Library/Media Kindergarten - Glen Ridge Public Schools

Glleenn R
Riiddggee P
Puubblliicc S
Scchhoooollss ––C
Course Title: Library / Media
Subject: Library / Media
Grade Level: Kindergarten
Duration: Full Year
Prerequisite: N/A
Elective or Required: N/A
Department Mission Statement: The mission of the Glen Ridge Public
Schools Library/Media program is to insure that students and staff are
effective users of ideas and information. Our program also encourages our
students to develop a passion for reading and provides the skills
necessary for lifelong learning in our digital society.
Course Description:
Kindergarten begins the formal education of library/media instruction in the
Glen Ridge Primary Schools. Each child is introduced to the function of a
library and the appreciation of books and literature as well as the spoken
and written word.
Students are encouraged to learn the design of a library in order to fulfill
their book searches. They are engaged in learning how to care for books
and how to follow the rules of the library.
Additionally, each child is encouraged to express her/his love of books
through song, dance, poetry, puppetry, and drama. They learn about
authors and illustrators and research these people on the Internet by
accessing their web pages.
Author: Rachel Bavolar
Date Submitted: Summer 2012
Library / Media
Unit 1: Library Procedures / Book Care
Approximate # Of Weeks: 4 weeks
Essential Questions:
 What are the behavior expectations in library?
 What are the rules for checking out books?
 How can I take care of a library book?
Upon completion of this unit students will be able to:
 Care for library books (RI.K.10)
 Understand borrowing/returning procedures (RI.K.10, 3.1.K H.1, 3.1.K H.2)
 Follow the rules of the library (RI.K.10)
Interdisciplinary Standards (
 Standard 6.3 Active Citizenship in the 21st Century
All students will acquire the skills needed to be active, informed citizens who
value diversity and promote cultural understanding by working collaboratively to
address the challenges that are inherent in living in an interconnected world.
 Introduce library rules and procedures.
 Make shelf markers for borrowing ease.
 Practice borrowing procedures.
 Borrow books
Enrichment Activities:
 Demonstrate rules and procedures to other students by acting out scenes
 Become a team leader responsible for the behavior of group members
Methods of Assessments/Evaluation:
 Observation (Teacher/Small/Whole Group)
 Open Ended Questions
 Thumbs Up/Thumbs Down
 Think/Pair/Share
Resources/Including Online Resources
 Teacher Webpage
 Alexandria website
 Smartboard and computers
 Shelf markers
 Puppets
Library / Media
Unit 2: Parts of a Book
Approximate # Of Weeks: 4 weeks
Essential Questions:
 How does knowing the parts of a book enhance reading skill?
 How is a book made?
 What other forms can a book take?
Upon completion of this unit students will be able to:
 Name the parts of a book (RI.K.5, 3.1.K A.6)
o Cover
o Spine
o Endpapers
o Title Page
o Half-Title Page
o Elements of a Title Page
 Independently explore digital books on-line (3.1.K A.1, 8.1.2.A.5)
Interdisciplinary Standards (
 Standard 9.1 21st-Century Life & Career Skills
All students will demonstrate the creative, critical thinking, collaboration, and
problem-solving skills needed to function successfully as both global citizens and
workers in diverse ethnic and organizational cultures.
 Read to students.
 Play guessing games.
 Book Talks
 Explore websites which feature digital books and stories
Enrichment Activities:
 Students more experienced with computers can act as helpers and tutors
 Independently listen to stories on the computers
Methods of Assessments/Evaluation:
 Observation (Teacher/Small/Whole Group)
 Open Ended Questions
 Thumbs Up/Thumbs Down
 Think/Pair/Share
Resources/Including Online Resources
 Storytelling websites including Storyline Online, Starfall, and ABCya
 Galley books
Library / Media
Unit 3: Introduction to the Internet
Approximate # Of Weeks: 8 weeks
Essential Questions:
o How can I be safe while using the internet?
o How can I use the internet to find information?
o How can the internet help me learn?
