Journal of Sociology * Special Edition 2010

Journal of Sociology – Special Edition 2016
The Journal of Sociology is an international journal published four times a
year by Sage. Each year the Editors invite expressions of interest from the
international community of sociological scholars in guest editing a Special
Edition of the Journal. Special Editions may address any sociological theme
which is likely to be of interest to the Journal readership.
Papers featured in special editions are subject to the normal process of peer
review. Selection of papers and coordination of the peer review process will
be the responsibility of the Guest Editors. Papers may be selected either on
the basis of invitation or via a general ‘call for papers’. Final copy for this
special edition is due on the fourth of September, 2015 and publication will
be in March 2016.
Please submit expressions of interest of no more than one A4 page in length
to Dr Alphia Possamai-Inesedy by Monday 16th June, 2014. Expressions of
interest should include the following information:
a) Contact details and brief biography for each Guest Editor
b) 300 word summary of the special edition theme, including rationale, aims
and objectives, and significance of contribution to contemporary sociological
thinking and research.
c) Where appropriate, an indicative list of authors and papers to be featured in
the special edition.
Dr Alphia Possamai-Inesedy
Editor in Chief, Journal of Sociology
University of Western Sydney
School of Social Sciences
Bankstown Campus, LB 1797
South Penrith DC
1797 New South Wales