Title: Friendship/Fairness K,1,2,3 Standards: Standard A: Students will acquire the knowledge, attitudes and interpersonal skills to help them understand and respect self and others. PS:A1 Acquire Self-knowledge PS:A1.9 Demonstrate cooperative behavior in groups PS:A1.10 Identify personal strengths and assets PS:A2 Acquire Interpersonal Skills PS:A2.1 Recognize that everyone has rights and responsibilities PS:A2.2 Respect alternative points of view PS:A2.3 Recognize, accept, respect and appreciate individual differences PS:A2.4 Recognize, accept and appreciate ethnic and cultural diversity PS:A2.6 Use effective communications skills PS:A2.7 Know that communication involves speaking, listening and nonverbal behavior PS:A2.8 Learn how to make and keep friends Standard B: Students will make decisions, set goals and take necessary action to achieve goals. PS:B1 Self-knowledge Application PS:B1.6 Know how to apply conflict resolution skills PS:B1.7 Demonstrate a respect and appreciation for individual and cultural differences Standard C: Students will understand safety and survival skills. PS:C1 Acquire Personal Safety Skills PS:C1.3 Learn about the differences between appropriate and inappropriate physical contact PS:C1.4 Demonstrate the ability to set boundaries, rights and personal privacy PS:C1.5 Differentiate between situations requiring peer support and situations requiring adult professional help PS:C1.6 Identify resource people in the school and community, and know how to seek their help PS:C1.7 Apply effective problem-solving and decision-making skills to make safe and healthy choices Objective: Students will acquire attitude, knowledge, interpersonal skills to help them understand and respect self and others. Students will identify what a good friend is. Activity: What does it mean to be fair? Play by rules, take turns, share, tell the truth, listen to people with an open mind, treat people the way you want to be treated, think about how your actions will affect others, don’t blame others for your mistakes, don’t take advantage of other people, don’t play favorites. What are some behaviors that aren’t fair? Cutting in line, tattling, interrupting. How does fairness or unfairness affect their relationships with others? 1.Have a conversation with two puppets and have pig interrupt. 2. Have two puppets playing a game, and one cheats. 3. Have two puppets taking a test, and one cheats off the other. 4.Have two puppets playing tag and the one gets out but the other didn’t tag them, what should the puppet do? 5. Have puppets line up and Maddie has to go to the bathroom, when she comes back, Alex lets her cut . 6.Listening, they have to agree on a gift for their Grandma, but each one won’t listen to the other’s ideas (show ignoring) 7.Have two puppets work on a project and a third one is goofing around. 8. Have puppets pass out 2 pencils to all the students, but Maddie only wants to give 1 to someone who was mean to her. 9. When the puppets are passing out pencils Maddie wants to pass them out (takes turns) Alex won’t let her—he wants to do it. Discussion questions What’s the problem? What are their choices? Have you ever had the same problem—how did you solve it? What should Alex/Maddie say? K: Being nice, p.120 jelly bean book, share p. 119.Can do share activity, pass an object around, give them few seconds to touch and pass. 1: Don’t squeal unless it is a big deal. Do pickle page. Do Honest worksheet. 2: Don’t squeal unless it is a big deal: Do tell v. tattle page. Do Good behavior sheet, p.143. jelly bean book. 3. Read My mouth is a volcano. Do interrupting lesson p.155.and worksheet p.158. If time, do cooperation maze activity. Additional: Go to tolerance.com—a new friend book and do it with the class. Do a puppet show where the kids have to guess what is friendly vs. what is not. Go over what are good qualities of a friend. Do: be a friend book, cut it out, staple it and read it while the kids color it. Puppet show: Good behaviors Bad behaviors Helping bossiness Sharing Tattling Caring Teasing Complimenting Lying Being fair Being selfish Using manners Interrupting Qualities of a good friend: Good listener Trusting Honest encourages you Respects you Shares Sticks up for you Doesn’t try to get you in trouble Nice