Å. Husserl and Emergence of Phenomenological Philosophy
2) Sociological Version of Phenomenology: A.Schutz’ Contribution
3) Renewal of Micro- sociology in H. Garfinkel’s Ethnomethodology
Áåðãåð Ï., Ëóêìàí Ò. Ñîöèàëüíîå êîíñòðóèðîâàíèå ðåàëüíîñòè. Òðàêòàò ïî ñîöèîëîãèè çíàíèÿ. Ì.,1995
Alexander J.C. Action and its Environments: Toward a New Synthesis. N.Y.: Columbia University
Press, 1988. - Ð. 222-256
Garfinkel H. Studies in Ethnomthodology. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1967
Lecture VII (2 hours). Marxism, Critical Theory and Discourse of Modernity
Seminar VII-VIII (4 hours). Karl Marx, Frankfurt School and Critical Theory
1) Two Marxisms: East-West Disconnections
2) Frankfurt Institute for Social Studies and Emergence of Critical Theory
3) Institute’s “Inner” and “External” Circles
4) Jurgen Habermas: From Left Radicalism to Left Liberalism
Alexander J.C. Habermas's New Critical Theory: Its Promise and Problems // American Journal of
Sociology. - 1985. - Vol.91.-N.1. - P.400-421.
Habermas J. Legitimation Crisis. Boston, 1975.
Sica A. The Power of Talk // American Journal of Sociology.- 1991. - Vol.97. - N.2. - P.524-533.
Social Theory Today / Ed. by A. Giddens and J. Turner. - Stanford: Stanford University Press,
1988. - P. 347-382.
Lecture V²²² (2 hours) Classical Synthesis, Synthesis of Classics and Contemporary Sociological Theory
Seminar ²Õ (2 hours). Centrality of Classics and Contemporary Sociological Theory
1) Micro-Macro Link in Sociological Theory
2) Centrality of Classics and the Discourse of Contemporary Social Theory
3) The Idea of Interpenetration in Classical Sociology and Contemporary Sociological Theory
Ôèëèïïîâ À.Ô. Ïîâîðîò ê Êàíòó â ñîâðåìåííîé áóðæóàçíîé ñîöèîëîãèè // Íîâåéøèå òåíäåíöèè â ñîâðåìåííîé
íåìàðêñèñòñêîé ñîöèîëîãèè. Ì., 1988. ×. 2.
Êóòóºâ Ï.Â. Äâ³ âåðñ³¿ ñîö³îëî㳿 Ò.Ïàðñîíñà: Ð.Ìþíõ ³ Äæ.Àëåêñàíäåð // Ô³ëîñ. ³ ñîö³îë. äóìêà. 1993.
¹7-8; ¹9-10.
Êóòóºâ Ï.Â. Êëàñè÷íà ñîö³îëîã³ÿ ³ ñó÷àñíà ñîö³àëüíà òåîð³ÿ // Ô³ëîñ. ³ ñîö³îë. äóìêà. 1995. ¹1-2.
Alexander J.C. The Centrality of the Classics // Social Theory Today / Ed. by A. Giddens and J.
Turner. - Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1988b. - P.11-57.
Alexander J.C. The New Theoretical Movement // Handbook of Sociology / Ed. by N.J.Smelser. Los Angeles and London: Sage, 1988c. - P.77-101.
Alexander J.C. Structure and Meaning: Relinking Classical Sociology. - N.Y.: Columbia
University Press, 1988d. - 258 p.
Camic Ch. Reputation and Predecessor Selection: Parsons and the Institutionalists // American
Sociological Review. - 1992. - Vol.57. - N.4. - P.421-445.
Camic Ch. Structure after 50 years: The Anatomy of a Charte // American Journal of Sociology.
- 1989. - Vol.95. - N.1. - P.38-107.
Mokrzycki E. Philosophy of Science and Sociology: From the Methodological Doctrine to Research
Practice. - London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1983. - 169 p.
Lecture ²Õ (2 hours). Richard Munch and his Interpretation of Talcott Parson’s Theory of Social Action and
Social System
Seminar Õ (2 hours) Kantian Core of Parson’s Sociology and Richard Munch’s Interpretation: A Theoretical
Case Study
1) Theoretical Synthesis of Eclecticism: R.Munch’s “Theories of Action”
2) Kantian Philosophy and Sociological Theory: from Weber to Parsons
4) Continuity of Parsons’s Theory Development
Êóòóºâ Ï.Â. Äâ³ âåðñ³¿ ñîö³îëî㳿 Ò.Ïàðñîíñà: Ð.Ìþíõ ³ Äæ.Àëåêñàíäåð // Ô³ëîñ. ³ ñîö³îë. äóìêà. 1993.
¹7-8; ¹9-10.
Munch R. Talcott Parsons and the Theory of Action.I. The Structure of Kantian Core // American
Journal of Sociology. - 1981. - Vol.86. - N.4. - P.709-739.
Munch R. Talcott Parsons and the Theory of Action.II. The Continuity of the Development // American
Journal of Sociology. - 1982. - Vol.87. - N.4. - P.771- 825.
Munch R. Parsonian Theory Today: In Search of A New Synthesis // Social Theory Today / Ed.
by A. Giddens and J. Turner. - Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1988a. - P.116-155.