Upon completion of this unit students will be able to:
 Explore author/illustrator web pages. (8.1.2.A.1)
 Share information gleaned from web pages with the class. (SL.K.1)
 Enjoy puzzles, games, etc. on author/illustrator web pages. (RI.K.10)
Interdisciplinary Standards (
 Standard 8.1 – Computer and Information Literacy
All students will use computer applications to gather and organize information
and to solve problems.
Standard 8.2 – Technology Education
All students will develop an understanding of the nature and impact of
technology, engineering, technological design, and the designed world as they
relate to the individual, society, and the environment.
Activities – include 21st Century Technologies:
 Learn by watching demonstration on SmartBoard
 Explore additional author/illustrator web pages at pod.
 Complete puzzles/games, projects etc. on web pages.
 Share information with class.
Enrichment Activities:
 Students more experienced with computers can act as helpers and tutors
Methods of Assessments/Evaluation:
 Observation (Teacher/Small/Whole Group)
 Open Ended Questions
 Thumbs Up/Thumbs Down
 Think/Pair/Share
Resources/Including Online Resources
 Author websites
 Smartboard and computers
Library / Media
Unit 4: Presentation
Approximate # Of Weeks: 8 weeks
Essential Questions:
 What are the elements of storytelling?
 Why is storytelling important to our culture?
 What is the history of storytelling?
Upon completion of this unit students will be able to:
 Understand the rules of using puppets. (SL.K.1, SL.K.6)
 Act out a story or poem (RI.K.10, SL.K.1. SL.K.6, 3.1.K D.1)
 Retell a story using puppets (RI.K.10, SL.K.1., SL.K.6., 3.1.K D.1)
Interdisciplinary Standards (
 Standard 9.1 21st-Century Life & Career Skills
All students will demonstrate the creative, critical thinking, collaboration, and
problem-solving skills needed to function successfully as both global citizens and
workers in diverse ethnic and organizational cultures.
Standard 6.3 Active Citizenship in the 21st Century
All students will acquire the skills needed to be active, informed citizens who
value diversity and promote cultural understanding by working collaboratively to
address the challenges that are inherent in living in an interconnected world.
Activities – include 21st Century Technologies:
 Practice using hand puppets.
 Present skits using hand puppets.
 Listen to stories told using puppets.
 Repeat the story for the class using puppets.
 Act out a story or poem as it is reread aloud.
Enrichment Activities:
 Use free time to create and act out own stories, for the class or small group
Methods of Assessments/Evaluation:
 Observation (Teacher/Small/Whole Group)
 Open Ended Questions
 Thumbs Up/Thumbs Down
 Think/Pair/Share
Resources/Including Online Resources
Readers’ theater scripts
Supplies to make own puppets
Videos of professional puppet performances
Library / Media
Unit 5: Parts of the Library
Approximate # Of Weeks: 10 weeks
Essential Questions:
 Why is the library organized in a certain way?
 Where can I find my favorite kinds of books?
Upon completion of this unit students will be able to:
 Understand there are fiction and non-fiction books in the library. (RL.K.10)
 Display an understanding as to where these books are located. (RL.K.10,
 Begin to comprehend how fiction books are categorized. (RL.K.10)
Interdisciplinary Standards (
 Standard 9.1 21st-Century Life & Career Skills
All students will demonstrate the creative, critical thinking, collaboration, and
problem-solving skills needed to function successfully as both global citizens and
workers in diverse ethnic and organizational cultures.
Standard 6.3 Active Citizenship in the 21st Century
All students will acquire the skills needed to be active, informed citizens who
value diversity and promote cultural understanding by working collaboratively to
address the challenges that are inherent in living in an interconnected world.
Activities – include 21st Century Technologies:
 Play alphabet games
 Reading spine labels
 “touring” the library
Enrichment Activities:
 Assist classmates in finding library books
 Use Alexandria picture search to begin to find library books
Methods of Assessments/Evaluation:
 Observation (Teacher/Small/Whole Group)
 Open Ended Questions
 Thumbs Up/Thumbs Down
 Think/Pair/Share
Resources/Including Online Resources
 Alexandria online library catalog
 Library shelves and books as examples