Munch R. Understending Modernity. Toward a New Perspective Going Beyond Durkheim and Weber. N.Y.; London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1988b. - 358 p.
Lecture Õ (2 hours). Two Versions of Neofunctionalism: J.Alexander and R.Munch
Seminar Õ² (2 hours). Neofunctionalism as a Developmental Paradigm of Contemporary Sociological
1) Two Receptions of Parsonian Thought: J.Alexander and R.Munch
2) Parsons’s Theory of Differentiation and J. Alexander’s Interpretation
3) R.Munch’s Interpretation from the Perspective of Interpenetration
Êóòóºâ Ï.Â. Äâ³ âåðñ³¿ ñîö³îëî㳿 Ò.Ïàðñîíñà: Ð.Ìþíõ ³ Äæ.Àëåêñàíäåð // Ô³ëîñ. ³ ñîö³îë. äóìêà. 1993.
¹7-8; ¹9-10.
Alexander J.C. Action and its Environments: Toward a New Synthesis. N.Y.: Columbia University
Press, 1988a. - 342 p.
Alexander J.C. The New Theoretical Movement // Handbook of Sociology / Ed. by N.J.Smelser. Los Angeles and London: Sage, 1988c. - P.77-101. Óêðà¿íñüêèé ïåðåêëàä äèâ.: Ô³ëîñ. ³ ñîö³îë. Äóìêà. 1992. ¹
2. Ñ. 121-130 òà ¹4. Ñ. 132-156.
Alexander J.C. Structure and Meaning: Relinking Classical Sociology. - N.Y.: Columbia
University Press, 1988d. - 258 p.
Munch R. Talcott Parsons and the Theory of Action.I. The Structure of Kantian Core // American
Journal of Sociology. - 1981. - Vol.86. - N.4. - P.709-739.
Munch R. Talcott Parsons and the Theory of Action.II. The Continuity of the Development // American
Journal of Sociology. - 1982. - Vol.87. - N.4. - P.771- 825.
Munch R. Parsonian Theory Today: In Search of A New Synthesis // Social Theory Today /
Ed. by A. Giddens and J. Turner. - Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1988a. - P.116-155.
Lecture Õ² (2 hours). Max Weber’s Sociology and its Revival
Seminar Õ²² (2 hours). Max Weber’s Theoretical Program and Modernity
1) Weber’s Sociology of Religion Paradigm and Societal Change: The Case of Post-Leninist Societies
2) “Protestant Ethics“ Thesis and Historical Reality
3) Sociology of Domination and Political Developments in Liberal, Leninist and Post-Leninist Regimes.
Âåáåð Ì. Èçáðàííûå ïðîèçâåäåíèÿ. Ì., 1990. Ñ. 44-344.
Ãàéäåíêî Ï.Ï., Äàâûäîâ Þ.Í. Èñòîðèÿ è ðàöèîíàëüíîñòü. Ì., 1991. Ñ. 3-27; 118-355.
Êóòóºâ Ï.Â. Ðàö³îíàëüíèé êàï³òàë³çì â Óêðà¿í³ // Ñîö³îëîã³ÿ. 1999. ¹ 2. Ñ. 5-20.
Êóòóºâ Ï.Â. Ïîíÿòòÿ âèá³ðêîâî¿ ñïîð³äíåíîñò³ â ñîö³îëî㳿 Ì. Âåáåðà // Ñîö³îëîã³ÿ. 1999. N. 3.
Alexander J.C. Theoretical Logic in Sociology. - Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of
California Press, 1983. Vol.3: The Classical Attempt at Theoretical Synthesis: M.Weber. - XX, 240 p.
Kalberg S. Max Weber's Types of Rationality: Conerstones for the Analysis of Rationalization
Processes in History // American Journal of Sociology. - 1980. - Vol.85. - N.5. - P.1145-1179.
Max Weber, Rationalty and Modernity / Ed. by S.Lash and S.Wimster. - London: Allen and
Unwin, 1987. - 394 p.
Munch R. Talcott Parsons and the Theory of Action.I. The Structure of Kantian Core // American
Journal of Sociology. - 1981. - Vol.86. - N.4. - P.709-739.
Sayer D. A Notable Administration: English State Formation and the Rise of Capitalism //
American Journal of Sociology. - 1992. - Vol.97. - N.5. - P.1382-1416.
Seminar X²²²-X²V. (4 ãîäèíè) Overview of the course, wrap up discussion “Neofunctionalism as a Model of
Interpretation of Contemporary Social Theory”
1) Neofunctionalism, Contemporary Social Theory and Revival of Classics
2) Structural Functionalism and Micro-sociology
3) Structural Functionalism and Conflict Sociology
4) Postpositivist Philosophy of Science and Social Theory
5) Postmodernity and Social Theory
Postmodernism and the Re-reading of Modernity / Ed. by F.Barker, P.Hulme and M.Iversen. Manchester; NY: Manchester University Press, 1992. - 322 p.
Rorty R. Philosophy and the Mirror of Nature. - Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1980. - 401 p.
Walace W.L. Alexandrian Sociology // American Journal of Sociology. - 1984. - Vol. 90. - N.3. - P.